good morning church family and ministry friends i'm pastor stephen brooks welcome today to our online internet around the world church service i'm so happy that you are here and i built i believe with all of my heart that god's word will strengthen you to be the person that he has called you to be and also to do the things that he has called you to do and i know those things are special praise god today we're going to begin our service by receiving the holy tithes and offerings and bringing them into the storehouse of the lord there's a verse in the bible from psalm 35 verse 27 that i would like for you to carefully look at with me this morning verse 27 let them shout for joy and be glad who favor my righteous cause and let them say continually and my friends i would encourage you to let this be something that you say continually in obedience to scripture because it will form within your heart the right framework for finances praise the lord pastor stephen what does god's word instruct us to say continually and let them say continually let the lord be magnified who has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant now from an old testament perspective we look back upon the identity of the old testament saints as being in the eyes of god in a servant position and while i know in the new covenant we also serve the lord we belong to the lord the identity is different in the sense that now we are sons and daughters of the lord and the lord has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant or of his children now stop and think about the example i'm going to give you if this actually took place what would you think here's the example let's say you're in church and the pastor says i would like for somebody to stand up and testify about god's goodness and what if a father stood up and said i want to give glory to god i have two sons and they're both homeless and they're living on the street and i am so happy about that now if you actually sat in the church and heard somebody stand up and give a so-called testimony like that you would think something's wrong with that person's head they've got to be messed up that they're actually rejoicing that their children his two boys are homeless and out on the street hungry and not clothed properly and all messed up something would be severely wrong i need to let you know that god doesn't take any pleasure in any form of financial lack or financial suffering that you would experience god doesn't take any pleasure in poverty so why would you want to identify with something that christ bore himself on the cross to deliver you from praise the lord now it is true sometimes within the hearts of men and women even those that greatly love the lord there can be efforts to maybe try to express that love through external acts i think about a certain uh group that it was i'll just be open it was the carmelites back in the 1500s and they had the idea this would be uh i believe it's teresa of avila and you also had saint john of the cross they would collaborate they would talk because they both loved the lord and wanted to serve the lord but they just thought you know what perhaps we could get closer to god if we were poor and didn't have distractions of the world so they embraced poverty and they structured what became norma became known as the descaled carmelites and that is a word the scale that originates from the latin brought over into the english and it basically means you're barefoot no shoes can you imagine going around in the winter it's 15 degrees uh fahrenheit outside you're below freezing and you're walking around barefoot well pastor stephen we're holy uh we're not saying you're not holy but you might not uh have thought that one through especially if you ever get frostbite so holiness does not correspond to poverty poverty does not enhance holiness at all so you have to eliminate from your life what god does not want in your life see jesus came to redeem us from spiritual death yes came to redeem us from sin and all of the curse of the law which included what included poverty poverty is bad it's bad now if you want to go around barefoot you know that's between you and the lord but if you get ringworm which you probably will eventually if you walk on the dirt enough and you know because what happens is you know animals or creatures that are out there they they use the restroom and if you step in those little bacteria particles they're so small they're microscopic they go right through your skin and they get into your body they get into your bloodstream and they produce worms oh pastor stephen then we're extra holy no now you're extra sick and if you don't do something about it you're going to die very soon a very painful death as well my friends god delights in your prosperity god doesn't take any delight in somebody being impoverished having old tore up clothes or not having enough clothes at all because they don't have any that doesn't make god happy would it make you happy to see your own children destitute not having any food in a mode of starvation you'd be torn to pieces in your heart you'd think i'm going to do everything i can to help bring them out of that praise the lord now if the pastor would have stood in the pulpit in the church that i was raised in and if he would have read this verse and would have said we need to do this we need to proclaim let the lord be magnified who has pleasure and the prosperity of his servant now let's all stand up and say that they would have thrown him out they would have thrown him out and you know what the pastor never preached what we would call the full gospel oh he he preached repentance turning from sin turning to the lord but he never taught us about god's financial plan for our lives that god has a good plan for our lives and because we didn't know many of us in the church suffered financially you could look across the assembly of the believers and um not only were we in the poorest state in the nation we were in one of the poorest areas of the nation we didn't some of these areas we didn't have paved roads until you know the 19 somewhere along in the late 1980s whoo just still old dirt gravel roads and um you know people you know was still with no indoor plumbing having outhouses and stuff like that i'm talking 1980s and i was raised in an atmosphere like that but thank god that we know that god has pleasure in your prosperity now of course god doesn't want you to get covetous always keep the right balance god doesn't want you to love money he wants you to love him but as he blesses you with money you can do a lot of good things with it you can enjoy it yourself and then you can enjoy what it does for others woo praise the lord so let the lord bless you and be ever diligent to if you are raised in religion with a lot of religious tradition not based on the word but based upon you know men's ideas of what they think holiness should be such as walking around barefoot you know when it's freezing or things like that i could understand that people want to demonstrate their passion for the lord and i i can understand that i don't criticize a heart that would try to say i'm all out for god i i can see the motive of that but in the process of endeavoring to please the lord just understand that prosperity is part of the salvation package and i would encourage you to be bold with your faith and to embrace that don't be ashamed or embarrassed of any of the blessings of god because what you respect is also what you're going to attract well pastor stephen i don't know if i would want a prosperity angel to show up and visit me well if you're not sure let him come over here and see me whoa praise the lord i don't know about all that pastor stephen well while you're trying to figure it out the rest of us are going to move forward into the fullness of all that jesus made available for us at calvary and that's not just forgiveness of sins it's the whole enchilada praise god that way you can have some extra money go out and buy some enchiladas not only for yourself maybe for some others praise the lord let them say continually i would like for you to do that this week say it continually let the lord be magnified who has pleasure in my prosperity see make it personal the lord takes pleasure in my prosperity may he be magnified and the more prosperity you have the more he's magnified he's not magnified by your poverty he's not magnified by your poverty praise the lord some of you you have not been taught that and that's why we take time during the tithe and offering