hurry our midweek Bible study why don't you take your Bibles and meet me today in 2nd Samuel chapter 23 let's drop down to verse 11 today and discuss the life of Shama praise God a wonderful short but very informative story that will really help us today let's open up in prayer Heavenly Father we asked it as we study this little glimpse into the life of Shama that the same Holy Spirit that was upon him a spirit of faith would also be upon us to protect our fields the field of our heart now father God we give you praise in Jesus name and we all agree and say Amen hallelujah praise the Lord a little note on the side for all of our friends in the UK this weekend I'll be in London I'll be ministering Friday night Saturday morning Saturday night and Sunday morning so that information is on our website Steven Brooks org would love to see you in these upcoming meetings graph a great time in the word and in the Holy Spirit and also every Thursday our pure gold television program is now airing on is in the it's supernatural Network okay so if you want to see it you can watch it every Thursday it comes on three times it's all on the Eastern Time okay so you can watch it at 4:30 in the morning Eastern Time or 12:30 lunchtime right at noon and then also in the evening at 8:30 okay so 4:30 in the morning 12:30 around lunch and 8:30 at night pure gold is airing praise the Lord forever amen now let's jump today into the life of Shama verse 11 it says that Shama was the son of aji the hare right the Philistines had gathered together into a troop where there was a piece of ground full of lentils so the Philistines they like to travel in packs a group of tough intimidating guys maybe they pull up on their chopper bikes they're hardly David's sons and they these are tough guys maybe they're just looking for a fight well they felt that was their job to impoverish the Israelites to make life as just just as difficult as possible and they were very very good at doing their work the Philistines had gathered together into a troop when there was a piece of ground full of lentils I like lentils I don't really get excited about them they're just a type of beam and I've had lentil soup before maybe you have to really doesn't taste that good unless you put a lot of spice and flavor in there to spice it up but outside of that I know they're good for you but sometimes people say certain things in their life aren't that big of a deal they do certain things that maybe that are wrong and they say well it's just a small thing you know it's no big deal but really in the eyes of the Lord it is and we have to be very careful that the Philistines don't have access to our plot of land and if they show up you have to be ready like Shama to defend it the Philistines had gathered together into a troop where there was a piece of ground full of lentils so the people fled from the Philistines this is something that you don't want to do you don't want to compromise run away throw in the towel give up and quit now I want you to see your field of lentils what some people may say it's not very important it's just you know pastor Stephen it's just a bunch of beans no big deal well first of all it's your plot of land it's your beans and it's important to you because from a New Testament perspective this is an area of your heart this plot of land these beans your heart your blessing you don't want the Philistines to get in there you need to be a person that guards the entrance of your heart you need to guard what your eyes look at what your ears hear and you need to endeavor to serve and please the Lord and all you do but watch this especially in the things even in the things sometimes that Christians in their secret life compromised so easily it's almost like they just have given up and when they see a Philistine they just say well you know I've I've failed so many times I'll just you know I'll just after all God forgives me I'll just go do it again and they don't understand the strength of God's grace to resist sin and to drive the Philistines out you know we're actually told in Titus chapter 2 verse 11 it says for the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men now this is what the grace of God will do verse 12 teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in the present age so what does the grace of God do it teaches us teaches us to do what to deny ungodliness and worldly lust and it strengthens us so that we can live soberly soberly means you're on the alert you're sharp okay you're not in some kind of like spiritual stupor okay and righteously and godly in the present age praise the Lord so we don't want to use grace as an excuse or as a scape mechanism that we can say well because of God's grace we can just compromise we'll be okay no we have seen that the grace of God actually empowers us to live a godly life and say no to the Philistines to the things that would be wrong now the people fled from the Philistines but he Shama stationed himself in the middle of the field well that would very quickly tell you that this man has extreme military training he knows what to do he knows how to respond he knows the most strategic position all of these gears are turning now quickly in the mind of a warrior he's gonna do all he can do and then the Holy Spirit will come on him and the Holy Spirit will come on his natural and then do supernatural because even with the best training military training martial art training you know what you maybe you can handle yourself one on one or one against two or one against three maybe but you know you get twenty people against you or forty people against you this is not gonna work unless somehow use you tap into the supernatural power of God and that's