good morning my friends i'm pastor stephen brooks welcome today to our online internet around the world church service and i'm so happy that you're here because i believe god's word will strengthen you to do all that he has called you to do and to be the person that he has called you to be now let us receive the holy tides and offerings we're going to bring them into the storehouse of god and let's look at two verses in acts chapter 10 that will boost our faith to believe god for a special blessing acts chapter 10 verse 1 there was a certain man in caesarea called cornelius now we know that cornelius is going to become very soon the first convert to the christian faith it says that he was devout man and one who feared god with all his household who gave alms generously to the people and prayed to god always so he was a giver and also he had a very strong prayer life verse 4 and when he observed him he was afraid and said what is it lord so he said to him your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before god let me say that it is possible to provoke god through your prayers and giving in a way where god releases something extraordinary into your life praise the lord this is not often talked about i think it's actually quite a few that know about it but it's something that's so special that it's not often talked about but when we think about the word provoke sometimes we view it in a negative sense such as maybe provoking someone to anger or provoking a dog to bite or something negative but in a positive way in a very holy way you can walk with the lord with a prayerful life and you can be so consistent and so just tied to the heart of god with your giving that you can actually cause god to step back and say wow look at that person i'm going to do something special for them they are so honoring me with their giving and i see their prayers but their giving just is so consistent and just that they just keep on giving they just keep on giving that god says you know what i'm going to do something special and those prayers and the giving were established in heaven as a memorial and god released a blessing upon cornelius he and his whole household were privileged to hear the gospel preached cornelius got saved he was the first one to come into the kingdom as a gentile praise god his whole family got saved well pastor stephen god just randomly chose him no he provoked god through his prayers and through his giving and you could do the same thing and i think with cornelius we see a great example of consistency in other words we're not reviewing a three-month track pattern but this is somebody who believes in the lord god of israel and although he's not as we would say born again he says i want to honor this god that i serve and so he prays to god and he also is just sowing seed he's giving offerings now he would know from the jewish teaching that the tithe is holy and the tithe already belongs to the lord but on top of the tithe he's giving offerings he's giving offerings and he did it so consistently so often that he provoked god to release a very beautiful blessing into his life now you can't make god do it you can't twist god's arm we're not talking about something like that but we all we are talking about something that is tying into a spiritual law where yes you absolutely can touch god's heart and it triggers a release and it could even be a legacy type release that causes something so profound to take place in your life that it goes down in history and here we are today talking about cornelius and something that happened to him right around 2000 years ago and we're still talking about it today so this would be a legacy blessing we see this principle first established in the old testament in the book of first samuel chapter 2 verse 29. now it is in earlier portions of scripture but here it's laid out just point blank for anybody to take it and run with it who would believe it and practice it verse 29 why do you kick it my sacrifice and my offering which i have commanded in my dwelling place and you have some in church today you have those christians that say oh ties and offerings that's not important god just wants your heart well how can god have your heart if if you if he doesn't have your if he doesn't have lordship over your finances all of these things that people say that they think are spiritual actually unveil their lack of spirituality because if god truly has your heart he also is the lord over your finances and you're going to honor him with your finances as he instructed and we see corruption in the priesthood where eli and particularly his sons are doing things that are bringing dishonor to the house of god and a lot of that had to do with the way that the offerings were treated now we know there's a lot of other stuff going on that was completely out of order direct direct sinful but if you start to compromise in these areas of the way god wants the structure to be done in this house and it was very clear that the priesthood understanding of this with all the offerings if you if you just honor that then it's not going to go well for you verse 30 therefore the lord god of israel says i said indeed that your house and the house of your father would walk before me forever but now the lord says far be it from me for those who honor me i will honor think about cornelius for those who honor me i will honor and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed have you ever met not talking about unbelievers have you ever met christians who lightly esteem god's requirements financially god's instructions financially and they say oh we don't need to do that today we're we're under grace well if you're under grace where's the grace of giving you know and they throw