I’m pastor Steven brooks and welcome today to our midweek bible study called morning glory i want to invite you to grab your bibles and meet me in the book of wisdom also known as the book of proverbs right after the book of psalms and we're going to be in proverbs chapter 23 and we're going to look today carefully at verses 1 and 2. let's open up today in prayer heavenly father as we jump into your word we thank you that the entrance of your word brings light and we thank you father that that light is understanding its illumination knowledge father help us to take your word today and walk in that light in jesus name we pray and we all agree and say amen now verse 1. when you sit down to eat with a ruler consider carefully what is before you i feel in my heart that the holy spirit is endeavoring to prepare many of you to go into the next level of blessing and christian influence that god has prepared for you and i think that you're going to find yourself in some very fascinating scenarios and situations and you need to be prepared for that one of the greatest things that the holy spirit does is that he helps you to walk in the wisdom of christ perhaps you did not learn it in college perhaps you were not taught it in perhaps you know like certain types of classes but he's still able to teach you and instruct you and get it over to you through his teaching ministry sometimes he'll he'll teach it to you on the spot if you need to know it but one of the greatest definitions of wisdom is the ability to discern difference primarily the difference between right and wrong good and evil but there's also an expansion of that wisdom which is the ability to discern difference the difference in people the difference in a ruler and somebody who has not lived an extraordinary life now there are rulers who are in positions often because they have accomplished exceptional things and they are in these positions they're in these places of great influence sometimes national influence sometimes even extending beyond that and i believe you're going to find yourself in some very interesting circles in the days weeks and months to come so get ready get ready let the holy spirit prepare you to be sitting down and eating and conversing with a ruler praise god when you sit down to eat with a router with a ruler consider carefully what is before you now so think about it think about what is before you there's a reason why and put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to appetite the knife to the throat is a old middle eastern expression that basically means not necessarily that you're gonna you know grab a knife and you know kind of freak everybody out because you're pulling a knife out at the dinner table uh no it means that you are applying a very strong self-restraint against the appetites within yourself and we all have appetites please do not hold these two verses to a one-dimensional meaning we're not just talking about food on the table you could make that application but the biblical application runs a whole lot deeper then you know don't eat the twinkies you know or don't eat the oysters they're not kosher i think we have some basic understanding of that but we're going deeper with the control of appetite particularly when you are seated with a ruler and put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to appetite praise the lord a ruler is different in the context of at their table they can eat anything they want any time they want this this is normal for them this is not something that you know is like an annual feast or the once in a blue moon big banquet let's go all out and uh buy everything we want let's get some chicken and some filet mignon and no this is this is anytime they want it for them you know if it costs a thousand dollars to eat like that a day that's they don't even feel it so this is normal for them and they have their environment that they're comfortable in and as you come into their environment uh because that's the ruler as you come into their environment you have to merge into that with the wisdom of the holy spirit the first thing i would suggest is that when you are brought into that environment is number one act like you belong there i'm going to try to share some things with you today that will assure that you coming to dying with the ruler it's not a one-time experience where you're in uh and you it was wonderful you loved it but it was just a one-time thing because you did some things that caused you to lose favor we want this to be something where you can contribute the anointing the blessing that god has placed in your life see favor opens the door but once you go through the door that's when the gift and the anointing that god has placed within you can function and so you not only want to go through the door you want to remain there so that you can be a blessing and so that you can also be a witness for christ in the way that he has gifted and anointed you so with humility realize that you do belong there at the table enjoy yourself but the underlying message of these two verses is that while you're at the table please hear me today very carefully while you're at the table please don't over extend yourself if you're at the table and the ruler is eating a 12 hamburger that he ordered off the menu don't uh order the 42 specialty filet mignon steak don't do that oh well he's a ruler pastor stephen that's no strain for him i mean i'm at the i'm at the table of the ruler yes but you're not there to compete with the ruler or to try to outdo him because trust me although he could buy the whole steakhouse if he wanted to he'll notice that you were excessive he'll notice that you extended yourself beyond even what he was doing and beyond what everybody else at the table was doing also keep that in mind praise the lord most people that are in a rulership type position a great leader somebody who has accomplished something extraordinary they behind the scenes despite the idea uh ideologies of socialism and uh and all of this stuff behind the scenes these men or women have paid a price to get there they have been willing to do what the others have not been willing to do and if that meant working 18 hours a day they were willing to pay pay that price if it meant risking everything in a certain business adventure because in their heart it felt right yet at the same time there was no guarantee but yet they went for it and it turned out to be a gold mine so to speak and it was a product that blessed a lot of people and through that risky venture which was also well calculated through a lot of research and a lot of good business planning they became very wealthy then you