good morning my friends I'm pastor Stephen Brooks and welcome today to our online Internet church service I'm so happy that you're here and I believe today that you're going to really love today's message I found it fascinating studying it and I believe that as we jump into it in just a few minutes you're really going to receive something from the Lord that you can put to work immediately and I believe we're going to hear some amazing testimonies come in from those of you that are watching and making good application of God's Word but Before we jump into today's message let's first honor the Lord by bringing the tithes and offerings into the storehouse of God now Genesis chapter 28 verse 16 it says then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said surely the Lord is in this place and I did not know it now today we're going to be talking about Jacob and so it's good to look at him also as we understand God's covenant principle of tithing verse 17 and he was afraid and said how awesome is this place this is none other than the house of God and this is the gate of heaven then Jacob rose early in the morning and took the stone that he had put at his head set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it and he called the name of that place Beth L but the name of that plate of that city had been loves previously then jacob made a vowel saying if god will be with me and you'll see that of course god definitely was with him and keep me in this way that i am going and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on and of course god does all of that for him he says so that i come back to my father's house in peace and eventually he does then the lord shall be my god and this stone which i have said as a pillar shall be God's house and of all that you give me I will surely give a tenth that's a tithe not it's not a tie pastor Stephen yes you're saying to bring in the tithe I'm gonna send you a tie not a TI e a TI th e although the ties are I sometimes people do send in ties also along with their tithes that's nice praise the Lord and and I usually wear them to praise God you know unless I get something that's like really bizarre but usually the ties are very nice spray used to Lord but look at this one more time in this stone which I have set as a pillar shall be God's house and of all that you give me I will surely give a tenth to you now the word give in the Hebrew right there is a verb that describes frequent multiple actions what he's doing is he's making literally a lifetime commitment to be at either praise God and it's the tithe it's the tide that ties you in to the fullness of God's destiny plan for your life because you'll notice that with Abraham Isaac and Jacob that although God would speak to them and make promises to them it was after engaging God on a platform of tithing that then destiny begins to unlock to them because you know Jacob he's had some amazing experiences with the Lord but he still needs some things worked out in his life and once he commits to tithing then you see he's already on the way to a character change which ends in a major name change he even got renamed by God praise the Lord so the fullness of the Destiny's plan that God had formed was unlocked so it is tithing that secures your destiny praise the Lord and this stone which I have said as a pillar shall be God's house and of all that you give me I will surely give a tenth that's the tithe I will give a tenth to you praise the Lord my friends it's time to bring the tithes and offerings into the storehouse of God now if you would like to mail them in please send your tithes and offerings to Steven Brooks International Peale box seven one seven Moravian Falls North Carolina our zip code is two eight six five four if you prefer to bring them in online because it's very safe it's very secure and of course is fast and convenient you can do so at the ministry website Steven Brooks org there is a link on the home page called tithes and offerings and you can click on that it will bring them right into the storehouse of God also if you click on the header called projects we have two projects that we're focused on we have the fence project to put a fence entirely around the property we are one third of the way through and then we have the hangar project for the future aircraft for the ministry so if you would like to sow seed along with giving your tithes if you would like to sow seed those two projects are available as well thank you for sowing into that because the Lord is blessing mightily those projects and those who are sowing into that praise the Lord Heavenly Father I pray for your people that just as Jacob made covenant with you through tithing and had the beth-el encounter I pray father God that your people have the encounter with light with illumination that they know that this is part of their destiny package which is that in order for all of those wonderful things to be accomplished Lord we must look at our forefathers our spiritual forefathers and see that they were tithers and we must emulate them by faith so father I'm praying for your people that as they tied as they sow seed father God that you give them ideas from heaven to create and generate wealth for your kingdom purposes now we thank you for this in the name of Jesus I thank you I speak over their lives that their full destiny assignments will be accomplished in the name of Jesus and no enemy from Hell no devil can throw at it in the name of Jesus amen praise God now let's move just a few chapters over let's go over to Genesis chapter 30 just one chapter we're going to stay in this area today Genesis chapter 30 and we're gonna look at some fascinating things that I really believe can just almost like stop you in your tracks they're so amazing such an incredible revelation that we're going to be jumping into our I want your spiritual antennas to really be up today okay the catch these things that are in the Word of God Heavenly Father we ask that as we jump into today's message that your Holy Spirit would grant unto your people the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus thank you Father for the knowledge of Jesus his ways his principles the way his kingdom operates his supernatural power and ability father let the light shine into the minds into the understanding of your people today we thank you for this beautiful ministry of your Holy Spirit in action right now in Jesus name let us all agree and say amen Genesis chapter 30 verse 25 and it came to pass when Rachel had borne Joseph that Jacob said to Laban that would be of course his father-in-law because he married Laban stood auteurs now he said to Laban send me away that I may go to my own place and to my country give me my wives and my children and the course they had the children those children would grow up later to become what we know us the patriarchs okay give me my wives and my children for whom I have served you and let me go for you know my service which I have done for you now he has completed his time of service let's not sugarcoat it it was a time of indebtedness and while he did pay off the debt seven years for the life of working to get Laban daughter and then you know the old switch in the middle of the night and he wakes up the next morning and it's not Rachel it's Leah you know the story well he works another seven years you know to the pay off the debt of getting Rachel and now so he has worked his way out of the