good morning my friends i'm pastor stephen brooks welcome today to morning glory our midweek bible study i'm so happy that you're here today and i want to invite you to grab your bibles we will be in matthew chapter 4. we're going to start in verse 1 and i want to talk about when jesus went one-on-one with the devil the adversary how he won and how you can also walk in victory as well over the various temptations that come against your life praise god matthew chapter 4 verse 1 let's pray first heavenly father as we go into your word we ask that your holy spirit would illuminate the scriptures so that it's not just a history lesson not just intellectual information but let it be a living word so that we can take it and safely navigate so many of the spiritual icebergs that the enemy would place in front of our paths father thank you for the illumination of your word and for your holy spirit making it food to us we give you praise in jesus name amen praise god chapter 4 verse 1 then jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil well the holy spirit who is the third person of the godhead the holy spirit knew that the devil was going to come in a very crafty well-thought-out attack and because god is god god knew that and so the holy spirit needs to get jesus ready for this big heavyweight match it's a little bit like boxing where you have two contenders excuse me going up against each other and there's going to be a clash so before you have the big fight you have preparatory training and the holy spirit who is almighty god knows everything god is um omnipotent and he's omniscient and he knows all things and so he can get you ready and he's going to get jesus ready through the tried and true method of separating him leading him into a remote isolated place and helping him to be quiet and to get into prayer and fasting praise the lord for 40 days and 40 nights because the big showdown is coming and jesus is going to be ready praise god now let me just say one more time that the holy spirit is an expert in preparing you for these clashes with the enemy it's not like you're going to have like a major throw down like this every every month this is just something that's very very special this is very important and the devil is coming with all of his diabolical genius ability and the holy spirit is going to make sure that jesus is ready and the holy spirit also will quicken you during those special times when you must withdraw and spend extra time alone with god because it could be that he's able to see the attack that's on the way let's move on down now to verse 2. and after fasting 40 days and 40 nights he was hungry praise the lord well we all have a reserve within our bodies that even if you're a skinny person you still have some reserves and sometimes skinny people say well i can't i can't fast pastor stephen i'm too thin well if there's a medical situation certainly you would want to get your doctor's permission but even skinny people have reserves and you'd be surprised how how far you can go but what has happened with jesus is that after 40 days he has now burned through all of what we would call the bodies natural reserves fat reserves praise god and so after fasting 40 days and 40 nights he was hungry now some people can get to that uh place before 40 days they don't have that many reserves some people can go longer i've read multiple testimonies on the subject of extended fasting one man i think he was in ireland he went one year with no food 365 days and he was really really overweight his mom and dad owned a fish and chips restaurant and he ate there all the time and he got really large but he went 365 days he wasn't starting off to do that but he just started off and after 40 days the weight's still coming off and he lost hundreds of pounds and i'm sure you know got a uh you know a lot a lot of cleansing and healing done in his arteries and his veins and all of that stuff as well as many other places of his body but after after a year he ate some food and then kind of resumed back into what you would call a normal life because uh going with no food for a whole year that's certainly abnormal and uh but he was able to keep the excessive weight off after that and lived a good life praise the lord but my friends at the end of your reserves something kicks in and it's called hunger and i don't know if you've ever been to that place before i'm sure there's a few of you that would understand what i'm talking about but when you are completely depleted your body sends off a signal and it's called hunger it means there's nothing uh left to to burn there there is nothing else that the body has to work with at all your system has been completely gone through and every bit of uh fat every bit of uh you know maybe the body is so it's so amazing how god designed our bodies that once it works through fat if there's bad stuff say like tumors or cysts or things like that the body knows switch over to that now but if there's nothing left to switch over to that's bad or that can't be consumed such as fat then your body goes into a very much survival mode and remember your brain everything's working around your brain with your physical body so your physical brain uh is basically like i've got to stay alive so we have to sacrifice something else so jesus is now at a very vulnerable place where he has used up all fat reserves and by the way when you hit that spot a hunger kicks in uh unlike anything you've ever experienced before you you become so so hungry and listen to me very carefully if you ever get to that point you only have a very thin window you have only a very short amount of time to get food intake or your body will switch into full-blown starvation and it'll start cannibalizing your body your body will start to consume itself usually the first thing if there's nothing else to work with it's going to be the heart and uh it's uh it's very very dangerous oh guess what that's when the devil shows up you know that's on purpose well pastor stephen he just happened to arrive at that time oh no he's standing back in the distance watching he plays so dirty and he's very smart don't ever uh think that the devil is like uh some kind of uh uh you know uneducated type thinker or something like that he's very very smart he is a fallen archangel not just an archangel that was that has now fallen but he was also a covering cherub so now we understand that he is defeated and that because we are in christ he's beneath our feet but don't ever mistake him for being some kind of a pushover he is very very smart he is i would even say superhuman crafty and uh he can really bring the goods when he brings the attack and we need to be aware of how he operates now jesus was he was hungry and the tempter came and said to him notice he's called the tempter he came to jesus