not to rush through it because it's an act of worship and as we follow the instructions of god they lead us further along that path of prosperity hallelujah glory to god now in the teachings of god's word we are instructed to honor the lord by bringing him the tithe which is 10 of all of our earned income or if you received it in a way that even wasn't earned maybe money was given to you then 10 of that belongs to the lord so let's honor the lord let's put him first and let's rejoice and what he rejoices in hallelujah and bring the tithe into the storehouse and if you would like to sow seed a special offering that would be a great blessing as we are endeavoring to put forth a brand new resurfacing of a new parking lot here at the ministry headquarters uh the the current parking lot it's got a lot of cracks in it and some areas have uh deteriorated to the point where you can't patch it you can't you can't seal it it just has to be uh it has to be redone over the right way and that's with new asphalt praise god so that's a forty thousand dollar project working together we can knock that out praise god so thank you for sowing your seed now if you want to bring your tithes and offerings in online please visit the ministry website there on the homepage there's a link that says giving as a red heart you can click on that you can bring your tithe in right there if you would like to sew a special seat towards the parking lot click on the on the header that's called projects and you'll see the parking lot project and your contribution towards that is a great blessing to the ministry glory to god if you would like to mail in your tizen offerings please send them to stephen brooks international p.o box 717 moravian falls north carolina 28654 heavenly father i pray for your precious people that they're not just your servants they're your sons they're your daughters and it would grieve your heart to see them in a place of financial pain and father you sent your son jesus to bring full deliverance into our lives and that includes financial deliverance as well health and wholeness in our finances father lift your people up and out of any financial dilemma bless them let them walk in the light of your word and i thank you father god that the heavens are open over their lives and the rain of ideas the rain of the spirit coming down as wisdom as creativity as solutions to problems and the way to get things done that rain is falling upon them right now and i thank you for prosperity doors opening for them those that would need jobs i thank you for breakthrough jobs earning more income than they've ever earned at any other time in their life i thank you father god you're lifting them up and i thank you that we are in covenant with you in a financial covenant and you'll never let us down we give you all of the praise now father we thank you in jesus name amen and amen praise the lord let's take our bibles today i would like to talk about the subject of prayer ignition we're going to be today in the gospel of luke chapter 11. we're going to start in verse 1. i would like for you to give careful attention to god's word because i believe some things will be shared today that are going to cause an ignition and igniting within your heart to move into some areas of prayer that are very fascinating yes they're very powerful but they they also are uh exploratory in a sense where you're going to have a lot of fun with the lord yes there's some work involved in the sense of uh effort being put out but it's a very joyous thing and i want to talk about how this new level of prayer ignition takes place praise god and i believe something's going to be ignited in you today father we asked it as we go into your word we ask that your holy spirit would illuminate the scriptures and that we can see them and take them and run with them and enjoy the rich benefits they produce that they're intended to bring forth in our life father i pray that this message based upon your word would bring forth the 100-fold harvest in the lives of your people who hearken unto your word we give you all the praise in jesus name we agree and say amen praise the lord luke chapter 11 verse 1 now it came to pass as he was praying in a certain place when he ceased that one of his disciples said to him lord teach us to pray as john also taught his disciples so i believe of course they saw something in the lord in his prayer life where he had it going on it's working for him and it's a little bit of a puzzle to them and you did have uh several that were previously with john and they they saw how john prayed but they realized the lord he he has his own his own anointing his own style and they've never seen anything like his prayer life before so they're fascinated by it they're wanting instructions and he certainly uh gives it to them in a very concise way that we can use as well so he said to them when you pray say and then he goes into the what's known in scripture as the lord's prayer now while it only takes maybe 15 seconds to pray through the prayer you have to understand it was never intended to be prayed in that fashion because that's not really a prayer that's just more of a declaration this what you're looking at here is a template where you take the template and you build it out in the in the way that the holy spirit helps you pray it out maybe you would like to visualize it as a uh you know skeleton in some of these college classrooms you know if you're studying anatomy they have a skeleton which is just the frame but it's never a frame only there's always you know the the the tissue there's the tendons the ligaments the muscles and everything uh layered in so this is also like a skeletal frame you're supposed to take uh you know your heart and your effort and the holy spirit leading you and then add all of the muscle to it so to speak and build it out so it's complete and it's meant to be prayed by subject heading and if you work your way through each subject heading and you just you know you don't rush you just pray through it it takes from anywhere from you know like 40 minutes if if you have a little more time to pray a little more deeply it'll take usually exactly about an hour so anywhere between an hour or 40 minutes it takes actually to pray through the lord's prayer so he said to them when you pray say our father in heaven hallowed be your name so that's the first subject heading you could stop there you could kind of camp out there and just worship the heavenly father father i worship you i know in scripture that one of your names is jehovah jireh i worship you as my provider i thank you that your provision will be seen in my life and god i just bless you i worship you thank you for all that you've done so there's that element of spending some time there coming into the lord's presence praise and worship uh by that leading statement our father in heaven hallowed be your name and it's very easy to have fun and get carried away with that before you know it you've been there for you know 10 15 maybe 20 minutes just worshiping god's name and of course he is worthy of all of that praise that you're lifting up to him and then you move into the set the second subject hitter which would be your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and i would have to say that this is usually the the meat and potatoes of the lord's prayer you're probably going to spend more time on that subject header than any other topic because that's a very vast area you know you could pray for your political leaders you could pray for your president vice president you could pray for senators you could pray for your governor uh then you maybe you want to pray for your mayor local officials and on and on it goes and maybe for those on the other side of the world or however the holy spirit leads you through that because the kingdom of god is very expensive and you're wanting to see the kingdom come or the gospel extend and go into the earth and that influence be there and so there's a lot of uh well you know literally millions of directions you can go in prayer in that subject hitting right there alone so that's why a lot of this is just going to fall back to your own individual prayer time and how the holy spirit leads you and guides you in your prayer time no two times are ever going to be the same so you just take your time and pray through it and then you get to a fun part give us this day our daily bread give us day by day our daily bread and you know back then it's not like they were you know pouring all of these