good morning my friends this is pastor stephen brooks welcome today to morning glory today we're going to be in the gospel of mark chapter 2. i'd like to invite you to grab your bibles and meet me there as you can see i'm out on the road today traveling we are in southern california pastor kelly and i having a good time ministering the gospel and traveling lifting up the name of jesus so i'm honored to have you with me today as we are meeting in mark chapter 2 to have a good time in the word of god today let's pray heavenly father as we go into your word we thank you that the entrance of your word brings light and we thank you that light that understanding gives us the solutions to to the various problems and challenges that we face in life and we thank you for helping us to overcome every obstacle and to move forward in the path that you have for us in jesus name we pray and let's agree and say amen praise god mark chapter 2 and we're going to begin today in verse 1. and again he entered capernaum and after some days and it was heard that he was in the house immediately many gathered together so that there was no longer room to receive them not even near the door and he preached the word to them my friends we always want to preach the word we want to share the gospel we also want to teach it which is to explain it and it is that preaching of the word that inspires hope that releases faith that allows us to step into the miracles that god has made available for us to enjoy now verse 3 then they came to him bringing a paralytic man who was carried by four men so we have a paralyzed man he's unable to move he's on a stretcher or we could call it like a transportable type bed and he's carried by four men praise god and when they could not come near him because of the crowd they uncovered the roof where he was now this is fascinating there's a crowd they can't get to their designated spot what do they do do they give up and quit and turn around no they continue on and they're quite innovative in their approach so they go up on the roof so when they had broken through they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying so they broke through and i think that while we know that god is the lord of the breakthrough as we see demonstrated in the life of david when he had a tremendous victory over the philistines he said he said this is baal perezim the lord of the breakthrough and so we know the lord is of the breakthrough but we also need to understand that we need to do all that we can even if it's natural things to break through in the natural and then when we push ourselves and do all that we can in the natural that's when god will come and do his breakthrough part but we can't put it all on the lord we have to break through to the best of our ability and then of course the lord we know he's never going to fail he will break through and do his part as well so in this case really the only option was to do something quite unorthodox to get out of the box and so they went up on the roof and they broke through now i think it's fascinating because it's a little bit of the untold story you can only imagine all of the noise and chaos that was going on when jesus was preaching i've actually had to preach before when people were walking on the roof and uh you know we just went went right on with it and uh stayed in the spirit and god uh got accomplished what he wanted to do but jesus was amazing at this you can imagine four men up on the roof banging around and tearing open the tiles and this is not just some little hole that they're going to open up to lower the guy through it the hole has to be big enough to lower the whole stretcher down and so jesus didn't miss a beat just kept right on preaching and there is something about the anointing to preach or the anointing to stay in your your assignment that the distractions that they may be there sometimes you don't even notice them and i've had my wife tell me after meeting stephen we we tried to keep that tremendous noise or these things that happened from uh uh from your uh you know observation or from your knowledge and uh we're sure you noticed it i would say no i never noticed anything i wasn't even aware of that you know maybe some kind of commotion or something like that and you don't find out until later but a lot of that has to do with the anointing you just keep right on going even even should that be somebody ripping the roof apart right above your head now verse 5 when jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic son your sins are forgiven you i want to camp a little bit around this phrase of jesus of when it says he saw their faith and what i would like to try to do today in our short time together this morning is to remove this mystery that is so often uh seems to cloud miracles and sometimes people don't understand how can you actually see faith but i i mean they would they would argue it's an intangible substance from the perspective of trying to identify it from the physical realm or feel it or touch it but here jesus he actually says that he saw their faith and there are actions there are things that we can do that demonstrate to god that we really do believe that our faith is there and we're ready to go for this and of course when you break through with that type of approach now the lord is going to break through for you jesus saw their faith so the lord in your life um he will look at your life to try to find these types of works these expressions of faith and he must see that you are willing to take necessary steps forward in the path that he has for your life now you wouldn't for example carry four you know you get get together with all your friends and carry a guy up on the roof and go through all this motion procedure if you didn't really believe that something good was going to happen in the sense that this guy is going to get healed you wouldn't go through all of that if you weren't sure but these men are persuaded and the guy on the stretcher is persuaded that this is not some kind of just like futile exercise that's you know maybe going to get on the front page of the paper but that's all it's going to be just you know kind of a crazy story no they're convinced that if they can get to him they're going to there's going to be a healing that's going to take place with a paralyzed man so that is faith and then along with your faith your belief there's going to be these what we would call corresponding actions that's what james the apostle talked a lot about faith without works is dead