name of Jesus we all say Amen verse 1 and it came to pass when the Lord was about to take up Elijah into heaven by a world wind that Elijah went with Elijah from Gilgal so they're gonna go to three primary destinations really the Prophet is overseeing what we know as the schools of the prophets today we don't always necessarily have what you would call a school of the prophets mainly because back in the Old Testament that was the only ministry they had but today you have five you have the apostle prophet evangelist pastor and teacher primarily back then all you had was the prophet so it's like let's raise up prophets but today it's more of school of ministry raise up ministers and then God will he will separate each person into their distinct you know ministry field and sometimes you might you might think well I'm gonna be an evangelist but then God plugs you into as a pastor and you get into your settled calling so we have a school of ministry and of course God's still raising up prophets but these three locations each one is a decrease in elevation so actually the journey they're going to make they're walking downhill and they're going downhill so sometimes you're thinking you know Lord I'm really seeking you and I'm trying to do what Jeremiah said seek the Lord with all of your heart and you'll find him but sometimes the more you seek your minds thinking hey this doesn't seem to be producing very much it seems actually like we're going backwards but don't let those things fool you it's like you know you can begin the honor the Lord with your finances and you you start tithing you start giving but maybe there's not an immediate change and the enemy says see there nothing's happening you're actually going backwards you're depleting yourself but you need to stay with the scriptures stay with biblical principles and you'll find out that they'll pay off virtually in your life praise God and that's also the thing that the servant Elijah is going to do because Elijah will give him opportunity to stay home now verse 2 and I just said to Elijah stay here please for the Lord has sent me on to Bethel in other words you know stay here it's Saturday morning it's kind of a rainy day there's nothing going on just just sleep in today you need your beauty sleep you you look better and you need to rest today you've had a busy week just relax and stay at home but you know you have to be determined that you're not going to miss your miracle that's that's why you're here because you want to hear from the Lord and receive something from the Lord is that correct praise God and so you have to be very persistent in pursuing the Lord now elijah said as the Lord lives and as your soul lives I will not leave you so they went down to Bethel see they're going down they're going to keep going all the way down to the area of Jordan you're down at the very low spot that flows into the Dead Sea and so this is a downhill journey praise God thank you Lord Jesus and then there are they're on their way to Bethel the prophets young prophet say do you know that the Lord will take away your master from over you today and he said yes I know keep silent in other words I don't really want to talk about that I've got a close relationship with him and I'm not really into this mindset of thinking about him leaving although I know that he's going to so then they're on the Jericho and verse 4 he gives him another opportunity for his young Protege to stay home he says but as to as the Lord lives and as your soul lives I will not leave you so they came to Jericho you know the first time I ever heard a supernatural voice speak to me I was at my grandmother's house all by myself and the relatives were somewhere else on a neighboring house and so I was there alone my grandmother she always prayed and read her Bible all the time and I was alone and I heard a voice speak to me say draw near to God and He will draw near to you well the vote the voice was so real I thought one of my brothers had snuck back into the house and was hiding behind the couch or something like that but I looked around there was nobody there and that was the first time I had ever heard an angel speak to me draw near to the Lord so here's the thing if you begin to draw near to the Lord God will do his part he'll start you'll start to get real close to you he'll get this close to you hmm sometimes in the meetings this one particular fragrance will begin to come forth it's the fragrance of it's a supernatural fragrance of aftershave you know like men when they shave after they finished shaving you take that that aftershave you're splashing on and it's it kind of stings but that God can come with that that he'll begin to manifest that aftershave fragrance what does it mean it means you're coming into a walk with God that's extremely near to the Lord he'll get 'roger he'll get right up in your face win a very sacred holy way and so sometimes when you're smelling that that's what the Holy Spirit is signifying a deeper than normal type walk with God get ready because somebody's gonna catch that beautiful fragrance in these meetings Lord we give you praise today mmm let's continue on now verse 6 then Elisha said to him stay here please for the Lord has sent me onto the Jordan but he said as the Lord lives and as your soul lives I will not leave you so the two of them went on now there there are some things about a mental eye there's it's just like a coin there's two sides of a coin there's a side of a mantel that when you really want a mantel you have to be careful there's a very high probability you're going to get it the other side though is that it does take pursuit it's like it's almost like spiritual gifts spiritual gifts the nine gifts of the Spirit whether it's the word of wisdom word of knowledge special faith gifts of healings working of miracles prophecy discerning the spirits you have tongues you have interpretation of tongues they are grace gifts what does that mean it means they are released by God through grace you get them by grace so it's not like you can earn them or do enough push-ups to get them but at the same time while they are grace gifts God said earnestly desire them so you have to get the balance right some people say well if God wants me to have them I guess he'll just give