preservatives into the bread it's uh no preservatives so it's fresh for a day and after day it goes downhill really quick so you want your daily bread and there is that element of lord you know i have these needs today and you bring that before the lord many times people in their prayer life because they don't have that template within their hearts maybe they don't know the revelation of the lord's prayer they start their prayer time by putting their needs first and god knows that you know maybe they're just in a place they don't understand a divine order so you know they're putting that first but here we find it further down the list which is bringing your needs your request before the lord and then verse 4 and forgive us our sins if we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us and do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one and that latter part of the prayer right there you know if you're facing severe persecution or if there's things where you're really being targeted and you know the lord had times like that he had times where they wanted to kill him they even tried to kill him at times and they they gnashed their teeth at him anytime you see that that is a demonic manifestation and so there's a lot of evil going on with that and so in times like that sure it's very comforting to just to kind of pray that and bring that before the lord and camp there until you sense that peace that security blanket of the lord and as you ask him to do that of course he will lead you away from temptation and he will deliver you from the evil one so it's a very powerful prayer and in south korea they they look at this prayer as this prayer model kind of uh like a running track where many of the high schools in america they have uh you know the football field and then they have a running track that goes around the field and the south koreans look at the lord's prayer as kind of like a running track so if you pray all the way through it maybe it took 40 minutes or an hour and you know you come back later in the evening and you have free time maybe at night then they they call it like just getting back on the track because you can pray it over and over again because it's a holy spirit inspired prayer and just run another lap that's the way they look at it and i think that can be very very effective praise the lord get back on the track and do another one i do think we see biblical parallels to that when you look at the temple of solomon and then you look at herod's temple of course starting really with the tabernacle that moses built you see the beautiful golden altar of incense and there would be two daily offerings you'd have the morning offering then you would have the evening offering and so that incense the burning of the incense and the smoke going up was a representation of prayer it was it was a real sacrifice but it had a lot of symbolic meaning that we as new new testament saints look back and we realized oh the purpose of that was god was symbolizing prayer so as your prayer is going up in the morning and if you have time later yeah another another sacrifice another round uh around the track praise the lord glory to god it is fascinating i'm sure many of you have noticed this that if you do have good prayer time in the morning and then you come back at night and you just give the lord that focus that attention and you start to pray again that same day but at night it's it's almost like skating on real smooth glass or perfectly smooth ice why you are reconnecting with that anointing that you've already stirred up earlier that day and you just touch that anointing again and it doesn't take 20 minutes to get back into it it might just take two minutes and you're already back on the prayer anointing and it there's just a flow and it's very very easy to pray and that is the blessing of course of having two sacrifices two offerings two prayer times during the day praise the lord now let's continue on verse five and he said to them which of you shall have a friend and go to him at midnight and say to him friend lend me three loaves so let's keep the context the request for the three loaves is at midnight very bizarre time very unusual time oh but there's a purpose for a friend of mine has come to me on his journey and i have nothing to set before him and he will answer from within and say do not trouble me the door is now shut my children are with me in bed i cannot rise and give to you and honestly we could understand that yes even though that's a friend perhaps even a good friend that your your good friend still has to get up and go to work in the morning just like everybody else does he he would like to get his sleep uh the kids they're going to need their sleep they've got school and everything like that so you don't want to disrupt everything because it's going to wake the whole family up it's not like they had separated rooms uh it was very rare back then so usually it was just a single room that everybody would sleep in and the friend just is like no you know let's let's just deal with this tomorrow i mean who wants bread in the middle of the night anyhow but you know back in that culture at that time hosting was a huge huge thing uh and it could convey a great sense of honor to be able to host somebody regardless of when they might show up now verse 8 i say to you though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend yet because of his persistence and i would like for you to take your highlighter your pen just underline that word persistence that is a key uh prerequisite to receiving phenomenal answers in prayer yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs so there's a point that if you stand outside and you say look i know you're tired and i know it's midnight i'm sorry about this but you just you just keep you you know kind of you know knocking you know come on you're already up might as well just you know there'll be a point he's just like well yeah okay i'll go and give it to you but since i'm up anything else you need you would you like some peanut butter and jelly why not have a gallon of milk give the gu give your host some milk uh your uh uh just have go ahead and have a nice meal over there and so this persistence is very very important now remember we don't want to twist this this is a little bit like the parable that jesus taught in luke chapter 18 of the widow woman going before the unjust judge and some christians have thought well that means we have to just go before god and wear him out until he just finally says i can't take it anymore here's what you want now get out of here and don't come back for a long time no that's that's not the right context the lord's not trying to convey anything like that he's just trying to say we need to be very very persistent and stay with it in prayer there's many evil forces that are out there that you can't see them with your natural eye but they can clutter things up they can try to block things so it's not like god's sitting in heaven just say no i'm not going to do it unless they really convinced me no god wants to be good to you god wants to bless you but there is an element of overcoming in prayer and it does take great persistence so i say to you ask and it will be given to you now of course in the greek you would see this if you read the amplified version of the new testament which expands the original greek brought over into english and it basically says in verse 9 so i say to you ask and keep on asking and keep on asking and it will be given to you seek and keep on seeking and keep on seeking and you will find knock and keep on knocking keep on knocking and it will be open to you so the theme here really is that the lord is trying to get across to us persistence well now pastor steve and i prayed the lord's prayer and i didn't see much happen well just be persistent in your prayer life and be focused in your prayer life and eventually something's going to move it cannot be held back praise god now i'm holding a book in my hand that many of you you need to add this to your library and by the way little side note if you go into a home of a very wealthy person and you were to ask for an emblem of their wealth where do they take you let me give you an example i went into a man's home one time his home was probably at least 20 million dollars and he showed me around this house his house had an elevator you know going up and down the elevator various floors he took me down to the private garage he had he had a rolls royce he had a bentley he had a mercedes