here's our very special angel in this video tonight hallelujah you're going to be amazed to see what's going to take the legs out of the speed and there may not be 5,000 people in either we have a nice group here but the words that work through those that are here and some light things that have to take place in your life so I got ready to receive okay so let's pray Pepa we thought that we asked to this we'd go into your work tonight that you would not veil the scriptures that by your Holy Spirit your word would be eliminated and then we can step into it dislike the word became flesh that we have stepped into the work and experience these things ourselves now father we thank you for the work of your Holy Spirit in Jesus [Applause] I see one two hands praise the Lord it's a beautiful state a lot of cream a lot of green dislike here in the UK but maybe more agreement little more agreement in North Carolina where you stuck now I'm looking at verse one of the CBO chapter 14 it says in the 25th year of our captivity also there in captivity that's not a good place to be a lot of people right now they they love the Lord and they're safe they're all the way to heaven but at the same time there's a lot of captivity in their life don't raise your hand affection maybe behind the scenes they can't quite live what they talk and they not what they talk is true they know the gospel power they know God's plan but the reality there's many people that love the Lord in their private life and their secret life there's still things are struggling with still issues they're trying to overcome I just want you to know that God's going to move these people on from that plane not sturdy than all kinds of music and God sees these situations and he sees and it's time for his people to cross the Jordan River go into the Promised Land because I needed to make to also tell you that your days of window shopping are over that would be nice to have experiences with God like what pastor specifically talks about but we're going from just kind of like talking about it - actually the okay see now this is for the world for the unbelievers this is what they need they don't need any more explanations they've written these demonstrations and so for the unbeliever the demonstrations that never remember this they're lost right they don't understand serious stuff so for the unbeliever that demonstrations it has to be stuffed into bacon in any way see or or behold the more experienced or encountering okay so that's gone demonstrated through you she Isaiah 60 says the glory the Lord shall descend upon you right in the midst of darkness the glory is going to get very very brilliant on your life with God doing great events in the Lord it is in you really the show off through you thinking about Jesus okay so we're going to be crossing over into the promised land I think there's a lot of mystery shopping out there not in attendance planned but there's no rooms really if you don't really suit the blessing hallelujah but God's going to beginning to deliver his people saying it could become very very strong in the 25th year of our captivity that beginning of the year on the tenth day of the month and the 14th year after the city was captured okay he's giving these negatives here was really good about things technically understand that Ezekiel he was a prophet we thought that but don't forget he was also a ruse showing that he understood all the stuff about the way the temple was to operate the the role of the priests and the Levites you have extends all of that so really this is the beginning of the day of national room and so that in a lot to the Jews even though they're in captivity trust me how to celebrate eat on the Passover okay so they're in Babylon in captivity so they're far from true so they have their temple the particulars they destroyed but they still know this is a special day God's going to turn their captivity and he says says here that the city was captured on the very same day the hand of the Lord was upon me and he took me there Oh that starts to get fun get ready I believe me to be able to step into this now he says the hand of the Lord was on me anytime you see the reference in the Bible light on the hand of the Lord that's the Spirit of God okay that's the Spirit of God moving upon an inner woman to do something okay so the hand of the Lord comes upon me Ezekiel and it says and he took me there like that now this really involves being translated in the spirit now I believe here where she says he's translated in a vision so he necessarily didn't get lifted up by his body and take although that has happened many times in the Bible right at all we had Elijah the prophet who was taken a lossy into heaven right and Enoch was also translated into heaven Allah so there do such things of translation even to the point where the king of Israel is looking all over the place for election he's in hiding for three and a half meters he finally hops out after three and a half meters and he tells to keep serving hey I'm here I've been crying I've been hiding right knee to nose the whole time we never knew it tell the king gonna show myself today tingle and the servant says although there's no way I'm leaving here because you'll you'll like disappearing and if the Spirit of God just loses you intend to sort of hide you in other words they knew that happened involved he's like no no about I'm gonna stay here I'll wait for the King to show up and so he did he stood there you know the rest of the story but there's translation in the spirit just like Phillip who after he had baptized the Ethiopian eunuch he was translated from one place to another place as soon you both were writing the book of Acts so he was actually translated physically 44 miles away into another city and there's going to be more translation taking place now it may begin with you being translated in the spirit where he is going to be lifted from from Babylon Iraq and