hole he's climbed up out of the pit of debt by having work now for 14 years and not too much to show for it and you know that's not a good feeling and so he realizes he needs to get out from this situation with Laban now we're gonna look at some things today there is an overriding story in the midst of many beautiful things that are popping out in these two chapters of chapter thirty thirty-one but you have to understand that Jacob was a deceiver that name could even be translated as swindler I wouldn't call him a conman no I would call Laban definitely a conman Laban was just like he cheats you just as bad as he could long as he thought he could get away with it and even if he thought he couldn't get away with he would still try and so Jacob with his means and methods of deceiving and trickery for his own personal interest regardless of a harm or hurt that it would cost somebody else really ran into somebody that when he met him it was a little bit like looking in the mirror that could be very hard to face when you realize God's working on things in your life and somebody aggravates you and you realize it aggravates you because you're the same way well glory thank God for the Holy Spirit thank God for the word which is a mirror that as we look into it really shows us not the condemnation but shows us through illumination hey this is something that is not Christ's like it needs to be dealt with and so we praise God for the word that reflective mirror and most importantly for the Holy Spirit to help us get healed and so that we're hold we're whole on the inside and not all messed up praise God so that's the overall story of God working with Jacob and God's gonna work through Laban Laban is gonna get indirectly blessed but Laban is an outsider he's a Syrian he's a Gentile he's a pagan he's an idol worshiper and he has no interest in the God of Abraham Isaac or Jacob no interest at all so God works on covenant basis always remember that and God is going to really help Jake in the midst of this very unfavorable situation which he's gotten himself into now first twenty seven and Laban said to him please stay if I have found favor in your eyes for I have learned by experience that the Lord has blessed me for your sake then he said name me your wages and I will give it so the last thing that old Laban wants is for Jacob to be leaving because he knows hey God's blessing that guy but I've got him under my hand and I can really in a sense you know get all the blessing out of him because he's an agreement you know where it's all got to come over to me so he's like I don't want this guy to leave because this is the goose that lays the golden egg and he doesn't want anything to do with Jacobs God but he'll have dealings with Jacob because he can in a sense at that point control the flow of the blessing is coming into his pocket now then he said Mamie your wages and I will give it and he probably thinks he's gonna have to really wheel and deal he has no idea that Jacob is going to lay something out that Laban is gonna think this is absurd I've got him for sure I want to do a total checkmate on this guy but but something's going on praise the Lord name of your wages and I will give it so Jacob said to him you know how I have served you and how your livestock has been with me for what you had before I came was little and it has increased to a great amount the Lord has blessed you since my coming and now when shall I also provide for my own house okay so Jacob was thinking like any good husband would and any good father would like hey I've made you wealthy well I don't really have anything to show for it myself and now I'm in a situation where you know Leah and Rachel my two wives you know we got all these kids now and I'm he's like I got to take care of my own household I you know you used me long enough you made enough money off me I'm gonna have to leave and go find somewhere or something to do or I can make an income and bring in money that's worthy of taking care of my family the way I the way I want to brothers and sisters in the Lord understand that you should have a heart to see your family blessed masters team and I want to win the world for Jesus that's good you're gonna take you take good care of your kids are they gonna walk around wore out shoes and you know tore britches and stuff like that you need to take care of your of your family men you take care of your of your spouse take care of your wife take care of your kids praise God hallelujah and ladies even the Bible speaks of proverbs 31 where there's things that you can do to generate wealth and what does she do the proverbs 31 woman with that wealth she honors the Lord and she clothes beautifully handsomely her children and her husband praise God oh yes Amen you want to see your family blessed because the family is a great image of the family of God before the world and if sinners see your family all goofed up all messed up they're like I don't really want anything to do with this so-called family of God it doesn't look like the family of God's doing too good to me so we want to have good family image praise the Lord not tour from the floor up as some people have endeavored to do now he said and now when shall I also provide for my own house so he said this is Laban talking what shall I give you I'm he really he really wants to cut a deal what shall I give you and Jacob said you shall not give me anything if he will do this thing for me I will again feed and keep your flocks well Laban is probably starting to salivate he's probably thinking uh hey you know this guy's noticed yeah I know he's sharp but maybe there's a sharper as he thinks he is I think I've already got him let's watch what's coming and by the way we're going to jump into some things that this chapter was very difficult for the translators to work through with uh striped and spotted and speckled and all of this stuff that's going on I want to try to simplify that for you today so that you can get a good grab what's taking place now here's what he's going to ask Laban for let me pass through all your flock today that would be his goats his sheep his life stock basically let me pass through all your flock today removing from there all the speckled and spotted sheep and all the brown ones among the lambs and the spotted and speckled among the goats and these shall be my wages what is Jacob asking Laban for he's asking for the oddballs he's asking for the things that would be the exception to the rule because with sheep most sheep are white but he's asking for the ones that would be speckled and spotted and for the lambs he's asking for ones that can be brown now in the Hebrew also that that color can also be translated even in the direction of black and that's really where we get the phrase also from you know the black sheep why because the black is like the oddball it's the odd one out but nevertheless Jacob is saying hey I'll take the brown ones I'll take the black ones and with the goats you know most goats because I've only goats before most goats are white and what you know what their fur and their coat but he says I'll take the spot it and the speckled okay so he's telling Laban look you keep all the normal-looking livestock everything that's normal the way that it should be with their Pelt color you keep those and I'll take the oddballs verse 33 so my righteousness will answer for me in time to come when the subject of my wages comes before you everyone