them to me well that's half of the story you also need to really go after God and say God I really want these so that the church can be built up and edified right and that's you also can minister more effectively to the lost praise God so that there's both there's the grace of God but there's also your seeking your pull upon the Lord it's the same way with mentals if you really go after it and you really pursue the Lord you're probably going to get it but you will have opportunity to say well I don't know if it's worth it you know I just don't know and so you it's potentially you may not make it but if you really go all the way you will now say I'm going all the way and that's what Elijah did he stayed with the Elijah the man of God all the way now verse seven fifty men of the sons of the prophets went and stood facing him at a distance while the two of them stood by the Jordan now Elijah took his mental they'll just said that say mental what is a mental would is a mental well there's obviously something that he could roll up now back in his days the mental was often an animal skin and the Prophet would wear it over the shoulders the shoulders representing government or authority remember the prophet Isaiah when he talked about the coming Messiah said the government will be where on his shoulders right so oftentimes in meetings when an anointing comes down just like rain coming down right now when a mantle begins to fall sometimes people can feel or I use the word feel but I'm saying since they could sense it come right over their shoulders something that had a weight sometimes even a tangible way just fell on their shoulders what is that that's the new mental so in the Old Testament it'd be like an animal skin or a cloth that they would wear that signified that they were a man and woman of God they were a prophet of God now in the New Testament what we would call a mental would be the anointing whoo hallelujah that anointing coming upon you the anointing in you the Holy Spirit in you for guidance for direction for making right decisions in life but the anointing upon you to empower you to do what to do what not only do what God called you to do but watch this the anointing to empower you to rise to the very top of your career field Wow hallelujah it'll make you stand out that anointing that that ability the function that with an unction that anointing will cause you to stand at the top and you'll just have something on you and the world they don't they don't know what to call it they they just say he has maybe he's just got it whatever it is maybe they call it charisma but they don't understand what the word charisma actually means but the Holy Spirit can come on you and you can you can just function in an anointing you know what to do I had a friend of mine he was a fire marshal and he lived in Connecticut and he talked he talked to me about the time there was this large commercial fire commercial buildings catching on fire and canisters blowing up and stuff like that so he pulls up and he's got over 100 fire trucks coming in and all of these men want directions all of these men want solutions and he's just that anointing you go here you do this you do that you turn that off you turn that on do this and he's just like a machine functioning functioning no sweat no pressure no nervousness you did what he was in that anointing in this career field spirit fill believer praying loving God serving God and so that anointing all over him and it helps you stay calm helps you stay calm and function very smoothly and what God's called you to do hmm now you would think that maybe this wouldn't happen in North Carolina maybe you would think this would happen in California when it comes to earthquakes but a few years back we had a big earthquake in North Carolina one of the painters was up on a ladder on the inside of our church he's painting the inside of the church and here comes this earthquake and it's shaking shaking the whole church and a lot of people in North Carolina they didn't know what to do and so we're right next to a public school that's just you know over on the other side of our parking lot and the the the painter said he said Pastor Steven is this what I think it is I said yep they said this is an earthquake I said you probably should get down off the ladder and he did and uh and so Kelly was standing outside and that earthquake kept shaking it actually fractured our National Monument they had to close it for months but the principal rant ran out of the school building like what do i do what do I do now Kelly grew up in Southern California she said you do nothing just relax and she said calm down calm down now see if you're a leader and you get in the fear that's gonna hit all of the people under your control and that would just sweep over all the teachers over all the students and Kelly said calm down it's okay it can't hurt you you're in a good building just relax and just peace the peace of God came all over that that superintendent she was able to walk back into everything's okay everything's all right everybody calmed down about see that that's the anointing that's the anointing was on Kelly but you can transfer it in the noin and just impart that to people when they need it well thank you Lord Jesus okay that's the mental that's the anointing so he took his mental rolled it up struck the water and it was divided this way in bat so the two of them crossed over on dry ground so we have a miracle here now verse 9 and so it was when they had crossed over that Elijah said to Elisha are you ready for this special moment in your life okay ask what may I do for you before I am taking away from you and last you said please that a double portion of your spirit be upon me okay okay so Jesus whips out his checkbook and you know although we don't really use checks much much today do we but it's like pulling out a blank check and maybe Bill Gates stands in front of you with a blank check say how much do you need well you know that guy's got the power you know you're not gonna strain him you know you know so it's it's the same thing it's the man of God under the anointing saying ask I've got them I've got the I've got the connection to kind of like pull this through for you say what do you what do you want okay Solomon