and said to him if you are the son of god now i i know that when we see the word if if often denotes doubt and sometimes you know i've heard theologians or preachers say that really satan is trying to create doubt in the mind of jesus that he really is the son of god i don't think i don't think that's really what he's trying to do here now he says if you are the son of god i mean the devil the devil knows he's the son of god remember these two remember each other and uh jesus knows where he came from before he came to the earth he was the son of god and from eternity past he was always known as the word and god the father son and holy spirit uh you know god created lucifer but lucifer rebelled got thrown out of heaven so it's not like they don't know each other and so although jesus has now as the son of god been born into the earth and he's taken on flesh and blood and he's now a human uh this is not like they haven't met before okay so he's he's coming from a different angle and watch this the tempter came and said to him if you are the son of god command these stones to become loaves of bread command these stones to become loaves of bread now i want to ask you a question jesus is in a place of critical desperate need for food so if you stand back and look at the angle of how this temptation is coming in there is a part of it where you can ask um hey what's wrong with this i mean what's wrong with turning the stones into bread i mean after all jesus you're hungry and i'm sure the devil was putting on the heat because stop and think about it just with your natural mind you're out in the wilderness you're in the middle of nowhere there's no grocery stores there's no supermarkets there's no convenience stores like right you know like right down the block or something like that where you can go and get a fried burrito right or something like that or a bag of chips and a soft drink right you don't have anything like that out there so your your natural mind would say you know i'm in trouble i i i need some food and there's there's no food out here praise the lord so the enemy is presenting something to him that in some ways you could think well what's wrong with that why not just command these stones to become bread and that's what we want to talk about uh today you know let me give you an example of what we're dealing with here in this specific temptation in the early 1900s right around you know 1910 actually a little bit before that probably 1909 pentecost or the spirit field experience came to north carolina and it came because certain ministers mainly those that were involved in the holiness movement heard about what was happening in los angeles at the pentecostal outpouring known as azusa street so you had ministers from south carolina and particularly north carolina my home state go to california to be in those meetings to receive what god was doing there and of course many were filled with the holy spirit they spoke in other tongues and they received gifts of the holy spirit and they went back to their home states and you had certain ones come back to north carolina and begin to present the gospel that we would call the full gospel message and uh you know many were very thrilled about this and excited about it it was it was new for many it was a deeper experience with god that many were wanting to move into here's the challenge though you had some of those ministers here in north carolina even after after pentecostal experience of now remember when i say pentecostal and speaking in tongues speaking in tongues is just the initial uh immersion of the spirit this is not like you've reached the top of the mountain this is the initial touch and empowerment of god so that you can come up against these things that are going to come against you and so there are quite a few pentecostal ministers in the early 1900s who in their pulpits hammered against the nasty nicotine and the nasty plant of tobacco and the smoking of tobacco and they would really preach against smoking and this was even before we discovered about cancer and things like that but they would preach smoking's not good and they would really hammer it from the pulpit guess what what happened after sunday was over and monday morning would roll around quite a few quite a few of those exact same preachers were back out on the farm on monday growing tobacco and the very thing that they're preaching against they're actually engaged in so they're undercutting their message and even though they're saying the right thing and in in essence maybe doing the right thing there's something absent in the punch no matter how much you shout no matter how much you sweat when you preach if you're not living it the holy spirit's not going to come on that message with power praise the lord so this is why we have to be very very careful in what we do such as turning stones in to bread we have to be very very genuine with this praise god praise the lord let me give you an example let's go further turn the stones in the bread a couple years back there was a minister now he's finished his course he's in heaven now really good minister true prophet and although he lives in america or did live in america and he was a bishop over many churches while he lived in america he would have to travel quite often to other countries to check on the many churches that were beneath his uh apostolic oversight and he ran into something very interesting in one african church while he was out on the field visiting all the churches well he went to this one church and it was in a very uh war-torn area although the church had been established and was functioning for several years you know all of the economic stress all of the things that a war causes and uh you know elements of famine and also very hard to find what you would call stable employment all of that is circulating all of these hardships so something had taken place in the church and while the pastor knew that what had taken place wasn't really right he didn't know how to deal with it nor did the elders so when the bishop came the pastor and the elders presented their situation to the bishop now here's what the situation was because of the present difficulties within the church and hard to get work and economic pressure we're talking real economic pressure and people you know wondered how they're going to meet their needs and so forth several of the ladies in the church compromised they looked at their situation they compromised and they went into prostitution and you may think oh pastor stephen how can something like that happen even in the church well it happened and guess what the ladies that were doing this justified it and they even brought their tithes into the church and they would put their tithes in the offering baskets and the elders would collect it and bring it and