translated in a vision where he's actually seeing what's taking place in the last days over the nation of Israel hallelujah now you know see earlier in the movie he was also translated it is he a chapter 8 and he saw how the glory of God was lifted off of the nation of Israel he's taught that people stare watching that and the Lord wants to be able to use you because hear me now there some countries you can't travel to today preach the gospel if you do you're stolen probably within 30 minutes or you're get locked up and you'll disappear you'll never hear from you again it stops to go to those countries like you can go there by the tracks like you're supposed to do and that become great stuff story one of one of manic dock in Africa that when whenever the Holy Spirit wanted the tracks like him the word Lord would come to the Prophet to this man of God and say go to the airport but they'll take you past one we won't need this so to the airport and when you get to the airport going to the bench restroom going to one of the stalls close the door that took your hands became commercial thing and he would do that and he couldn't go to the airport and not go into the bathroom go to stop those tore them to the same start praising God and then you turn around walk out of the stall and be in the bathtub of a different country and you go there and preach to you what he's done with his assignment go back to the bathroom and start praising the Lord and turn back around and walk back out of the stall now he's back in this home and opened up before and over you know of course we love Kenneth in Florida : maybe like a sister Gloria Copeland she's a teacher's well very good teacher she talked about the pastor from Eastern Europe for many years really followed that principle about the Apostle Paul said that although absent in the body I observe your activities and I'm watching what's going on in the churches I'm not there but in the spirit not showing me what's taking place and this one pastor in Eastern Europe he he what he could develop he didn't so he had all these churches underneath his apostolic covering and so he would be taking their it personally had preached there and he would go from church to church to church by being translated by the Holy Spirit in person and tricks they're not just watch what's going on but he's very a person being moved by the spirit but in all ended on Monday that all ended on Monday would the Turkish side together in the body of God and translated love but you know that was also what God wanted them good smooth into that you know use your faith for other things because she had to give you a penny for that you build your faith up in that and he's walking on that with this state bringing stuff now in the Catholic Church there was a great Senate he was a little easier from the many people to connect with them see it Nestle until 1968 so he was like a modern day air attack same this thing was not repealed anybody ever heard of healing he was easily okay a great man of God actually at his funeral over 1 million people attended his funeral it was a true prophet walk in prophetic ministry for over 50 years had this trick model with the men Mel stars in nitrous cars actually holds in his hands and great great coffee but I remember reading because sometime there were some men talking this is a in 1960 they came to visit him at the monastery and they were talking about the you know the modern era not jet jet engines before we need to track travel commercial and you could you can fly now on a jet and then for so much faster and one of the men was saying you know you can now apply for Rome Italy all the way to New York and it only takes 11 hours and pop ups in 11 hours he said no one takes me about five seconds but he was going all the time Oh read about his testimonies and they were there he appeared to be all over the planet in person in person counseling them go into the hospitals and he never met the monastery but the hundreds and the hundreds of testimonies of people that said what they came to me and talked to me and walked into my house you know regular doorbell at all and just stuff like that are you ready to go deeper with the long see sometimes we can just read these things and then that that's just old testament stuff that's going on today family community my god buck Jones and his wife Bonnie they asked even killing the student a movie deal and I thought this is fun I gonna be prophet buck Jones I heard about this man it appears here's what was said about this man he goes he goes to heaven is the way you go to the grocery store now as you said he doesn't happen more often than to go to the grocery store and you know these things do you think they're gonna be true truth and that even though when I spent time away they might doubt that it was more true than what doesn't he could just keep it up he was so developed and it's faded he could go now he's his tops wouldn't match his pants could he go ahead his hair the baby was not cold and he couldn't cook talk very good it wasn't educated but in the spirit realm he was extremely developed and he was it was wrong and all the place your spirit ooh hallelujah he's been in heaven now for four years and people are still having encounters as he fell asleep from heaven to hurt the still busy people today great stuff I'm just saying these things are here inheritance let me give you a little insight started off in ministry me and Kelly found ourselves greatly involved in what is known as were things Jenna take Jenna : Linden also a very large of ministerial Alliance that was formed and that was my common information Association for by Kenneth Hagin and anybody Harrison and all those guys and so we were involved in that and we were serving at that and we love them work they still do today it's the foundation pre-winter who we are but I found out that that they were happy to let them brother Hagin prophesied but outside of that they just work