maybach so he had wanted me to come over and pray for his wife and i did and he had all these luxury cars he had some other things in there too he had all this wealth but the thing that he really wanted to show me that that to him represented his wealth was on his cars he took me to his library why because he told me he said it's those books that i read to gain knowledge about the lord's blessing the lord's you know the lord's prosperity plan uh the lord's goodness that you know following the holy spirit that's produced all of these things so it's the library you need to have your own library all wise people have access to knowledge to books to wisdom through books and this is a book that you need to have in your library it's called reese howell's intercessor the story of a life lived for god and the reason i mention this book is because in this book you see persistence in prayer demonstrated in ways that's it's not very regular today you have to really look today to see some of the crazy stories like this guy had and this man was able to purchase three of the most beautiful properties in wales when each time he he would go after that property uh he didn't have the money and see some of you think oh well pastor stephen why i pray for a house i don't have the money the kingdom of god it doesn't work like that it's based upon the currency of faith and how the word and prayer can build up a faith and a release of god's power that provision will come the miracle will come and he prayed in yes he was a giver he was a sower of seed so he rightfully would have a harvest coming in but he didn't just sit back and say well i guess that harvest will show up eventually he prayed like crazy and during times of recession when the nation was going through financial lack he's purchasing phenomenal properties and he's buying them against some of the biggest bidders in all of europe and he he was doing all of this on faith and praying but when i'm talking about praying i'm talking about you want to read examples of persistence whoo heavy heavy persistence and prayer and so he had a phenomenal track record of what we would call miraculous answers to prayer and i want to encourage you today that if you will be very persistent in prayer you too can achieve remarkable results in your prayer life that are nothing short of miraculous well mr howells uh there with the bible college that he raised up in wales that's what the properties were for various extensions of the bible college and eventually because wells of course is part of great britain they rolled into world war ii up against the military might of the german army and hitler and so when mr reece howells saw the threat of hitler and saw the power of the of the military he realized great britain is in trouble like never before and so he said we've got we've got to pray so he shut the bible college completely down no more classes no more teaching and he and the instructors and the students that decided to stay did nothing but devote themselves to prayer that hitler's army be overthrown and that god would preserve england god would preserve great britain god would preserve london and that god of course would preserve the properties there in swansea wales and there on his properties although swansea was heavily bombarded with the air raids from the german yet nevertheless his properties never got one bomb dropped on him and he would pray god protect the properties lord send your angels and god certainly did protect those properties but the lord revealed to rhys howells that they must pray as a group of spiritual warriors they must pray in a way that would they would individualize themselves at the same way as if they were fighting on the battlefield so they would listen to news they would find out where the german army was at and then they would pray just as if they were soldiers fighting they would pray with that strategy from heaven and they would go to war in prayer wow praise god so i would like to talk to you just for a moment about what many war historians refer to as hitler's greatest blunder and when it looked like hitler when he had started the war and the panzer division and all these you know phenomenal tanks that the germans had and that they were just cutting through the the french line and you know the uh taking paris and they're they're cutting through the the english uh countryside and they're they're just you know they're tearing everybody up and it looked like they're gonna win the whole thing right off from the start and there in wales this man of god was praying mr reese howells and he was praying that hitler's army be stopped and i would like to read to you what happened and it's something that the military historians they have no answer for why hitler made this huge blunder why he did what he did it makes absolutely no sense but you know what he did it and it altered the outcome of the war and it's because reese howells and those people were praying this is what took place little uh a little note here says when the war broke out their prayer meetings at wales bible college became a daily event so the the bible college teaching stopped and this is what they started to do every evening from 7 p.m to midnight and often later the students and staff met to pray think about that just for a moment i know it's easy to read that let those time frames skip by but think about the magnitude of praying five hours every night with a very concerted group with a group of spiritual soldiers and you're in there five hours sometimes longer that's a long time to really push hard in prayer but that's what they were doing they were praying for hitler's overthrow it says every week and often for days at a time there were whole days of prayer it seems that god would lay one or another aspect of the war on the heart of reese howells or on one of the other prayers and the whole community the whole group would intercede and one of the most amazing things that god answered their prayer for was the battle of dunkirk in may 1940 as hitler's blitzkrieg rolled across france and the low countries the bible college prayed that he would be stopped now here is a writing from reese howell's own diary may 27 1940 2 45 pm he said it is as much as i can do to believe today the news which was very negative the news between the two prayer meetings was awful hell upon earth the next day they're back to praying again in the meetings the prayer was for god to intervene at dunkirk and to save the the british soldiers and as the spirit came upon them in prayer and supplication what one prayed at the end expressed the assurance that was given to all i feel sure something has happened my friends something had happened on may 24 1940 hitler had given an order to halt the armored columns driving toward the trapped british and french troops there were 338 000 of them trapped hitler's got them most of them were british troops they had fled they had fled from the germans not only in their fleeing had they lost their you know their positions they left all of their weapons behind and they had no guns anything and they're trapped on the beach and hitler's got them the germans have them and for no explainable reason when the german generals are ready to go in there and just kill them all or you know have them all surrender and just capture them all hitler said stop they told this man to stop right with the total victory it's right there he said halt he said stop and the general all the german generals are like why let's just win the whole war right now but they couldn't override hitler's command wow this order remained substantially unexplained to this day on and after may 28th in the miracle of dunkirk hundreds of thousands of british and french soldiers were rescued they were rescued they were not airlifted they were sea lifted the british got ships in there and they started getting all their guys off the beach and get all the french soldiers off the beach and they got them out of there hundreds and thousands of them wow wow and so all of those men live to fight again whoo praise the lord now why in the world did hitler make a crazy blunder like that because they were praying intense bombardment of prayer intense prayer persistence persistence hours and hours and hours oh pastor stephen we can't move it you'd be shocked at what you could move if you gave it some more persistence hallelujah i see i see some of the most amazing prayer results coming into your life because of your persistence glory glory to god now i thank this whole experience of