have to understand that they paid their dues and if you come to the table recognizing their difference and that you can value that and you're not this just there to grab this is your one moment to grab then you will be seated at that table trust me on a regular basis praise the lord the ruler wants people at the table who can think like he or she does they want people there that can value uh the understanding that these things were earned that these things were not given and even if they were given in the sense of an inheritance that inheritance has been guarded it has been protected and it has also been something that's been stewarded over now any christian should understand stewardship because the lord gives us blessings but even as much as he blesses us with it still has all come from his hands and even when david was making the lavish offering towards the future temple that was going to be built and he's he's leading in the giving he's not only giving uh out of the the national fund he's giving out of his personal fund and he's giving very very generously but he pulled back and said lord with all of this giving that we're doing it was very sacrificial and it was it was affluent he said lord it still all came from you everything that we're giving he even said all of his own personal giving he said this is just stuff that you gave me this is stuff that you gave us everything came from you in the first place well glory to god so understand the principles of stewardship understand uh the value of what god has done in your life and also in the lives of others and be able to show at the table self-restraint we all have appetites we're not here just talking about food today although at the table you certainly wouldn't want to start you know just wiping out the all the food on the table eat all the corn on the cob and eat all the mashed potatoes and you know there's nothing left over even for the ruler for the king but i think we can understand that but we all have appetites and you want to keep those in the right place praise the lord the appetite for success the appetite for recognition the appetite for friendship the appetite for acceptance the appetite for you know wanting to have a hobby the appetite to enjoy recreational things be it sports or whatever it might be we have appetites but we want to keep them balanced and you never want to get into this thing where i don't i don't know why it happens it's human something about human nature where sometimes a competitive thing begins to come up inside of a person and the last thing you want to do at the table is try to compete with the ruler because trust me the ruler it's not going to be impressed uh with what you think is impressive now maybe in your realm it is impressive but it but in his realm he he he passed that up years ago he's way beyond that so you don't you don't want to do that and you have to put that knife there not a real knife but a restraint where you're showing honor and the last thing you want to do is show some type of competitiveness you know when i was in my early 20s it was summertime and we had a family vacation me and my brothers we were out of college and so we went home to see our parents and we had a little vacation at the beach well uh it kind of worked out uh for a little bit of time there where i had some just time to talk to my dad i can't even remember what my brothers were doing there around there somewhere but i was just talking to my dad as he and i were walking on the beach together and you know by this time i had already had ran you know track all through high school had uh been running now in college for a couple of years and had gotten pretty good uh not world class you know it's not like i was gonna make the olympic team but anybody you know you train for you know uh six or eight years like that consistently you're gonna you're gonna get pretty good in whatever your niche sport is well as my dad and i were walking along the beach he said to me he said stephen he said let's race now he's getting close to 50. he said let's race and he pointed to like an imaginary finish line about 60 or 70 yards out and he said let's race to that that spot i said okay dad you know caught me off guard and so we take off and he takes off and he's running just as fast and as hard and he he's straining he's running as fast as he can and i'm just kind of running along with him and i'm letting him lead by just a few inches you know he's like four four or six inches in front of me and we've crossed the finish line and we stopped and he's huffing and puffing and stuff like that and uh he he looked at me and he said he said stephen um he said now be honest you said you weren't even trying were you i said no dad not really he said you weren't even running top speed by any means i said no i said no not really but see i'm not going to beat my dad i'm not going to just like well i'll show you what i can do and you know just run as hard as i can and leave him you know back in the dust so to speak i'm not going to do that love doesn't do something like that love prefers the other love in your heart says no you just you know i look look i've had my moment i've had plenty of times on the racetrack when i was a a senior in high school i was winning almost every track meet that i showed up to so look i've already had my my phone in the sun and so i'm just here to have fun with you today and you go ahead and take this one and i'm not even gonna erase you in a sense to like show you what i can really do i have no desire to do that praise the lord hallelujah so be willing to deny yourself certain things while you're at the table with the ruler praise the lord even if those things are permissible if if the ruler says let's go play tennis and you're the former collegiate champ well that's not the time while you're out there playing tennis with him to just you know ace every serve and you know hit it back to him and knock the racket out of his hands and uh no you don't you don't do that to that person why wisdom is the ability to recognize difference because the ruler has the ability the bless the ruler is thinking different uh the ruler thinks on a different uh frequency in the sense and they're not they're not there to compete with you they're there really in their heart to release blessing into your life and so i know with youth uh with youth there's a lot of energy there's a lot of competitiveness even if it's climb up the tree let's see who can climb up the tree the fastest well let's let's get over there and see and when you get older it's like well i'm not gonna race i'll just i'll just get in the car and drive you know i don't need to