to hip on the supernatural they stood on the prophesied and all that think I can do it but many of them were very shy of the supernatural and so I just realized that I wanted to further I kinda let the Lord lead me and while I still have friends with the entity that might have to be there becoming the president of that ministry or associations of the world like you know rudra Minister I knew that there were some other things go ahead for me and so I have to kind of like walking with the Lord the Lord began connected me with other ministers around the world that walk in the same anointing that well in the supernatural and I found out hey there's different there's like many streams in the body of Christ you know like Joseph had the coat of many colors like this it's Israel the nation yeah how many tribes we've got twelve tribes right but there's still one nation but you have these different streams within Christianity and the Lord were leading into these different streams on twenty people there are D people in the spirit sometimes I think when the Catholic Church then very rare indeed I'm telling you they run circles around most minute customs well they don't want to attack the church certain they can't be safe you'd be surprised he stopped I've met some people that had a heavy duty long heavy walking the steward but yet they're Catholics bring it's done amen well but you float with the anointing that God has for you can you say yes when you begin to go over into the realm of the blowing realm and God they used to open your eyes and you begin to have this is super nice encounters with angels or the Lord Himself I need to tell you this what you see is what you see things are like what's going on like is he feeling he saw some of the most amazing stuff you know these creatures with four different bases that these things are all very very real and so I want to prepare you for these things and share some things with you because sometimes it may seem how can we say far out but then you start studying the Word of God you're like a whole lot of it that's in the muscle and so there's much more for you to experience can you sing yes yeah it's like flying over the Pacific Ocean or the Atlantic you look down and you think that's a lot of water and it is but remember that's just the top there's also dead that's what taking you into I believe a released lesson he sent from Jesus tonight I believe in receive a bless that verse to into the issues of God he took me into the land of history now said that same visions of God praise the Lord it's time to have visions of God this is your inheritance in Christ these are things that the Lord wants you to experience very quickly there's three types of visions you have I look at you I see we've come to that tonight not proper to tell you this but I'm going to tell you this okay there's three types of Asians the number one type of vision is called a spherical vision and it happens you sleep with your eyes closed and your eyes are closed then you start seeing something on the image screen of your mind okay that's holiday spirit revision but the to know that even out of the world's leading prophets if I were to start making names of all the prophets the space - that is still the number one type of mission even that they have it's just a spiritual vision okay now there's another higher levels the second type of aging would be called the trance remember the Apostle Peter Acts chapter 10 he's on top of the house and he's praying and it says he fell into a trance and then it goes on to talk about the vision that you saw on trance is a vision okay a trance is when your physical senses are suspended and when you go into a trance you're going to don't think about what's going on with your Bob all you know it's like I think I'm gonna do four grand I'm in a different world this is this is amazing and you know you're not even really aware that maybe you're in your kitchen or during your bedroom on your knees praying okay you fall into a trance okay the times I'd say probably 90% of the time where Jesus has allowed me to heaven truthfully heaven it's almost always been in the trance okay now number three the highest level of these would be called an open vision okay an open vision is when your natural eyes just like right now they're Wagaman right in your scene okay even also start seeing into the spirit room at the same time and that's when things get very exciting that's some things get a lot of fun and it's just like you can even talk to the person next to you while you're like see this time see you soon everything else was an actor - Wow praise the Lord now remember in the Gospel of Matthew I believe is chapter 17 when Jesus took the three leader James John they would not all top of the mountain and they had what's called the Transfiguration experience Jesus clothes lit up super brilliant many people he's mortified and they came down the mountain they can't doubt about that and Jesus said television to no one at this time so they took what he said is what you saw there was a vision that was a vision what kind of illusion and open vision and Peter James John all saw it at the same time we've had corporate prayer meetings that have Church before where the whole prayer group is found talkin to the same old wood vision and we all see the same thing at the same time what time we all got taken in - it was like an enemy camp where a trophy room was kept where demons evil spirits forgotten things that have been stolen from the body of Christ and at the same time one of the lot of the girls in the other in the prayer groups and I see a sphere it's not a spirit another song that bursts in reading all kinds of different things that the enemy had taken from the church where we took it what you see is what you see and you can just go look whatever begins to open up you step into it can you say yes and you'll be surprised how things might surprise you with you you start to realize oh