what is going to take place with him he's not a stranger by the way to having the anointing of the warrior king come upon him Jesus is the Lord of Hosts Jehovah casaba Jehovah sava so that means in the military thinking of the Hebrew people that means the warrior got the warrior king so Shama strongly influenced by the leadership of his commander David he and these other guys doing phenomenal exploits why they've been influenced by the lifestyle of David and the faith on David has touched them that same anointing has touched them and they have done extraordinary things and this is one of the things that he was famous for he stationed himself in the middle of the field defended it and killed the Philistines so the Lord brought about a great victory and I believe that when you win a victory yes it's a blessing for your life because you've still got your beans and you killed all the Philistines but you know what it's good for you but it also inspires others to say you know what hey if you got off cigarettes and you smoked for 20 years and the holy spirit helped you to kick the habit then I'm gonna stop I'm just gonna stop right now that's the power of a real valid genuine testimony of real victory and when a person overcomes and a person who has had the Philistines just rush in and flooded in before but when a person fights and says nope no more I'm gonna I'm gonna stop this and this ends today you know that's inspirational for many many people to also rise up and say you know what I'm gonna start guarding what's mine even if it's considered small it's important to me and I think this is where some Christians miss it think well you know it's just a field of lentils it's just a bunch of dumb beans Pastor Steven it's no big deal but it is a big deal and if you compromise in what maybe you think are little areas those little areas of compromise where you're allowing I mean where you're just running away and don't even really put up a defense against the Philistines and they're coming in you're you're going to put yourself in a place where you're never able to go into the rich thick good blessings of God because you've got you've got these other areas of your life that you're not addressing and it could be secret areas that maybe only you and the Lord know about but if if you're gonna act like it's you know it's not there when it is there you're never gonna be moved on by the Lord into these greater parts you have to overcome in these small areas this is very very important because you know we've said before that if you give the devil's an inch he's gonna take a mile I need to go further with that he wants more than an inch and he wants more than a mile he wants to absolutely completely destroy you he is not content to just maybe trip you up or to get a little access in and in trouble you he really wants to take you out completely and if you toy around with things and leave doors opening your life or just allow the enemy to come in and in trample on the field of your heart then eventually this is going to blow up and this is going to be a problem so you have to deal with these things even if there's what you maybe you think it's just a small area a little plot of land a little area of your heart it's just beans it's just a little compromise you need to deal with it because if you don't it can really it could really get bad later on you know sometimes people think it's it's small so it's no big deal they do these little things all the time I've seen Christians Park take their car and park in a large parking lot park right in the handicap parking zone and they're not handicapped they have no handicap permit they can walk just perfectly they're totally in health but there just lazy and they they're just you know they're just being disobedient and they'll park right in that parking spot and that you know it's wrong to do stuff like that right now I'm thinking about a certain church I won't say the country but there was a certain church did this was just recently a few weeks ago where the church members you know we're coming to church and many of them had parked their cars in the parking lot and there was a sudden rain that came well for some strange reason it seemed like they all wanted to rush into the church at the same time and you so they wouldn't get soaked with the heavy downpour but a few people tripped and the other Christians didn't want to get wet and they kept on running and then others kept on running because they didn't want to get wet and Christians got trampled to death just because they wanted to get inside and not get rained on and by the time it was over there's dead people that came to church to worship the Lord and they're dead they got trampled on why it's just you know people that are but God's people you need to slow down praise God deal with any issues and think what well you know it may be raining and I might not want to get wet but hold on that sister so-and-so laying on the ground who cares if we get wet let's pick her up and you who is just people sometimes they get so rush rush rush that before you know it what was maybe a little compromise has now become like a major something something major difficult came out of that so you know you got to watch these little areas don't sweep over things don't think well everybody does it well first of all not everybody's doing it Shawn was not doing it you know when the Philistines show up although everybody else is running away why is he not running away well because he's got a different spirit it's a spirit that says you know what I'm not afraid to engage the enemy I'm not looking for a fight and I'm not looking to pull out my sword and start you know you know it's not like I like seeing bloodshed