all these things out and really what they're doing by not participating in god's kingdom plan is they are placing them themselves in a place where god cannot bless them the way that he would want to why because they're dishonoring the lord it's very very important but here's something i want you to take the heart god said for those who honor me i will honor i want to tell you a secret and i might not ever say this again because it's sacred in some ways i want to stand on the pulpit and shout it because i know how real it is but in other ways it's very very special and i don't always bring this forth in such detail but let me say this you absolutely can provoke god to release a blessing into your life through your prayers and your giving you absolutely can well pastor stephen i i tried that for two months nothing happened it's hard to build a memorial in two months i would i would just say just stay with it stay with it stay with it and there'll come a point if it you're just pouring it on pouring along that god just says you know what i'm gonna have to do something for my son for my daughter they have shown such honor that they have moved my heart and it might take a couple of years but eventually you can you can provoke god in a very righteous way to move yes you can we see it in the word of god so that's something i would like for you to take the heart today as you're continuing to honor the lord with the top with the tithe as you're continuing to honor the lord with offerings consider this in your heart because i believe you are moving towards something where god can release special honor upon your life and it could be something that alters your entire financial picture not only not only for like something that oh maybe you know like for a year or two you know it changes i'm talking about change your whole life or even years later people are still talking about it maybe you live your life out go to be with the lord yet people are still talking about it and certainly certainly and it can actually establish a memorial in heaven there are many memorials in heaven that are built on sacrifice that are built on obedience and they're all named they're all named and when you get to heaven may you find out that there was one built for you based upon your prayers and your giving now of course there will be many christians they'll get to heaven and they'll see those memorials they'll think well isn't that something i wish i'd have known about that while i was on the earth i might have tried to done something about that to have one for myself praise the lord but now listen but now you know you can provoke the lord to release honor upon your life a special blessing of honor if you'll honor him in this way praise god just something to consider something as you walk around and pray in the spirit pray in tongues and ponder god's kingdom and god's glory something to chew on hallelujah and i believe you'll see something beautiful done praise god now father bless your people as they give today bless your people and let that just really take root in their heart that you honor those who honor you you will you will and i thank you father god you you want you want to bless your people in this special portion this special way i thank you that they're moving towards it i thank you i thank you i thank you your hand is about to open for many in a very special way because they've been at it for quite some time they're not rookies in this and you've seen that and you've taken that to heart father we thank you you're the greatest record keeper in the universe [Laughter] you know every detail and you see every prayer prayed every tear sown every seed sown and i thank you that something extremely special is about to be released in the lives of those who will continue to honor you father we bless you in jesus name amen now those of you that would like to mail in your tithe your offering please send it to stephen brooks international p.o box 717 moravian falls north carolina 28 654 if you want to bring your tithe you're offering in online you can do so anytime day or night literally from any place in the world please visit our website there's a link on the home page that says give it has a red heart on it you can click on that you'll see the direct area that you can bring in the tithe and you can bring in an offering we have different projects if you would like to sow a offering into one of those projects be mindful that as you do that god will honor those who honor him praise god you are blessed in jesus name praise the lord let's take our bibles today and go over to the exciting book of joshua we're going to be in joshua chapter 3 and i want us to start today in verse 9 and we're talking about what happens when the jordan river overflows its banks praise god hallelujah father as we jump into your word we ask that your word would jump into us as a living word and that it would lodge within our hearts and produce the 100 fold return of righteousness and peace and joy we give you praise praise praise we thank you now in jesus name and we all agree and say amen verse 9 so joshua said to the children of israel come here and hear the words of the lord your god and joshua said by this you shall know that the living god is among you and that he will without fail drive out from before you the canaanites and the hittites and the highvites and the perizzites and the gergeshites and the amorites and the jebusites all of the ites all representing different types of spiritual opposition we have a lot of symbolism here a lot of old testament what we would or what theologians would call types and shadows that we can learn uh from a new covenant perspective that as we are marching towards the heavenly city living for jesus