I didn't know that I didn't know that that is true not always is there any tradition not all Angels have blonde hair I've got angels before with hair as black as a raven just beautiful black hair Wow there there's an angel they got in the ratings of Falls that appears Halston on a certain mountain and she always had food here ready don't think that's funny some of you might have been here but there's different claims you see okay I want to share this because of where we're going so if the visions of God he took me into the land of Israel landed it set me on a very high mountain on it toward the South was something like the structure of a city okay so he's trying to see something that pertains watch this that pertains to his colleague he's a prophet and he's a priest all his priest we need a perfect person to show the future than the lieutenant to understands all that stuff so God's going to give him a vision of something that lines up with his degree recalling that lines up with God to sign them for his life now when you have a vision when you have a supernatural experience it's not just to tickle your toes it's not something you tell your best for the next time guess what I saw that that freedom but I've tried to tell you there's purpose you have to look for the purpose and you have to also live because usually in these type of encounters there's what I would call prophetic meaning okay you see what see lettering like she wearing that why is he wearing a role with that color all these things that means what's the saying did you know that although Michael has and get rid of that surname it doesn't mean that all the others know this because the names aren't mentioned give her something think about that so I what the alone can actually set the other angels don't have minutes because not only am I gonna get in here so all the others walking on heaven confuse bumping into each other they all have names it's not necessary it's not how is it sir to know the name of an angel but inquiring minds often want to know and if you ask all the time so tell me and sometimes they told me without even me asking but I thought there's more bags but well I'm just like a little talking to and I just like if you're talking for 30 40 minutes of each with your style of worship brave soul alright let's continue long so he's taking to the Land of Israel on a very high mountain toward the south was something like the structure of the city now what he's going to see is the future Millennial Tim now very Moses built a Tabernacle in the wilderness you may need to call up the tabernacle of Moses large shipments trust me okay but then later back to that anything house was built by Solomon David got the plans got the blueprints David breaks the money but his son saw the Milton it was known as Solomon's tomb but then that's destroyed they come by the Babylonians and then they came along in siravo's period and rebuilt it you to read about that works for your Bible in the book of Esther so he had Charles simple not as glorious you know not even close to installing them but nevertheless they did get another house of saud director now later Herod came along clear off journals typical chemical foundation expected breaking the foundation and the oldest known as heretical and that was the temple that Jesus went into during its time during this day during his time the minister but heretical was destroyed in AD 70 [Music] about it in one way because if you notice an end time again but the next symbol that's going to be bill is the typical actually that the Antichrist is going to walk into and he'll against Lee desecrated and the violent and announced to the world that he's done but that took was only going to last for a very brief period then it will be destroyed then this symbol that he'd seen in the vision is going to be built and it will last for a thousand years and that's often called by the oh just a little tipple and that's going to be built in the Land of Israel handling it and so the public view chapters of you or if you like numbers and every garage and stuff like that that German that your book okay and if you want to know let's talk along in the Libya which is going to look like how big would need it tells you all that over the next floor challenge now verse three he took the ferry and behold there was a man whose appearance was like the appearance of bronze now this man is thinking you could call it like a heck of a tour guide wisely also has a lot of architecture student so he says that Black's gay that's necessary things are long and a measuring rod in his hand that brought was about 11 feet tall and he stood in the gameplay and in verse 4 he says something look with your eyes and humor your ears and fix your mind on everything I've shown you that remember I think she has a purpose and also reflect this a short ministry is spend a long memory write down your encounters write down your issues if you have one of these experiences write it down because there might be some things you don't understand about it but six months later or a year later do it revelation on any sense so he's totally right now and didn't to declare those things to the house of Israel but look at verse three at the beginning of it he took me there and behold there was a man whose appearance was like the appearance of bronze this is a rough Sophie you can never see those pursuits of the black people like myself whatever reason for you to grow tan they get so tan they almost look like you've been in the tanning bed a little too long here appeared looking striking to look like you're a piece of bronze or metal or some like that well I had a very interesting situation but before I jump into it also where's my bottle of water there it is right there great stuff I'm going to get a little bit of water sometimes I just let you know so that's good laughs yeah three balls let me just open that up real quick but I need a little water will drink here I'm trying