had the same thing happened to him Jesus came to him in the dream don't think just because it's a dream that's not real oh that's just a dream that's not the same thing no he woke up the next morning he had it he had something he never had before and he had it greater than anybody ever had before so it can be imparted through dreams but Solomon had the same thing and so you you can get the same question but the answer may be different depending on what you need okay so the Lord asked Solomon what do you want he replied I need wisdom and knowledge why that's what he needed why he's governing and leading millions of people and he didn't know how to lead them and he knew that so he's like hey I don't need the money thing I don't need I I don't really need spiritual gifts even I need wisdom I need knowledge because I don't I'm just like a young kid I don't know what to do and my my dad I mean how do you feel the shoes of David how do you walk in the footsteps of somebody like that he's like I had low lord I need wisdom and I need it I need it right now and he got it he and it was tested the next day when the two harlots brought the baby and the question was who's child who's the real mother and he he could solve it and people were stunned they're like he's got it and you can't just say that was a dream that was a real dream whoa hallelujah mmm he got it okay so right now if the Lord just appeared in a vision on the stage and you could seem and he just point-blank asked you what do you want what's this new anointing that you would like to step into what's this new mental what would you say I know what some of you would say you would say I don't know I need a few more days to think about it but you you have to be able to dig deep down into the depth of your heart so your heart has depth you have you have a lot of depth on the inside of you you have to dig down and say what is that thing that's really that you because I would present to you that you actually already know what it is but you have to you have to be able to pull that up you have to be able to pull that up praise God and it's not getting in the flesh and saying well I want to be a famous rock and roll singer now this is not no we're not in the flesh rearing the spirit what is it from what is it in the kingdom that you want and by the way when you get in the spirit you don't even think about stuff like that I had a person say pastor Stephen next time Jesus comes to you in a vision would you please ask him what made the dinosaurs go extinct well you don't even think about stuff like that I mean I've like it won't figure all that out later I don't know you know that's not that's not what on is on his agenda and there was a time one time when the Lord did come to me asked him a question and he said I don't want to talk about that and I kind of wanted to say but I really do but he just looked and the end the conversation he's like we're talking about this and you know the King of Kings you kind of rolled with him you know what I mean it's so Oh glory to God so so he'll ask what is it that you want and in relation to an a mental anointing you have to know what that is mmm thank you Lord Jesus okay so as I'm talking I'm gonna keep teaching you while I'm teaching the Holy Spirit's working with you helping you right now to identify what that thing is whew okay it's gonna start to float to the top and you're gonna know what the ass Solomon said I I need wisdom I need I need understanding okay but with in life it's different now look what he's going to say what may I do for you before I'm taking away from you in life she said please at a double portion of your spirit be upon me now sir that's a double portion okay now uh what kind of a spirit of the prophetic mental do you see what he's after he's after the prophetic anointing now say my father was a very intellectual very very brilliant man that got passed to my oldest brother my oldest brother is a member of the what do they call that society in the Mensa Society you have to be a certified genius you have to have a like a real high IQ well well he's in that and that came on him that that anointing did not come on me and that night I'm not saying I'm not I'm like an idiot or something like that but I'm saying I don't do the physics stuff and that's what he does you know that the physics and research papers on the pioneer on scattering in the joint projects with the USA in the Russia are collaborating on deep fine that's his world and he flows in it very very smoothly but that did not come on me but that's okay I didn't need that because when I get in the healing line I can't go up to somebody say do you need master books I've got cancer okay here comes II equals mc-squared not take it that's not what I need you need you need that portion that pertains to your calling you see what I'm saying I see holy spirits I didn't find it starting to get real clear mm-hmm say Lord the double portion I want the double portion I think I got the double silly portion somehow I know this one prophet he'll start to minister get real silly he said Pastor Steven is coming all me the spirit of goof it's coming on me well I'll go ahead and get goofy brother that's her thing get goofy amen but people get delivered a man go ahead and blow in it amen mmm I well I I picked him up from the airport at Charlotte and I was driving him to our to our place for a conference and we started talking the more we talked about the Lord the drunker we started getting so on he set up he said to a brother Steve and I feel the anointing from the golden arches so we go with the McDonald's we get our drive-through food at McDonald's and we're so excited in the Lord I pull right back out and start driving up the road and we're laughing and laughing and all these cars are coming towards us I said brother I said would you believe all those cars are going to wrong direction what's wrong with all of those people he goes brother Steven this is what a silly what a silly place she live in they're all driving the road he said brother see what you're driving the wrong way we're going the wrong so we're going up a wrote one-way a street full speed ahead I had the yank the car turned her car around and uh-huh anyway we're laughing all the spirit of goof brother Steven here it