run anymore and it's it's a different way of thinking so the lord is preparing you to go into a place where when you come in you come in with no competitive nature you come in simply to be a blessing you come in to lift them up you come in to bring light hallelujah you come in to bring joy and trust me they're going to want you at the table they'll move somebody else out of the way and i think i think while you know who you are in the lord and you're very confident with that and it doesn't mean that you ever become a doormat or you let somebody uh abuse that through you know trying to get you to be out of character it does mean that you do you do understand humility uh there is a balance with humility and strength and sometimes the best way to understand that balance i would say is to see it demonstrate it and then and then you can see it more clearly see it demonstrate it and also allow the holy spirit to instruct you there's a place where that seat is yours there's another time where jesus said take the lower seat when you're going to these special meetings and then you'll get promoted upward there's another time where the apostle peter said look we cannot be serving food to the uh the hellenists the greek speaking jews uh we're supposed to be over here in prayer and the study of the word so that we can minister the word we're it's not fitting for us apostles to be over here serving food the people so there's there's a balance and the holy spirit will help you with that i remember seeing a great balance of humility and strength one time when my wife and i were serving as ushers in the church we had just been married and you know there was the pensacola revival that was taking place in 1996 and well that that didn't really spread out of florida although they tried one time to give it a jump start to see if the fire would catch in california so uh my pastor hosted uh most of the brownsville ministry team and they came out the southern california and the place was you know the church was packed out thousands and thousands of people there and uh that same anointing that was in brownsville did not take off in california uh but they gave it a good try nevertheless this is what happened on one of those nights there were thousands of people there my wife and i uh were in school of ministry but at the same time they would use the the young school of ministry students to help out with ushering and things like that so we were ushering and we were standing at the back of the church the church was getting uh about halfway filled up it was still early before the main service that evening and we noticed a minister he came in uh world famous he came in he wasn't on the schedule to speak nobody knew that he was coming he came in and he sat in the very back of a large church and he sat at the end of the row and uh he seemed almost to be invisible to everybody but me and kelly thought is that uh brother so-and-so the the the man of god and uh we went over and said hi to him just to make sure it wasn't a secret twin or or you know somebody that maybe looked a lot like him but nope it was him and we said oh we're so glad you're here and we said would you please stay here just for a few minutes and um he said sure and we went to the front of the church and it took us a little while to get up there because it was a it was a big place thousands of people and he's sitting in the very back unannounced and we went all the way to the front and we told one of the elders one of the associate pastors we said hey brother so-and-so the man of god he's sitting back there in the back he just came in and this one pastor that we told that to said ah that's fine let him sit back there and me and kelly just knew that's not right you don't have somebody of that stature in the body of christ sit on the back row uh when that's not where they belong and so we went and told another elder who was sharp and it was anointed it could move in the spirit and really also more of the right-hand man of the senior pastor we wouldn't told him that the great man of god is sitting in the back he said and that elder said he is he's here in the meeting we said yeah he's sitting right back there in the back we just went over and talked to him and asked him to stay there because let's try to get him up to the front and that elder said absolutely we've got to get him on the front we've got to get him on the front row and so he went back there with us and we said oh by all means come with us and we took him all the way to the front and uh created a spot for him and during that meeting tonight guess who the holy spirit fell upon with a beautiful prophecy that blessed everybody in the medium the holy spirit fell on that minister that we pulled all the way up to the front so that's a great example of strength he was a great man of god but humility he went in and sat unannounced on the very back row and the next thing you know he's on the front and the next thing you know after that when the service got rolling and the spirit began to move the spirit fell on that man to bring a word to bring a great prophecy to the body of christ praise the lord so i believe that when you get that balance just right you know who you are you have humility but you also know that you're anointed to be there that you can really be a blessing to some very select people and then through those select people it will reverberate out uh to a lot of other people at the same time praise god thank you lord jesus uh here's our just a short example in the life of joseph we're going to be in genesis chapter 41 verse 12. now there was a young hebrew man with us there a servant of the captain of the guard and we told him and he interpreted our dreams for us to each man he interpreted according to his own dream and it came to pass just as he interpreted for us so it happened he restored me to my office and he hanged him this is talking about the butler and the baker then pharaoh sent and called joseph and they brought him quickly out of the dungeon and he shaved changed his clothing and came the pharaoh anytime you're coming before a ruler and he if you're coming before pharaoh you're you're coming before the preeminent ruler on the face of the earth you're coming before the pharaoh that's ruling over the nation with the greatest military power with you know the might and the prestige that's where you're going so when you're coming into a new atmosphere that maybe you haven't been into before understand they have their own protocol and it's time to merge into that what did it mean well it meant the first thing that you're going to do is shave because although many of the uh hebrew men