possessing our inheritance we are also driving the ice out of our lives and out of the promised land that god has for us as well praise god behold the ark of the covenant of the lord of all the earth is crossing over before you into the jordan now therefore take for yourselves twelve men from the tribes of israel one man from every tribe and it shall come to pass as soon as the souls of the feet of the priests who bear the ark of the lord the lord of all the earth shall rest in the waters of the jordan that the waters of the jordan shall be cut off the waters that come down from upstream and they shall stand as a heap so it was when the people set out from their camp to cross over the jordan would the priest bear in the ark of the covenant before the people and as those who bore the ark came to the jordan and the feet of the priest who bore the ark dipped in the edge of the water for the jordan overflows all this banks during the whole time of harvest that the waters which came down from upstream stood still and rose in a heap very far away at adam we have more symbolic word pictures here the city that is inside that is beside zaraton so the waters that went down into the sea of the arab of the salt sea failed and were cut off and the people crossed over opposite jericho then the priest who bore the ark of the covenant of the lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst of the jordan and all israel crossed over on dry ground until all the people had crossed completely over the jordan praise god now i'd like to put a picture up i want you to take a look at this beautiful picture of the jordan river this is the modern day jordan river if you were to get on a plane and fly to israel and land in tel aviv and uh start hitting south and uh get on down to the southern area uh just just above the uh the dead sea you would see the jordan river flowing of course from north to south with a uh quite a quite a deep drop in elevation as it goes down but you'll see there the beautiful jordan river that you're looking at and i know uh many people when they first come to israel and see the jordan river same thing happened to me when you see it your first initial thought is um wow i guess i had a greater expectation it sure is small and there was and actually the first time i ever saw it the tour guide happened to show it to us at a place where it was probably the smallest actual crossing and when i saw it there i was just like wow and of course more information helps you to understand what's actually taking place where i saw that which was a place you could almost if you're a really good athlete you could almost maybe even jump over it from one side to the other which would be from the jordan side to the israeli side but the thing is that the picture that you're looking at right now of the jordan river you have to realize that's only three percent of what used to be the jordan river 97 percent of it you're not looking at it's being diverted it's going off in different directions you've had a lot of water treaties a lot of fighting and bickering i wouldn't say fights of war but a lot of verbal fighting a lot of heavy frustration between who gets the rights to the water so 97 of the jordan river does no longer flow through the jordan river it's diverted for water sources from uh drinking water that's filtered to irrigation to on and on it goes everybody is desperate for fresh water in that part and so you not not only have israel and jordan you even have lebanon uh even syria you have these places that are trying to tie into the jordan river and get their fair share of the water so the jordan river you're looking at right there is only three percent of what the mighty jordan used to be now let's put another picture up on the screen for you to take a look at and to consider this second picture is a picture of the allenby bridge and this bridge will take you from the israeli side and if you drive over the bridge then you will be over on the jordanian side the bridge was built there's actually two of them the old one was built in 1920 and so you're looking at a picture literally from and while you're looking at that picture i want you to understand that there have been tremendous floods before all of the modern day pools of the water have taken place you know back in the 1800s 1700s and things like that now you we start getting too far back there's no cameras but i want you to understand when you're looking at that 1920 picture of the allenby bridge there was one time the water was all the way up to the very bottom of that bridge and it was going underneath with a tremendous rate of flow and also look and you'll see how wide the river was at that time and it's not overflowing it's banks right there that's was just the normal width of the river back in 1920 and it's a lot wider than the previous image you just saw and also when that began to pick up boy the water could rise and it rose all the way to that uh point right there by the allenby bridge and you have various sources that are feeding the jordan river yes you have the snow for mount hermon melting off and so forth but the primary water sources of the jordan are actually springs there's two major springs that just feed tremendous amounts of water into it uh four primary springs but two major ones so my friends this thing at one time used to be a phenomenal river now let's go to the third picture and you're let's go back in time the picture that you're looking at right now was taken in the year 1935 this is what happens to the mighty jordan before you know it got constricted down to the little three percent that we initially saw this is what used to happen to the jordan river when it would overflow its banks during the harvest season of the