comes whoo hallelujah amen whoo maybe somebody wants a double portion of that who had a low yet you'll get free I'll guarantee you that thank you Jesus let a double portion you need to be brave when you ask now when you ask to Lord don't ask for like second master third best well I just don't feel worthy I just don't know ask you for the thing you really want okay mmm ask him for the thing that you really want and he'll give it to you because you can have it you can have it now he said you have asked a hard thing nevertheless if you see me when I am taking from you it shall be sold for you but if not it shall not be so okay so we know the verses from Jeremiah and these other type of verses that say is there anything too hard for the Lord what's the answer no we know that so but he is saying many times the other side of the coin that you need the other stand goes along with it you are asking a hard thing in other words okay he sent look Elisha you you've seen the miracles you've seen me call fire down from heaven that's the chapter just before that you've seen all this you want that anointing but you have to understand this this is a package deal you cannot escape that it's a package deal if you get this Jezebel also will want to cut your head off just like she wants to cut mine off [Music] the rest you know are available so if you already know you have TT party and you somehow extreme end because serving all the table there's one man in America that's tall the brief prosperity you know when you administer you do you think all like on the Teton Eric priests are just doing Joseph's race all the teach on but he said ho-oh he said some of the things that people say about me the lies and the persecution and the stuff they say it's not even true but all the persecution he said one day got to him he said one day the persecution got to me so much it made me cry I broke down in my car just started weeping and crying but he said while I cried I just kept on driving and drove through the bank and made another deposit I just suddenly started feeling better glory to God amen hmm but you have to embrace these things even Jesus it says they persecuted him without a cause sinless sinless sinless and they still they still they still went after him mmm and a lot of it will come from the church praise God hmm do you still want it mm-hmm there's some very beautiful fragrances beginning to a swirl around in here heavenly fragrances Lord we give you praise today so you've asked a hard thing nevertheless if you see me when I'm taken from you shall be so for you but if not it shall not be so didn't happen as they continued on and talked that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with the horses of fire separated the two of them and Elijah went up by a world went into heaven the mantle falls down as he goes up the mantle falls down verse 13 he also took up the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him went back and stood by the bank of the Jordan then he took the mantle of Elijah that had followed from him and struck the water and said where is the Lord God of Stephen Jeffrey's where is the Lord God of Smith Wigglesworth where's the Lord God of Evan Roberts where's the Lord God of you know a Alan where's the Lord God of the great Saints for some of the old classic miracles that came out from that anointing where they add today because you go to a lot of churches that are even so-called Pentecostal churches you can't even tell they're Pentecostal nobody even speaks in tongues at least not publicly and so I'm telling you a lot of this has been lost it's been lost to what I would call the Western Church but God's bringing it all back it's all coming out of the closet out of the mental closet it's coming out of the closet of new Mantle's mm-hmm some of them are actually old and the very first mental I got was 1,400 years old how about that I was um I was in a place for my life I had prayed for two years for mental tell your neighbor that next to you not not two weeks tell the person on the other side say two years okay now I believe because I kind of punched this through you can have the two minute miracle mental okay hallelujah the twenty minute okay but this was stuff when I was studying it I just like Lord I can't find material the Lord said there's not much out there he said you need to write a book on it and so I was just beginning to like kind of like read igg these wells and so I sought the Lord for a mental for two years studying the Bible Elijah Elisha Joshua receiving the impartation for Moses Paul Timothy and on and on all kinds of examples throughout the Bible throughout church history and I just said Lord you've got to have something more for me and I believe I believe you for something more so two years went by and after two years I saw one night I wasn't I wouldn't use the word complaining but I was kind of pouring out my soul I said Lord uh I said I don't you're hearing my prayers but I said I said if you've answered the prayer I I haven't noticed anything nothing's changed I said it's been two years now I haven't had any kind of mental experience and uh I said Lord I'm just a little bit discouraged I'm a little discouraged but remember to rush God is to find fault with God don't rush him because you could be right up to that moment okay and so though the Lord just let me know somehow he let me know it'll be okay it'll be okay because I bumped right up to that moment of like it's time to give birth that's what I was that stirred in my spirit so that night I went to sleep laid down and that night the Lord came and he visited me and he took me up in a vision took me up out of my body and he took me up to what I would call the second heaven there the Apostle Paul talked about being caught up to the third heaven now I was talking I was taken to the second heaven now the second heaven is if you were to go outside today and look up and see the airplanes flying not the ones that just took off but the ones that are cruising altitude like at 30 or 40,000 feet that is technically the second heaven okay that is the area where Satan has a a spiritual Kingdom up there of darkness he also has a kingdom under the sea but he has his ruling primary kingdoms up in the air in the spiritual atmosphere up above us there