you know the Shawn was thinking but hey if you're going to come up here and try the take our our food supply and walk a little mylanta stink you can come in here without a fight no you're you've run into the wrong guy and the Philistines did they ran into a commend Oh a man that that was skilled and then the Holy Spirit came on him he killed every single one of those Philistines Wow praise the Lord well my friends when the enemy comes to you you might maybe just be you know living your your life having the normal everyday type thing and some kind of temptation comes in and an enemy says you know it's no big deal it's just beans just you know you've yield it before you've ran away before just let us come in and do our thing just yield to it you know and enjoy your little temptation nobody's really going to know and you know you could still go to heaven God will still love you he'll forgive you and and you know what Christians if they if they don't fight they just give in but before you know it the enemies just start steam rolling in but you've got to have to put up a stiff arm and say no mr. devil those days are over and if you've done it to me before you're never going to do it to me again and you pull out the sword of the Spirit and now you're ready for warfare praise God and you quote the Word of God and the Holy Spirit he will fight with you he will fight through you it's not like it's just you against a whole troop it's you with the Holy Spirit and greater is He that's in you the Holy Spirit then he that's in the world so it doesn't matter if a thousand demons show up it doesn't matter if this the wave of pressure this this thing wave of temptation hits you just stand against it by the way that's normal for anybody that's living in a flesh and blood body to feel urges or temptations and the enemy he'll try to work with you through your feelings he tries to work with you through the the realm of the five senses but you have to resist and say devil no in the name of Jesus and you know if it feels like you have to pull your hair out did do I'm not saying to pull your hair out but just say no I don't care how bad it is how how the stronger the cravings are just say no in the name of the Lord I'm talking to somebody right now hallelujah these are real issues that God's people face and you have to be like Shama and you just have to say no I am NOT giving in and dirty Philistines are not coming into my heart and they're not going to defile me any more the Philistines have always represented the defilement of the flesh and Satan likes to do things where you know he would make you dirty or be unclean but you want to walk right with the Lord be very careful my friends what you allow your eyes to look at what you allow your ears to hear but you allow yourself to get involved in walk and walk after the Lord serve the Lord pray and ask God to lead you away from temptation and to deliver you from the enemy and he will God will protect you and God will show you the snares the plans the plots the the schemes of the enemy and you could go a different direction and avoid it completely hallelujah but you also need to be like Shama so that if the enemy would press that you defend and you don't just yield and say well you know this is just a little secret weakness I have I guess I'll just give in to it again no don't do that that will lead to a great area of further compromise and then eventually remember the devil doesn't just want a little of you he wants to totally take over and dominate and make your life just as miserable as possible so lock him out keep him out and if he shows up defend just like Shama did pull the sword out and say oh no no I'm not running anywhere I'm not running anywhere I'm standing right here and I'm fighting with the sword of the Spirit and the Holy Spirit will give you anointed scriptures and he'll it'll help you to stand he'll help you to stand now from a natural perspective there's also a time when you can run I think I think all ministers preachers listen to me just for a moment all ministers need to know how to run and you may be thinking well pastor Stephen you used to run track when you were at high school in college and I did but that's not the kind of running I'm talking about I'm talking about what the Apostle Paul said in first Corinthians chapter 6 where he said flee run away from sexual immorality so you need a good pair of legs so that if you're faced with that temptation you don't stand there you don't try the witness to the person you don't try to you know just keep talking no you just you just take off and run jog if you have to just take off running who who cares what people think but you have to learn to protect your plot of land your beans or lentils you've got to protect your heart and don't put yourself into difficult compromising situations or positions the Bible says to avoid the very appearance of evil we're not only not to do evil but we're also to avoid even the appearance of evil stay away from it praise God serve the Lord thank you Lord Jesus and be very very careful with these small areas people would say hey it's it's not that big of a deal yes it is I'm here to tell you today it's actually a very big deal and if you don't deal with these issues what would maybe be considered little issues beans and things like that the lentils the the small plot of land if you don't deal with things like that then God he cannot he could not graduate you on to these greater levels of anointing and glory and power and the mighty things that he wants to do through you praise God so you have to be you have to be like Shama no running away stand and fight use the Word of God and you'll see that as you do that as you offer a stiff