welcome today to our online internet around the world church service i'm so happy that you're here and i believe that there are the answers that you are looking for in the bible to every question that you have whether it's a natural question spiritual question or whatever it might be god's word will supply everything that you need and your life will be made whole by receiving the bread of life the word of god now let's go today to the book of ecclesiastes chapter nine and we're going to receive the the holy tides and offerings we're going to bring them into the storehouse of god and i want to give you a scripture and a scripture theme to help you with your finances this is of course found in the word of god god's principles are timeless ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 16 i'm going to skip through the little story that solomon is speaking of here but he makes a statement that is a very heavyweight statement in verse 16 then i said wisdom is better than strength now the context of the story is a wartime scenario you have a great army you have a small city but you have a very poor man in the city but the poor man's very wise and it's really a parable that solomon is telling here but he gets to the the thrust of what he's trying to convey and this is what he's conveying wisdom is better than strength wisdom is better actually than a great army and the wisdom that this poor man had was enough to deter this mighty army now i have seen people that work really hard but even with hard work they do not pull ahead financially and when i was growing up as a young boy i was always told you know work hard do a good job and you'll be successful in life and that's not really true and it used to puzzle me why i would see some people work really hard like a ditch digger or a bricklayer or somebody that's having to lift heavy loads and move bags or sacks of potatoes or flour around and you think wow that's hard work and they're doing that all day long but you'll notice that they're uh being paid a very low wage maybe maybe minimum wage or something just barely above that and that didn't make any sense to me as a young man why do they work so hard and yet they get paid so little and that my thinking was due to a lack of understanding or lack of the wisdom of god's word so you'll see that often some of the hardest workers are actually some of the lowest paid workers why they don't realize that wisdom is better than strength and the moment you begin to realize the truth of that the gears start turning up here in a very good way as long as you're working for money you're never going to be rich you're never going to get into these areas of abundance it's not until your money starts working for you do you begin to pull ahead and have a much larger uh area of extra resources and overflow and so i'd like to speak just for a moment about having your money work for you instead of you just living your whole life working for money literally living like many do paycheck the paycheck paycheck the paycheck and if that paycheck didn't show up whoo you know uh there would be a mess because why there's there's not the extra so let's consider today that wisdom the wisdom of god applied in our finances is better than uh going out and working 80 hours a week and after 80 hours a week uh you know uh with all the overtime we're still just barely making it so something something has to change let me give you just one of these wisdom nuggets there's so many in the bible but here's one i would encourage you if you haven't been doing it you need to implement it into your life just as soon as possible dur maybe during your next paycheck or anytime money comes into your hand or however it might be you really need to uh give heed to this uh little nugget i'm going to give to you and it's found in the book of deuteronomy and it's really it's a principle and what i'm going to share with you if if you catch the revelation of it then you should praise the lord because i've shared it with people before and it's like water on the back of the duck uh it just runs off you know certain animals they have a uh water repellent type stuff baked into them into their skin or into their fur or into their feathers and there's not a penetration from the water or whatever the case might be some people you can't penetrate trade it through you could teach and teach but uh i think a lot of times it's because they're not interested and if you're not interested in money or you're not interested in having extra then oftentimes the truth won't penetrate through that because the person doesn't really want the truth they for whatever reason uh some people are just uh happy to uh go through life just struggling and that they're glad that they know christ and one day they'll go to go to heaven but they just aren't too interested in money i think a lot of that is because of lack of wisdom uh but you know we'll have all eternity to learn the things that we didn't learn down here but while we are down here let's realize that wisdom is better than strength and implement that wisdom deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 8 the lord will command and it's not something he might do or might not do he will do it if you do your part the lord will command the blessing on you where in your storehouses wow so let me stop there just for a moment some translations say your barns or in other words the place where you're going to put the extra or the the place that you're going to put your savings so let's just stick with the word storehouse or it's actually plural the lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses every believer needs to be a tither it tied the tithe ties you in into a financial covenant with god and then on top of that when you operate in the law of giving and receiving seed time and harvest i'm talking about the sowing of financial seed and the reaping of financial harvest then you move into a covenant platform with the lord where the lord is obligated to take care of you to be involved in your life in your area of finances praise god but there's something in this area of also working with principles and this covenant a finances it's it's unveiling when you step into it and you get on that covenant platform then the lord begins to unveil the mechanics of the covenant and you begin to say uh say oh now i uh now i understand how god is going to bring increase so he will command the blessing on you in your storehouses if you do not have a storehouse or preferably store houses how can god command the blessing on something that you don't have let's go back to elementary school uh let's go to multiplication tables now i i may be a little bit behind some of you i did not learn the multiplication table until i was in sixth grade praise the lord but at least i i'm glad i learned it they drilled it into me 1 times 1 is 1. 1 times 2 is 2 and on and on it goes 12 times 12 is 144. 