will come a day he will be thrown down he'll be very very angry he's going to be thrown down it's gonna be a lot of fun because he has an unfair advantage is to see in in war the number one thing a military wants to establish in war is aerial supremacy you want your Air Force to begin to dominate that way you bomb you bomb your enemy that way you save a lot of your troops when they go in you've already destroyed it you know and so you want to get air superiority one day he's going to lose that but right now he's up there and there are scrum holes up there and so the Lord took me up and he lifted me up into the second heaven and he put me behind a rock outcropping and I was behind these rocks these big boulders and I could see down into a valley maybe only about two hundred yards away I can see this valley and in the valley was an enemy camp and I saw demons marching around something they were guarding and protecting and these demons were real vicious and mean looking they had they had Spears that looked like the spears were 18 feet tall with dagger edges and they were just angry they were Ameen looking and they're marchi a whole group of them March it around something of protecting something over the top were two big huge demons they look like bats they had big leathery like wings with like call talons sticking out on their wings they were flying over the top patrolling and protecting this area and so I'm looking at that from behind the rocks thinking I wonder what they're guarding and then suddenly two big angels of the Lord they had white garments these angels had wings they flew over my head and swooped down to that camp and they went like this they flew in him fast circles and it stirred those demons up and made him so angry and then those two angels went whoop and took off and when they took off the evil spirits were so angry they took off after him and then the Lord said he said go quickly those are my two decoy angels and they had totally cleared the camp out and I started running I started running down that hill running with my skinny legs running running and I ran down into the valley and I ran up to something I'd never seen in my life before I actually startled I was kind of surprised I didn't know what to think about it it was a stack of clothing was a bunch of clothes but it was packed with a supernatural density although the stack was maybe like six feet high and about 13 feet long and about you know that why there were millions and millions of pieces of clothing in there I saw hats all kinds of hats gloves surgical gloves all kinds of other types of gloves I saw coats and garments and all kinds of all kinds of shoes and I said I said Lord what is this he said these are unclaimed mantles and he said my Saints from history past have gone home to be with me in heaven but many of them never passed their mantle on and the enemy has taken them as captured them and I knew instantly by mentals in that stack yours to Eggman ooh a we're gonna go in there today hallelujah and I did the same thing any of you would do I took my arm and plunged it into that sack of clothing and I grabbed it I have a big in the field and I grabbed it I said that's it kicked it out hallelujah and held it up and it couldn't could hardly believe what I pulled out it was a blue sweatshirt I know you think it's gonna be like a Jewish Torah scroll over over no it was a sweatshirt because when I'm not preaching or just kind of relaxed that's what I used to wear all the time just these blue sweatshirts and I was a blue sweatshirt blue by the way represents the prophetic the open heavens okay and so I looked at it and the Lord said yeah that's yours put it on and I pulled it over my head pushed my arms to the sleeves pulled it down perfect fit yours is gonna be a perfect fit to whatever it is and then the Lord spoke to me and he told me who used to wear the mantle he said it belonged to one of my trusted prophets his name was st. Columba and he lived off this little island off the coast of Scotland he was an Irishman actually who was a good man but the history of st. Columba's that he actually got involved in a civil war with the king because st. Columba loved the Lord but he took a copy of the Gospels and he made his own copy off the King's coffee and the King considered it hey you you can't copyright my Bible he's like in Columbus like well yeah but we don't have a Bible we want a Bible the King said it doesn't matter he said you can't keep your own copy of it and he said I'm keeping it and they actually went to war over the Gospels and because Columbus family came from a warrior like a warrior tribe they actually defeated the king's men and killed a whole bunch of the king's soldiers but then after the battle Columbo was just struck with guilt by the holy spirit and all the spirits said you need to repent he said because of what you've done your whole life belongs to me now and you need to serve me in Calamba he he left Ireland completely and went to that little bitty tiny island of Iona and he established there a monastery that became the teaching center for all of Eastern and Western Europe and it affected all of civilization and the Lord told me he lived about a little over fourteen hundred years ago the Lord told me you'll find out about him in church history and he said that's the mental that you now walk in hallelujah amen thank you for Jesus and so something began to happen to me after I got the mental just like something happened to Solomon after he received that impartation from the Lord I began to go to the meetings right after that church meetings and you know would speak and normally I would would teach and I would minister to the sick by not by an anointing but by the prayer of faith but this time when I went to minister prophesy started coming out of me I'm begin the prophesy over people and then right after that I began to go into visions and that whole sea round begin to open up to me and I began to see angels and I didn't know it but he was known for having angelic visitations that was one of the primary anointings of his prophetic ministry was angelic visitations so I went on to write a book about angels and the Lord blessed it and caused that book to go around the world praise God but I just say God's got a mental for you