barley harvest and you would have these overflows in the months of january and february and it would just go completely beyond its banks and it would not be unusual i have read uh reports that sometime the water would spread out to a half mile and you can see in that picture that the jordan has completely overflowed its banks and it's quite spread out what's probably difficult to see in that image is that if you were to look in the upper right you could actually see the allenby bridge completely underwater i mean the only part you're seeing is the above above the bridge part everything else is underneath the water uh and it's wide too and so i want you to understand that the jordan today is not like the jordan of ancient time in other words the people with joshua the israelites they're being told we're about the cross now think about this we're about to cross the jordan river during what flood plain at full 100 flow not only 100 flow overflow so this i mean you're gonna you're going to need a miracle that you cannot cross this without a miracle not only that we're not just trying to get 100 people over we're trying to get over a million people over to the other side glory to god it's amazing it is very important that you consider that god's miracle power overrides all opposing circumstances um for example the circumstances in your life which so often are unfavorable would shout and scream and say you absolutely can't cross now you know you know circumstances always say basically you can never cross right but much less at the overflow all the banks are overflown and i mean i mean we're looking at like a half mile of water and this is this is dangerous not only that i mean it's raging it's raging you can't swim across that not even an olympic swimmer can swim across that so circumstances shout and say not only can you not cross you certainly can't cross now but i stand here today as a servant of the lord presenting god's word to you with the anointing of the holy spirit upon the word and i want to tell you today that when god says go you can cross despite the flow praise god oh it's too much of a flow it's dangerous my friends when god says today you go then get up and go because something is going to happen god has already instructed his leader joshua exactly what's going to happen joshua takes that holy word and shares it with the people and the people are excited because they know it's time for a miracle i'm here today to say get ready god's miracle power is ready to roll in your life and you're about to cross into the promised land that god has for you you're about to possess something very very powerful in your life and all of this stuff out there and they say not today but god says oh yes today's the day and you shall rise and go in the power of the spirit because god is with you glory to god now let's look at something very very beautiful here in verse 17 then the priest who bore the ark of the covenant of the lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst of the jordan and all israel crossed over on dry ground until all the people had crossed completely over the jordan now let me comment on this by first of all reading from the book of exodus in the book of exodus chapter 14 verse 21 then moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the lord caused the seed to go back by a strong east wind all that night and made the sea into dry land and the waters were divided so the children of israel went into the midst of the sea on the dry ground and the waters were walled to them on their right hand and on their left praise god i want to dig just for a moment into god's style god has a style where he has order he has structure he's not nervous he's not sweating and panicking and he knows what he's doing he he knows what he's doing praise god and i like his style and i want to express that just for a moment through this expression of no mud no mud of course when they cross the red sea and as we turn back to judges chapter 3 and that final verse of that chapter we see no mud as they walked through the jordan river god not only stopped the water god did a miracle within a miracle whoa praise god and dried up all that mud and goop praise god and they walked across on dry ground praise the lord now before i share just a little bit about god's style let me understand let me share that i understand that god's not afraid to work with mud or dirt or whatever it might be god created all of these elements obviously he likes them but god doesn't roll around in the mud and he doesn't want you to either yes god made man from the dust of the earth god's not afraid to get some bird underneath his nails and we also know that our beloved savior the lord jesus christ according to the gospel of john chapter 9 verse 6 he worked with a little bit of dust also praise god when he had said these things he that would be jesus he spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay and he said to him go wash in the pool of siloam which is translated sent so he went and washed and came back seeing so jesus is not afraid to reach down get his hands dirty either praise god but i would like jump i would like to jump back to more what would be a consistent uh style element of god first of all the priests carrying the ark of the covenant are representatives of god and as a priest of god you can't just wake up in the morning and say you know what today i know i'm going to be carrying the ark where's my old cut off uh blue jeans where's that old pair of tennis shoes we're probably going to get muddy today give me that old wore out pair of shoes and give me an old you know like a casual wore out t-shirt i've got to go care of the ark today you and i both know that's a no-go the priest had a prescribed