this flaming fire on the inside of you to be persistent i think there's an activation for it where somewhere in your prayer life you get um you get lit up and it's like you know your prayers are moving things and when that happens it's like you become a superman or you know ladies or superwoman and it's very very interesting i'm going to see if i can give a little insight into it from the natural realm i would call it from a a sports uh representation it's almost like when you become anabolic and i'm not talking about anabolic steroids although that would certainly be an extreme example of that but when you come in your body anabolic you're in a place where you are in a muscle building process the exact opposite of that of course in sport science would be when you're catabolic which is not good that's actually when your body is being torn down and there's times you can be very vulnerable and your body can go catabolic so you need to you need to step in there and do some things to uh bring healing and nourishment example if you just finished running a marathon you're going to be depleted you have been sweating for at least two hours maybe three hours and you're sweating out all these minerals all this vitamins and all and all of this stuff and you're at a level of depletion not only uh in the sense of minerals but also within your your blood there's a drop of uh you know certain type of blood cells and so forth and so there needs to be some very quick refreshing so that you don't go into a catabolic state when jesus fasted for 40 days he had gotten to a point where his body was white it was right on what medically you would call a catabolic edge because it says he hungered what does that mean that means that he has no more fat to burn and he's burned it all up and that's your body telling you you're going to have to feed me now because if you don't i'm going to keep burning other stuff up see your body designed by god is is an incredible um well-structured system of surviving because in order to survive if you're catabolic and there's no more fat to burn it'll start eating muscle tissue it'll start eating consuming your own heart what you're about why would your body do that it's trying to it's trying to get something for fuel that's called catabolic very very dangerous and by the way that's when satan appeared to him and began that temptation when he was in that very very weak state where you have a very small window where you have to deal with that or else you could do damage to your body it's interesting because if you're let's take an example let's say you're a skinny guy and you have a fast metabolism i've heard guys tell me this you know pastor stephen it doesn't matter what i eat i can't gain weight if i if i eat it's i burn it up within like a few minutes and i just you know i'm going to be skinny the rest of my life well i could understand why they they would think that because there are there is genetics there is body structure body type and things like that but the truth is is that if you start drinking protein powder drinks and you start with three a day and you eat three meals a day and you you'll feel bloated but the next day you start bumping up the six shakes you you might think if you're real skinny oh i don't have room you might not you force it down anyhow well i feel yucky i feel bloated yeah you probably do and you'll feel like that but you've got to get more calories in so if you've only eaten 1500 calories a day and you want to say bye by the skinny you want to get muscles on you keep eating high protein food and you hit the weights or else you know you're not going to have that strength you have to eat and hit the weights and you know what if you do that for about two months it could take a little longer could take three and a half months and you're working out with a good strength training program under the oversight guidance of somebody that knows what they're doing that can instruct you right so that you don't over train but at the same time so that you don't under train there become a point where something in your body it it ignites and you go anabolic and it's like a switch got turned on on the inside of you and suddenly you're like i want a steak or you just had one an hour ago i want another one i want another cheeseburger where you had one earlier i want another one and and you it just you begin like you become like a furnace you start you could just start eating and you it's it's like muscles start popping out what happened you you became anabolic and it flipped and from then on it's just like watch out you're gonna have to get some new t-shirts you why you're growing your neck next getting bigger everything's getting getting stronger it's very very interesting something clicked so it's the same way in prayer if you push you push you're persistent you're persistent knocking seeking ask him even even if the guy's in bed oh come back tomorrow i don't want to get out of bed but you you're just so strong in your prayer life like mr reece house you'll get to a point you can you can move anything that god gives you permission to touch in prayer you can move it i mean it's incredible it's incredible what you can do when i was young my dad would he would try to take me and my brother's jogging and you know he was in the air force for a while he got out of the air force but he still had some of that you know of course military mindset and thought you know would be good for me and my brothers to jog and be in shape and i tell you what i hated it every time he'd take us jogging even if it's only for like a you know half a mile to me it was like agony i thought why would anybody want to do this i felt like i wanted to vomit and throw up i i felt awful i'd say dad i i don't like this this is well this is not my thing and um it's just uh the whole thing felt terrible but later when i was in high school and i was i think it's like 10th grade or something like that um there was there was the the senior track star and he was he was real good he had one of the fastest times in the mile in the state and for some reason he and i like met one day and started talking and uh you know i knew who he was i heard about him and he said he said stephen why don't you start running with me and i thought oh i could never keep up with you he goes no i'm not talking about racing just like training just like training why don't you just come out and start running with me some and um uh i just thought okay i guess i'll try and uh you know because he was mr cool and everything i thought well that would be fun to get to know him and uh and so he kind of like took oversight of me with training and then the coach noticed i was running with him and you know he was already the track star so the coach said well let's let's help stephen along too and it took a while but and i'm not really sure when it happened but there came a point where something clicked in me and i moved from like being a jogger i moved from somebody that was struggling i moved to where like hey this is like this is kind of like fun then you start then you start having longer runs and then you know uh in in track and practice on sunday they call it lsd that stands for long slow distance so you want to get in the long run on sun to get your mileage up and you know you go out for 10 or 12 miles and you run you you would run with your teammates they're also distance runners and you know because it's so long you just you just talk the whole time talk and laugh and i used to think oh how could you do that you're gasping for air but that came a point i could run uh six minute mile pace when training and just talk tell jokes laugh and stuff like that you know you put your time in put your put your workout in and then when you go to compete of course when you're racing you can't do that you have to you know you're you are gasping for all the air that you can get but there came a point sometime in high school in that year where it just something ignited something ignited in me and i i became a runner praise the lord and i really really enjoyed it and from that point on it was just a matter of getting faster but i was i had it i was hot praise the lord and really when you go anabolic particularly in strength training you're like hot you're you can even censor feel it and there's something about prayer where if you keep pushing and you keep pushing you light and you get ignited and you know you are you're like hey i'm getting pretty good at this hallelujah i you may think i may not be ruth's house i may