hmm say yes and when you get it it'll fit you just right hmmm there's going to be Israeli mentals falling this meeting and some of you you're not just going to visit Israel you're going to go back and you're going to go back and you're gonna go back and something's going to happen to you that's called Beulah my old church used to be called Beulah Beulah means what it actually means you're married to the Land of Israel you're not just a tourist saying yep I saw the site I visited the Mount of Olives I went to the Garden of Gethsemane no no no everybody does that that goes No something happens where God grabs your heart and you become married to the land and you're like why do I love this land why do I love these people that's the Holy Spirit amen that mental is gonna fall here in just a few moments thank you Lord Jesus metals and anointings from heaven I'm kind of wondering where my water is that gentleman do I have a water around here somewhere thank you praise God that one will work just fine would you like to hear some more mantle stories today I want to build your faith up let me tell you also another reason why you at least once in your life you need to go to Israel who's been there raise your hand raise your hand this is a few hands go up so these are quite a few others of you you have you have a destiny you have an appointment in Israel see when we go to Israel me and my wife lead tours we take the people there happen you want to see the sights but we go for a different reason we actually go to meet the Lord there will always be some point on that tour on that tour during that 12 days where Jesus kind of just shows up I'll never forget the time we took a tour and I was trying to we were at a hotel there at the Sea of Galilee and I'm trying to get my laptop set up the stream an internet meeting and our tour group is there we're all sitting around there kind of waiting on me and the Lord walked into the room and I'll never forget it because one of the ladies she was a Catholic woman she's now a ministry partner with my ministry she just shook her life she said my god she said Jesus walked into the room I've never had anything like that happen in my life I said that's pretty wild wasn't it so we go to meet the Lord amen and I believe that when you go he'll meet you there somewhere somewhere he'll meet you there amen oh thank you Jesus one time I was on I was in Israel that was with brothers to do and I had already I was one of the conference speakers I'd already finished my session of speaking and I was sitting on the front row the last speaker on the last night of the conference was up there and he was ministering and this prophet he was under a heavy weight anointing he was flowing in his thing and so I'm sitting on the front row there's a whole bunch of people that behind me though the whole thing the conference is full and so everybody's happy he's up there preaching Kelly's sitting next to me right here and next to me there's an apostle apostle Neville Johnson was sitting next to me from Australia and so we're sitting there just all happy and the Prophet the man of God that was ministering he finished his preaching and he said now I want to lay hands on the people and so the ushers begin the grab people by the hundreds to line them up and the carthesian the prophets going to come down the line so they're all grabbing people but some of the ushers got confused and grabbed us conference speakers and threw us up in the line because we really we just want to like kick back but the people get ministered to but they were just trying to go so fast they just grabbing everybody they grabbed us and throws up in the line we thought well we're here we might as well just stand here a Mia and so here comes the Prophet he's coming down the line now let me tell you what was going on before the line was formed why we're sitting there and he was ministering beginning to wrap up his ministry as we're sitting there something started happening to my head getting ready because there's no telling what's going to happen to you in these meetings something started happening in my head well it felt like he was itching so trying to be low profile because of all the people behind me I leaned forward and kind of start scratching my head and as I did it looked like flakes of manna started coming off my head I thought either this is manna or I've got a really bad case of dandruff that just broke out and it was like tingling and itching and uh and then it stopped I thought okay I don't know what that was but it was but then it something started again and this time it felt like oil was being poured all over my head and I could feel it running down on my face and I'm just like now I have to keep doing this because it's going all over my head and running all over my face and I told Kelly what was going on and she's I don't know what's going on with you but it was just coming all over me and so I elbowed apostille nipple I said um I said brother nipple I said I don't know what's going on in this meeting but oil is getting poured all over my head he said yeah he said there's a lot going on he said I just he said I just turned around and looked over my shoulder because I he said I felt something going on with my back and he said when I turned around and looked over my shoulder he said wings popped out of my back and he said the moment they did he said I saw it straight up into the second heaven and he said I was taken by the Lord in a vision and I saw the black palace of Astaroth the spirit of lust and I saw how in this palace this evil principality was plotting with all of these demons how to take down the ministers of God and how they can sit them up and get them to fall and get into sin and he said God showed me that so I could just somehow see their strategy and he said I just got back I just kind of flew back and landed my seat right when you elbowed me okay so and so while we're kind of like trying to figure this out they had granted us and pulled us up in the line okay so get ready for a mental okay get ready for mental okay okay so the prophets coming down the line he spread his ministry knees prophesying and he gets to Neville he says he says the Lord shows me they suck the Neville that in this meeting God has given you wings that with