arm resistance with the sword of the Spirit you'll see the enemy will eventually just melt back off and leave and you think wow I want I didn't have to give in I didn't have to compromise I I didn't have to lie I didn't have to cheat I didn't have to you know do something wrong it's so you just hold your ground hold your ground and serve the Lord thank you Lord Jesus praise God right now the Holy Spirit's doing a scan and so any area in your life where there would be previous compromised make up your mind right now that the next time that the Philistines show up in a troop next time they show up even if you're by yourself God is with you and then you're going to fight okay you're not going to just give in you're not going to say well you know the Lord he understands my weaknesses he understands I'm just a person of the flesh no don't do that stuff stay strong and say I'm standing I'm holding my ground I'm gonna be like Shama and I'm gonna win a victory hallelujah glory to God I believe really today that so many people in the world they're they in somebody's they're actually pulling for the church but they want the church to not only preach it and proclaim it they want the church to actually live it maybe even not all of them but at least some of them okay so there needed to be those I believe I'm talking to you those in the church who talk it and who actually live it not just publicly but also in the secret life the private life and these are people that allow the Holy Spirit to come and work and when the Holy Spirit brings something up you know hey you need to address this issue you have to be willing to talk about that and make it right right then you have to you have to be willing to make it right and then make it airtight and then lock the enemy out so we can't have access you have to protect the anointing you have to guard the glory you have to be very very diligent about these areas have the spirit of Shama hallelujah Heavenly Father we thank you we just asked the spirit the Holy Spirit that was on Shama would come upon your people that spirit to defend what is there their honor their dignity thank you Father the anointing that their ethics their morality that there would be a defense now father we just give you praise we give you praise father God in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus thank you father for that anointing coming a great strength to protect everything that you blessed us with and to guard it thank you Father we give you praise in the name of Jesus guard your heart guard your heart thank you Father in Jesus name Amen let's take Holy Communion today please along with me grab some unleavened bread some grape juice Heavenly Father we bless it we consecrate it in the name of Jesus whoo hallelujah we think you follow this is now the flesh and the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ father as we receive the body of Jesus we just thank you for strength the fight like Shama to fight with the word to use our spiritual weapons and to resist the enemy and to resist evil we give you praise father God and we thank you we thank you Father that greater is he whose in us than he who's in the world we thank you father for victory and Dominion in every area of our life in Jesus then we pray amen let's receive the body of Jesus hallelujah glory to God glory to the Lord thank you Lord Jesus you know it says in Ephesians chapter five verses two and three in the NIV it says that there not even be a hint of sexual immorality among you talking about the believers Paul said don't let there even be a hint of it and he goes on also to say don't be involved in coarse jesting crude joking don't do things like that listen if you do stuff like that you will muddy your Christian witness and the unbelievers they they may like you but they won't respect you so there is a place of wisdom where they they could respect you and honor you but don't don't in in the name of compromise you know just try to get along and laugh at what they laugh at and look at what they look at and do all that stuff don't do that you need to be walking upright before the Lord be like Shama and hold to the biblical standard God's going to strengthen you amen father we thank you for the blood of Jesus we thank you for it's in forgiving sin and cleansing power and we thank you Father God that you're able to keep us clean in a very dirty and corrupt world where father we live in a world that's just saturated with sin and sickness and disease and suffering it's all around us but father we thank you that we're in this world but we're not of it and while we're in it we can be like a fish that swims in the ocean and he's surrounded by salt water but yet it's not inside of him so father we thinking that we're in this world but we're not we're not contaminated by the filth of the world we thank you Father for the blood of Jesus and it's protective barrier over our lives we receive it now in Jesus name let's drink praise God but he Shama stationed himself in the middle of the field defended it and killed the Philistine so the Lord brought about a great victory I see nothing but victory for you I see no more defeat in previous areas where maybe you just said well you know who cares I've I failed so many times what's another time you'll say no no not anymore hallelujah I serve the Lord God who is the god of humma praise got an ex actually one of the compound names of God Jehovah Shama which means the Lord God sees the Lord God is there he'll be right there with you he will strengthen you and you will not fight alone and the enemy will be defeated god bless you as you go today and as you protect your field of beans or lentils as you guard your heart be blessed bye bye