that is not speckled and spotted among the goats and brown among the lambs we will be considered stolen if it is with me well that's you know layman's loving this because he's like okay so all the goats you know that of the normal color that are white if I ever see one over there and Jacobs pin while no he stole it because those belong to me so it's everything really is massively stacked right now in laymen's favor and watch what Laban is going to do he's not even going to give Jacob what Jacob is asking for he's gonna lure it even more and make it even more difficult for him the prosper by the time this deal is done and they both agree on it Jacob Jacobs walking away with inside information but Laban is walking away in his head thinking this guy will serve me for the rest of my life this guy's gonna make me so wealthy and all the money's gonna flow into my pocket and so this is this is really amazing now verse 34 and Laban said oh that it were according to your word in other words man let's sign this dis fast as we can get the papers all I'll have the papers drawn up right now let's shake on it let's get the elders witness citizens yeah I'm all I'm all in and watch watch what Laban does to kind of launch the plan verse 35 this is solo this is this is like con man I mean this is slick greasy nasty con man look at Laban first very next verse so he that's Laban not Jacob he Laban removed that day the male goats that were speckled and spotted all the female goats that were speckled and spotted everyone that had some white on it and all the brown ones okay in other words all the oddballs okay brown ones black whatever all the speckled spotted things like that Laban removes them all and gave them into the hands of his sons then he put three days journey between himself and Jacob and Jacob fed the rest of Laban flocks what does that mean basically break it down for me pastor Steven okay so you're already within this large flock that Laban has which you have the majority of the normal-looking animals but because Laban flocks are so big that out of that you're going to have some odd balls just because you know even if there's one out of ten hey he's got a lot of them so you got to have already some odd balls in there so the deal is that Jacob gets the odd balls okay but Laban says well the ones that are already odd balls I'm gonna take those I'm not even gonna give you a running start I'm gonna take those and remove them you know like a couple days journey from here so you can't even touch those so really what's happening with Jacob he's starting from Ground Zero he has to look at all of these normal-looking animals now remember a normal looking animal mating with another normal looking animal they're gonna produce genetically another animal that's going to look just like them there it's gonna be it would be super rare for those animals to produce the speckled and the spotted but nevertheless that's what Jacob is going to believe that's going to happen and so Laban has him in a place where Jacob has to start working with the livestock from ground zero in the sense there's not one speckled animal out there there's none spotted there's no brown there's no black they're all normal so Laban already made it extra worse he took the oddballs away so well since I've already got some odd balls I'll keep those now now let's start and so Jacob has to start with absolutely nothing while you know you may have nothing but as long as you have God you have the potential to tap in to unlimited resources now watch what happens now I need to probably prep you a little bit before this because what we're about to get into is really I remember you know years back I would read it in in somebody's that'd be kind of like you know Lord I I don't quite get it but I kept studying it kept diving into it and then I believe the Holy Spirit began there show me some things let me give me an example years back let's go all the way back to the 1950s there was an organization that was formed under the leading of the Holy Spirit through man that God raised up named Dimas shakaar Ian and Dimas sir carrion started this Christian businessmen's organization called Full Gospel business men's fellowship international and he was an immigrant from Armenia and he came to America fleeing the basically the annihilation of the Christians that was taking place in that part of the world and so the Holy Spirit told him and his family to escape and they did they made it safely immigrated to America and he was a cattle baron and so he starts a small dairy farm in California he has a son named Richard Richard would become later the president after a GB MFI the organization after his father passed on but Richard also was a cattle baron genius and they had very large cattle industry not a matter of fact Richard said that he could walk out onto the area where all the cattle were at and he said there could be a listen to this there he said there could be a thousand cows out there just you know they're all walking around there could be a thousand of them but he said I could look at any one of those cows and I can tell you exactly who the father of that cow was he know because you've got so many bulls and stuff like that he said I just because I grew up in it and it was all my life he said I could look at that cow and I could tell you I couldn't find the bull from where that count came from just by the way it looks and he was very very good the family was very very successful in this but what we're about to see this type of very unusual selective breeding of livestock that Jacob is going to get into I want you to understand that this is not scientific it was never meant to be in other words if it's scientific you should be able to replicate it we if if it is truly scientific we should be able to put it in the laboratory do the same formula and get the same results over and over and over again then we would have a scientific principle or you know something that's not a theory but something that's established but I need you to understand what we're about to get into is not scientific method of selective breeding of livestock it may look like it is but you have to understand it the whole thing is being overridden by God and what's going on is supernatural and I will show you in a few minutes that Jacob knew it was and he is using his faith on this assignment and watch what it does in his life let's continue on now verse 34 Laban said oh that it were according to your word and so you know the deal is cut and Laban removes all of the speckled ones so Jacob is left having to watch the flocks of Laban that are all normal animals that look like you know like they should okay now watch what he does verse 37 now Jacob took for himself rods of green poplar three types of trees okay rods of green poplar and of the almond and chestnut trees too bad the chestnut tree is now extinct we've got we have two chestnut trees on our property I can't stand them ayat that this is my home property but they're they're Chinese chestnuts and because the American chestnut I think it went extinct I don't know when but decades ago so we don't have anymore so the Chinese chestnuts are um they put up these awful pods that are so Stickley that if you walk across them and you don't have some thick soles you could really do some damage to your feet and they're not good for pets and things like that so anyhow we see these three types of trees that are mentioned now