these wings you might fly up and ascend into the second heaven and that way you can see the diabolical plans of the enemy and that way you can pray and fork the plans of the enemy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tell the person on your left are you ready to get your wings tell the person on your right you're gonna fly hallelu [Music] okay so so then he gets to me and he says thus says the Lord in this service during the meeting the prophet Elijah has come and he's been standing behind you pouring oil on your head during the service saying you lost most people in the Western Church right there hallelujah mmm oh that's dangerous pastor Steven oh that's conjuring up the dead leave him alone he never died how to do you can't we leave a lot like alone amen see Elijah as the prophet of Israel still has a vested interest in that nation today and he still visits there frequently today he still has a flesh body just like you do and he's been in heaven for thousands of years now mmm one prophet said he saw him there and he said man he's been there for so long he looks like he's like gold now like translucent gold but he's coming back hmm I walked the streets of Jerusalem hmm the confounded confused the Antichrist and the false prophet praise God mm-hmm but see that unwinding for me the anointing of Elijah in that aspect is for the anointing of the working of miracles so that when people need a miracle I can pray for them in faith that faith of the Lord comes on me and people receive break through miracles praise God hmm just lift your hands to the Lord for a moment hmm thank you Jesus hallelujah God has something a custom-tailored mental for you there's a mantle of Joseph that's gonna fall on some of you that's a mantle for endtime prosperity and you'll have supernatural wisdom of how to preserve and gather finances for the endtime work of God that's a Joseph anointing praise the Lord hallelujah but there's there's also that lifting anoint you get many of you to get your wings you'll be able to see into the heavenly realm God will show you things what the enemy is trying to do you'll be able to pray against it Lord we just give you praise hallelujah there's are many many prophetic mentals they're going to drop and a lot of the mentals they're going to come down that they will be blue in color and a lot of them will also be turning brown because the brown always represents humility you have to stay low you have to stay low there's an area where God even keep you like in a stealth mode you are you are unknown but well known at the same time hallelujah and when you fly in that stealth mode the enemy's radar can't even pick you up because you fly in humility mode and his radar imagery cannot catch you when you're in that mode oh Jesus we praise you today okay the anointing is here please stand up please stand up we're gonna sing that song to the Lord in just one moment right now the Holy Spirit is helping you to identify what is that one thing the Lord says ask what do you want what do you want today it's the god thing that you're supposed to ask for okay he's going to give it to you he's going to give it to you Lord we give you praise [Applause] [Music] thank you Lord Jesus hallelujah you know I was I was talking with a spiritual father of mine years back he was at that time in his 80s dr. Wayne Taylor and I said I said wait how many mentals looking back over the history of your life and ministry how many mentals have you have you received from the Lord he said Stephen that's an interesting question he said just last night I decided to add them all up and he said I counted 27 distinct Mantle's that God placed on my life this is a man that raised up one of the premier Bible colleges that was known for the deeper life the deeper walk with God and before he passed away he laid hands on me and said Stephen I now transfer my mantle to you and the mantle of Walter Beutler a prophet that went over 100 nations and he seyde transfer the mental of John Follette to you a mystic Saint a man so far in the spirit he couldn't even operate a screwdriver I can still do a screwdriver hallelujah but this man was so far out there he couldn't he was single he never married he stayed close to the Lord all the days of his life and he was just off in the spirit world almost all of the time and then he said I transfer the mental of Ivan Spencer to you who raised up Elam Bible College and so many of the mentals that have come my way have been for the preparation that one day I know it's coming all raised up actually it's going to be a monastery hallelujah a Pentecostal spirit-filled monastery hallelujah with some different rules you can come you don't have to be you don't you can still be married and come hallelujah Amen but it will be unique in that way hallelujah hmm Lord we give you praise today God's gonna give something that's just tailor-made for what you need I believe though in your heart that right now you know that thing that you need for this next phase of your life and of your ministry are you ready to ask the Lord okay lift both hands to the Lord Heavenly Father I just thank you for your people today they're hungry they persevered they're here and Lord they want to drink of the new wine you saved the best for last even as the latter rain would come would be seven times stronger than the former rain in Israel the latter rain of your spirit will be seven times greater than anything they saw at Pentecost and so father there are many frontrunners that are here in this meeting today there are many that will ride this new wave of the Spirit they've already got their surfboards ready they're ready to surf and ride this next great wave a wave so glorious that it will not end it will not go out and in like so many other revivals in history have had so father we just thank you lift your hands now Lord Jesus say there's after me say Lord Jesus from the depth of my heart [Music] I ask this thing of you now and may you receive it as something sacred and holy okay in your own weight tell the Lord what it is you want say Lord this is it there's their scribe angels in here right now they can hear you they have very good ears their right knee to tack them they're writing it down they're writing it down okay so lift your hands just wave your