the pastor would pray over it and the pastor was just like something's uh horribly wrong with this and uh i'm not sure quite sure how to do uh what i'm supposed to do about this situation so the bishop showed up and they presented it to him and they said what are we supposed to do or should we take their offerings because it's like should we take their tithes because we have so little money right now we're all in survival mode and we're feeling great pressure to accept this we're feeling great pressure to do this thing and we have needs now remember jesus was on the verge of starvation no food no food for 40 days his reserves are completely out and he is he he could feel that pressure look i've heard theologians say that this whole thing was like a farce that this was like a fake temptation that jesus was god and it was impossible for him to sin uh well those theologians are grossly mistaken this was a real temptation to jesus who was 100 man and he could feel it oh yes he was god at the same time but he has also now become man and he's feeling it and this is a real temptation coming against him well back to the story with the church in africa the bishop wisely said men let us fast for i think it was two or three days and let's seek the lord for his wisdom because even if you go in there and say something's not right about this we're gonna shut this off well it needs to be done the right way and there needs to be scripture and there needs to be uh you know healing and restoration and forgiveness repentance and all this stuff so he says let's just fast and pray and seek god well he fasted and prayed and the the holy spirit gave him a very unusual verse would you like to hear what it is it comes from the torah deuteronomy chapter 23 verse 18 you shall not bring the fee of a prostitute or the wages of a dog into the house of the lord your god in payment for any vow for both of these are an abomination to the lord your god so you cannot allow the prostitute to bring an offering in and say well this is the tide though or to bring an offering and say well this is for the lord's work it's it says in scripture that is an abomination to the lord so uh the bishop shared that and basically because of the scripture and the teaching of the word revealed that this is unacceptable we can't have we can we can't sanction prostitution in the church we all know this is wrong but we're also not accepting that money and so um well pastor stephen now this is serious stuff what happened to that pastor and those elders and those people in the church they all starve and die no the bishop came in and taught them how to stand on on the covenant of the lord so that your food and your water are met and that god takes care of your needs and that as you worship the lord god will provide for you and you don't have to degrade yourself just honor yourself or do something stupid uh that the devil would try to get you into because of pressure that would make you compromise you don't have to compromise at all hold to god's word and god's principles and god will get you through anything praise god well of course there were some ladies in the church that need to repent it i need to repent and there are of course men that need to repent also you know for you know kind of like going along with it and you know because of their need and so forth even stop and think for a moment about the the pentecostal preachers in carolina that were growing uh tobacco because certainly they were justifying it doing the same thing that they would say well hey yeah we're gonna preach against it but what are we supposed to do for a living it's not like we can do anything else there's not there's not any industry out here these are the rural areas of north carolina the only income the only way to make a living seems to be to grow tobacco and then you know we we grow it and we dry it out then people smoke it what else are we supposed to do surely god understands yeah god understands that's called compromise he understands they were compromising and if you compromise and give the enemy an inch he's got you he'll come in he'll come in by the way you don't want the devil in your life in any way he brings this thing called chaos which is awful he will blow into your life with chaos and he'll make your life awful so you want to walk very closely with the lord and watch out because the enemy is very very sneaky on trying to get you to compromise in certain areas where you can you could try to like rationalize well yeah surely god understands yeah i'm starving out here there's no grocery stores yeah okay mr devil you're right i'm going to just go ahead and do it but he didn't do it did he that's not what took place by the way the reference here in deuteronomy 23 verse 18 referring to the prostitute and also to the dogs the dogs uh is an analogy there that's not talking about real dogs that run around on four you know four legs or four feet four paws actually that's actually the word pause is excuse me dogs is a reference to those that would be involved in the pagan practices of temple cult prostitution by the way that's what verse 17 is talking about where god told the children of israel don't let any of your sons or daughters ever be prostitutes or be involved in this ritual cult type worship it's an abomination and that is what was taking place in all of the surrounding heathen nations around the jewish israeli people and all of these other heathen nations they worship their gods but at the temple of their gods you could go and bring an offering but as you brought an offering there will also be cult prostitutes there men that were involved in sodomy women that were involved in prostitution and that was also considered a part of their worship to their god and so that's what's being referenced to as dogs don't have anything to do with the prostitution and don't have anything to do with these uh the sodomites or these other things that the bible calls perversion stay completely completely away from it and we also see that in revelation 22 verses 14 through 15 where that we know outside of the gates of heaven we are told by the lord jesus that's where the dogs are at all those that are liars all those that are sexually immoral all of those that are the unbelievers all of those that are outside of christ there are referred to through the the analogy of being dogs praise god amen now there are certain things that are wrong because if you accept it if you accept it because of desperate need or desperate hunger whatever it might be then your acceptance also basically says that you approve the means by which is which is it is being done so this is a very tactile uh temptation well thought out by the devil to try to get jesus the compromise in this area in a very depleted state that he's now in so really what is this temptation