preferred a beard and you know when you're in prison you could wear your beard but in this case to come before pharaoh beards were just uh it was a no goal well now pastor stephen i'm a i'm a beard guy and you know what i'm not going to give that up well i think you would probably give it up if it meant the release of your destiny if it meant you stepping into the fullness of what god has for you you'd be amazed how fast you'd fall in love with the razor praise the lord where's that shaving cream you'd be shaving real quick and you know what change a change of clothing so you go with their protocol and as long as it's not requiring you to compromise your principles or you know christian principles or anything like that you're fine these are just uh customary things and so you learn that and you merge in with that and it's different with different types of uh settings everybody has their own um ecology you know it's like a ecological system and you go into it it's different in different places so you just merge with the way it is and you walk in that wisdom of the holy spirit who uh you know that is flowing from the wisdom of christ and it goes into your mind and it helps you to act right helps you to talk right thank you jesus and pharaoh said to joseph i have had a dream and there is no one who can interpret it but i have heard it said of you that you can understand the dream to interpret it so joseph answered pharaoh saying it is not in me god will give pharaoh an answer of peace what a wise statement it shows humility and also it's showing at the same time i can help you the lord has anointed me to help you and something peaceful is coming your way there's a lot of wisdom in that and the way that you conduct yourself the way that you speak to those that would be in positions of rulership showing honor to whom honor is due i believe that you're going to have these meals with the ruler and i believe that um there's something about that person that god assigns you to um it almost seems like there's a light over them now in the natural is there are there light bulbs shining down on them no but um it's the holy spirit anointing and that person stands out like they're illuminated almost like they have a halo what does that mean when you see that it means that the lord wants you to be a blessing to that person it's a divine assignment praise god and so joseph and the giftings that god has placed within him is being assigned to pharaoh praise the lord and in verse 42 then pharaoh took his signet ring off his hand and put it on joseph's hand i mean pharaoh had never seen any type of anointing ever before like he saw on joseph the wisdom the brilliance the supernatural gifting he was stunned and so now he is going to release blessing then pharaoh took his signet ring off his hand and put it on joseph's hand and he clothed him in garments of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck and he had him ride in the second chariot which he had and they cried out before him bow the knee so he set him over all the land of egypt pharaoh also said to joseph i am pharaoh and without your consent no man may lift his hand or foot in all the land of egypt and pharaoh called joseph's name zapneth and he gave him his wife as a wife asanath the daughter of pot of pharaoh priest of ahn so joseph went out over all the land of egypt so he's now in he used to be on the outside and he's now in and one of the things that'll keep you in is don't extend there at the table beyond what is your proper allotment in other words when you're dining with the ruler don't overdo it use self-control you don't take a real knife but you're taking a symbolic life a symbolic knife of restraint and you're realizing there's plenty here i don't need to gorge and grab like this is a one-time meal in other words joseph is not saying you know what pharaoh that's i'm really glad you're blessing me but uh the the lady that you picked for me uh i don't know if that's the one for me what about this lady over here she's single is she available no you don't do that you just you you receive what the blessing is now pharaoh i thank you for giving me a new name but you know can we change it up a little bit something maybe a little more snazzy i don't know if no no if that's the name he's giving you that is your allotment and you take that you don't over extend if you do you'll lose favor and you're not going to be at the table very long it's understanding how to behave at the table when dining up with a ruler praise the lord there's always going to be something that's newer that maybe you want to reach for that's shinier that's bigger that's the next latest greatest thing look this stuff is always going to be out there but there is a place in christ where you learn that this is god's blessing for this season in my life and i don't need to overextend or try to be fake and act like i'm something that i'm not yet you will get there but just walk in humility thank you jesus hallelujah this is important about not overextending it's very important for ministers let me talk to you ministers just for a moment the american culture is a culture where greed is tolerated the american culture in some areas of finance and economic uh you know workings uh greed is not only tolerated greed is actually celebrated now the the people that do it wouldn't actually say that because they know hey that that's not not something that we should confess but it's it's absolutely something that they do and they're going to get it and no matter what it takes they're going they're going to pursue so that culture that is a part of the american identity a sadly enough of greed you have to make sure that that spirit because it is a spirit greed is a spirit you have to make sure that it does not work its way into your your heart because it can have uh terrible consequences upon your ministry praise the lord um a certain uh pastor a lady pastor she was talking about how one of her assistants now the assistant is not a minister more uh just kind of like you know the bookkeeper uh helping out marius like that but one of the assists her assistants uh had gone to a meeting with her and the pastor said that the assistant uh had to fly back on her own because the pastor had some other things to do was going to fly back a different route well the assistant had quite a story to tell when the pastor got home about the assistance trip on the airplane the flight home because she was flying home by herself she had gotten on the airplane and uh was all happy she'd gone to a fun christian conference or something like that and she was all happy and she got on the plane to fly home and uh there