not be uh shaking a a a nation but whoo i mean you're doing some stuff and not only that there's nowhere else to go but up woo praise god and it becomes very very exciting and i would have to say this as well that one of the greatest motivators is progress you know if you're trying to get in shape and you can see that there's a change and you can measure change you're like hey it's happening what does it do it motivates you why it's working so it's the same way in prayer when you see god's moving this thing's moving then it's like man i'm not missing my prayer time i'm going to really start to lean in and i'm going to hit it really hard praise the lord glory to god thank you jesus and so you realize that persistence is just normal and so what you decide to do is you put that workload in yes is it in a sense like a workload well it's it's there's joy in it there's great satisfaction in it but to get in there and really get going and yeah there there can be um some sacrifice in that but i tell you what um when you're lit you're just like hey this is what i do anyhow this is your thing and so you put that workload in and you embrace perhaps what we could call the price tag of persistence in order to be persistent you at least have to be there knocking seeking in prayer you're there glory to god and things my friends will shift and change for you thank you lord here's a great example genesis chapter 32 verse 24 then jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him until the breaking of day now we as new testament believers we look back on this we see that this was a real wrestling match and jacob is exerting physical strength he's sweating but you have to understand that in the old testament those were types and shadows in the new testament we have more of a direct substance which is prayer this was a representation of prayer what it would be like in a sense to go all out to really push yourself in prayer and he wrestled with him until the breaking of day now think about that just for a moment that this is something where he pushed so hard he wrestled all night long now myself i'm i don't know i i would find it hard to visualize myself wrestling all night long after a while i'd be my i might be like well you know why are we even doing this what are we wrestling for anyhow but but in prayer um you may think the same thing and you may think well how in the world could jacob or anybody really pray you actually pray all night and you see the sun coming up what what could motivate a person to do something like that these are scenarios where you're lit and when you have been ignited this is not like you know you're trying to agonize through something why you're pushing and you're dialed in and you're in it and it's not like you'd rather be doing something else no you're here and you're on it because you know you're gonna move this thing so there's a tremendous excitement and you're actually happy to be there and there is an element where yeah the time moves it moves and you get through it next thing you know wow the sun's coming up wow praise god and i think i think there are those times where you have to jump in there and and really exercise a level of persistence that sure could be beyond a normal scenario but you have to also understand we're living in a in a culture today where what maybe we would call normal prayer persistence has so fallen off the side that there's very little prayer going on at all so nevertheless when you're faced with any form of stagnation then what you need to do is show a greater exertion of persistence and you'll move it you absolutely will move it and this ignited prayer life will refuse to tolerate any form of stagnation in your life you just got too much of the fire of god in you he's lit you and you can you know you can deal with it and so you do praise the lord i think about the time that bishop david oyedepo from winter's chapel there in nigeria he talked about years back when his church had only 1 000 members now there would be some pastors that would probably say that's enough for me i you know i'm happy with a thousand members but he knew that god's plan for him included a much larger impact so he went before the lord in prayer and fasting and he said lord with all of the efforts we have made and all of the organizing and all of the praying we've been doing we should not be stuck on this plateau of just you know only a thousand member church he said if we continue at this rate he said by the time we get to ten thousand he said i'll be 100 years old so lord what's going on here and he set himself to be very persistent and focused prayer and fasting and it was during that focused time that the lord spoke to him on one of those days of dedicated prayer and fasting and said go outside of the church building and walk out a certain distance and he did away from the church building and the lord said now turn around and look at the church look at the building and when he turned around to look at the building he went into a vision and his spiritual eyes opened and he saw something that greatly shocked him he saw that the devil had fabricated some form of a veil a huge veil and had dropped it over the entire church so that those in the surrounding community and even the unbelievers it's like the church was invisible they couldn't even see it it's like it was veiled for them even the purpose or the intent of the church no but nobody even knew what what it was about or anything like that and and the lord told bishop oyedepo this is what the enemy has done he is blocked and he has veiled your church from having an impact or having effect that's why you're stuck on this level but with that anointing and with that vision came the empowerment to deal with that situation and the lord showed him what to do and he spoke to that evil power and he bounded in the name of the lord and that thing was broken just like that and of course as you know today he uh has gone way beyond a church membership of 1000 they now have over 400 000 members they have a seating facility of 50 000 running about eight services uh every sunday and yes he teaches every service and they also have plans to build a facility that will seat 100 000 of the church members at one time that way they don't have to have quite as many uh services praise the lord more efficiency praise god but my friends you have to jump in there like jacob did and if it would mean wrestling perhaps even until the sun comes up well it's it's your destiny it's your life and i want you to see it from a perspective though not as something like well i've really got to have to have an iron wheel to do that no we're not talking about mental willpower we're talking about you're lit anyhow and so you're ready for the assignment you you're like reese howes and these people you're just this is part of who you are you pray you jump in there and you pray you don't put up with these things these areas defeat or to stagnation not when you know you can break through whoo praise the lord glory to god i see some amazing things unfolding through your life because you're going to push through you're going to push it through praise god now let's go to the gospel of luke chapter 6. luke chapter 6 verse 12 praise the lord now it came to pass in those days that he went out to the mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to god and when it was day he called his disciples to himself and from them he chose 12 whom he also named apostles praise the lord all night in prayer may seem like one of the most outrageous things you've ever heard but when you are lit on the inside when you are ignited when you're spiritually anabolic you're like let's go whoo glory to god i've got a coffee over here i have a red bull over here and you realize you're not running on caffeine this is not like we're going to try to you know have you know it reminds me of a job i worked many years back where um the manager of the company he had he had a whole line of red bulls all lined up he was going to drink one every hour can you imagine doing that every night he had a whole bunch of them all lined up he's drinking drinking them you know just wired all the time that's not good to do for your body but you know one every now and then that's okay uh but i'm saying you're you're not so much running off that although if you need a little caffeine you know whatever okay but i'm trying to say you're already lit praise god so you're going in there and you're praying and you can go all night because that fire is burning in you so