10 times 10 is 100. you know so you you learn the whole thing but what's what's 10 times 0 it's 0 what's 0 times 100 is it's zero so anytime you're dealing with zero or a zero storehouse how can god multiply zero i mean you can't even multiply zero on the i mean you can multiply it but it's going to give you what zero zero times anything is zero and god can command the blessing on your storehouse regardless of how small it is or big it is i mean even if we bring it to the most basic thing the old-fashioned cookie jar that most grandmothers used to have you know that a lot of times the the people that live through the 1930s recession they were fearful of the collapse of banks they thought i'll never put my money in a bank again at least not all of it and so they would always keep some cash and they would put their savings where in a cookie jar because you know they figured that was a nice safe place some people put it in the refrigerator some people put it in the mattress uh my grandfather on my dad's side put his he turned it in the coinage old coins he put it into uh metal uh cylinders that were made of tin and then as he got older he forgot where he buried it at he went out and buried it and uh he forgot so um it's probably corroded and uh most of it's probably uh i don't know maybe i could go back to the old farm with the metal detector and find it i don't know don't really care the problem is is that uh it was not a good form of investment for him to put it in the ground like that because he forgot at least with the cookie jar you know where it's at bottom line is you need to have you need to have a savings account you have a storehouse and if you have it god says he'll command a blessing on it so here's what i'd suggest for any believer regardless of where you live always honor the lord with the tithe take the 10 and be quick to make sure that goes towards the house of god towards the lord praise the lord secondly i would i would do the best that i can to pull out something for the storehouse something for your savings if you can take 10 if you're doing real good like joseph told the pharaoh hey we're going to have some years like we've never seen before let's let's take out 20 so when you're doing really good maybe you could take out more and do what put it into a storehouse there came a time when they needed it but if you can't do 10 you at least need to do something even if it's three percent now here is where there's a sticking point for many christians they say pastor stephen i can tithe i'm going the tithe because the lord instructs us to do that in the scripture but after i tithe and pay bills and have money for you know for food or whatever for living i don't have any to put in the savings that that's where they miss it if you will now you have to have the revelation on this if you realize that even though on paper it doesn't look like you can do this but you do something even if it's five dollars if you just do something suddenly suddenly now god has something that he can multiply he finally has something that he can command the blessing upon but if you don't have anything he can't command the blessing upon it praise the lord glory to god i would also say that your savings really needs to go in the direction of a saving investment an invested form of savings because if it's just savings in other words if it just sits there in the cookie jar and it just sits there for 10 years or 20 years it will actually diminish in value because of the you know inflation that we have every year that drives down the value of the american dollar or whatever your currency might be but you have inflation so it's actually losing value unless you invest it and through saving investment now can be increased but god he'll command the blessing upon it and if you just start saving just start saving start saving and and put it into that account and then put it into an area where it can be not just money sitting not doing anything but can actually become an investment now what happens now your money starts working for you so it can get very exciting when you see how the lord is commanding a blessing upon what your storehouse and he actually mentions store houses praise the lord so you need to always take something and put it into the savings and if you do that god says i'll command the blessing upon it but if you don't have it he can't command the blessing on zero he has to have something to work with the american investor warren buffett really says uh that the emphasis that he has learned is not so much the gains through investing and he's considered one of america's you know um iconic investors having started as a young boy teenager actually i think he started before he was even in his teen years buying shares of stock and just holding them for long periods of time and making investments over over the decades i think now he's worth about 89 or 90 billion dollars but he said the focus for him was never on the gains although that's that's what it in a sense is all about he said the focus for him was really how much can you put in the savings how much more can you put into your savings because even if it's a little and that's what he taught even if it's a little you're moving everything in the right direction now we as believers need to follow these biblical principles there have been many centers in the world who've actually worked biblical principles and if you work those principles they'll work for you uh whether you're a saint or whether you're you don't even know who the lord is uh it's unfortunate that you have people like warren buffett or bill gates and they take their financial resources and they'll take big uh boatloads of money and they'll give it to planned parenthood to support the murder of little innocent babies in the wombs of their mothers and so they actually use their wealth to fund uh industries of death like that but you know when you have the money it's up to you to do with it what you want so that's why god's people need to prosper because we will do good things with the money so make sure that in your strength of working and your strength of working a long day or a long week make sure that it's not just strength but it's wisdom why wisdom is better than strength whoo praise the lord hallelujah now you need to be a hard worker yes you want you want to be a good worker because the bible has a lot to say about diligence and if you're diligent there's a promise in the scripture that the diligent man will not stand before normal men he'll stand before kings he'll stand before great people so that's the blessing of being diligent a hard worker really getting after it as we would say but still along with that diligence you need to have wisdom so that that savings is there the savings is growing because god is commanding a blessing upon it and now you see what i can put a little bit more in there i could put a little bit more in there and that starts building and then you move that over into an investment area and if you don't know how to invest get wise counsel on that so that you don't you don't lose you know everything that's been created because that is uh one of warren buffett's top tips is that once you have wealth what do you have to do number one you have to protect it you don't want to lose what has been accumulated so as