to control myself listening to heavy water I'll talk about eating myself since uh-oh brain stuff this was just a couple years back and I consumed I was in Taiwan and the the conference host had taken me to a rural area and there were people ministers from all over Southeast Asia to be in his feed there's a very high charge high-powered spiritual meeting now this is what's interesting is that a lot of pastors came from even from China but technically they're not allowed to go through a meeting like this because the government bans in there they're very sick what they'll do is still act like they're going on a tour the lashes are both on a tour and tour the island of Taiwan but they'll disappear to route or get their comfort our meetings and then when I readings are over there picks back up with the tour and nobody ever notices they were gone so then the third spot sometimes to get into the things of God you gotta be hungry and so I was 50 ministry we're having really good meetings and the hotel in the break for a couple of hours and when I was afraid I was all my knees just like this not strength and as I was worshiping the Lord the Lord God came into the room I mean tremendous weighty weighty heavy glory that's what the word Chabad referring to the Lord it needs lady than a real heavy girl already came into the room and I live into a spiritual vision because my eyes were closed that was great but I saw right before me this being this heavenly being come down and I can see his feet and I saw something that I've never seen my life before this was an angelic beam and the first thing I saw was his feet and his feet were completely bronze and I don't know and I look at this bro he was wearing her and it's worthless bronze if his hands were bronze his face ears I thought my goodness and this is this angel we need to talk to them and he said they said my name is Boaz but there was a hippie hippie girl or she was talking a heavy presence of the Lord he said my name is Boaz and I had helped me here to talk with you and share some things with you he said I am the angel that is in charge of releasing financial provision to ministers [Applause] he said he said I had 3000 angels that work beneath my command the thing I tell them to do because we bring we bring the provisions of ministers who had kind of a sameness that it's twice some ministers are frustrated in their calling then wonder why is their lack of provision and oftentimes it is because they're trying to get into things of their called them to do so they tried to eat into projects god never ordained and then they get into a struggler do you remember when jesus since the twelve and then he's tended to Stephanie and they all came back really excited real happy Jesus even except to come out of your name even you know people are getting saved and he'd open the demons are subject to us in your name and he said he has to question these let me ask a question he said when I said she catch that what I sent you you take the checkbook go and he stays out when I since you did you lack anything all of them said no that if I actually like you today God did insist on that system into that project now that I'm taking something all that I've never told them to take on now they have a burger they've got never created and that's why I wasn't John's a heck man but if you walk with the Lord and you could have that straight package got for you you don't get any particular projects give me bit to give you assignments but it'll send that provision because sure the kingdom music playing burgers light so something's suppress students in the wrong way we need to ask the Lord nor the buccinator on to turn or have my baby embarked on a journey he never told me to start so we have to be very careful that we know that the leading to the Holy Spirit sometimes things were possibly he said I have to know the earth since the Bronze Age well that's very fitting with your color but this seems like a very very wavy glory very weighty glory and healing and I want to talk a little bit tonight about the Angels guts their vision for your life and you going into the door and we'll see into that great okay now nobody just a moment to the Book of Ruth chapter 2 shake it that extra trunk of the room chapter 2 some theologians say that that runs man bronze angel blood maybe pay me to think of the name or a reincarnate appearance of Christ I don't believe it was I believe that was just a bronze and John tie beam or bronze man as you see or call them the reason I say that is because bronze does not correlate to deity deedsy always correlates to gold okay when you see God in Scripture and you see what symbolizes him look at the furniture in the tabernacle of Moses from the typical solvent usage of heart that would come in an overlay to the flood bronze gold right everything gold the candelabra the the the incense altar everything it's all okay so no response to DDT still are always speaks of redemption but wrong referring to new judgment judgment oh there's a lot when you say about that I'll try to try that in just a moment that's sort of Ruth in chapter 2 verse 1 now assist there was a relative of Naomi's husband a man of great wealth say that say a man of great wealth of the family his name was what was his name this name was poetic now though as in the Hebrew contains strings what I want you to notice here that the bow as was a man of great wealth I believe there is going to be Angela Hill released through to cling to the ministers where though as donors are going to be assigned to you tonight watch out now here's something that the angel told me in that visitation that this is what he said to me well you will have many donors he said on special projects all in Texas from the headstone okay I remember that when Dee recited Robert Schuller America was building up the Crystal Cathedral even he knew I'm not going to get the lift in the momentum I need on this massive multimillion-dollar