so there has to be works there has to be something where jesus can see your faith he has to see your faith and these are things that will be visible before the miracle ever takes place praise god so by examining this and looking at it we can take this mystery out of so many miracles the mystery of why some breakthrough and perhaps others don't just by looking for these expressions of faith praise the lord and we see it here because stop and think about it just for a moment in order to break through like these guys did they of course are going to need a stretcher to get the man to the meeting get him up on the get him up on the roof they're going to need a ladder they're going to need some ropes and i'm not quite sure how they're pulling all of this stuff together but they're doing it and you know while these aren't metal roofs or you know like commercial type roof where you got you know you know perhaps metallic structures you've got to break through but most likely tile or whatever it might be so they're just going to go right through that but even still probably need a hammer maybe a small pry bar like a crowbar or something like that so you can pop those tiles out so these are all expressions of faith gathering all of these things together okay this is what we're going to need who's going to get the ladder i've got some ropes let's get some straps so the paralyzed man you know in case we tilt this stretcher sideways while we're trying to lower him down he doesn't roll off we wouldn't want him to get killed before his miracle oh follow two stories you know onto a hard floor or something like that okay so these are expressions of faith and jesus saw their faith he he could see all of these little minute details and of course the big one which is that they have opened up the roof and they're lowering this guy down for the miracle moment but don't ever forget that before the miracle moment happens you've at least got to get there you know people say well so and so was healed in the miracle crusade you know well thank god he got there i mean it's not like somebody held this held a gun to his head and said now you've got to go to this miracle crusade in order to get healed no he obviously went out of his own will sometimes uh people can badger you have you ever met those holy spirit christians they're like really good badgers look you need to come with me to the meeting or you need to watch this program it'll really bless you or whatever and you you just finally give in you know we need people like that the body of christ because usually sinners they're not too interested in god so you have to sometimes be very persistent stay with it look you need to come to the meeting or you need to watch these shows or there's something important here that you need to hear and if you'll keep doing that eventually maybe just to get you off their back they'll say okay i'll watch it and the next thing you know their life is altered by the gospel and they have given their heart to the lord as well so we just stay with it and jesus could see all of these little minute details that they're showing up they're there they're not going to be denied they're even going to extreme measures where they're breaking through they're doing all they can in the natural and when you do that when you really uh put in your due diligence when you uh put in the time and you lay the best game plan you can and you start to implement that eventually god's going to come on the scene but you have to have the works today we have a lot of young believers in the church and maybe they're older as far as physical age but young spiritually in the sense where there is constant talk of i'm going to do this or i'm going to do that and you know a year goes by five years goes by a decade goes by and nothing's ever been done and if you were to actually look and examine you would realize they have no steps that they are planning on implementing to get to where they're saying they're going to arrive at so i think we can remove this element of mystery even around the aura of miracles when we see that if we will break through if we will push ourselves and do all that we can where we are giving valid expressions of our faith then god will see that and it's only a matter of time before the miracle happens now you can't let up you have to keep going but if you keep going and you you're constantly laying out expressions of faith where god can see your faith you're on the right path and you you will reach a manifestation where the miracle comes to pass in your life praise the lord now let's go to a great example found in second samuel chapter seven second samuel chapter seven we'll begin there in verse 12. and this is fascinating concerning the building of the temple and when you think about the house of god now this would be the one that solomon is going to end up building but even still back in that ancient day this was an extremely complex system incorporating all of these various chambers all of these sub chambers the things beneath the ground that were the tunnels into the bedrock and even advanced sand hydraulic technology that they had learned from the egyptians that were implemented in certain parts of the temple system and many other things of how to get the water uh into these uh into the mythos the ritual baths how do we get the water uh to an elevated plot a place where we can have the ample amount of water needed for the cleansing with all the blood and all the animal sacrifices so there had to be a lot of purification got to wash all of that away there needs to be a system to remove that a very advanced water system so let's look for a moment concerning uh this area of the building of the temple or giving expressions of faith of works that the lord can see that will eventually lead to the completion the completion of a miracle or in this case the completion of a phenomenal building project now we're in second samuel chapter 7 let's go directly to verse 12. when your days are fulfilled and you rest with your fathers i will set up your seed after you who will come from your body and i will establish his kingdom he shall build a house for my name and i will establish the throne of his kingdom forever now catch that that's very important he shall build a house for my name now the lord is giving an amazing blessing an amazing promise to david and he's saying your son is going to raise up for me a house now we know that david is not going to be the one that builds the temple but it's going to be his son well here's the