if we boil it all down that's going on right here it is a temptation for you to get done through to get whatever it might be done through a method that god has not authorized for you to use be very very careful god through the holy spirit never told jesus to turn those stones into bread well how else is he supposed to eat out there that's up to god to reveal but jesus is not going to do something that god has not instructed him to do by the way did you ever notice how pushy the devil is very very pushy especially when you're weak just go ahead and do it go ahead turn these stones and everybody go and do it there's ample justification for it just do it just do it he's very pushy the devil's kind of like the person when you're driving down the road at the speed limit and you're comfortable you're enjoying your drive and somebody comes right up behind you tailgating you like a raving maniac they can't perhaps get around you because maybe you're on a one-way lane and you can't you can't move over and they can't pass so you're driving the speed limit but they come right up behind you that's just like the devil and that you know maybe honking or flashing their lights and you're going 60 at the at the speed limit but they want to go 85 so they can't get around you so what do they do try to push you try to push you and of course if you were to yield to that and try to speed up well i'll just speed up for a while because they're driving me crazy guess who will probably get the ticket you would you'd get the ticket and the cop would catch you on the radar and the the lunatic behind you uh you know will go off and somehow not be seen or something like that don't let the enemy push you into doing something that would cause you to compromise on anything glory to god he's very very pushy especially when you're weak this is his operating style praise god thank you lord jesus you know you stop and you think about moses god told him to speak to the rock and he struck it and the water still came out didn't it but see on that occasion the holy spirit god did not authorize did not authorize moses to strike the rock well yeah but pastor stephen the water still came out well i have a feeling that if jesus would have commanded those rocks those stones become brit i have a feeling it would have happened but how many of you know it's game over for the destiny now the devil got him but he the devil didn't get him because jesus knew exactly what was going on and jesus knew i'm not authorized to do this and i'm not going to do it thank you lord jesus now if you do it even if it works and you do it anyhow but you're not authorized to do it the enemy has you so you want to be very very careful in this area this is high pressure temptation glory to god they are pre-planned attacks that's why you need the holy spirit in your life you need the holy spirit in your life working in your life praise god let's continue on back we go to matthew chapter 4 matthew chapter 4 praise god now he answered it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of god so you actually live by the word of god you live by the rhema of god praise the lord how does faith come faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god but when it says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word the word there is rhema so it has to be a living word praise god praise the lord and that's what gives you life and that's what gives you strength and that's what gives you victory praise the lord amen now here we go to the next one then the devil took him to the holy city let's stop there just for a moment the devil took him notice jesus didn't say hey i'm not going along with you i know who you are you're a crazy person i ain't going with you notice the devil took him there are some things you can't avoid there are certain temptations that even though you pray it even though you fast there are some things that god has prepared you for and this this is what is the difference between holiness and innocence holiness has been tested and you resisted the temptation okay so innocence is you're just pure and sweet but you've never really run up against anything you're sweet you're innocent but holiness is totally different holiness is the devil threw it at you presented it in his very best ability you've said no whoa glory to god hallelujah so he took him pastor steve and i'm going to rem i'm going to move to a remote island out in the middle of the pacific ocean with nobody on the island because i'm tired of temptation and i want to get away from the devil he'll be on the island trust me he'll and he doesn't need a boat he don't need he doesn't need an airplane he just has this ability remember remember he's a spirit being you know so a spirit being can just you know they can do things that a physical human can't so sooner or later trust me he'll show up on that island and it wouldn't surprise me if day one he's there to greet you he's uh he's attempted now god will never allow you to be tempted with more than you can bear but yeah he can get around the enemy can get around pastor stephen i have a different strategy i'm going to lock myself in a monastery with castle walls that are three feet thick how many of you know that a spirit being can go right through the walls you know jesus can't you know angels can well the old devil can do he can walk right through a wall and if if for whatever reason he has a green light from heaven to come i mean he obviously has that green light here he's got the he's coming and he's bringing the temptation don't think that you can somehow avoid everything now we ask god to lead us away from temptation we're certainly not going to walk into something i have no desire to walk down to the bar walk into the bar and sit there and just try to run into some good old temptation no i had no desire to do that neither do you but should it come be ready because god will strengthen you and he will get you through it praise god amen so he took him and jesus couldn't say oh i know i'm not going along for this no the devil had this uh permission or whatever to tempt him just like he tempted adam now then the devil took him to the holy city and set him on the pinnacle oh that must have been the ability to go up in the sky to go up in the air and we see that in scripture he is called the prince of the power of the air okay so he set him on the pinnacle of the temple now when you go to jerusalem and you go on tour and i hope that you come on tour with me at our upcoming tour more information on the website that you can find out about our tour to israel in may of 2022 but you can actually see that when the temple was torn down and that upper uh pinnacle area that that is also where the uh one of the priests would blow the trumpets announcing the various feasts and so forth but many theologians