manner of clothing they had to wear exactly what god instructed them to wear or somebody's going to die now thank god today we're in the new covenant we're in grace and you can have different uh styles of personality in the way that you present yourself but i would say this as a minister consistently god looks at his ministers as rep representatives of him and even you yourself even if you're not in the fivefold ministry you are still an ambassador for the lord jesus christ to win the lost to him through the ministry of reconciliation which is a ministry that every christian has and so you know what people do look at you they do consider what it is that you wear and yes yes we're familiar with elijah the prophet pastor stephen but he wore leather he was biker style that's cool i could understand that and he was chosen and anointed by god and i'm also familiar with john the baptist the forerunner of the messiah another prophet out in the wilderness a little bit rough and tough praise the lord obviously he was but along with those men's prophetic ministry elijah and john and even though john was the son of a priest you have to understand that while they were used by god as prophets they never with that type of attire they never according to god's law could enter into the temple they were not allowed to go into the holy of holies for the annual excuse me the twice daily offerings required a very certain dress code and it was excellence everything about it was excellent and it goes to the highest level when you look at the attire of the high priest everything had meaning had representation had symbolism but it was all excellence from the way his hair was groomed to the way the beard was groomed to all of the clothing to the instructions with fingernails everything everything had certain requirements and god's not going to have his priest standing out in the middle of that river slopping through mud with mud splashing all up all over the ark and stuff like that the god's not going to let that happen and i would suggest that as we look at his style why yes i understand jesus made some clay okay i understand that but as we look at the consistent style of god is that god stays out of the mud and i would suggest that you do too and i would also suggest that you not clothe yourself in a way that pulls you into mud hallelujah glory to god no legalism but the holy spirit is your teacher and we have plenty of instructions in the word of god and there are many different expressions of ministry but i have found that when i look at the priesthood and i've done a lot of study over the last year about the priesthood there was a holy dress code and god required that those men dress a certain way i don't think i should come to the pulpit looking like a slob looking like i haven't brushed my teeth in 21 days looking like i haven't combed my hair or had a bath or shower in two months what would you think of me as a representation of the lord if i presented myself in such a way if i walked up here with mud all over my shoes all over my pants you would think he does not take his office seriously that's that's exactly what that would express um no it doesn't mean we have to go around in three-piece business suits or you know that type of attire but i do think that we should consider these things because god doesn't want us to be in the mud and let me say this psalm 40 david gave us some amazing insight concerning god's style psalm 40 verse 1. i waited patiently for the lord and inclined to me and heard my cry so david's obviously crying out for some help in a certain area david says he also brought me up out of a horrible pit out of the mirey clay well pastor stephen god loves clay well if god loves clay so much how come he didn't leave david in it god loves mud well how come he didn't just say david enjoy it that's a good representation just roll in the mud no god doesn't want his children in the mud god doesn't want you living a life that dishonors him praise god thank you jesus he also brought me up out of a horrible pit out of the mirey clay set my feet up on a rock there's his style not living in the mud standing on the rock of his word whoa praise god standing on the finished work of calvary that jesus has made available for us and established my steps praise the lord get out of the mud get out of all that junk of the world hallelujah all the garbage of the world i'm not saying it out of the world because we can't we're in the world but we're in the world but we're not of it praise the lord thank you lord jesus praise god thank you lord lord we give you praise today joshua back to joshua thank you jesus blessed be the name of the lord they're on dry ground it's a miracle it's a miracle it's a miracle to live in this world without mud on your face it's a miracle the cleansing blood of jesus washing you clean from guilt or shame or things that would stain your garments of salvation try crown high crown god doesn't want any muddy priest hallelujah hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus some of you i exhort you get out of the mud praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah glory to god holy spirit's working right now and he's getting the mud off of you muddy mentalities muddy ways of thinking yes muddy actions yes but these muddied up ways of thinking don't don't muddy the waters get in the pure clean water the flow of the spirit the river of god mm-hmm now let's continue on joshua chapter 3. we're back now at verse 13 and it shall come to pass as soon as the souls of the feet of the priest who bear the ark of the lord the lord of all the earth shall rest in the waters of the jordan that the waters of the jordan shall be cut off praise god verse 15 and as those who bore