again he took himself rods green popular we also have the almond and chestnut trees he peeled Y strips in them and exposed the white which in the rods this is kind of funny in the Hebrew and you see a lot of this stuff in the Hebrew when you dig into it this is actually a play on words because the word white in Hebrew is actually the word Laban and so oftentimes the very things that the enemy tries to use to enslave God's covenant people God will turn right around and he'll use something that's connected to that form of enslavement he'll actually use something that symbolically lines up with that and it'll use it to be actually be a means of deliverance for God's people and it's like it's like it's like God mocking the devil it's like God said oh you think you're gonna save my people through the vehicle of that person or through the vehicle of that instrument well I'll turn right around and I'll use something in in relation to that and I'll set them free through that Wow whoo he always does it over and over it's amazing now verse 38 and the rods which he had peeled he set before the flocks in the gutters in the watering troughs where the Fox came to drink so that they should conceive when they came to drink okay well you get these animals together got male/female goats and you know if you you know the the ladies were in heat then the the male's the billy goats are gonna want to mate same thing with the Sheep or whatever it is and so what he's going to do when they had their gathering times around the water and you know you have all of these uh hormones and animals smell all of that and so they're there they're at the watering hole which is also an area where they're gonna be mating at he's putting these wooden rods in the ground with the white streaks in them whoo praise the Lord the genius mind of God mmm now remember this is not something that you know you can go out and get some cattle today or some sheep today and and replicate this I want get into that in a minute I'll explain why but I will also explain why it's working for him here in just a few moments that's continuing on so the flocks conceived before the rods and the flocks brought forth streaked speckled and spotted and a lot of it has to do with what these animals are looking at while they drink the water and then they go mate with this image in their mind of these streaked and these speckled rods praise the Lord so the flocks can see before the rods and the flocks brought forth streaked speckled and spotted now watch Jacob push it watching push it under the anointing of the holy spirit after all something's working keep on working it and work it to the max who praised the Lord verse 40 then Jacob separated the lambs and made the flocks faced toward the street and all the brown in the flock of Laban but he put his old flocks by themselves and did not put them with Laban flock and it came to pass whenever the stronger livestock conceived that Jacob placed the rods before the eyes of the livestock in the gutters that they might conceive among the rocks but when the flocks were feeble he did not put them in so the feebler were laid bands and the stronger jacob's okay what's going on alright so you have you have sheep you have a male and a female they show up and they're hanging out getting some water and then remember they're Laban these are Laban animals the only ones that are end up being Jacobs are what the oddballs okay the ones that respected spotted and they had that model color the ones that would be brown or black in other words all the oddballs if there are any Laban think it hardly any but if there are any that are born they're gonna go to Jacob now all the ones that are that are there originally are the normal-looking ones but what begins to happen is when the normal ones come to drink and then to mate Jacobs got these sticks in the ground that that have the stripes in them and spot it and all this stuff that he's setting up for them to look at and then when they mate letter they give birth they're giving birth primarily now to you know these these little babies that are striped and spot it and mottled colored and they have that summer popping out brown some are popping out black and and here's what he also realizes if Laban flocks come and they're about to mate but they're very very if some of the ones that are coming are weak in other words they don't they don't have good genetics maybe you know the ones that are showing up the drink today they're not the best group they don't have strong shoulders they they don't have that good quality he pulls up all the rods out of the ground and doesn't want them to see the rods but and then he moves him on down the line now when one scum that he sees oh whoa look at that look at that male coming look at the shoulders on that one look at that wow that is a majestic animal he gets all those rods back out and sticks them in the ground so what happens is the ones that are flawed genetically that are not that good to start with they mate and they produce the normal-looking lifestock Laban gets those but the ones that are super strong that have the real good genetic gene pool they're per dude that they mate and because they're also looking at those poplar sticks and the almond sticks and the chestnut is when all the stripes in it they're mating but they're producing what we would call the oddball skin colored livestock whoo glory to God mm-hmm so what happens Jacob is building a herd that not only is large in numbers they are genetically superior to the smaller group that Laban has so not only is Laban x' groups smaller but Laban x' group is inferior compared to the ones that Jacob has and if you are a person who's out shopping do you really want to buy the car that has 80 horsepower or do you want to buy the car that has 380 horsepower and the one for the $380 it's just a little bit higher in price and doesn't have any you know the gas efficiency is the same your to go for the superior product every single time any consumer is going to do that Oh things are really really beginning to turn for this man now again verse 42 but when the flocks were feeble he did not put them in so the feebler were Laban z-- and the stronger Jacobs 43 verse 43 thus the man Jacob became exceedingly prosperous stop just for a moment whether you're a man watching today or whether you're a lady watching today whether you're an adult or whether you're a teenager because there are multi-million teenagers out there today listen to this I want you to do this verse 43 when it says thus the man became exceedingly prosperous when it says the man put your name in there thus John Smith or whatever your name is thus john doe or thus you know Susy favor thus the man became put your name in there personalize it in other words thus says the Lord I have become exceedingly prosperous I put your name in there personalize it have become exceedingly prosperous well pastor Steve and I I don't know if I can I don't know if I should say something like that that's just an old religious spirit go ahead and say it go ahead and say it could also that also be could be tangled up with a poverty spirit go ahead and say it watch what God can do in your life and then look look this is a man that was in debt for 14 years and couldn't get out of the debt pit and God saw his situation God saw that this is a covenant man God saw that this is a tithing man it's time for me to move in his life now remember overriding story