that savings grows then you move it into the areas of investment and now it starts creating money for you praise the lord and you can move into a place where that interest is working 24 7. even while you're sleeping uh money is being created for you checks can be coming in glory to god hallelujah very exciting the principles of the lord the lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses praise god one more story before i pray for you i was in india some years back and i taught this message about the blessing of the storehouse that if you have it god will command the blessing upon it and my translator he um heard me teach it i mean he's actually translating it from english into um i can't remember what it was urdu or something like that uh into the language of the people there in india and uh he said uh he said he was going to do this now he told me he didn't have the extra he said i don't have any extra money to do this so i'm just going to put a little bit of what i can you know which is maybe maybe for us it's like a dollar and for him that was really pushing it to uh pull together a little bit to do that but he found out somehow that if you'll just do it somehow you have it and you realize you actually can put money in the savings every savings every time and so he went along and he went for about 10 months and it was looking really good he was just like wow he said this is incredible i've i've never had this in my life before and then suddenly they were hit with a family medical emergency it wasn't him it was somebody else in the family and he had the money to pay all the bills now when i saw him a year later and he shared the testimony with me he was actually very sad he said pastor stephen he said that he said that savings account which had grown so large he said i had to spend all of it during the during the medical emergency that arose in my family and he said it was telling me that he wasn't happy that it was empty i said well let me ask you a question i said i know you're discouraged that it's empty now but what would you have done if you did not have that money in the bank if you didn't have that savings what would you have done and his eyes got as we say biggest saucers and he said oh my goodness pastor stephen he said we would have been wiped out he said i wouldn't have been able to pay for the bills i wouldn't have been able to take my family member to the hospital the person could have died there's there's no telling um it's just um we would have been in a mess i said well praise the lord now you see the value of having a storehouse and he is so he got reignited again and he was back on it and uh you know the blessing if it works before it'll work again praise god so just jump right back into it so make sure that this is something that you implement into your life you'll have seasons in your life you'll have moments in your life where something big comes in honor the lord pay the tithe that belongs to god and then don't go out and spend the other rest don't just blow it all no always take something put it into that savings into that barn into that storehouse why because god's going to command the blessing on that and you may think well i'm putting a thousand away or 2 thousand away or or 200 away or whatever it might be maybe it's a lot more okay but that's great he's gonna turn it into a whole lot more by commanding a blessing on it so that's why you've got to get some into the savings you're not just putting uh if you put a hundred in there it's not like you're just putting a hundred in there because god can command the blessing on it that hundred through god's ability and and the miracle of the storehouse principle uh that that'll start turning into more just watch how it happens it's an amazing thing to walk out all right heavenly father i pray for your people that as they're honoring you today with the holy tithe and also sowing financial seed father i thank you that you are teaching them that wisdom is better than strength and we thank you for strength you give us strength but there must be the implementation of wisdom let that wisdom be distilled within the hearts of your people with the within the understanding of their minds and may their storehouses may they grow and grow and grow and grow and may they even hit the the area of not just being added to but maybe they even go into the area of multiplication now father we thank you we thank you for blessing your people in jesus name amen those of you that like to mail in your tithes and offerings please send them to stephen brooks international po box 717 moravian falls north carolina 28654 those of you that prefer to bring the tithe and offering in online is very safe secure highly encrypted please visit the ministry website stevenbrooks.org there is a link on the home page it's a red tab it's called basically says give and it has a heart on it and you can go there right now any time day or night and you can bring your tithe your offering into the storehouse here into the ministry now if you would like to sow some seed you have it up on your heart to give a special offering we have two projects that we're working on just click the web header that's called projects you'll see our projects if you would like to sow into those those would be a blessing as well praise god forever now let's jump into today's message i want to talk today about what in the world is going on and we find a very interesting text in the gospel of john chapter 14 why don't you meet me over there john chapter 14 we're going to be in verse 30 and let's open up today with the sermon uh by opening in prayer now father as we go into your word we thank you that the entrance of your word brings light it brings illumination it brings understanding and so we ask that the kindle of our heart be turned on be illuminated by your word that we could take it understand it walk in the light of it and enjoy all that you have planned and intended for us to experience as your children in the earth we give you praise we thank you for it in jesus name we all agree and say amen praise the lord hallelujah now again we are in the gospel of john we're in chapter 14 and i would like for us to drop down to verse 30 praise the lord now it says here i will no longer talk much with you this is jesus discussing uh many things with his apostles i will no longer talk much with you for the ruler of this world is coming and he has nothing in me well the big showdown uh the greatest showdown of all time uh the the cosmic battle of the ages was about to take place every demon on the planet was coming over to israel to uh get behind satan and to make sure that this evil agenda was pushed through and the angels are there watching the lord all of heaven is looking down this was an amazing moment and we're heading into that and jesus says i will no longer talk much with you in other words he's going to get real dialed in now real focused forehead like flint focused on the assignment and also there's a place in the in in this intense battle you don't want to do much talking because you've already done all of your preparation