thing even though solomon is going to build it david's going to get so much of it pre-prepared he's going to get building materials he's going to get whether it's things like nails or whether it's things like wood and timber or certain types of stone even gold and other materials that would be of great value he's going to start collecting that and there's going to come a time when his son is going to assemble it all put it together and so really for a gigantic project like that when it does come time to build then you're going to need a world-class general contractor and guess who the man for the job was it was solomon himself after all if you want to build the most magnificent structure that the world has ever seen you probably should have the best building contractor that the world has ever seen and nobody could build like solomon with all of that wisdom all of that genius being implemented into the design and structure of the temple and as we know it came out to be extremely well built and it was something that was an attraction for the whole world it became a world wide place that you would want to go just to see it and of course to hear solomon talk and dispense his wisdom and his daily discourses my friends what a blessing but let's go now to an amazing scripture in ii chronicles chapter 8 and we're going to see something very very interesting second chronicles chapter 8 praise the lord glory to god i've always found this to be a beautiful verse let's go to verse 16. now all the work of solomon was well ordered from the day of the foundation of the house of the lord until it was finished so it was extremely well ordered what is order it is the proper arrangement of things and it's not only putting things in their proper place whether it's the you know the clean clothes go here the dirty clothes go here the spoons go here the forks the forks and knives go over here in the various places but my friends is also really things that you need to have in order or a stepping method towards going towards your miracle and when you have order then and god sees that when you when you are creating that order and structuring that order that actually is an expression of faith sometimes people want to skip from a to z they want to go straight to a miracle and there are times when god can do that uh especially when there's time limits in other words uh you know if you're about to die or maybe somebody did die or you know the lord wants to raise them up or something like that sometimes god will go straight to the end point because that's what's needed but when you're just more consistent with your daily life and you're moving forward and forward then god also expects us to abide by his instructions which are the just shall live by faith so by faith we're going to develop some plans we're going to develop some steps that we can keep taking and keep moving forward so that god's miracle blessing can come upon that because he's honoring the steps that we're taking which are what an expression of our faith praise god so in the king james version it says that all the work of solomon was prepared from the day of the foundation of the house of the lord new king james version says it was well ordered so they both work together it's both contained within the original hebrew word it's prepared it's stuff that you do in order to set it all up for what you're believing god to eventually manifest praise god it's prepared it's well ordered and it begins with if it's a house for example it begins with the foundation and if you're going to have a foundation and you're going to have to lay the plumbing and you're going to maybe you want to you know a basement or something like that really as you start getting into all of your thoughts concerning this let's talk about a house for example you're going to realize hey i need a blueprint now if you want to go on the internet and purchase one from all of these blueprint companies you know you have or whatever it might be you know you can get a blueprint set for eight hundred dollars and that's all the blueprints needed for your contractor and for your builders and stuff like that and of course a copy for you but if you're if you're wanting to do something that's more of a custom design well you can also get a blueprint and then have it modified pay an architect to modify it or you can create something completely on your own where you sit down with an architect with you know maybe some samples or examples of what you would like to see implemented into a plan and from a blank sheet you just say hey let's start creating but here's the thing if you're wanting really to build your own structure you're wanting to build your own house such as the house of the lord which solomon has been charged with then you're going to need some blueprints you're going to need some blueprints can you imagine can you imagine a person saying praise god i'm going to build a house now the first thing god's going to think in his mind is where are your blueprints and some people think well yeah i'm just going to do it it's just somehow going to happen god's going to give me the money but you know even if you have the money you know and you're going to build a house eventually you're going to have to tell the builders what it is you want to build you can't just say well throw something up they don't know do you do you want you know french country do you want like an americana design or do you want you know country living design or you know what is it you want they have no idea so you're going to have to be able to pull out bloop blueprints but here's the thing before the house is ever built before the foundation even and we're talking the basics even before you lay a foundation you're going to have to have a blueprint for that because as soon as you pour that foundation something's going to be stacked on top of it that's the structure of the house itself so the whole thing the end result has to be planned out before you even start well let's just do the foundation pastor steve and then we'll figure out later what to put on it no you need to know the final thing going into that house before you even pour the foundation it's all got to be planned out all of it before you start not sure you can make some small changes later if you want to change out the fossils the faucets and go with the moen instead of a kohler or something like that that that's that's easy that's no big deal right there you know you want to paint the walls a different color than what you had planned that that's that's