primary story character trumps everything remember that the main thing that God wants in you is not for you to be rich not for you to have a bunch of money the main thing that God wants in you and it's gots highest purpose and he'll / he'll overwrite everything else even divine healing he'll overwrite everything for this cost what's what is that Pastor Steven that's to get you into the image of his son Jesus and he's more concerned with you having the image of Christ and you being a multimillionaire he's more concerned with you being in the image of Christ even than you having health in your body praise the Lord oh yes all the other stuff is part of the Covenant package but but that's most important that's that's why he's that's why he's taking his time with Jacob that's why truth be told he's been taking this time with you he wants you to be like Jesus maybe that's puzzled you a little bit maybe you've seen others pull ahead and you think God what's up with that it's not like I'm not trying gods like I'm working on something in you that's more important see a lot of people don't even care about this they don't care about they just give me money who care yeah la because I'm a Christian I go to heaven who cares hi Leah no no you have a heart for God you have a heart for God God will add those other things to your life that's so easy for God to do but he wants you to have that transformation like he's working in Jacob where Jacob goes from Jacob to Israel hmm Prince one who has prevailed with God mmm praise the Lord that's your destiny now let's get back to this let's not ignore this either verse 43 because finances are very important in the life of any child of God anybody who acts like it's not it's living in a hole somewhere in the ground if if all you are is a person who's interested in your own self and in the needs of your own family and you care about nothing else then maybe money is not important to you but the moment you have a heart of love that looks beyond your own needs the moment you're touched by the agape love of Christ and remember agape is the selfless type of love okay where you put others first the moment you have a heart of God for agape love and you love people and you want to see the lost saved and you want to help orphans and you want to you want to make an impact for good suddenly money becomes extremely important because of the way that you make those impacts is through a right walk with God and through using provision in a holy way so puts her name in there personalize it and believe God that just as he lifted up Jacob he could also lift you up as well thus the man became exceedingly prosperous and had large flocks look at this female and male servants and camels and donkeys some of you need to stop pressurizing pressure washing your house trying to clean everything all the time trying to do all of this little bitty rinky-dink stuff you didn't hire somebody you need to stay on task and do what you're really good at and not trying to still run every run everything you got to do everything you know if something breaks I can fix it no you don't need to be fixing that call the plumber you don't have time for that you know you got to stay on what you're called to do so that that prosperity anointing flows hallelujah so what does he have he has he has servants camels campbell's camels that's like saying he's got mercedes-benz ISM and I mean it's it's it's still the way the day if you go out into you know if you see the Bedouin in the Middle East if you want across the desert you know you could only fill up a 4x4 off-road vehicle with so much gas and there's no gas stations out in the desert you're still gonna need to desert limousine the desert Mercedes or the desert Cadillac what is that pastor Stephen that's the camel hallelujah yes they still write them today the metal ones out there whoo glory to God well hold on just a moment how is Jacob I mean I mean if he's got servants male and female servants and he's got camels he's got donkeys where's he getting all this money to buy now all of this accessories of life servants I mean Butler's to do all the lawn mowing and to do all the work and to add camels how you buying Campbell's and doing all of this what is he doing where's he getting all this money from oh he's got so much premium livestock now he's selling it he's selling it and he's making a fortune and God's the one who's blessing him so God obviously doesn't have any problem with prosperity mm-hmm Wow hallelujah glory to God well verse 1 of chapter 31 let's roll into it this shouldn't surprise us too much or the next verse now Jacob heard the words of Laban son saying Jacob has taken away all that was our fathers and from what was our fathers he is acquired all this wealth and Jacob saw the countenance of Laban and indeed it was not favorable toward him that's before I'm sure it was haha Oh Laban that old God man loved it when he was just ripping him off Laban but the son I love you you just like a son to me I know you my son-in-law but you just like a son to me but suddenly that's all gone why why because he's can't burn him and take advantage of him anymore now it's completely turned and all the money is going into the pockets of Laban and Laban sons Laban sons like hey you know what they're looking at what's going on with Jacob what does that mean that means their inheritance is going down they can literally watch their inheritance get smaller every single week it's getting smaller like it's like they had stock in a company and their stock is going down and the other stock of another company that they have no shares in is just skyrocketing they're just like not only as his going up ours is going down and they they didn't like it they didn't like it and of course because they are unsaved their ungodly they have no covenant with God what are they jealous and bitter jealous and bitter mmm verse 3 God really begins to move in the life of Jacob then the Lord said to Jacob return to the land of your father's and to your family and I will be with you that is a direct commandment it is not a suggestion go tell you ladies go tell your wives hey let's pack up we're rolling out of here I've heard from God it's time to go but but I want you to see something that Jacob lets out that he shares that suddenly will give you a great illumination of chapter 30 which we have just read suddenly you got to see the behind the scenes story of what Jacob knew that Laban had no clue love and really Jacob's wives didn't even know but Jacob knew never remember when you hear something from God guard it's be very very careful you steward a word from God like the whole I don't really want to say like gold because it's worth more than gold because gold you can price but this this work from God can take you into unprecedented levels of breakthrough and prosperity and blessing but I want you to know what all this you know speckled spotted mottled black brown I want you to know what was going on with all of that from the sight of the invisible spiritual realm because Jacob when talking with Rachel and Leah he let the cat out of the bag will praise God this is just so good Genesis 31 verse 10 let me read verse 9 also so God has taken away the livestock of your father and given them to me this whole thing was God Jacob realized it he's explaining it to Rachel and Leah this is what he said to him and it happened at the time when the flocks conceived that I lifted my eyes and saw