was a seat empty next to her she was wondering i wonder who's going to sit there well a lady came and sat down there and the lady was wearing a kind of a large black hat and as the plane you know took off and they got up the cruising altitude uh the lady with the black cat uh started to quietly under her tongue you know not out loud but just quietly she began to pray she kind of closed her eyes and began to pray well the unassuming uh bookkeeper christian bookkeeper said uh oh excuse me are you praying are you a christian and she you know she was real excited she thought she was sitting next to another christian uh but the lady with the black hat said oh no i'm not a christian why would i be a christian that that i would never do that she said i'm a witch and we just concluded a conference uh because this was in massachusetts and she said we just finished a conference there in salem where all of us witches got together and we fasted and prayed now of course they're praying to their dark master but they fasted and prayed for 40 days and um when this lady told that to the you know pastor's assistant the pastor's assistant just was like got uh terrified she said well like what do you pray what were you praying and fasting for and the witch said we were praying and fasting for 40 days with no food to seduce the american ministers to get into greed and lust because if they get into greed and lust their ministries will be dishonored and they will lose their impact how about that you have to be careful with overextending over extending i want this i want that and maybe it's lawful maybe it's permissible but just grabbing grab it i want this i want that i need more i've already got five of those i want another one the new ones come out and you're grabbing grabbing grabbing see i teach biblical prosperity because it's in the bible the lord wants you blessed the lord does not want you to be in poverty poverty has always been identified by god and expressed through his word as being a product of the curse so god doesn't want you to be in poverty any more than he wants you to be cursed he wants you to be blessed but you have to remember with that blessing there is a balance because if you just keep pursuing prosperity prosperity that and and you know you're then you're influenced by the culture of the world that also just grabs and reaches and extends over extends wanting more more more never satisfied and you get in the greed you're going to get into trouble and then particularly for ministers your ministry will run out of oil you'll get distracted you'll begin to run spiritually dry and i know some ministers pastors good pastors that this has happened to they were pastoring good churches but maybe something happened where they started to make some money on the side i know some of them were good investors and they started making money on the side and the next thing you know their their sermons are just uh they are technically correct but there's no anointing just as just as dead and dry as can be and these are supposed to be pentecostal spirit-filled fire-breathing ministers but the messages just have absolutely no why no life why they're overextending they're not content with where they're at they want more more more and so now they're caught up with their their new investment and they're making a lot of money on the side and there's nothing wrong with doing maybe something on the side but you have to be real careful with that as a minister i talked with a world famous televangelist a friend of mine and uh we were talking about investments and he just said steven i can't do any investments i i came out of a background of wall street and all of that and you know now he's a famous televangelist but he said i can't i can't do that stuff anymore at all i said why he said it totally distracts me he said i'm good at making money and if i start doing that that thing starts getting back into me and i he said i can't have any of it i said i totally understand what you're talking about and for me i'm a preacher i give all of my focus all of my attention to the ministry and i trust the lord to bless me could i go do something on the side i could i'm not saying that's uh not lawful and i'm not saying it's wrong for a minister to do to do that i'm just saying for me it's a distraction and i don't want to do that i just trust the lord to take care of me i trust the lord that blessed me and he has been very very good to me praise the lord here's a quote from thomas aquinas in the catholic church thomas aquinas was considered a doctor now when i say a doctor i'm not talking about a doctor that does medical surgery on somebody but a doctor of the word of god he was brilliant in teaching brilliant in in the scriptures and i want to read a quote uh to you from him about something that happened in his life that i think could be very uh relevant now remember i'm talking about how to conduct yourself when you're dining with a ruler when you're dining with the king with a pharaoh or whatever the scenario might be praise the lord i want to help you keep your special anointing so that what god has given you never becomes deluded not one bit but that you're actually increasing in the grace of god upon your life in these unique arenas that god places you in aren't you glad that daniel didn't go backwards that daniel serving in the royal court there in babylon didn't say oh look at all this food look at all this wine look at them all look oysters and scallops no he kept the law he refused to eat the food why it wasn't kosher but he also kept his balance even to the point where later in his prophetic ministry when he's serving now the king's son and decades have gone by and he gives the prophetic interpretation to the new king about this the mystery of what was written on the wall well uh when the interpretation was given the young king says you know what i'm going to give you all this gold and i'm going to give you all these gifts and daniel just said no keep it to yourself you can have it daniel was more interested in integrity ethics right governing you know we don't need to be doing this corruption we don't need to be doing all this crazy stuff we need to do things right that's where his heart was at he could not be bought praise the lord amen and so if if you overreach though you will corrupt that safeguard so you have to be in a place where like apostle the apostle paul said i know what it is to have abundance i know what it is where there's times where there's an insufficiency where there's a need but see god will always come along if you hold steady and he will supply that need that you have praise the lord oh he