project until somebody comes forward with one big money and one big offering hitches and that's exactly what happened I say to them oh my starter and it brought in so much money did everybody else got excited as well like we want it on that and then before you knew it the whole thing was paid off raised up heavily in America we had the largest Christian University in America actually that today's largest through the university that working with Liberty University family by about fury call them but dr. Hoffman ran into a real element in the mid-eighties when there were some television scandals in America and they're giving to school dried up and it's over to that point they had paid everything off in debt their dormitories gen3 doing the administrative buildings debt-free but that money stopped flowing he said we had to start father over they have to keep operating and battery and they went into into debt to the tune of about seventy million dollars action that was closer to like a hundred million dollars and he almost said this took the university down they almost lost full accreditation the day because nobody wants from accredited university that that much in debt is too unstable and then if you university can't issue they're local or something nobody wants to go there so he did a forty eight baths and he died he support anybody the words do not want to talk with you about money you get your heart right with me because he had sort of also in politics he's running all over the place and it kind of drifted his relationship over towards photo and said now I'm ready to talk with you about money and he went right back into another forty day fast so other days he fasted eighty days out of that okay so he came off the second 40 daebak's and although the Lord didn't say anything to you something was going to happen and it was just a few days after that a man walked to his campus amanda was of the last owner and gave him a check did you see okay see the best donors assigned by the Bible or the Angels working under the command of a great commander of the armies of heaven and you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] donation keepers you're going to attract this permission another time it started with disco happiness this is stuff that happen discuss you do your homework you walk with the Lord here are beautiful principles and then guts its permission because he knows you wouldn't use it for the king okay now let's dig a little deep there was a relative of the only husband great well what was his name [Music] okay now for those of you that would not be called to what we would traditionally call full-time ministry let me talk to you for a moment God wants to make you a bow a stone you may not be the minister with the bonus you know with the project where you're saying God give me some help know what I believe that you could help you get this done but you can be that person that got in powers so that you can say pastor I got you back I'll be the first on the right leg check the even if it's a hundred dollars or a hundred pounds this might not shake the water with us start cracking praised all and then the next thing you know you're giving ten thousand over 100,000 minutes behind you connect us together okay so I have a dissertation from the angel Boaz who was completely wrong you can imagine that all the big projects all you need is one though that's donor that want to get involved also they're so angry they need to participate but all the big projects in the past or an internship and he said feast on those special projects on biggest one and he was next to saying we're going to work the man we consume we consume speaker I gotta be black I love boats I've got lost in the spirit and I'm not like my half drunk in the spirit and I get my stuff and I walk it to me they take me to the meeting they open up the doors leading and the speaker is finished I'm the next one up and he's pretty to them tremendous almighty and it's a feast for spider him and he's pleading but he's pleading with the ministers ministers to the students all over Southeast Asia all over China all over South Korea they come from all over to receive him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that what your vision what's your vision your picture this and it needs to be international in the stock international is too small start to touch nations [Music] [Music] the heavenly thought that you see every hand up you see every man every moment of Doug this year and you know the excitement should give it the beautiful projects to do these projects will take millions of dollars and millions of dollars but probably right now with spending released not into their bodies [Music] receive Jesus god bless you those of you that want now to be negativo Westover you stand men can't we have business big business women we have housewives we have those that maybe if you want God to make you a bonus this is for ladies also handling than God but God can just touch you and empower you he says that I say 48:17 that they don't teach you to prophets do draw the power and you the most obscure it's just politics here we can W Street every part of woman now want to take them in interpersonal great will make they guard their integrity maybe guard their ethics people [Music] [Music] you spell your movie uses well - suekichi sustain receipts in the presence of the Lord tonight we're going to talk some more about angelic visitations look at this just ball - I just do best I want to move past this move into some other things but Luke chapter 8 just a moment just showing you something I think you might get interesting phrase the whole chapter 8 verse 1 now it came to pass afterward that he went to another city there were preaching and bring glad tidings of the kingdom of God and the twelve were with him okay so with that 12 men full-time all staff right those men I believe all there were memory and they and children so Jesus has to be the one