in a dream and behold the rams which leaped upon the rocks were streaked speckled gray spotted then the angel of God spoke to me in the dream saying Jacob and I said Here I am and he said lift your eyes now and see all the rams which sleep on the flocks are streaked speckled and gray spotted for I've seen all that Laban is doing to you I am the God of Bethel where you anointed the pillar Oh remember that's what also he said I'm locking in as a tither whoo whoa glory to God God saw that Val God reminds him of it working for Laban all those years 14 years but still on the little that he had he still wasn't either and you know what there could be times of testing absolutely because God will watch can I promote this person and will the person hold steady or the person go cuckoo and get back into their own selfish way of living will they still honor me if I lift them up so yes there could be times of testing for that I am the god of Bethel where you anointed the pillar and where you made a vow to me what was included in that Val tithing I'm telling you tithing secures your destiny and if you're not at either your towing your touring with the tailor made God design destiny uniquely prepared for you and if you're not at either you're telling God that that phenomenal crafted plan that he made for your life it's not that important to you mm-hmm I am the god of Bethel where you anointed the pillar and where you made a Val to me he knows what that vowel is about now arise get out of this land and return to the land of your family mm-hmm Wow okay Pastor Steven so what was going on there okay Jacob explained to Rachel and Leah hey you want to know how we came into all of this wealth let me explain to you what happened I had a dream and in the dream the angel of God spoke to me and showed me a male that would be around like the Billy Goat and leaping on the others with speckled and spotted and I I saw it I knew what meant to do and I I saw with the sticks and I did that God showed me to do that again remember I told you this was not scientific selective method of animal breeding this was supernatural this was supernatural all faster Steve but that won't really work if you try it exactly it won't work unless God tells you to do it if God tells you to do it it'll work if he doesn't tell you to do it no it won't work because God's Word upholds natural law in God's Word if he speaks it also has permission to override natural law that's called a miracle so here Jacob reveals that in a dream please get ready for your dream encounter with the Lord I've I've been getting your emails especially for many of you that have been fasting and you're like Pastor Steven I'm dreaming again yes I have no doubt that you are now when you have the dream get up out of the bed that could have been the dream that was like the Jacob experience where he what he saw the speckled to spot it and then implemented that okay take these things seriously but it was just a dream yeah and so was the dream of the angel Gabriel speaking to Joseph telling Joseph to get Mary and baby Jesus out of the area because the child's life is in danger yeah that was just a dream and you better believe it was real and it was here in this situation - it was a dream and it was 100% accurate would have been no different if God sent a prophet down to tell it to him would have been no different of God in the form of a see off and it came down and stood in front of him and said hey I want you to get these poles and put these poles down and you know you do this you got to start having these animals it'll be you know they'll start to produce in your favorite what a bit no different God just decided through this message to deliver it through a dream and I know that many of you are hearing from the Lord right now in dreams and I'm trying to tell you today as a servant of God that God can give you one dream with one message that can make you so wealthy that the next thing you know you are in a level of finances that that are beyond anything you even dream possible hallelujah glory to God thus the man became exceedingly prosperous how how through a dream that God gave him and in the dream the angel of the Lord told him what to do and all you have to do is when you get that is implement it and it will work if Jesus tells you yeah come on out come on out of the boat and meet me out on the water you can walk on the water long as you believe it and do it yeah it'll work now if you doubt it you'll start to go under but Jacob believed it he knew that was from God thought it was maybe kind of crazy you and the natural hey this wouldn't really work some people say that's just a bunch of folk medicine it is if you do it in your own strength and it won't work you look stupid but if God says to do it it will work for you now technically what what this is is what the Apostle Paul called the word of wisdom this is one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit by the way out of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit the one that's mentioned first is what the word of wisdom why is it mentioned first because it's the best gift out of all of them it is the one gift that overnight can make you a multimillionaire it is the one gift that if you get one word from God one instruction remember that's what wisdom is wisdom will always have an instruction in it and if you obey that instruction and you take it and you do it it will work every single time when it comes from God whew bit key can I give you a big key that you may even want to write this one down you cannot take someone else's word of wisdom that worked for him like with Jacob okay popular sticks and and you know the chestnut and the almond sticks and go out there and do they think you can't take that word and think you're gonna go do that and and build you know you're going to be the next cattle bear it's not going to work for you you cannot take somebody else's word of wisdom that God spoke to them and say I'll claim it too no you can't do that God spoke that to that person and that's why it worked for that person and if you tried to do it gonna work for you let me give you an example we're in tax season right now and some of you are going to get a refund from the state from the government that's good there may be others perhaps that you owe some some money to the government that's okay but let me ask you this if you owe money to the government are you actually in order to pay that bill that tax bill you actually got to go out with a fishing pole with the hook on it at the end and with no bait on the hook throw it into a lake somewhere and expect to pull up a fish with enough money and its mouth to go pay your tax bill there's not one person on the planet today that's going to do that there's over 7 billion people on the planet and probably 4 billion people will have to pay taxes this year but there will not be one person who does that why everybody knows that won't work unless unless God told you to do it if God told you to do it you better go fishing God told you the bathe in the Jordan River seven times even if you have a skin disease and even if that's a muddy river and you think that's really not a good place if you have skin infections all that dirt and debris who cares God said it you better start bathing hallelujah ok what are all those examples words of wisdom if you get a word from wisdom of God it'll work now prophet Kenneth Copeland's said this many years back