always will he always will so you have to stay strong in the lord and be consistent now thomas of aquinas was called the angelic doctor because he was a celebrated scholastic teacher he was born in the kingdom of naples that wasn't of course naples florida that would be naples italy born about the year 1225 he was a dominican and uh he was famous for his tremendous teaching ability but see he also had a deep walk with god and he taught in paris and he taught in rome and he died in the year 1274. now one day when he went to go see the pope that would have been innocent the second pope innocent when he went before the pope there before the pope was a large sum of money that the pope had spread out all kinds of money and representations of wealth and the pope was all happy and he said to thomas aquinas he said you see the church is no longer in that age in which she said silver and gold have i none true holy father replied aquinas neither can she any longer say to the lame rise up and walk see there's a balance there's a balance and if you're not careful with that balance and you start overextending overextending you'll lose the anointing you'll lose what's of true value oh it doesn't mean you can't have prosperity god will bless you god will bless you but you have to also realize that it is very advantageous to be happy in your heart and to have a wallet full of money and to be able to walk through the mall and see all kinds of things but say you know but just say to yourself you know what there's all kinds of things i could buy there's nice stuff but you know what i'm happy don't i don't really need to buy something to make me happy and you know i i don't really see anything that i need i'm fine i'll just keep the money maybe i'll bless somebody maybe i'm just walking around looking for somebody that i can be a blessing to see that's when you're getting into that place where you'll always be comfortable around the ruler it doesn't matter if you're a multi-billionaire you're comfortable you're secure in who you are in the lord you're not trying to you know drop hints so that you can pull something out of somebody hey you know i can use one of those i could use a new one of those you don't need to you don't need to play those games you don't need to do stuff all that stuff like that is in the flesh now somebody wants to bless you sure you're you're you're you have a good heart and you had to receive and you know how to show thanksgiving and gratitude but you're not just trying to grasp trying to you know always reach and uh manipulate people you don't you don't play those games praise the lord thank you jesus i think if there's any area where perhaps we could show maybe an over extension it should be for the kingdom of god it should be for the lord in our own lives let's show self-restraint let's show self-control yes let's be blessed but at the same time it doesn't mean you always need the next super whopper super duper thing show maturity show self restraint praise god but i believe with the kingdom of the lord if there were to be a place where we would extend or reach for the extra that's that should be where it's at as we're trying to reach the lost we're reaching as far as we can matthew chapter 6 verse 32 for after all these things you know the food to drink the things of the world all the stuff for after all these things the gentiles seek for your heavenly father knows that you need all these things but seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you praise the lord i enjoyed the story that pastor benny hinn told one time when there was a building that he and his uh ministry team leaders had looked at and really could use this extra building because of the growth of the ministry and uh you know the the expansion of the ministry reaching lives and you know the realtor said this is how much it cost and uh they looked at the at the building and thought this would be great but you know afterwards uh when the numbers were crunched uh and benny han said that he spoke with his his uh realtor that they just realized it's it's too much money it costs too much money and he said well tell the the realtor that's selling it that you know we'd really like it but it's just we can't do it right now we can't do it so um benny had went home and uh later that evening he said he was taking a shower and he was shampooing his hair and when he was shampooing his hair the holy spirit spoke to him and said don't lose that building so he said he jumped out of the shower you know wet and grabbed the phone and called called this realtor and said call the realtor we've got to have that building god wants us to have that building and so that's what i'm talking about if there's going to be an extension if there is going to be a reaching let it be for the kingdom of god let it be for the things of god praise the lord we see these men in the old testament ezra and nehemiah the cup bearer to the king yet one day he's sad something you should never do in the royal court something you should never do in the sense of dining with the king but the king noticed that he wasn't happy and the king said what's wrong and he said he said king he said you know forgive me for my countenance i know i'm never supposed to appear before you like this but i'm troubled i'm troubled for my my people i'm troubled for jerusalem that that lays in ruins and it weighs on my heart and so see he's not asking or extending to the king for a personal blessing he's thinking about the kingdom of god to the degree where the king said you know what he said i'm going to send you on a journey and i'm going to send you provision and you go back there and you do what you need to do you start rebuilding the wall and get that city back in shape and i'm gonna give you uh legal documents that will authorize you to do it and i'm gonna give you financial provision so that you can hire the workers and get this thing going and then come back at this appointed time and uh you know assume your position so i believe that if we will use self-restraint in the areas where you know what we've got all eternity to enjoy some of these things that we're holding back on you know i don't play golf not that there's anything wrong with golf it's a beautiful sport and you know golf courses are very attractive because there's that uh it's an element of paradise restored with their beauty and so forth but there are certain things i don't do because well if i do it i'm probably going to really like it and you know the bottom line is i've got all eternity to do that maybe when i get to heaven one day and our race is finished our the course has been run maybe maybe i'll ask the