believe that's actually also where uh satan took jesus and that's that high pinnacle has now actually been thrown down and you can see it praise the lord then the devil took him to the holy city and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him if you are the son of god throw yourself down for it is written oh how about that look at the devil go quoting scripture whoo quoting the bible look at the devil go would you believe such a slick smooth uh i mean he's quoting the bible and he's quoting it really good he's even quoting it accurately if you are the son of god throw yourself down for it is written he will command his angels concerning you and on their hands they will bear you up lest you strike your foot against the stone um praise the lord here we have a very dangerous thing where this element approve yourself you know uh show us who you really are show us what you've got jesus and of all things the devil quoting scripture now he's quoting out of context and i would say he's doing something even way more sneakier than that it's not just quoting out of context and i want to talk about this different angle that he is now taking praise you lord jesus let me give you an example i was at the home of an esteemed prophet some years back at that time some people said that perhaps he was the greatest prophet in the earth at that time i'm not sure it's a big planet but i know one thing he was known around the world as a true prophet of god i'm sitting at his house my wife and i were there with he and his wife and he told me about the time that there was a mission trip a certain church that he knew knew the pastor and knew all those in the mission department and stuff like that that church was going to take a mission group some of the people in the church were going to take a mission group overseas to a certain african nation and uh they were going to preach the gospel bring the young people and preach the gospel sounds good right sounds real good and this prophet was warned by god to warn the pastor warn the adults warn the parents this trip if you take this trip it will end in horror don't do it and he plead it with them don't do this you know what they said oh oh but we have psalm 91 and the lord will protect all these young people and should anything happen well well that that's all right because the angels of god will protect us and they quote it psalm 91 how about that and this prophet told me that when he saw that they were not going to listen to him and saw that they could not distinguish a rhema word from the logos word you know he knew they were in trouble and he said god he said i'm praying for this group that's leaving anyhow on this mission trip he said lord two of them are my spiritual sons and they're all going to die unless you intervene i'm asking you please at least have mercy on my two spiritual sons that group got over there claiming psalm 91 we're quoting psalm 91 no matter what happens we're here to preach gospel that's what god wants us to do and the angels will protect us they got over there and got caught in the middle of a coup a governmental overthrow and some bad people rose up grabbed some machetes killed all of the young people chopped them up in pieces and threw their parts into the river and fed them to the crocodiles pastor stephen they're quoting psalm 91 guess who else quote psalm 91 the devil and you have to be able to discern what is faith what's foolishness is and what's presumption well i just presumed i just presume that god will protect those people pastor stephen and i just presume that god will do the same for me oh that's what the devil wants you to do he wants you to presume that that word is for you but did the holy spirit speak that word to you well patrick stevens i'm standing on the word of god that's a big book what part of it are you standing on well i'm standing on all of it did god speak all of it to you all at the same time and expect you to walk all of it out today within a 24 i i mean the rhema word is that specific living word that the holy spirit has breathed upon and given life to you you can't just go through the bible claiming scriptures i claim that one i would like that one i claim that one yeah that's good i'll claim that one too that's real good the devil the devil knows with christians like that eventually he can get them he can get them because why they don't know how to get into the word and get that living word so if the devil can fake them out with the fake oh but pastor stephen how can it be fake when it's god's word because god didn't speak it to them and if he didn't speak it to you and you're about to walk into something that's over your head hmm it's not going to go good you know what i call that i call it fake faith whoo and it's still circulating pretty strongly through the body of christ now i don't want you to be paralyzed i don't want you to be worried that you can't make big decisions because you're going to make a mistake but i'm saying that on especially on big things or very important things or if you're on the front lines ministering the word like that young people trying to go over their minister word you really should have some guidance and direction from the holy spirit and not just try to grab things and claim things and stand on this and stand on that no you need to you need to know what you're doing where you're going and be able to discern that witness that leading of the holy spirit especially should the world's foremost prophet speak to all of you and say this is going to end in complete disaster you're all going to get killed well you go sit down old man you don't know what you're talking about we're the next generation and we got the angels protecting us [Music] praise the lord praise the lord i was at a conference one time i could tell you stories like this i could sit down with you for hours and tell you stories like the one i'm not about to tell you i was at a conference one time overseas powerful powerful conference i wasn't the only speaker but i was one of the main speakers and i had a great a great conference the conference wraps up and when it's over there was a man and his wife from a neighboring country i won't say which one they were very wealthy he and his wife were very wealthy and they said stephen we want you to come and minister in our nation at our church and it will be a gigantic crowd and the offering will be tremendous please come please come oh pastor stephen you must have booked your ticket you must have been ready to roll something didn't seem right i went to the conference host who knew that couple this man the conference toast is a true apostle and a personal friend in privacy i asked him hey what's your take on that couple over there and their church and that in the neighboring nation and their ministry he said pastor stephen