heavy weights statement that's still true today one word from God can change your life forever that's all it takes but this is what I'm trying to tell you today that word can come through a dream and you could have a dream and in that dream God shows you something or you see a vision I mean he saw like a ram you know a billy goat jumping over hell and as it jumps on the other side they turned spotted and speckled and all of that he understood it he understood it God can give you one dream and in that dream you can get one idea from God and if you go and implement it it will work but anything that's from God will work ok but my friends this this is supernatural this is this is miraculous and I'm so glad that Jacob explained it to his wives Leah and Rachel I'm so glad that this was recorded the scripture so that we could know what was going on with all of that maybe we could call it even bizarre stuff that he was doing now we know it's not bizarre because God told him to do it but if you're just in the natural you're gonna look at that think that's crazy and this is the kind of stuff that God does like when he told Isaac Jacob's father when he told Isaac what Isaac was in the midst of a famine and the land was dry and barren in the ground this cracked and the sun's beating down and it's not raining and it's not going to rain and Isaac goes out there to start sowing seed well you would have to think that the Philistines who were his neighbors probably thought this guy's a total nut what is he doing in other words this is not scientific this makes no scientific sense this says they make good farming sense but what happened with Isaac he reaped one hundredfold that year like God showed him to do it God told him to do it God said don't don't go to Egypt stay right here and he did what God told him to do if you get one word of wisdom from God you're off to the races woo and your whole scenario will turn the next thing you know you'll be riding on the camel whoa whoa Helen lujah Pastor Steven I'm gonna buy you a camel I don't know if I really want a camera hallelujah hallelujah but you need to honor the Lord when the gut when God blesses you but hallelujah my friends be open I mean he was buying camels he bought a camel for for Leah bought a camel for Rachel bought a camel for all the all the boys all the kids loaded everybody up on camels when they hit it out they weren't walking they're riding camels praise God thank you Lord Jesus Pastor Steven I just prayed and praying and asking God for a car don't ask God for a car and ask ask God for an idea ask God for a word of wisdom I mean even the Apostle Paul said desire with a burning desire that you would operate in the spiritual gifts mmm-hmm thank you Lord Jesus praise God these things are very very important Lord we give you praise today hallelujah let me show you something very interesting before I pray for you today some things in the Bible you look at you think that's just an incredible statement and then you see it also in real life and you just think it's amazing Lord it is absolutely amazing how some of these things are look at this with me same chapter of Genesis 31 look what God does for Laban now watch this but God had come to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night now remember he's Laban the Syrian he's not an Israelite he's outside of the Covenant promises with God he's a total sinner he worships idols I mean we actually find out unfortunately later that after you know during the escape process I wouldn't call it escaped but they did kind of like leave in a flight type situation with Jacob and his family well we found out later that Rachel stole Laban her father's idols that tells us Rachel had a little bit of she had some things to work out in her life too but nevertheless we know that Laban he did not worship the true God but look at this but God had come to Laban the Syrian in the dream by night and said to him be careful that you speak to Jacob neither good nor bad God can speak to sinners if he so chooses or all sinners nasty sinners yep God can speak to them if he wants to if he wants to even in verse 29 when Laban catches up with Jacob Laban said it is in my power to do you harm but the god of your father spoke to me last night saying be careful that you speak to Jacob neither good nor bad now you would read that and you would think that after Laban a total sinner has a dream has a valid genuine God encounter that he might be like hey uh God who are you I I've heard about you through this guy Jacob who served me and you know what you've really blessed him I I'd like to know you but Laban has no interest in the true God isn't that amazing not one bit of interest in him at all hmm it is absolutely just so sad so sad to see some of these things that even later when Jacob Burleigh Laban are talking almost like quarreling basically Laban Steele and his stubborn self says those are still my daughters and all of this livestock that you're leaving with it's still all mine I mean you just can't convince the guy he's a total he's a total kook in many ways and he's just a lost person that didn't want anything to do with the true and living God and you think how sad that God gave the man a dream and even communicated to him in the dream and Laban has no interest still and that doesn't like doesn't even say like hey who are you or thank you for talking to me or while you're really real like I've heard a lot about you but Wow that none of that just no interest at all just all he wants his stuff just thinking about how we can rip somebody off or cheat somebody or steal for somebody and it's true like it says in Proverbs so you take a fool and place him in a mortar and grinding with the pestle you still just can't grind the foolishness out I think he's just a fool and there are some people that are like that they will go to their grave they will perish and their sins lot be lost and separated from God for all eternity because they just didn't want anything to do with God and I would call it the mystery of lawlessness and we're told not to look into the mystery of lawlessness because it's just a downward spiral but you just think how sad now we're very much encouraged to look into the mystery of godliness who it's so wonderful it's so beautiful praise God so those Laban if they want to perish let them go ahead you do the best you can and they will they will get what they deserve praise the Lord but my friends I believe it's dream season I believe God would like to speak to you and share something with you where you could have a testimony like verse 43 thus the man became exceedingly prosperous okay well you can put your name in there that's the woman you know Mary Jo became exceedingly prosperous you know put your name in there thus you know the teenager sullen so it came here seemingly prosperous whew all it takes is one one dream one word one message from God and he's still talking today praise God praise God get closer to God nudge up real close to God let God speak to you Pastor Steven I'm not I'm not perfect I don't know if God would talk to me neither was Jacob I mean he still had things God was really working with him on I mean lying he would just sometimes just come out until just bold blatant lies because of you know fear of man spirit of fear whatever got still working on him but God's not justifying those things but he realized hey this is not an overnight project you know I'm gonna work on this