so now it's just time to walk it out and jesus when he was on this mock form of a trial and you know being ridiculed and being beaten and whipped and all that stuff he didn't do much talking he had he had some times when he would answer pilate or he would say certain things but the most of the time he just zipped it and he was quiet because he doesn't he doesn't want want to make any mistakes everything is on the line there's only a few more scriptures prophetically to be fulfilled that were prophesied about him he's going to take care of that while he's going to go through the scourging and so forth and then while he's on the cross he's going to get it all wrapped up right and he said i will no longer talk much with you for the ruler of this world is coming and he has nothing in me now that ruler of the world is the individual that we know as satan who used to formally be known as lucifer but he was uh terminated from his heavenly post and he was thrown out of heaven with one third of the rebellious angels that decided to side with him and he is now down here influencing the minds of evil men and he is the ruler over this world system and he does certain things through his workers and the hierarchy the structure of his dark kingdom where he is giving them constantly directions and instructions of things to do to constantly cause problems and for sin to in his hope to flourish but as believers we are no longer under his dominion or authority we are no longer in the kingdom of darkness we are now in the kingdom of light which is also called then scripture the kingdom of god's dear son and so we've been delivered hallelujah he doesn't have anything on us either praise god so it is important to know that satan is the ruler of this world there will be a time he's bound for a thousand years by michael the archangel satan will be thrown into what's called the bottomless pit then he'll pop out after a thousand years he'll be loosed again and only for a brief period of time to cause a little mayhem and that's really just a uh well it would take me a while to explain all that i don't want to get off track but that's just a short-lived uh thing as well and then eventually satan will be thrown into the lake of fire all the demons will be thrown into the lake of fire the beast and the false prophet they will already have been thrown into the lake of fire so the long story short is that we win praise god all right so we need to know what's going on because the ruler of this world he's the one that stirs up problems uh causes wars causes fighting causes riots he now he works through people he works through people how can he do that he is the ruler of this world and he works through these spiritual influences we see this very clearly in the bible second thessalonians chapter 2 verse 5 and i i have just got to read this to you from the phillips translation i don't often use the philips translation because it it's highly paraphrased but it's it's paraphrased so good that particularly in the epistles paraphrased versions can really shine when you want to get the literal meaning you've got to go back to more of a literal translation like uh you know american standard version or new king james version which is what i teach from most often 99 of the time but often uh in the epistles uh some of these paraphrases versions like the jb phillips which i'm going to read to you is absolutely beautiful so i would like to read to you verses 5 through 12 and we're talking today about why things are the way they are what in the world is going on out in you know in our country or in the other nations of the world when we see all kinds of crazy stuff happening and i'd just like to talk about that for a moment and read to you the words of the apostle paul verse 5. i expect you remember now how i talked about this when i was with you you will probably also remember how i used to talk about a restraining power which would operate until the time should come for the emergence of this man evil is already insiduously at work but its activities are restricted until what i have called the restraining power of god is removed when that happens the lawless man will be plainly seen though the truth of the lord jesus spells his doom and the radiance of the coming of the lord jesus will be his utter destruction the lawless man is produced by the spirit of evil and armed with all the force wonders and signs that falsehood can devise to those involved in this dying world he will come with evil's undiluted power to deceive for they have refused to love the truth which could have saved them god sends upon them therefore the full force of evil's delusion so that they put their faith in an utter fraud and meet the inevitable judgment of all who have refused to believe the truth and who have made evil their play fellow praise the lord that's the j.b phillips translation from 2 thessalonians 2 verses 5 through 12. my friends satan who is the ruler of this world he wants to bring forth the man of iniquity the man of lawlessness and you see lawlessness that would try to pop up but you know what just can't quite break forth just yet why there is still a restraining force that is in the earth and although the enemy would like to run wild he can't do it praise god he can't do it can't do it yet he can't do it yet and so some other things it's time for some other things now the devil will eventually have his time and his man that scripture is basically known as the antichrist will come forth just as slick and as polished as can be good looking smooth talker the nations will fall before him and say this is the man that we've been looking for oh yeah he he is if you want a liar if you want a fraud if you want a crook there he is because he's going to be full of the devil and all kinds of false fake signs and wonders and the whole enchilada of deceit and just the big mess of lawlessness there he is but you know what it's not time yet praise the lord not time yet the restraining force is still holding back this desire of the enemy to get this guy out there praise god well pastor stephen what is it time for what's it time for i'm so glad you asked we need to take a look at that today because it might surprise you but it's actually time for and it's actually your time praise the lord time for what pastor stephen time to arise and shy glory to god now let's go to that chapter from isaiah chapter 60 a very famous chapter and i want to talk about a few things concerning this today isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 arise shine for your light not the antichrist not the devil's finest moment no your light has come and the glory of the lord is risen upon you for behold the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness to people what is this deep darkness it's deceit and it's all of the lawlessness it's sin running wild and reaching its apex now it says but the lord will arise over you and his glory will be seen upon you the gentiles shall come to your light and kings the brightness of your rising the challenge that we face right now is to be aware of the darkness we could even call