when the revision is coming in to support its full-time members now and greatest um so that's what empower you but to me empowering you did help support these great kingdom projects you can your heart is full can you sing it thank you Lord Jesus now I love to mention a few things about leaning in and stepping into supernatural nation's number one having get into it has just been begin to open it up I want to say this first of all the way of experiencing visions is being something rare you've got to get out of that mode of thinking but we're making what's written here teenagers remember about music or something like that we used to think the same thing about prophecy and this was typically before God raised up dependent now [Music] [Music] the tongs so the other kids and they that's you can get pregnant and you yourself with the spear just pray and spoon and you promise and you may start off and you may say Sister Act the Lord shows me this before you know you start from the Sun and this is what happened to me because I was - were a baby and then also threw me over into the prophetic pool and I went to the church long time and you know beginning important prophecy you know mr. a little few people prophesy and [Music] [Music] you will have suffered Moving's at times but if you wait only for that you might have a lot of time in between that's just toned down time so you can lead to step into your r2 and it's a lot more consistent than what you thought so yes let her in 2016 in the January and talk with Jesus he appeared to be a vision and he stood before me face-to-face and talk with me about my ministry and one of the things he told me he said you hadn't completed phase two of your industry we are now in the third phase of your ministry they talked to you that new minister sushma moment didn't take the break-up of God shared that when Jesus can't be the one time in initiative Jesus told Kenneth Hagin that every Minister will have four phases of ministry in there right now one of them Alexis this is amazing Jesus told Kenneth Hagin the vision most ministers most of the ministry that's true they don't know how they don't break they stuffed the little one in the never get better so as you okay [Music] [Music] [Music] I was trying we stopped off the certain stage to business the pastor brings they supposedly come hang out with us there's a conference going on and also speaking sorted for me was just keep back next time and so that one after one of the speaker's was done we're in the back of the room you know with the speaker's relaxing and probably Bob Jones was there I'm gonna get vertical by the way okay so he's he's there he's just kind of walking around and he looks at me he says oh he said he said he said he said [Music] I and in a fool I would know because he said going up there's my spirit just put her straight up and and he's asking me to Easton now what do you say and I said and I'm walking in the city I saw them walking down the streets of gold they said well they used to keep on walking so I get stuck and then turned into a dirt path and then I went out to the country and they're not messing you dirty so you can walk with your feet still stay clean so I have that dirt path and goes up to the country so that you said where you have my son at the country and he said so he said ministries if you're called to the nation's and began the prophesy over be very very rapidly and we've been burning backward to the nation's ever since but all the time any day and usually know the truth was everyday lives don't matter we need to learn to live in the spirit not just get into the spirit of the times you know whatever might be please deliver the disturbance praise but then you can respond you can respond the I wouldn't ever stop Mary this is back in 1996 I got around proper chuckle in and it was it was the Prophet then the folk gospel businessman still international he was like a good prophet and he would read all the bitches and stuff like that and I choked and I said Chuck my said I said you give me a prophetic word he said sure and I said well you just kind of a big meeting in done this is you need time to rest he's ready to go I said like that he says it's all those things on Turtles and begin to walk in it so it's not some kind of rare occasion that happens once maybe every 20 years that's why given so I can impart this it to you get this activated you're like can you say yes and so those of you that are already floating in it you just go be the best to plan and you're Jesus okay but let me talk a little bit about I cover the price tag don't get nervous it's not like this money this is a price tag this price tag pings all the approaches to the spirit really I would say that the price tag to move into this more deeply is exposure now watch this I still in there I was pre to the best church and my been through the Baptist church the pastor got on the steering his five couple of the sphere and she was she had never been of the state every she's almost 40 years old what's that call you exposure and when you don't have exposure you can't get into certain things I said bless your heart I think that had exposure to anything I said what kind of a job do you have do you have you know where you know the industry our tennis like up to engineers for the chicken that particular factory you know so money so education so anybody to talk to the jitters just I just did a good job I said no exposure absolutely pray for me let me pray for you least atlas for her to get a good chop and then two months later depressed Republic she said it's a master's degree similarly to the job my wife god she's thinking she got this job with a large telecommunications company that hired nerves of you company came into town and they just began descending groban begin the took over the telecommunications in that area of the state and she's making over $40 now to start off with all these bonuses and benefits that stock benefits