guy and help get this guy getting to where I want him to be because he has a phenomenal destiny his name's gonna be changed to Israel I mean what at what a destiny glory to God and there's a lot riding on those promises so my friends get close to God we're in a season where the glory is going to be poured out and you're going to see it in the most beautiful ways financially it's going to be wholly finances it's going to be heavy finances and it's gonna flow like rivers of warm rich oil straight from heaven the the the wealth of the Gentiles the wealth of the nation's is going to flow there's going to be a shifting a shaking it's going to begin to move into the position of God's holy Covenant tithing faithful people praise God if you want to be a candidate for that and would like for the Lord to speak to you through a dream lift your hands right now Heavenly Father I really sense your anointing today in your presence on this program and I'm asking father that you would speak to your people and father perhaps there are quite a few that are watching that maybe they're not in a deep hole of debt maybe they're like Laban where they've climbed up out of it quite a bit but they're just not at the place of their prosperity and they're certainly not at the place where he ended up being at in verse 43 so father I pray that you would give them a dream that you would give them the wisdom of knowing this is highly restrictive information this is proprietary knowledge out of the throne room of heaven and father they might not even be able to share it with anybody maybe just one person at the most for years and so father we know that it appears that this period of great increase was a six year span where all of this livestock explosion went on for about six years before he could even tell his wives so father I just thank you let this prepared proprietary knowledge from heaven this word of wisdom be guarded be guarded with the life of your people the thank you Father for wise implementation of it we thank you for wisdom surrounding it thank you ladies get ready I get a great quickening in my spirit that some some of you ladies you're going to get hit with such a clear dream from God such a clear revelation such a clear word from God spoken out from heaven that you might even you know if it happens when you're awake you might even turn around to say who said that but it'll have come from the heavenly realm okay it could come through a dream it could come from a visionary experience but it's coming men be encouraged as well young people be ready as well if you're willing if you're willing God can bless you - praise the Lord glory to God glory to God glory to God hallelujah father let it be done in the name of Jesus shalt amen and amen whoo praise the Lord let's take communion and seal this word that the enemy would never steal it from your heart but that this word will come to pass in your life praise God hallelujah I'll tell you this mr. Libin maybe he didn't want anything to do with God but there's millions who do and there's going to be a revival of such strength and power so you have to remember in in revivals and in moves of the Spirit it's very easy to catch fish and it's regardless of the revival you know Jesus Movement revival Welsh revival or it is when that revival is rolling fish or almost they almost jump into the boat and it's just very easy to get people saved when the move of God is going but my friends let the Lord position you to be on the forefront so we can pull some huge huge dragnets praise God hallelujah mmm praise God Father we thank you I want to I want to ask first if there's anybody watching today you don't know Christ as your Lord and Savior you're unde Ange round you're separated from God just like Laban because of your sins you may not be a con man you may not be a cheat or a deceiver but nevertheless sin stains your life and separates you from God the Brits between lost mankind and God it's the Lord Jesus Christ and there is no other way to God except through him so if you would like to receive forgiveness of your sins and eternal life in Christ please right now pray this prayer after me say Lord Jesus I come before you as a sinner Jesus I give my heart to you save me now wash my sins away write my name in your book of life I receive view now into my heart as my lord my Savior my king and my god thank you Jesus for saving me you've got a big shot of praise say Amen hallelujah because God has saved your soul lay man let us all take holy communion together grab some unleavened bread we take unleavened bread because leaven in the Bible is a symbol of sin that's why we take unleavened bread for our communion and grab some grape juice praise God let's pray over it father we bless our communion we consecrate it in other words we set it apart as Holy Father this is now the flesh and the blood of our Lord and Savior we thank you father God we thank you for the covenant of salvation through Christ father we thank you for his body his word and today as we receive his body we thank you that just as Jacob became exceedingly prosperous father you have a plan for our prosperity as well we thank you for dreams and supernatural messages being sent from on high that we can hear and obey and then see the amazing results father we believe it we receive it in Jesus name Amen now let us receive his body Heavenly Father thank you for the blood of Jesus thank you for forgiveness of sins thank you for the beautiful story of how you worked and the life of Jacob helping him to face his shortcomings his sins my seeing them and another man who was behaving just like he was father we thank you for the transformation into the image of Jesus not always easy not always pleasurable but father so necessary and so required by you thank you father so we yield to the work of your spirit will yield to the mirror image of your word we yield to the process of you making us into the mature image of Christ your son we thank you for it so that we could be good stewards of all that you put in our hands father we thank you for the blood of Jesus washing away all of our sins all of our shortcomings we thank you that our sins and our iniquities you remember no more we thank you for forgiveness we confess them we thank you for full forgiveness and that you also forget them according to your word as you promised us in the book of Hebrews and also in 1st John 1:9 father we thank you we receive the cleansing blood of Jesus now with great Thanksgiving and praise amen let us receive praise God praise the Lord hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus again when you get a word from God through a dream whatever write it down guard it protect it implement it or to work on it it's foolproof when it's from God just like it was for Jacob just like any other word of wisdom in the Bible when put the put the use it produced every single time it's perfect that's the Word of God my friends till next time stay blessed be looking for the dream when you have a dream and you get up and you're like oh I'll just go back to sleep I'll remember it later don't do that get up that could have been the one get up go sit down have a notepad always by the side of your bed or where you sit at praise God and write it down look after the dream after you write it down then you go back to bed okay but get up write it down while it's gonna be very exciting father bless your people in Jesus name Amen see you next time bye-bye