it as scripture does the gross darkness and i think we are aware of that so and we need to be but you can't make it your focus although you're aware of it you cannot make that your focus well pastor stephen what should we make our focus be should we make it the glory i mean it's talking about the glory coming upon us should we make the focus to glory um well that's going to be part of it but i wouldn't say that's really where you put your attention at either i would put the attention the focus on this arise shine for your lightest come what does that mean it means it's your time it's your time right now right now whoo praise the lord so i know that that statement would seem to go against logic why because of circumstances circumstances would tell you that this is the time of lawlessness it looks like it's all going to collapse and things are going to go really bad and everything is going to crash everything's going to burn and it's all over with and you know we might as well get ready to be beheaded by the antichrist or however that's going to play out no no he's still held back and although there is darkness out there morphing into gross darkness it's not really their time it's in the eyes of god it's your time it's your time and you really need to believe that praise the lord pastor stephen who is the restrainer who or what is the restraining force well i believe that as we're here in isaiah chapter 60 that if you would really like to know you can just go in reverse a few scriptures back up to isaiah chapter 59 and right there in verse 19. only two verses away from where we're kind of camping today you'll actually see a classic example of who the restrainer is verse 19 so shall they fear the name of the lord from the west and his glory from the rising of the sun when the enemy comes in like a flood and doesn't it look like that's going on with america and not just america but nigeria and uh other parts of the world that are going through their various challenges right now when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord will lift up a standard against him and that word standard refers to a war banner the spirit of the lord will lift up a standard against him one translation actually says an armed resistance and so that's the spirit of the lord just saying no it's not your time you may think you're going to overcome but you're not going to and god himself steps in now the context of isaiah 59 is really all of the sin all of the lawlessness truth falling in the streets injustice everywhere bribery taking place everywhere and god looking at it and saying i'm not really seeing much intercession i'm actually not seeing any intercession or any standing in the gap of this situation and i'm not applying that to america i believe there are many christians that love america that are praying for america and many of you in other countries you love your home country your home nation but this was a scenario where god said well if nobody else is going to deal with this god basically says i'll step in and i'll take over and that's what he did and god has the ability to uh lead the course of a king even if it's a wicked king he can lead their heart just like the water going through a river god can turn it wherever he wants to and he has that ability to do that so you may think oh the you know the enemy's just going to come in and it's all lost we might as well just get ready to meet the antichrist himself we'll probably see him on tv any day now but it's not it's not time yet when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord will lift up a standard against him most theologians and i would give them uh my thumbs up along with their uh deter their how can i say their opinion on this as well they believe that the restraining force is actually the holy spirit and i believe the holy spirit is the great restrainer now others have said and there's good points that it could be governmental authorities that often can be the the case because governmental authorities do implement laws but i don't think that's it because government authorities can become corrupt even those that are appointed to enforce the law can become corrupt whether it's judges whether it's law men or policemen or whoever it might be so there can be corruption and bribery that just rife we see that many countries around the world where um you can't trust law enforcement they're all bought out by the drug cartel or whatever the case might be so while there are various opinions about who the restraining force is some people think some theologians think maybe that's the church could be in a sense from the perspective of the holy spirit working through the church but i believe when you back up and look at it more fully also from a biblical perspective the holy spirit is the great restrainer and here you see him doing that very thing when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord will lift up a standard against him so the holy spirit is the restraining force and says devil you'll have your day but it's not today and you may you may have some skirmishes that you win but you're not going to win the overall war because it's already been one through christ so there is a line he can't cross there is an area that he can't go past why there's something restraining that is the holy spirit praise god so i'm here today to tell you that you know you may look at all the stuff going on and you may think what in the world is going on i'm here to tell you that what is going on is that it's your time it's your time praise the lord so let that be your focus and believe that and watch what god's going to begin to do in your life so if you're if you're thinking which would be logical if you're thinking well pastor stephen if this is my time then what should i expect to see concerning the manifestation of the glory because it says in verse 2 his glory will be seen upon you his glory will be seen upon you so if it is your time to rise and shine and i'm telling you prophetically because the lord has revealed this to me that it is then what expectation of the manifestation of this glory can you expect to see even in this present moment praise god even with circumstances out there that would look crazy and goofy saying it's the enemy's time no it's your time and here are three things that you can expect now his glory will be seen upon you one of the manifestations of the glory because the glory is is coming upon you one of the first things that you can expect and it's very very important is to receive visions from the lord and i have scripture for this uh it's actually one of my favorite chapters in the bible matthew chapter 17. let's take a look at it just for a moment praise god matthew chapter 17 verse 1. now after six days jesus took peter james and john his brother led them up on a high mountain by themselves he didn't take the 12. you had the circle of the 12 his closest ones to him but out of the 12 he took the three which we could call the inner circle praise god and it's like that even in the body of christ you have the you have the outer court you have the you have the inner