lord for a uh i don't know maybe a mansion where in my backyard i've got a golf course i don't know but i i do know for now that we should show restraint but if we're going to extend and reach out there and take a chance on something let's let it be for the kingdom of god because that will last for all eternity let's balance these things right hallelujah glory to god showing self-control at the table of the king and at the same time should there be should there be a release of your heart towards the things of god and it just comes out to the king to the ruler then when it's the lord and it's something totally of the lord then the lord will move in those situations praise the lord hallelujah glory glory to god i believe the lord is going to do some interesting things for you with your placement praise the lord glory to god bless it be the name of the lord watch what god is going to do prepare yourself now you're going to have to walk very close to the lord so that the wisdom of christ now it says in the bible that we have the mind of christ but that must not just be something that is a position that we have because of our standing in christ it must also be a reality that is experienced by that mind of christ that oil of the spirit flowing into our understanding and so you're going to have to walk really close with the lord so that you can function in these higher arenas get ready for it now eventually you will acclimate to it but when you first come into it oh yeah you're gonna have to be on your toes praise the lord glory to god glory to god hallelujah father i pray for your people today that they will have that beautiful balance of being able to hold the symbolic knife to their throat of self-restraint father sometimes a lot of that has to do with words sometimes just being quiet and not saying anything and sometimes talking but also talking within the proper parameter and not going beyond that and then doing something that would cause the loss of favor so father if there needs to be a holy spirit uh suppressor over their tongue maybe like a muzzle that would need to be on their mouth at times where they just know i need to be quiet now lord help that to be there and other times when they need to speak let the authority of christ be expressed through them thank you oh god thank you thank you father because there will be times you you're going to give them the answer you're going to give them the solution that's needed in that board room that's needed in the director's meeting that's needed in this uh new business or this new build or this new project that's starting up thank you father god hallelujah thank you o god thank you father god father we thank you that as we put your kingdom first then you're going to add to us all of these other things that those in the world that don't know you grasp for with such greed and lust they would do anything just about to get it and some would do anything regardless of what the price tag was they would they would do it but father we're different you add that to us with no strain no struggle because we have a we have your heart oh god so thank you father in this hour in which we're in let your kingdom go forth with with royal beauty thank you father god thank you father god i see that you're assigning your ambassadors to certain new positions new doors are going to open just like they did for joseph and he went through the door and father there was some even greater things that were assigned to joseph's life that time he wasn't aware of such as the restoration of he and of he and his relationship with his brothers and very importantly with his father so father we just thank you you have a lot planned there's a lot writing there's a lot writing uh on these um how can we say sit downs with the ruler so lord we just thank you for wisdom and anointing we give you praise in the name of jesus thank you for the flow of wisdom in the name of jesus amen and amen praise the lord glory to god you're going to find that you're going to have to really lean on the lord because without his help it's true you don't know what to do yes you're smart yes you're uh you're well trained yes you've done all you can in the natural but there will be situations where the only answer is the answer that comes from on high now you have access into that realm through your walk with the lord but you're going to have to really lean on him but as you do you'll be made to stand out just like daniel did glory to god you'll be like a star that twinkles that stands out glory to god get ready father we give you all the praise in jesus name amen and amen praise the lord this proper dining with the ruler comes out of your proper dining with the lord when you know the lord and you don't look at the lord like some kind of a you know just a person to go before like god i want this this this i want that that that but you're there for much more than that yes there are times for petitions and requests but you're also there for fellowship and you're also there for like god i want to know you i want to like be like abraham i i want to be a your friend praise the lord then when you have been with the king of kings oh it's easy to go before any any earthly ruler regardless of their high status or position it's very easy very easy to go before them and talk to them when you have been in fellowship and conversation with the great king himself the lord jesus christ hallelujah father we give you praise if there's anyone watching today and you don't know jesus as your king and savior but you want to well pray this prayer right now and he will do a great work for you just say jesus pray it out from your heart right now say jesus i'm a sinner but you died on the cross to save to rescue sinners like me jesus i give you my heart i give you my life wash all of my sins away with your precious blood save me right now write my name in your book of life jesus thank you i take you now as my lord and savior in your name i pray amen and amen my friend welcome to the family of god those of you that just prayed that prayer for the first time god bless you you belong to the lord now hallelujah glory to god let's honor the lord today and let's take holy communion grab some grape juice that's what i have in my cup here grab some unleavened bread if you don't have one of these little wafers you could get a saltine cracker or something similar praise god thank you lord and let's pray over the the bread and the juice father we set the bread and juice apart as holy through this prayer we consecrated as holy as the body and the blood of jesus and father we are told in your word that when we do this we and we partake of the