not structural stuff but these other things that are structural they have to all be pre-planned because you can't change them later if you have a load-bearing wall you can't change that later you have to have it all planned my friends glory to god and that's what the lord wants to do in your life he wants to help you like solomon where you have everything pre-planned now all the work of solomon was well ordered from the day of the foundation i mean from day one they were on it everything was planned out this is where it's going this is how wide this is how long this is the depth that we're going to make the the foundation stones everything was planned to the detail and if you will do that concerning the miracle that you want god to do in your life you'll find out that you start removing a lot of the mystery of miracles you find out that hey there's a part for me to break through not just god the breakthrough yes it's going to take god that any miracle it's never going to happen without god we understand that but so often we just we're trusting on god to do the whole thing but those four men got up on the roof and they broke through first and you must break through you you must get moving you must do what you can and all of that movement in an orderly fashion you know whether it's solomon getting an extensive blueprint i mean it's not unusual when you get into higher end commercial buildings that you know let's say the building's going to cost 70 million dollars it's not unusual at all that just the blueprints alone could cost seven hundred thousand dollars now if you're wanting to build a nice house let's say a custom home or something like that maybe you're looking at blueprints that are ten thousand dollars if there's something that's already pre-planned you can grab it off the internet maybe a thousand dollars or eight hundred dollars but regardless if it's that or the glorious temple with all of its complexity that solomon built you're gonna need those blueprints and you're gonna have to start with that or if it's just as simple as grabbing a hammer who's going to get the ladder hey i've got some ropes now let's get it all together let's get him down there to where jesus is at and uh let's get this going and we yeah there's the crowd no no problem got the ladder we're not stopping we are not stopping the the finish line when we cross the finish line it's his healing after he's healed now he can he's up on his own he can go he's healed he can walk can go get a job okay we're not going to carry him forever [Laughter] praise god but until we cross the finish line we're going to do all we can and we're going to have structure and order to it anytime god shows up on the scene he begins to remove chaos and confusion god begins to instill order you see it in genesis chapter one verses one and two well there was darkness and there was chaos and there was you know every everything was just uh uh undeveloped and out of order and things like that god starts creating order and also in the church we know that the holy spirit anointed the apostle paul to say let all things be done decently decently and in order now again let all things we we want the holy spirit to move and we want the word to be ministered but even in areas where there can be the moving of the spirit and the power of god is falling and things like that we still want that to be done in order as well praise god that all things be done decently and in order and when we have this order in our lives then it will accelerate us on the path of crossing the finish line where we actually have the miracle where the temple is built and yes it got built it took a while it took years to build it seven years if i'm correct that's a long time day and night seven years but my friends they got it done and all of that planning now somebody could say it's a miracle in some ways it was sure but still we cannot overrule the fact that there is a lot of planning there is strategic setting down and thinking what will the next step be what is the best sequential order to walk this out and if you'll do that concerning what it is that you're wanting god to do in your life concerning that area of a miracle then you'll see that god will honor your faith now it's an amazing statement jesus saw their faith can he look at your life today concerning that thing that you're believing him to do in your life that thing that's so special that you want him to do can he look at your life and see faith perhaps you have a son or daughter that's gone off into sin and uh they're not serving god anymore well uh pastor stephen i'm just praying well along with your praying have you anticipated their return uh have you made room for them at the table as we could say is there that they're sitting for them there at the table you know the the the prodigal son he left but the father was standing out there looking every day looking he's because why he knows that son's going to come over that hill returning and repenting and so he's ready yeah it's not like he caught him off guard well oh son we thought you were gone forever he knew he knew that he was a covenant man and he knew that god's hand was still upon his son even though the son was in rebellion and out living in sin he knew that because of his prayers that boy is coming back one day and he's out there looking every day he's out there looking down that road because he knows he's going to come so you have to you have to be ready to throw the party praise god well we'll figure out the party when he shows up no go ahead and get the party figured out now hallelujah why because he's coming if you really believe he's coming then you make preparation if you really believe jesus is anointed with miracle healing power let's get him up on the roof and let's lower him down through the roof we're not just having a workout we're not just trying to lower this guy down maybe we feel like we need a back workout today let's lower him down on some ropes no no we're doing this because he's going to get healed he's going to get healed and so we're gathering ropes we're gathering hammers and not because we don't have anything else to do in life no no we're doing this because we're going to build the temple we're going to get this person healed and we're going to see the glory of god manifest in our lives and when you do things like that jesus smiles and he says i can see their faith i can see their faith now i want to encourage you today to continue to break through do what you can and walk it out step by step don't try