court you have you have the holy place you have the holy of holies there's always different levels of those that really want to get close to the lord and that's something that's a personal choice a personal decision to make based upon how you live your life with god now of course the benefit of being close to him is that you get to go up on the mountain praise the lord so verse 2 and he was transfigured before them his face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as the light what's going on manifestation of the glory so they're seeing the lord in a fuller expression of his glory this is not the jesus that they see on a normal basis oh yes they've seen him signs wonders miracles the love compassion opening of the uh blinded eyes of the leper and so forth they've seen that but you know they see him every morning get up you know uh you know have to get dressed brush his teeth use the restroom go off do the thing you know eat food and stuff like that sleep they see all of that but this this is a new expression they're seeing they're seeing more of an expression of his deity than they've ever realized before he's all man but at the same time he's all god now he laid the god power down to operate as a man but he he never stopped being god and he still hasn't today he's still god and he's still man pastor steven i don't understand that that's okay it's called the divine mystery and it's a wonderful thing to ponder on praise god verse 3 and behold moses and elijah appeared to them talking with him what's taking place here a vision a visionary experience really it's a collective vision that they're all entering into peter james john jesus is seeing it but the others are pulled into the vision as well we know that from verse 9 now as they came down from the mountain jesus commanded them saying tell the vision see it was a vision it was a vision tell the vision to no one until the son of man has risen from the dead the moment that glory starts coming up on you the light the glory is rising on you get ready get ready this this realm of visions is very very real and this is something that the lord wants to do long as you're a child of faith you're child of god and you love the lord and you're open i i don't care if you're a pentecostal i don't care if you're charismatic i don't care if you're episcopalian or you're baptist or you're catholic or whatever you might be if christ is in your heart and you're open to receiving the things that god has for you get ready because when the glory comes and i'm telling you the light is here it's your moment now visions visions can take place and some of you have had some visions before but it's been a it's been a long stretch praise god i'm here i'm here to tell you i'm here to tell you get ready for a vision for some of you it could be your first one i'll never forget my first uh one in which i saw the lord because it happened when i was riding in a pt cruiser now um that was made by chrysler if i'm correct and you know what just the other day i saw i saw a purple chrysler pt cruiser right next to me when i pulled up and i said lord i know what's going on there because every time i see that it's like ringing a bell get ready get ready that always reminds me of when i had that versed vision praise god now they discontinued making that car years ago so if i see one sometime that's usually to me an indicator uh get ready praise god but i'm just here to tell you these these experiences are very real i'm not talking about something you imagined or something that you know in your in your mind i i think i've seen something while uh if you really are seeing something you really will see something i'm not saying this is something that you would try to fabricate this is something that is real from god praise god but when the glory comes in your time get ready for uh i wouldn't just call it inspiration i call it what the bible calls it a vision you're seen into the spirit so whether it's a spiritual vision a trance or a full-blown open vision like this one is get ready uh get ready because these are high water mark moments in your life and the lord doesn't want them to be uh you know these uh these things that only happen once and maybe what we would call a blue moon or super rare experience praise god get ready for a vision praise the lord hallelujah pastor stephen what else can i expect this is my time i see the chaos going on out there i see the gross darkness but the glory is coming up on us what else can i expect as i'm walking in the light praise god well that light will bring such a distinguishment from your life as to those that don't serve the lord and one of the things you're going to see is found in the book of malachi chapter four let me just read that to you and let me start in verse one just for a moment and just give uh this won't pertain to you but it will pertain to those that are out there in the world loving lawlessness loving wickedness and actually uh celebrating it uh this verse one would pertain to them for behold the day is coming and let me tell you it is there's nothing they can do to stop it there's nothing anybody could do to uh block it it's going to happen it is a predetermined prophetic event on god's calendar and it will come to pass for behold the day is coming burning like an oven and all the proud yes all who do wickedly will be stumbled that means they're going to get burned up and the day which is coming shall burn them up says the lord of hosts that will leave them neither root nor branch now verse 2 i want to talk to you now because of the glory the light being upon you praise god but to you who fear my name that you hallelujah respect you honor the name of the lord who he is his character praise god but to you who fear my name the son of righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings many of you are going to experience hear me very carefully you're going to experience a transformation in your health praise god i see longevity for you should the lord tarry should the lord tarry if he comes back sooner than we think praise god we're out of here that's fine with me but at the same time should the lord tarry you're going to live a long life praise god and i see that because of the glory and the guidance of the holy spirit on you and upon you i see things taking place with your body all the creaks and the squeaks and all the moans and the groans that stuff is going to just begin to leave you praise god and you're going to be healthy many of you are going to lose weight and you're going to get to what the lord designed to be your set body weight before you're ever born god had the plan for your body's structure and he's going to help you to walk in that place of optimum health praise god that does doesn't mean that maybe you can go out tomorrow and run a marathon i i i'm not saying it means something like that i'm not saying that within two weeks you're going to be able to bench press you know 600 pounds or you know maybe join the olympic team for 2021 in tokyo you know i'm not saying that but i am saying god's going to do a work in your body and i see health