this is not like we're trying to display some type of superhuman iron wheel i had a former church member very nice guy good a good man and he he really liked doing these ultra long distance bicycle races and they were they were grueling uh there were some that were literally through death valley in california others were in some other countries that he would travel to he had a very specialized bike and you would have to ride for almost two days now you're constantly trying to eat you know you're carrying on a backpack various forms of food and liquid but uh you don't really have time to sleep you don't you hardly have time to go to the bathroom is just jump off your bike run through the bushes get back on your bike and white because there's there's a race uh so it's it's a tremendous ordeal and so it doesn't matter if it's raining you keep going you keep on going and i talked to him and he said actually although it's it's very grueling and you don't sleep you don't sleep at all not if you want a place high so it does take that iron wheel but he said truthfully the most difficult part is not the lack of sleep because eventually you're going to get some sleep the most difficult part is not pedaling literally up mountains and you're sucking for air he said the hardest part is sitting on that bike seat nonstop for 48 hours pedaling the whole time because you know the the anatomical structure of your body you've got those little bitty bones in there and you're sitting on a little skinny bike seat about as skinny as this book and you're hurting if you're not used to it you're hurting after 30 minutes and even when you build up a tolerance to it when you are he wasn't a pro writer he was he was amateur he was he was up there though but it takes it takes years to build up a tolerance to then build up those little tiny bones and little tiny muscles where you can uh get used to that but but after a day you're in pain after two days you're in extreme pain so he would be a good example of somebody that could push through it and do it but that's not what i'm talking about this is totally different because some of you are thinking pastor steven i don't i don't have that type of a uh you know personality to you know like be this iron wheeled person i'm not a you know triathlon person you know the triathlon in hawaii which is uh uh starts with a two mile what 2.4 mile swim then you transition straight into 112 my 12 mile bicycle race and then you transition to the final easy part which is a 26.2 mile marathon you do the whole thing non-stop ideally we're not talking about stuff like that we're talking about a fire that's lit on the inside of you and the holy spirit is uh he's touching that stirring that and you are cooperating with that and you're just praying and you're you're flowing through it and the minutes are going by an hour goes by two go by and you're just like well lord the fire's burning i'll just stay at it there's an anointing you're praying and you're seen in your in the in your mind's eye that thing being moved and you're praying and you're you're praying strong too i tell you what you can move it you can move it hallelujah this man was flesh and blood just like you and i are glory to god and they achieved amazing results praise god and i see you doing the same thing somebody might say well pastor stephen i've i've received prophecies and i believe that god will bring it to pass good i do too but you better jump in there and really pray over that thing you better cover that thing in prayer cover that prophecy in prayer because the enemy is going to try to block the enemy's going to try to hinder that's just his job that's just what he does and he's he's he's consistent at what he does so pray and really push and be very very persistent and and should you have the freedom maybe you have the weekend off it's friday night or something like that or maybe you're watching this on sunday and you don't really have to be at work early on monday and you just think you know what i think i'm going to go for it i think i'm going to give it a shot well then who knows it wouldn't surprise me one bit that you would pray all night long and just push until literally you saw the sun come up glory to god thank you jesus now we see here of course that jesus did that we know that jacob did that and so there is the natural element there are times of i'm going to pray late at night and if i have the ability if if i can get a little nap maybe an hour or 45 minutes before i go into that sure i'll i'll do that because you know if you can prep for it a little bit that does help and yes your body will need some fuel so if you need something to drink or if you need a little snack that's okay grab something but then keep get right back in it so that you don't lose that flow that momentum praise the lord and most importantly i would say in these type of sessions if you go all night is to do what is the hardest thing for some people to do when they tried to come to the maybe like a meeting or they try it which is to what which is actually to pray wow hallelujah so many so many they want to go over to the piano pastor steven i just feel we should worship the lord no no we need to pray we're here to pray you had all day to worship you can go home tomorrow and worship all you want but see they it's not that they want to worship it's just that they are so unaccustomed to praying that they don't really actually know how to start doing it when it comes time to do it and so they they come up with all kinds of things and i used to when i was when i was in my 20s i would go to a friday night prayer meeting there at the church and the church had about i don't know maybe ten thousand members and out of a ten thousand member church we would have about five people show up for the pr uh friday night all-night prayer meeting most of them were grandmothers pentecostal type grandmothers that that were prayers um and then there was myself and you might have an occasional somebody else drop in but anytime usually there was an occasional somebody else drop in they would always try to get over on the keyboard they would always try to like do anything but pray and we would be like we hear the pray the senior ladies uh under the pastor's authority are like we're here to pray we're here to pray we're not here to you know do all no we're here to pray praise god so i would encourage you just do that well pastor stephen i feel like i well you don't really need anything else except just grab your bible grab some water and just go pray get along go pray i think i'll just lay out and look at the stars no pray pray when the lord was up all night he continued all night in prayer in prayer well i want to worship well then have a worship meeting but call it a worship meeting don't call it a prayer meeting if you're not praying but if you want to see these miracles and you want to see this phenomenal stuff you're going to have to be persistent in prayer yeah yes there's there's a place for for worship there's a place for praise and all of that but um be careful your flesh will try to cheat you out of really the workload you need to carry in prayer so just just do it just just do the praying praise the lord thank you jesus glory to god and i believe you will one more example first samuel chapter 15. verse 10 now the word of the lord came to samuel saying i greatly regret that i have set up saul as king for he has turned back from following me and has not performed my commandments and it grieved samuel and he cried out to the lord all night samuel prayed about the situation of saul the rebellious king because god's going to change some things up and samuel prayed all night long how did he do that he he just he had a very vibrant prayer life oh praise god and i think what's fascinating about samuel is not only did he pray all night long but in the morning he just kept on going and went right into the day because there was something that he was going to accomplish verse 12 so when samuel rose early in the morning because he cried out to the lord all night when he rose early in the morning to meet saul it was told samuel's saying saul went to carmel so what he's going to do is he's going to catch up with saul and he's going to have a conversation with him discuss with saul about his rebellion his disobedience his failure to execute the the enemy of god's people and so it's actually going to end up where samuel the prophet of god himself is going to have to do the act and he certainly does verse 32 then samuel said bring