communion we proclaim the lord's death till he comes we thank you that he's coming back and it was through his death that he purchased our full redemption we thank you that we are redeemed redeemed from sin and spiritual death and that we belong to you and we're going to live with you forever in heaven father let our lives count while we're here on the earth lord deliver us from temptation deliver us from evil deliver us from greed and grasping and constantly wanting more and more never satisfied let us thank you every day for what we do have let us let us not take for granted all that you have done we give you praise we give you praise and father should we reach should we extend let it be for your kingdom let it be for things of eternal value thank you father and we receive your word that as we do that you'll add all of these other things yes the other things are fun but father let our focus our heart be right let us serve let us honor those that you have placed us under the authority of we're all under the authority of christ but there's structure there's order there's hierarchy and father you said in your word give honor to whom honor is due we thank you father god glory to god for our unique assignments as a body and also as individuals father we give you praise we give you glory we thank you father thank you for the body of jesus as we receive it now we thank you for strength and anointing to do what you have called this to do hallelujah let us function and our unique anointings let us stay in our lane not trying to be something you haven't called us to be or trying to do something you haven't called us to do but let us be the very best and what you have called us to do let that focus come alive thank you father god in jesus name amen let's receive the body of christ father thank you for the blood of jesus hallelujah father the things of you may seem like foolishness to those that are in the world the cross is foolishness to those that are perishing but to us it's life because christ went to that cross to die for our sins sinless and innocent having never committed one's sin he became the perfect sacrifice to redeem lost humanity both jew and greek back to you oh god through his great sacrifice so father we thank you that jesus died to redeem the whole world that anybody that would put their faith and trust in him should not perish but have everlasting life so father as we receive the blood of christ we proclaim his death we thank you he's coming back that it's through his death that he has made redemption for us hallelujah father for those that had just got maybe we could say caught up in the rat race maybe caught up in the holidays of um just the rush and caught up in the glitter but not caught up in the reality of the atoning sacrifice of jesus father let us get back to basics lest we be like that that precious pope who got off track and thought it was all about the strength that they had now in their own ability when thomas aquinas said well yeah it is true that we can say that we no longer have a lack of silver gold but we we can't we can't get the crippled up anymore we can't say to the lame rise and walk father let us have the right balance yes we do need prosperity but let us have the right balance let us not lose our spirituality let us not compromise our walk with you in the midst of a very lay odyssey and age we thank you father god let us have our edge and let us be increasing in our walk with you thank you for the precious blood of christ in jesus name amen let's receive glory to god hallelujah i agree with the famed british apostle of faith smith wigglesworth who said i would rather be under the anointing of the holy spirit for ten minutes than have the whole world with a fence around it i agree with that one thousand percent hallelujah if you lose your relationship with the lord nothing else has any life in it nothing else does even paul with all of his deep teachings of judaism and all of that uh you know all of that training and all of that intellect he said he said he called it as dung compared to knowing christ and if you don't know the lord you haven't found what true living is glory to god glory to god hallelujah praise the lord the holy spirit's moving the holy spirit's moving i believe that the holy spirit is going to get behind some very wealthy even not just billionaires even multi-billionaires and he's going to touch their hearts and they're going to be one to the lord they're going to be one to the lord praise god and then they will turn around and they'll be a blessing oh pastor stephen that's good that we can start reaching and we can we can well just let the holy spirit designate where this or that is supposed to go as the holy spirit works through a person hallelujah we just need to stay focused and god will god will supply god will bring provision praise the lord don't start grasping stay on task stay on task we need to be able to save to the lame rise and walk in the name of the lord we need to stay on the major major on the major don't major on the minor the lord will be working in these other areas stay on the major praise god that's our challenge that is the challenge in the in the time in which we live we are contending for the glory distractions are flying all over the place but we must keep contending for the greater glory the mighty outpouring of the spirit father we thank you what has been shared i ask that you would seal it by your holy spirit that the enemy cannot come and steal the seed of the word that has been sown into the hearts of your people but that this word will grow in the heart of their the soil of their heart producing the 30 60 100 fold harvest we thank you father god we will see the greater glory we will participate in it we will be in the thick of it we thank you that the cherubim as they carried the glory out of israel when israel went into apostasy and the prophet ezekiel saw it leave the holy place leave the temple courtyard leave eventually the nation we thank you that the cherubim are bringing the glory back into the church into the body into the areas of the body that want it more than anything else we want to see you move oh god we thank you that we will see your glory now thank you father god thank you in jesus name amen and amen you need to see yourself as a designated carrier of the glory because the glory is coming and nothing can stop it praise god get ready the best is yet to come get your priorities right don't be overextending overreaching in the things that have very little value stay on task stay on on focus of what god is highlighting i look forward to seeing you back next time till then stay richly blessed bye