coming to you i see you being able to walk i perceive being able to laugh i see you being able to travel i see you being able to do the things god's got assigned you to do because health has sprung up in your body and that begins now praise the lord healing in his wings so cooperate with the holy spirit cooperate with the lord and that glory upon you praise god and god will get you exactly to where he has planned for you to be thank you lord jesus the lord is certainly good praise god he's going to help you get in shape now understand i i think i need to say a little bit a little more on that because of balance uh that doesn't mean that you know you're going to be living in the gym you know it doesn't mean that you turn into um one of these people you know uh you know you just you come like a fitness guru or fitness fanatic and then you lose all of your spirituality because you're so now you know focused on that but i am saying there is a place for uh giving attention to that and the holy spirit's gonna help you with that and he's going to expedite it so allow him to work with you knowledge will flood into you and it's going to be it's going to be an easy transition because the holy spirit's going to help you praise god and next and i'm just giving you the top three i want to give you uh three very important things the next thing that is going to come out of this being your time and the light and the glory being upon you is also found in the same verse verse 2 of malachi chapter 4 but to you who fear my name the son of righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings and you shall go out you ready for this and grow fat like stall fed calves praise the lord the lord is going to establish through his glory resting upon you he's going to establish financial strength in your life when you see the phrase grow fat that is a hebrew idiom that refers to growing strong financially praise god you're going to grow fat you are going to grow strong in your finances praise the lord and i believe there will be those of you if you have an interest you know god won't take you somewhere that you don't want to go but if you have an interest in this there are many that the lord is going to lead into the status of millionaires the lord is going to lead into the status of multi-millionaires and then there will be others that he will take further along that journey some have a designated assignment to go into that realm there's others that may uh just think i'd like to go there lord just uh just because i'd like to be a blessing praise god there's room on the financial blessing bus for you too so get on it hallelujah and grow fat financially the glory the glory is going to transform your finances let the weak say i'm strong praise god and you can make that confession over your finances you may not have a lot right now but you're going you're going to grow fat your finances are going to get stronger and stronger and stronger praise god so let the holy spirit help you in that area i heard something very interesting that the holy spirit just brought to my heart just before coming up to the pulpit and i'd like to share that with you in the same context of growing fat financially this would be found in the gospel of matthew matthew chapter four let's turn over there just for a moment matthew chapter 4 this would be the area in which jesus was tempted by the tempter himself matthew chapter 4 and let's go to verse 8. again the devil took him up on an exceedingly high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world watch this and their glory and he said to him all these things i will give you if you will fall down and worship me now uh some have said this was a false temptation satan really didn't have it he's just kind of like trying to bluff jesus and you know that but no no we we know this was a real temptation he actually had it uh that's why even jesus said as we started off in john chapter 14 verse 30 he is the ruler of this world he's he's got all of that he got it from adam when adam turned it over to him through his sin original sin there in the garden of eden so here we see that satan is making a play to offer these things that he has under his control to the lord if the lord will only uh fall down and worship him jesus in verse 10 he responds then jesus said to him away with you satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only you shall serve praise the lord now i heard my spirit by the holy spirit the words legitimate riches whoo praise god there is a lot of wealth out there that could be considered perhaps its legal riches but just because it's legal doesn't mean in the eyes of god it's moral but god is going to bring legitimate riches to his people who seized the moment of realizing that what many have prophesied particularly uh charles capps prophesied what he uh received from the lord as the prophecy called the financial inversion where provision is going to begin to flow to people who have prepared their hearts who are solid with the lord in principles and in character and it's going to begin to flow to those who will steward it wisely praise god so the lord wants to put legitimate riches into the hands of his people because he knows they'll use it for the right cause for the furtherance of the gospel praise the lord for the relief of suffering for the blessing of people primarily for the preaching of the gospel glory to the lord so i would i would highly encourage you to open your heart to this because this all goes along with the glory being seen upon you because remember satan said all of this glory has been given to me and i can distribute it to anybody that i want to so he's actually calling wealth and the resources of nations which you know it turned into an economic sense turns into basically what we know as finances and money he called it glory and jesus didn't say oh no that's not the glory the glory is really the glory on the ark of the covenant no jesus didn't argue with him he knows that is a accurate reference to glory because you see the same thing with solomon and the glory of the the kingdom of solomon uh because of all the gold and all the uh tremendous financial wealth that they had so the lord is going to bring that into the lives of his people so this is a time for visions this is a time and by the way the visions you know what to do with your assignment you know your assignment you know how to walk it out and this is a time for health and healing being brought to you on it's like it's coming in on wings it's going to come into your life on wings that's why i'm saying there's a grace to it you're going to get in shape you're going to get in shape praise god what normally maybe could have taken a year it's going to take two or three months and you're just going to go forward you're going to maintain that praise the lord and also this is the time to grow fat financially now again your challenge will be to believe the word or to believe circumstances that are going on out there in the midst of gross darkness but just realize the lord told you that the gross darkness would be taking place among the