agag king of the amalekites here to me because saul was supposed to put him to death and he didn't do it so samuel is going to take care of some business so again came to him cautiously and again said surely the bitterness the bitterness of death is past but samuel said as your sword has made women childless so shall your mother be childless among women and samuel hacked agag in pieces before the lord in gal whoa praise god i believe that all night prayer meeting that he had that time of crying out to the lord all night he was strengthened with the power of god and the next day the next day he wakes up and just right into the day right into the day and he takes care of business and he deals with that wicked king a gag and so the enemies of the lord are subdued instead of being tolerated like saul was willing to do so there is a place to this very prevailing prayer where you're very persistent you step in and you push and push in prayer and you're going to get it done even if the king himself didn't get it done still got done god rerouted it and did it through his prophet it was a messy job but it got done praise the lord thank you lord jesus so there is a grace a strength that will come now there are times you're going to need a little extra sleep through endeavors like this but the holy spirit he structures and organizes your life and god blesses you and rewards you when you pursue him and seek him in such diligent ways praise god praise god i see you breaking through and because of your perseverance i see extraordinary answers to prayer being done in your life that that when people hear about it they'll they'll be like are you sure i've got to see it for myself and they'll come and find out that it's true that you prayed a miracle into manifestation praise the lord lift your hands i want to pray for you father i pray for those that are watching that you light them right now on the inside with the flame the burning flame of prayer father even as reese howes was an intercessor praying your kingdom forward and accomplishing literally exploits so things that just others couldn't figure out how he did it they knew that he had a connection with you but they couldn't they couldn't replicate it because they didn't pray but father i see your people really locking on really locking on in prayer and refusing to accept any form of stagnation in their life now i thank you i thank you father god i thank you for this fervency to pray even sometimes even sometimes perhaps all night touching them in jesus name amen and amen praise the lord glory to god my friends if we don't do our part it can lead to discouragement it can lead to frustration there are some christian sites there they're constantly uh posting prophecies a prophet or a prophetess they'll get a prophecy and they'll say this is the this is the word for the week and this is your prophecy for the day it is something very beautiful and lovely that god's going to do all this wonderful stuff for you and you know when i look at some of that it almost reads like a like a horoscope and then of course another week goes by nothing nothing changes nothing happens a month goes by nothing happens and i'm not saying that it's not good to uh share prophecy which in this basic sense is for edification exhortation and comfort but if you don't tell people to get in there and do their part you could you can prophesy to them and give them a thousand prophecies and they'll just sit there on the shelf gathering dust and eventually people start to get a little frustrated because they're like hey nothing happened that i'm that's being told to me well that's because they didn't tell you that you need to be persistent and you're gonna have to get in there and pray and so that's the rubber meet the road that i think it has escaped or eluded a lot of the evangelical church even a lot of the penteco pentecostal christians because if you drift from the roots if you drift from the ancient pads or basically if you drift from the word you're going to get out there and you're going to find out that square peg won't fit through a round hole it won't fit so you're going to have to embrace that workload of prayer but again when you're on fire and you're lit you're just like lord bring it to me i'm ready for it and you and you engage you engage you're there to meet the lord in heavy prayer it's just what we do praise the lord and if you're on fire you've been lit you know that and you're happy with that i think some others have got lit with some other things praise the lord but the flame of the fire of the spirit burning within you and this knowing god uh you can't you can't substitute that you can't uh it's it's taking you again into the gold standard of what of answering prayer proofs prayer uh praise the lord glory to god amen so it's happening stay plugged in and push in deeply praise god now for those that are watching today and you don't know christ as your personal lord and savior jesus died for you to redeem you from your sins to receive his eternal life all you have to do is turn from your sin and look to him in faith and he will save you praise god if you would like to do that pray this prayer from your heart pray it right now say lord jesus i'm a sinner but you died to save sinners like me jesus i turn from darkness i turn from sin and i come to you save me now wash me with your precious blood write my name in your book of life and from this day forward step into my life and lead me and guide me in the way that i should go jesus i take you as my lord and savior right now in your name i pray amen and amen welcome to the family of god let's take communion together today as a church family grab some unleavened bread grab some grape juice praise the lord stop and think about your life maybe before you got saved maybe after shh of the times you stayed up all night doing goofy stuff pastor stephen i watched that entire movie series it was seven movies back to back and i stayed up all night long oh now you're just saturated with that movie the word of god's a million miles from your mind your destiny is cloudy but oh you know all about that movie god bless you god bless you amen and your destiny sits over here stagnant but you spent all night all night watching movies god bless you whoo hallelujah but now we know that burn the midnight oil is to spend time with god in prayer pastor steven i can't sleep i just haven't been able to sleep well just get out if you can't sleep get out of bed go pray well if i do that i fall asleep we'll fall asleep praying hallelujah maybe you get healed get to be able to sleep good amen praise god amen but just push go for it experiment try it um and again i'm saying if you if you keep doing it you get lit you get anabolic and then on watch out praise god sky is the limit father thank you for the bread and the juice we bless it through this prayer we set it apart as holy we thank you that this is now the body and the blood of christ our savior father as we receive the body of jesus we thank you for your infallible word we thank you father that throughout church history biblical history there's always been men and women that could get a hold of you and get an answer to prayer and so father this will not be a faithless generation we will rise up take a hold of your promises take a hold of the inheritance of what you have assigned to us and refuse to sit back and just allow stagnation to remain we thank you we thank you we thank you father god we will not live on that realm we will rise into the fullness of the calling of what you have for us through prevailing prayer father we give you praise we receive the body of jesus now in his name amen let's receive praise the lord father thank you for the blood of jesus father if we have committed any sin we ask that you would forgive us wash all of our sins away with the precious blood of the lord we ask o god that you would lead us away from temptation we ask that you would deliver us from the evil one we thank you for keeping us safe and sound we bless you o god we thank you we thank you for yours as to kingdom and the power and the glory forever we give you praise o god we thank you for the privilege of being able to approach your throne of grace we thank you father god we give you all of the praise in jesus name amen let's receive praise the lord well my friends god bless you be sure to hit the spiritual gym and when the flames burning real strong just see where it carries you too particularly at night time thank you for watching i'll see you back next time bye