he said i wouldn't touch it if i were you i said thank you that's all i need to know oh my pastor stephen you're leaving a lot of money on the table oh mr stevens that doesn't move me my friends that that's the devil saying jump jump no no no no no no no no do not test the lord and you do that through silly presumptuous acts that we call faith it's not faith no oh when they saw that that wasn't really moving me that couple they wouldn't ask another minister that spoke at the conference same thing they offered him dangle the big money angled it out in front of him guess what he went oh pretty sharp guy too but he even asked he even went and asked the conference host what's your take on him oh i wouldn't do it he didn't care he's going to go do it he's not going to turn that down for nothing i won't say who he is [Laughter] he's had some rough times since then which could be expected when you do silly things like that and uh even the conference host told me he said yeah he asked me to and he said he went guess what he went spoke of that meeting and almost died he he almost died i i if i'm correct maybe he even did and they had to bring him back to life and uh he barely got out of there with his life why he's in disobedience now i can i can only imagine what would happen if he had died oh we have heard that brothers hoe and soul a minister of the gospel a pentecostal preacher has died in a foreign land preaching the gospel surely he's a martyr and jesus gave him the martyr crown no he would not have had a martyred crown he would have had an idiot crown i i believe he would have gone to heaven he's a child of god good minister could flow in the gifts of the spirit but that that thing of jump that that was too appealing to him because of what was involved surely god understands god i have a ministry budget to need to meet lord understands the needs of the ministry and they're going to give me a good offer i'm going despite clear warnings clear warnings personal exhortations not to do it [Laughter] i heard a preacher one time stand up in the meeting and say you know some of you just need to take a risk and go out and open up your own business even if you don't really know what to do and just trust god and just throw yourself in the arms of god and if it doesn't work out trust him to catch you i thought well you might as well just be the devil standing up to telling people to go jump off of a cliff and hopefully an angel will bear you up and catch you before you hit the rocks but that's not going to happen you're going to hit the rocks and then the financial realm that's called bankruptcy you imagine a preacher saying something like that uh i mean it's like he's just letting the devil speak right through him and this this stuff wow you have to watch it you have to watch it woo the devil he's smart he's sharp he's been around for thousands of years and he knows how to try to come against the human intellect he knows your weaknesses and he will try to hit in these areas but jesus is just too much for him jesus said to him again it is written you shall not put the lord god to the test wow praise god look at this scripture in first samuel chapter 15 verse 22 this is samuel the prophet speaking the saul who's completely blown it already as a king he's already made a major mistake a mistake that's so big he can't recover from it it's it's so bad and the prophet goes to him and samuel said has the lord as great delight and burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the lord my friends you can never substitute for obedience no matter whatever types of things you do behold to obey is better than sacrifice and to listen than the fat of rams now listen to this verse 23 for rebellion is as the sin of divination oh yes pastor stephen that's of the devil stay away from rebellion that's only what rebels do and presumption presumption job got to work it out brother just go for it god will take care of it presumption is as iniquity and idolatry wow wow presumption well god's in this are you sure well i sure think so brother let's go i have to know and unless god speaks to me i'm not going i'm not going there was a minister very famous died in a plane crash uh only a couple of years ago it was all over the news even the secular news all over the christian world famous minister pentecostal minister died in a plane crash people said oh oh how could how could that have happened well there's various reasons why it could have happened but i do know that there was one man um i won't say who he is but there was one man that was not even a preacher that went to get on the plane and the holy spirit said don't get on this plane and so he he backed out backed out and uh said i'm going to take a commercial flight i'm not getting on the plane and they all looked at him with the puzzle look you know when you are a world famous preacher and you have your entourage it's very difficult for your entourage who sees you as the great man of god to ever speak anything to you that could be a word of like maybe i wouldn't say correction but a word of like hey man of god something's not right because they all expect him to be right all the time and if he's off or he's in uh he's being pushed or he's like well you know you know there's a big storm they're flying into and uh that's stretching the maximum range limit of the aircraft but gotta work it out let's go well it didn't work out they crashed they were running extremely low on fuel just before they crashed flying into a major storm and so you have you have all this stuff coming together and that's usually what happens there's usually almost impossible for there to be one mistake usually when there's a plane crash it's multiple errors all compiling together that create a sequence of events that lead to the tragedy but one guy said i'm not getting on that plane and he wasn't even a preacher he said the holy spirit showed me do not get on that plane and he wasn't even a minister how about that praise god praise god hallelujah well pastor stephen he should have just got it gone ahead and got on that plane and god would have covered it because the angels are with that plane uh you cannot you cannot take a scripture and try to just make it work for you if the holy spirit has not given that scripture to you that's presumption well it's in the bible and it lines up with god's will and it's even in the new covenant i've got three verses in the new testament that back that up yes yes that's all there that's ink on paper did the holy spirit speak it to you um very few people would jump off of a cliff but but you have to understand that the enemy is doing this to try to get the lord to act on a word that is not a word to him and he'll try to do the same thing to you he's a master tactician praise the lord jesus let's continue on let's continue