the ark came to the jordan and the feet of the priest who bore the ark dipped in the edge of the water for the jordan overflows all its banks during the whole time of harvest now the feet of the priest who bore the ark dipped in the edge of the water fascinating fascinating i want to go now into a spiritual law we're talking about a law of faith that is constant and it is consistent and it will never let you down and here it is the law of faith is that miracles never happen until your feet get wet i want to say it again the law of faith is that miracles never happen until your feet get wet glory glory to god so many of you you need to step into the water and as you step into the water the waters will park but you step in by faith step in by faith and the waters will part now i do understand that in the old testament for god's people to step out they had to have a direct word from god and joshua heard the direct word god literally told him get everybody ready because you're crossing over today the priests are going to go first they're going to stand in the center of the jordan river i'm gonna i'm gonna back the waters up and the moment they come into the water i'm gonna back it up so he got that from the lord and in the new testament yes you can also receive a very clear distinct word from the lord where the lord would say in a sense step out do this put your feet in the water but so often also in the new testament it's not always like a voice from god that says now step out although you could have that but even should you have that that's i would call that rare something super special so often though as we pray we get this inward guidance through the holy spirit who lives on the inside of us this inward witness our spirit witnessing with what the holy spirit is directing us to do and you get this strong inward knowing i'm supposed to go in this particular direction praise god praise god and so you need to be very sensitive to that because either way whether it is a very strong direct word from the lord or a very strong inner leading that you're just picking up over and over of a certain thing that you're supposed to do if you will engage with it by stepping into the water the spiritual law will work for you now the law of faith requires corresponding works or corresponding actions in aviation there is what is known as the law of lift now please listen very attentively because i'm going to share something that is going to be essential for your knowledge and is going to help you move forward greatly greatly in god's plan for your life in aviation there is what is known as the law of lift now yesterday i just flew back from los angeles nonstop flight lax to charlotte and as we were coming into charlotte we had to loop back around and get lined up for the final approach and when we were making that turn the pilot did a very steep bank and we just you know the airplane banked and i'm sitting on the side on the window and as we bank steeply and sharply like that i'm almost looking straight down no it's not we're not completely sideways i mean we're not in the fighter jet but he he did a pretty stink bank and i could look over and it's almost like i'm looking straight down and for some reason whenever i'm in a place like that where you're turned you know kind of far over like that i mean when you're just flying normal and you look out you don't really think anything but you get it to a steep bank like that you do kind of get that thought hmm i wonder what's really holding us up because i sure hope it works but how many of you know that that law of lift it'll keep on working for that airplane as long as you continue to follow the principles that govern that law how many of you know obviously there was no crash because here i am standing here today but the same law of lift works the same way as the law of faith in the sense that both of them are consistent with the law of lift if you obey it that plane no matter how big it is if it's designed right and everything's working the way it should if you obey the law of lift that aircraft is going up and it will stay up praise the lord and the law of faith if you obey it and you step out in faith i'm just telling you it's the law the waters are going to part when you've heard from the lord and you're on assignment and you're moving forward and you know the holy spirit is leading you forward and you step out in faith your feet hit that water i'm just telling you i don't know how it works but the waters start backing up they start backing up but you'll never see it happen until your feet get wet praise the lord now here's what a lot of people do they say well pastor stephen this is not really a fair example because you know you're talking about biblical things and i we have a lot of questions and uncertainties there but over here in the area of science with the law of lift we understand that we know that's going to work we don't really know about god's stuff that you're talking about but with the law of lift we understand that so we put our faith in that let me let me share something amazing there is not one scientist on the face of the earth there's not one mathematician walking on this planet who can explain to you how the law of lift actually works oh pastor stephen that can't be with all of our science all of our our technology that simply can't be i'm now posting up on the screen an image from a magazine called scientific american and there it is an article written in february 1 2020 here it is no one can explain why planes stay in the air let me re-emphasize that title no one there's not anybody on earth who can no one can explain why planes stay in the air and i want to tell you something else no one can explain why when you step out in faith