she's pulled into the money raised on so how do you get into the exposure you start eating burgers that's where I started doing I want to what do they see for she said welcome to be movie to mine I slightly Nevada breed even sings to [Music] [Music] [Music] her house become friends with her [Music] [Music] now [Music] when church members I said you need to get ready you brought some food with about two weeks there's gonna be an angel is going to come to you to show you something about your future hidradenitis reading something about Ben lady that he was supposed to marry to a single and they said okay I'll be ready but what they had saw about two days later he was gross and it's just a soothing calm by Alice for presence abnormally strong and I looked and I saw was a huge menacing they've just come in and you know he really like to watch us and it was it was through my status he was incorrect and questioned and he said no really successful [Music] [Music] [Music] okay he's full of wisdom but he's tiny he does things like that on purpose great stuff okay what happens while you do this we need to enclose riser that helps just lean into it just say learn what's going on begin commercial start going up to you when it opens up lean into the totally ignored emails totally ignore text messaging so I just turn out just go it okay go with praise God thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord this is just for a moment just close your eyes okay right where you're sitting just leaving for a moment just sleep okay just practice just swinging woo that's because thank you Jesus just single and I'm ready [Music] just my hands good but I really want Lord thank you this is a sign of spring okay some of you just close your eyes never begin to see color the first time I've ever taken the heaven that thing is still today stands out to me because the color is in the colors around the throne room I saw the color of orange and I'm coloring in a way I've never seen before the colors were alive they were dancing it actually started swirling around like ribbons they started playing and with me they were playable I saw the most beautiful colors of coordination orange embers is the energy of God I saw yellow representing the knowledge of God some of you will just beginning to see colors hallelu other right now hearts open I just release the grace for impartation and visitation and see into the realms of heaven even the most special times Lord Jesus when even you would visit your people thank you Father we take off the old garments the old ways of thinking then this is making only for maybe if you select prophets like you might to me or Moses but God you see that is for the now Lord right now I release people I thank you that what you give it to me you said like you society receive and I can freely be so the prophetic anointing that I love you I believe over your mind palace prophetic grace to see into the spirit greater receive in the name of Jesus something special is about to happen [Music] I want to release the grace dispelled in the spirit realm and the fragrances were to begin to go home right now the fragrances of heaven many people to begin to smell profuse in flowers so father we worship we give you praise maybe indigestion there's been an ulcer [Music] we're singing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ the boys were reviewed by critics right now Jesus the Lord sent you freaking delivers your mind right now an evenness refrain that enjoys MW right now that thing over the day of Jesus something has been on your back you can't work even more troops about your beverage and the spirit of heaviness and this is more than disconnect from the Bible [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the vocals were coming into the room and a very bright [Music] all three verse 20 of C and agreement doing this feed the spirit and both angels we do charge go for and the simple [Music] abilities [Music] all those important agencies just world I wanna give opportunity tonight to so to the selecting believing God for a public signature would be to be released by the way every database to believe it now that and then at the station of a special Melbourne so this without your CV both at sea now we're going to not crazy stuff if you want to make out a check you can make it out the Steven Brooks if you want to give people the offer you could do that as well great stuff do we have a credit card giving Lawrence do we have any of those available tonight if not there's something on the product table where you can do that Israel praise the Lord we have those here tonight Susan's coming back so that's just a moment those of you that you're in your heart c6 the word got a bucket seats the soil I special oil and spilling fresh there's so much okay watch this those things so tonight and summon all the spirit owns you to do before the marker my worst before the New York sounds you will be empowered by God to give the largest our freedom ever taken in your life watch guarantee here it is so less than before the year is out the ministry that God is attacks your heart to okay you will be able to go to that ministry and so the largest see you've ever saw in your life okay so tonight so two words that ministers but I started okay the rest of you basically just put this on your offering Lord being the mos maybe neither Boesky Lord thank you are Jesus we're not just a moment Jesus [Music] [Applause] I bought myself the fresh oil in 1080p which is just furious all over the solvent act so father I've said they I said myself a bank with an agreement with your people tonight that exhausting at times daddy for this year's out they're gonna be able to sew the largest seed ever sewn in their life is born into the ministry that you designate get Wars [Music] people receive the last owners with their approaches and we can Ukraine so we thank you for this harvest money back before this year's house in the name of Jesus