on there's one more to go and at this point the pressure cooker is now on the devil at this point the lord has denied two of them he has overcome through the anointed word the rainbow word of god that's what he's responding with not just he's not just responding with blanket scriptures he's responding with rhema words and it's hurting the devil and now when you read this next temptation you see something in the devil that you've never seen before and you know what it is desperation cold sweaty desperation he's running out of options and he knows it and you know what he does next what he's going to do next because he's he he you can only pull so much out of the you know his his artillery what he's going to do next because he's losing is basically he's just going to offer it all and his brazen it's crude if i can use this word it's actually vulgar but my friends this is vulgar desperation and he's gonna throw it all at him because this is his only this is his last big shot watch what he does again the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory i'm sure he showed him the roman empire i'm sure he showed him the the chinese dynasty i'm sure he showed him all of the wealth of south america and all the inca gold and all of these things all these empires around the world so the devil took him to a very high mountain and look jesus couldn't say hey i'm not god i'm headed i'm not going along with you on any more trips nope the temptation is not over with yet and the devil is rightfully going to squeeze out of this all that he can again the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their glory and he said to him all these i will give you now we are aware that in the gospel of luke also luke chapter 4 that the devil actually says there he says all these i will give you because it's been given to me and we know that the person that gave it to him was adam adam compromised adam gave in and satan came in and he took all of that authority that originally was invested into adam but see the the devil's stuff worked on adam it worked on adam and eve but thus farts not working against the lord all these i will give you there's one cavite if you will fall down and worship me that's so vulgar i mean he's desperate now i mean that this is just this is just crude idolatry this is just crude worship hey look i'll give you all the stuff you can run the whole planet except you're going to be under my dominion and under my authority but i'll let you have all this stuff all you have to do is bow down and worship me he's desperate then jesus said to him be gone satan for it is written you shall worship the lord your god and him only shall you serve so it's a living word and it's like a sword and it's hurting the enemy so bad then the devil left him completely defeated completely flustered completely demoralized like how how he's just like i i don't understand it it's worked on every single human in the last 4 000 years so my friends these are things that you're going to run into you must stand on the word of god the living word it's that living word that gives you victory not just a whole bunch of knowledge and you're going to gain knowledge as you read the bible as you study the bible but it's the living words that put you over that's what you live by that's how you conduct your life but it has to be a word spoken to you a word spoken to you if it's not if it's not and you're trying to act on something that is not a living revelation to you it's fake faith it won't work it won't work in a temptation and it won't work when the rubber meets the road um praise the lord then the devil left him and behold angels came and were ministering to him now if you will not compromise if you will not compromise the lord will take you into the fullness of what he has for you and the enemy would present it like well if you do that you're just going to die out here you've got to do this be you've got to turn these stones in the bridge you're going to die out here there's no stores there's no food walk with god refuse to compromise and if god has to if it requires it he will send angels to minister to you woo praise god that's why you don't have to compromise and the the enemy is basically saying if you if you just compromise worship me you'll get it all well jesus is going to get it all anyhow but he's not going to compromise to do it praise god hallelujah did you hear that he was going to get it all anyhow he was going to win it all back the right way the right way don't ever violate biblical morals or principles and you may feel the pressure i know the lord did because this is the jet the devil's bringing the heat and he knows how to do it he can bring it you can feel it you may even sweat uh i mean i mean he can bring it but just stand on those words that give you victory praise god praise god praise god this is why we've had so many christians that have tried to present faith by standing on the word and doing this and confessing this and confessing that or you know i've got the victory or this or that and then it never the prayer is never answered or they die or there's some kind of a something that just went wrong and then people are left wondering hmm i wonder what happened well what happened is they never got the word themselves and when these temptations come if you don't have the word um wow it's it's not going to be good so you got to be very very sharp in these areas don't let the devil push you into compromising don't let him get you into this place where you're in presumption where you think this is of god yeah we're going to do this you need to know this is of god well i'm not really sure pastor stephen well then you need to find out praise the lord spend time with the lord until you get that living word don't jump i'm not saying don't jump off of a you know off of a cliff or something like that of course don't do that but don't jump either into something if god's not in it well i think he is that's not good enough that's not good enough you have to know especially when it's big this is how you live your life by that living word praise god i see victory coming to you through the rhema word of god the living word of god and i see substance i see provision coming to those that refuse to compromise or bow oh oh pastor stephen i'm going to have real financial problems if i don't give into the system they're asking me to do this and surely the lord understands surely the lord understands yeah he understands that you don't really have a revelation that he's jehovah jireh oh but i even pastor steven i know the song jehovah jiren my provider yeah that's nice we all know the song and other songs as well but if that's not a living word to you it's just another song it's more information it's good stuff but i tell you it's got to be it's got to be sharp a sharp sword