the waters start going back you can't they can't explain it but let me tell you this the law of faith works and the law of lift works you don't have to understand it you just have to work it but let me continue with this reality that this fake reserve that some people say well i don't know if we can trust god's ways but we can trust science who do you think established those laws that science has figured out god did the scientists sure didn't do it the laws were there the whole time they just they just began to get insight into it but the truth is they still cannot explain how it works on a strictly mathematical level engineers know how to design planes that will stay aloft but equations don't explain why aerodynamic lift occurs this is the takeaway from the story equations don't explain why aerodynamic lift occurs there are two competing theories that illuminate the forces and factors of a lift both are incomplete explanations aerodynamicists have recently tried to close the gaps in understanding still scientific scientific american says still no consistent consensus exists well you get you get somebody that thinks they're smart they'll say well what happens pastor steve and it's simple the wind goes underneath the wing and it creates a lift and the plane goes up no no that's that's not what makes it go up there's others that say oh we know what it is it's the wind going over the top of the wing and that creates a lift no that doesn't explain it either and there are those that try to explain it very eloquently but the bottom line is is that the world's most brilliant minds throw up their hands and say we still don't understand it but we just know that if we obey it we follow those principles it starts going up mm-hmm they simply tapped into the law of lift that god created and there is the law of faith that god created and if you tap into it the waters start rolling back they can't roll back right now we're in a recession the law of faith will push them back no matter how bad the recession is oh it can't happen now now it's not a good time it doesn't matter what time it is if you apply the law it's going to push them back you can fly at daytime nighttime you can fly when there's a recession you can re you can fly when there's an economic boom you can fly anytime you want to if you obey the law of lift you're going up and you can get across that jordan river anytime you want to when you step out in faith on the word of the lord it is a law and it will work for you but you'll never know it until your feet get wet i'm preaching today i'm preaching today and i know in my heart i can sense you're getting it aren't you you're getting it i don't know if i can trust god well then why are you getting on that airplane he established that law too why do you believe that law that god established but you doubt this one over here step out any law any law that god has formed and created when you obey the principles of stepping out on his word whoo there go the waters moving back and here's what i like about it no muddy messy miracles clean miracles we didn't get mud all over ourselves we're not trying to do this in the energy of our flesh rolling in the mud no no no no no no let god take you across with a miracle where the ground the ground is dried up and you go right well you do it right hallelujah glory to god glory to god god loves doing miracles and when he does miracles he does them in style not getting mud all over your nice clothes praise the lord aren't you ready for a wholesome good miracle praise god in other words you enjoy the miracle you're not thinking well this is great we're crossing over man i've got to go to the laundromat when we get over there whoa we take that city of jericho i hope they got a laundromat because man i just soiled my clothes just ruined my good shoes don't you like everything about god don't you like everything about the way that he does it he always does everything right get to the other side you're like wow that was all right god i like the way you do it lord we should do this again sometime do a new type of miracle but let's do another one again sometime wow one more one more one more exodus no matthew matthew 14 matthew chapter 14 verse 28 and peter answered him and said lord if it is you command me to come to you on the water see they saw jesus walking on the sea peter said lord if it is you command me to come to you on the water so he that would be jesus jesus said what he said come and when peter had come down out of the boat the miracle doesn't happen until your feet get wet [Music] and when peter come down out of the boat he walked on the water to jesus well pastor steve i don't i don't i don't understand that water won't hold you up no but the law of faith will it'll hold anybody up if they operate it um you fly the plane right law of lift holds you up there's no mystery none of this rocket science once you've got it once you got the you know the formulas figured out it's not hard once you've heard from god we're talking from the spiritual side once you've heard from god and you've got the timing right and you get out of the boat when he says come yeah okay i've got my green light i'm going for it well did you sign your will before you tried that i don't need to sign no will i'll be back in just a few minutes get your cameras ready boys because you're about to see something you've never seen before when people get on the airplane do people go did you sign the wheel you could die the thing could crash well yeah if we if we disobey the laws and do something stupid sure but as long as you operate that law you you're going to stay up well the plane's turning over a little bit yeah it's okay we're still within the boundaries of the plane we're fine get a