people and along with that is your moment he's going to rise over you and his glory will be seen up on you praise the lord so rise shine for your light your light has come get the focus over on what god is doing for you yes we're very aware out there all the noise all the ruckus but again get back into the secret place and in that place of peace and quietness the lord is saying this is your time to rise up and go i'll bless you i'm going to do these things in your life the glory is coming on you praise god expected visions healing and growing fat financially father i pray for your people that they be aware of the gross darkness that they be aware of the deception and lies and they distance themselves from that and they stay strong in the light the light of your word the light of your kingdom and father god they choose to believe what you say about the situation and not what all the negative voices of the darkness would say we thank you father god that this is the time where you're moving you're moving and we thank you father god for allowing us the privilege to be on the front lines to actually demonstrate it to others and others will see in the body of christ what you're doing and we thank you father god they'll be in too we thank you father for the first wave that's coming which is divisions visions are coming father pray prepare your heart prepare the hearts of your people to receive a vision thank you father god thank you father god and i would ask father god that they that you would help them to remember that once the vision is over help them to immediately write it down and get it into a recorded form so that it can never be lost or that maybe later on they won't have any questions about did he say this or i thought he said that lord let them write it down immediately thank you father thank you let us treasure your word father everything that you said you had it written down and so father when you speak to us through a visionary experience let us treasure your word let us write it down and show honor and respect to that which it is you would say to us father we give you praise we thank you in jesus name let us all agree and say amen praise god my friends if you're watching today and you don't know christ as your lord and savior and you're in the kingdom of darkness and you know it and you're not happy about it because you know the end of where that's all going to go and you want to come into the light christ makes salvation available for you today why don't you receive him right now into your heart pray this prayer out loud pray it from your heart pray it after me say lord jesus i'm a sinner but i come to you today and i ask you to save me jesus wash away my sins give me your new life write my name in your book of life and from this day forward step into my life take full control lead me and guide me thank you jesus i receive you now as my lord and as my savior in your name i pray amen and amen and my friends the lord has heard that prayer and he has answered his saved your soul you belong to him live for him praise god welcome into the kingdom of light welcome into the family of god now my friends let's take holy communion today grab some unleavened a little wafer will do just fine grab some grape juice let's pray over it heavenly father we thank you for the the bread the juice we set it apart as holy this is now consecrated as the body and the blood of our savior father as we receive the body of jesus we thank you father god that we choose to believe your word that it's our time and father you so often move in times when we would think maybe retreat or pull back or be quiet but so often that's when you would say go and you're saying that this is the time the glory is rising over you the light is here go forward and we thank you father god for the release of healing of growing fat financially we thank you for the release of visions a close walk with you and a hotline that's open with you between us and your voice we thank you father god we receive all that you have for us we receive visions we receive your blessings in jesus name amen let's receive the body of jesus hallelujah father thank you for jesus thank you for the holy spirit the great restrainer holding back the lawless one holding back the enemy's plan just to run wild it's not time for that it's not time for that yet we sit we see elements of it but father we thank you there's still the restraining work of the holy spirit we thank you that he lives within us we thank you father for jesus and his shed blood and father we ask that if we have committed any sins that you would forgive us you would wash all of our sins away and we forgive anyone who is sinned against us we forgive them completely and father we ask that you would lead us away from temptation and that you would deliver us from the evil one father for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever we thank you for the blood of christ in jesus name amen praise god let's receive praise the lord hallelujah glory glory to god praise the lord thank you jesus i really believe that the lord is going to touch some of these billionaires that are out there praise the lord we need to pray for them oh pastor steve we don't need to pray for them just let no no we need to pray not only for the poor we need to pray for the rich everybody needs jesus doesn't matter if you're poor middle class rich it doesn't matter everybody needs the lord we need to pray for them praise god i believe the lord's going to get some of them hallelujah and there'll be a blessing to the kingdom they'll be a blessing to the extension of preaching of preaching the gospel praise the lord hallelujah and it could be that some of them have been raised up for that purpose and they don't even know it praise the lord thank you jesus praise the lord so father we just asked that you would you would save many of these wealthy people they don't know you they've never heard the gospel it's like although it's out there they've it's never broken through to them so we ask for their salvation we pray for mr warren buffett father we pray for his salvation we pray for him to come to know you even if he never gives a penny into your kingdom yet father jesus died for him and we ask that the gospel would break through to him that you would give to him the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of jesus so that he could understand the message of the gospel we pray for bill gates we pray for these men father god that they don't know you we pray that they would come to know you and even if they never gave one dollar father to the kingdom but yet christ died for them we pray that they would not perish in their sins but they would receive christ as their lord and savior thank you father thank you thank you father for hearing this prayer we lift it up to you in the name of jesus amen and amen praise god my friends thank you for joining me today i look forward to seeing you back next time till then walk in the light walk in the glory and watch watch as a visionary experience is very soon coming to you it could come today be ready may the lord bless you bye-bye