that's the only thing that backs the enemy off and that's what will cut you through to victory glory glory to god glory to god somebody's about to get some angelic provision it's it's a lot better than the 7-eleven hallelujah it's better than the fried burrito hallelujah that's been sitting there on the cooker for three days turning over and over praise god hallelujah hallelujah glory glory glory lift your hands glory glory glory glory to god lord we give you praise we thank you for your grace your anointing your strength to overcome the enemy thank you thank you father thank you father we give you praise in jesus name amen amen praise the lord if you're watching today's program and you don't know christ as your lord and savior but you you're ready to get your life right with god right now pray pray this prayer after me and escape the dominion of satan escape out of his kingdom come to christ now pray this prayer say lord jesus you died to save sinners and i'm a sinner jesus save me from my sins wash me with your precious blood write my name in your book of life i give my heart to you and i turn from my sin in your name i pray amen and amen praise god and those of you that have prayed that from your heart christ has saved you you now belong to him live for him glory glory glory to god let's take holy communion the devil's not going to pull another victory off on you you're going to be ready you're going to be ready let's take holy communion grab some unleavened bread and some grape juice the holy spirit's getting you ready praise the lord father we thank you for the bread and the juice we consecrate it we set it apart through this prayer this is now the body in the blood of jesus father we thank you for the flesh of our savior that as we receive it we thank you o god that the holy spirit is strengthening us the holy spirit is making specific scriptures alive unto us and god we give you praise and it's by those scriptures that we live we give you praise we thank you that faith is coming by the hearing of the rhema living word and by that we live thank you father we give you praise let's receive now my friends the body of jesus in his name amen praise god heavenly father thank you for the blood of jesus thank you for the mighty cleansing power of the blood of jesus all of our sins washed away we ask father we have committed any sins that you would forgive us now wash them away cleanse us from all unrighteousness thank you father and shielders protect us and deliver us from the evil one and we thank you that you will in jesus name we pray thank you almighty god amen let's receive praise god hallelujah glory to god my friends before i say goodbye we have a ministry need of a new camera we have two cameras one that you're watching me through right now is beginning to fail and we've put a lot of hours on it and i would say we have certainly gotten our money out of it but it's starting to go at times uh it will go from full color into grayscale i was recording a message for an audience in asia just a couple days ago and the camera just completely went kind of haywire on us and it can't be fixed it's getting kind of old anyhow so we need to step up to a new camera and i'm gonna i'm gonna use this one just a little bit longer i certainly don't trust it because it's it's already failed me several times this week seems to be holding together right now but we need to phase it out and get a new camera and i would really like to bring in a cinema camera that we can start streaming with that those are really nice and they're pricey uh the one i would like to get is 7 900 if you would like to contribute to that once you sow a seed towards it you can go to the ministry website click on the giving link and you're going to see a new category that i've just opened up and this is for the camera now i believe that we can get this quickly because we need it quickly so all you have to do is just do what the holy spirit would place upon your heart to do the the price all the bells and whistles uh all tax everything seventy nine hundred dollars and this would be the best camera that the ministry has ever had and it's a cinema camera and so we would use it not only of course for streaming in this studio but we'll also take it with us when we take trips such as to israel or other countries i'm taking this camera with us so that we can record in cinematic mode it's beautiful it's nice praise god you're actually seeing an image right now of our studio right here studio b and uh you can see the camera back in the corner i'll pop up another image there is the current camera kind of towards the left up high and it served us faithfully but my friends let's take this opportunity of having a camera beginning to go out on us and just step it up to something that would be a real blessing for the ministry do we need a cinema camera uh we could probably get by with something less but let's let's step into a a new level let this be a new level we've always had good gear but let's step it up to a new level and bring a cinema camera in again the cost is seventy nine hundred dollars if you would like to sew towards that it would mean a lot and if you would like to do something extra special go ahead and just knock it out praise god and once this budget is met the moment this budget is met i'm taking this off of the uh the web link for giving because it's not like we we need to keep giving towards it because once it's done it's done praise god so let's knock it out quick thank you for your giving father bless your people as they sow towards this immediate need so that we can stay in full color and go into even better color thank you father we're going from glory to glory faith to faith hallelujah thank you father for the new camera i believe i receive it for this ministry for the preaching of the gospel and i thank you father that everybody that sows into this will see the fruits of their labor because every time they watch the midweek service there they will know they are looking through the very lens that they sowed towards giving and they are reaching their seat is reaching multitudes of people so father we thank you that they have a part in the eternal rewards and i just thank you father that we can't we can't preach it without uh a format and the tools to do that and and if we don't preach it they can't hear it and father we thank you that we can't believe what we don't know we can't we can't receive what we're not aware of so thank you father everybody right now that's sowing into this cinema camera for the highest level of internet streaming the gospel we give you praise thank you father bless your people bless the seeds they're sowing and thank you father for shielding us and protecting us from the enemy in jesus name amen and amen thanks for watching i'll see you back next time bye bye