nice view get different view might as well relax and enjoy the ride praise god lift your hands father i pray for those that love the boat the comfort of the boat but there's they're getting in the spirit they're going to have to make a step and they're getting real close to that word come thank you lord that the law of faith will be in operation works 24 7 and when their invitation comes it'll work for them i thank you father for those that stand on the bake of the jordan they see the blessing on the other side and they see also how wide the jordan is in the in the overflow whoa yeah it's a big overflow it's a it's an impassable situation but lord you're gonna roll the waters back as soon as we step into the river so we thank you father god that as we go with your word we go with your instructions the water will part and we'll cross on dry ground i thank you father for the journey of the christian faith we're all at different places different points but i do sense for many however that it's about time to put a foot into the water and i thank you father that as these acts of faith are carried forth i thank you that the law of faith will be evidenced now we give you praise we give you glory bless your people to know when it's the right time to act when it's time to go we thank you when it's time to put the foot into the water father we thank you we thank you in jesus name we pray amen praise the lord glory glory glory to god this is why it's so important to pray also so important to pray and walk in the wisdom of the lord so you step in right when you're supposed to praise god glory glory to god perhaps you're watching today and you have never take you've never taken the step of faith to make christ your savior and lord it's the greatest decision you'll ever make in your life the most important thing you'll ever do in your life and you can do it right now why don't you call upon the lord and let him save you from sin and he'll take you into his heart and he'll become your savior pray this prayer after me right now say jesus i believe you died on the cross you paid the penalty for my sins and you rose on the third day jesus wash all of my sins away with your precious blood write my name in your book of life i give my heart to you now thank you jesus for saving me right now i take you as my lord and savior in your name i pray amen and amen blessed be the name of the lord he has heard your prayer you now belong to him praise god all of his laws all of his principles will work for you as a child of god praise you lord jesus praise the lord glory to god lift your hands god we give you praise we give you glory we give you thanksgiving just praise him god we give you praise we give you glory we give you thanksgiving hallelujah blessed be the lord amen let us now take holy communion together why don't you grab some unleavened bread grab some grape juice and let's prepare our hearts to take the holy communion praise the lord glory to god praise the lord thank you jesus thank you jesus you know there was something about the high priest and there were quite a few of them throughout history and up until the second temple was destroyed all the priests were men and because they had their own weaknesses their own struggles their own things to overcome they ministered with mercy why because they knew what they're they're trying to overcome too they're trying to drive out the gergeshites the highlights out of their heart not out not only out of the land these issues in their hearts they're trying to they're trying to overcome and jesus also because he lived his life as a man he understands every struggle that you have he is a merciful high priest and he's here today to give you strength to continue forward and to live a life that brings some honor not only in public but even more importantly in private praise god father we thank you for the bread the juice we consecrate it through this prayer now that this is now the body in the blood of jesus and father as we receive the body of jesus we thank you that we have a merciful high priest and that we can come before you in his name and we thank you that we have right standing with you by being in him now father as we receive the flesh of jesus we thank you for those designated appointed times when we must put our foot in the water we thank you that as we do we trust that you are with us and that the waters will roll back and that we will achieve the spiritual lift that you promise thank you thank you thank you for being with us as we move forward we give you praise in jesus name amen let's receive the flesh of christ you don't need to understand all of the spiritual laws how they work you just need to obey them praise the lord and up you go back the waters roll father thank you for the blood of jesus we ask that if we have committed any sins knowingly or even unknowingly that you would forgive us and you would wash us with the blood of christ we thank you that we are bought with the blood of jesus we have been ransomed he has made the payment himself so that we can go free from sin and spiritual death we thank you that we belong to you we know whose we are we know where we're going we thank you for the blood of jesus we celebrate his blood we proclaim his death until he comes and we thank you that he is coming soon to take his own to be with him father we receive the blood of jesus in his name amen let's receive praise god my friends i speak blessing to you today i see great things breaking forth in your life i see the angels standing with you there ready to help you put your foot in the water and god you'll know you'll know you will know god is with you praise god enjoy the journey of the crossing thank you for watching i'll see you back next time bye-bye