to jump from step c to like r or q or something like that keep going forward keep going forward keep going forward praise the lord and you're going to get there but all you have to do is take that next step that's all you have to do you have to you have to accomplish that next goal and then when you get there and god's grace has helped you to arrive at that place then you go on to the next step after that the anointing is flowing and the mystery of miracles is being removed now there will always be an element of mystery with miracles because god's involved in it we'll never understand everything about god his beauty signs wonders miracles they are supernatural but the mechanics the mystery of the mechanics how that works we don't want that to be a mystery praise god we'll let god in his mysterious ways remain a mystery but when it comes to us doing our part let's not be in the dark on that let's walk in the light let's break through let us let us break through and god when he needs to break through you know he's going to praise the lord glory to god praise the lord you know when the lord broke through for david and his army it's not like david and his guys were sitting around having a picnic no they're ready to go and so in other words they're moving they're demonstrating faith and when god saw that boom god went and broke through just like a uh like a that's like a dam broke and the water rushed out and overwhelmed the enemy and it's done david i believe that if you'll do this you'll have those moments too where you see god's power rush into your life and you just flat out fall on your face and say my goodness i've never seen god move like this in my life and others will say oh it's a miracle oh it's just a miracle and yes it is a miracle but it didn't just happen automatically it didn't happen because you're having a picnic it happened because you're trying to cooperate with god and you're trying to walk this out to the best of your understanding of what god expects you to do and you giving your all you giving your best praise the lord i see you crossing the finish line and smiling praise the lord glory to god all right praise god let's pray father bless your people i thank you for your miracle power operating in their lives i think i thank you that they're going to receive that touch from the lord whether it's a healing touch or a deliverance touch or whatever it might be that they need you're going to move in their life and i see that the wisdom of solomon beginning to flow in their life through well ordered plans concerning the that miracle they desire well ordered plans thank you father god show them the next step to take and let them be busy about it we give you all of the praise in jesus name amen and amen praise god somebody's thinking pastor steve and i need to get a ladder yep whatever it might be if you have to get up on the roof get your miracle whatever it might be praise the lord now if you're also watching today's program and you don't know christ as your lord and savior it's time for you to break through into salvation today god's not going to force you to get saved god's not going to reach out and grab you and say i demand that you take this no he gives you the choice of where you want to spend eternity in heaven with him or in hell and i you already know which one is the good option so if you have not made the the decision to receive christ then pray this prayer with an open heart pray it right now say lord jesus i believe you died on the cross for me and that you rose on the third day and that you made atonement for my sins jesus i give my heart to you now wash all my sins away and write my name in your book of life jesus i receive you into my heart as my lord and savior thank you for saving me right now in your name i pray amen and amen and jesus has honored your faith he has saved you by grace through faith welcome to the family of god praise the lord let's all take holy communion together grab some unleavened bread and grab some grape juice and let's pray father we bless the bread and the juice we consecrate it we set it apart as holy and as we receive it we thank you that we are receiving the body and the blood of jesus our savior thank you o god father thank you for the body of jesus we thank you that by his stripes we are healed for those that need physical healing receive as you receive now the body the flesh of jesus christ receive it by faith in jesus name amen let's protect together and i want you to do something right now in verse 16 of second chronicles chapter eight it says now all the work of solomon was well ordered i want you to put your name there in the place of solomon now all the work of john or mark or susie or sarah or whoever it might be now all the work and personalize that was well ordered now all the work of put your name in there was well ordered god's delivering somebody from a confusion chaos spirit glory to god hallelujah amen see we have the kingly anointing romans chapter 5 verse 17. it in verse 21 it talks about how we rule and reign in life with christ as kings but you can't you can't act as a king if you're all confused and solomon had everything well ordered and i see that anointing of the spirit that was upon solomon touching you your mind the way you think the way you operate the way you plan so that everything is well ordered praise god father we thank you for the blood of jesus as we receive it we ask that you would wash all of our sins away even sins of maybe we could call them sins of disorder sins of horrible planning or worse worse than that no planning at all and somehow expecting that you're going to honor that father we do thank you that there is in some ways the the go with the flow of your spirit and we're always open to that but in other areas father particularly in areas of accomplishing certain tasks there must be planning and organization so we thank you for an anointing to be excellent in that area let a spirit of excellence be upon your people now as we receive the blood of jesus in his name we pray amen let's protect together praise god praise the lord hallelujah now all the work of you put your name there all your work is well ordered from the beginning to the conclusion praise the lord and i see a glorious conclusion thank you father father bless your people let them run with this revelation we give you all the praise thank you oh god that your word is a lamp into our feet and a light unto our path in jesus name amen and amen thanks for watching i look forward to seeing you back next time