hands before the Lord and say Lord I believe you've got it okay now let's worship the Lord again and then mount Mentos are going to begin to come down in just a moment let's worship and sing to him again lift your hands lift your hands lift your hands Heavenly Father the mentals they anoint teams that you have reserved for your people for this day and for this hour lift your hands Oh God let it come on your people now receive mactal small in the name of Jesus Holy Spirit open the work Doakes in heaven metals are coming down right now receive in the name of Jesus mentals of praise are coming down right now mentals of dance are falling right now some of you feel something happening with your feet hallelujah glory to God some of your wanting to move and begin to praise the Lord mentals of deliverance are falling right now the anointing to set the captives free is falling right now hallelujah there's a mantle falling for properties for ministers to receive medical debt free properties in the name of Jesus receive it in the name of the Lord there are healing metals to set people free from cancer that are falling free that are falling right now man chose to heal people from cancer are falling right now in the name of Jesus woo glory to God mentals a prophetic anointing to come in right now over your eyes to be able to see and to hear in the spirit realm glory to God hallelujah God is also releasing fragrances and opening your spirit senses up to smell in the spirit realm right now and you're catching heavenly fragrances right now glory to God glory to God are falling to operate in words of knowledge and prophecy and a much deeper and smoother grace than ever before take it take it take it in the name of the Lord Jesus take what you need right now hallelujah Mentos of humility are falling so you can properly steward they're 19 hallelujah hallelujah and some of you are being marked right now as carriers of the ark carriers of the new glory because you're about to cross the Jordan that whoa and go into the promised land walking in the new in time anointing of the Spirit hallelujah glory to God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise God if you have tensor wave your hand at me any type of diagnosis of a cancer come stand at the front so I can lay hands on you right now anybody that you have been diagnosed with cancer the Lord Jesus will heal you just come to the front stand right there thank you Jesus praise God [Music] or take one step back what's wrong with your body how are you doing right now still there yes yes yes amen I'm gonna pray that for you stand right there stand right there what do you need okay what's wrong okay when was this okay okay okay okay okay God's going to heal you today man just stretch your hands towards these precious people lift your hands Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus I rebuke to cancer loser in the name of the Lord looser in the name of the Lord looser in the name of the Lord every trace of this foul demon come out of her cancer in the name of Jesus fire receive in the name of the Lord power in the name of the Lord amen put your hand right there Kevin fire in the name of the Lord receipt receipt thank you Jesus merci thank you lord receipt Haylee in the nineteen thank you lord get back everything the devil stole all of her health thank you lord i release in an immunity an immunity against cancer in the name of the Lord be healed in the name of Jesus God bless you god bless thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus god bless you please take your seats for a moment thank you Lord Jesus Kelly's stand right here is this a group of ladies right here how many of you are together you five all five please come right over here Lord we give you praise Lord Jesus we thank you today where are you from from Poland but you live here in the UK praise God what do you want the Lord to do what is he's asking what is it you want yes the mental you need healing also in your body okay what do you want what the most amento okay oh you're gonna you look like him in the spirit what do you want okay healing anointing what do you want yes yes what do you need the double lines of your inheritance you're gonna get it start right down here thank you Lord Jesus hallelujah thank you Lord father I just thank you I speak to the to the system of the inner parts of her body be healed in the name of the Lord every attack against her body you failed ever lose her in the name of Jesus hallelujah and receive the mental that you've desired hallelujah and father God she wants to walk in creative miracles I know that John Wimber walked in that anointing and he had a flow receive in the name of the Lord Jesus fire into your belly in the name of Jesus hallelujah thank you Father God and father she wants a healing anointing that it come on her double portion in the name of the Lord Jesus fire in the name of the Lord the Lord's also anointing you that while you sing and praise people will be healed and then you put your hands on them to finish it off hallelujah they'll get they'll be healed as you begin to sing in the praise the Lord angels will come into the room and then put your hands on them the healing will just go right into their bodies lord I thank you in the name of Jesus I also see a writing gift for you so I release writing the xix over your life hallelujah the silver pen in your hand hallelujah so father I just give you a praise she's a carrier of the golden glory she's gonna have heavenly visitations and the Catchings up and she'll ride the white heavenly horse so I just release that anointing that prophetic grace fire right into your belly in the name of Jesus I speak long life over you in the name of the Lord hallelujah so father I speak double portion of inheritance fire in the name of Jesus quickening in your spirit I see a counting I see a finances coming into your hands the enemies tried to block and hold back but I speak release of your full provision into your life in the name of Jesus a lot of travel in your future going going going for the Lord hallelujah I see you as a mother of Israel receive in the name of the Lord Jesus hallelujah walking the streets of Jerusalem and prayer walks in many many places take it in the name of the Lord father we thank you hallelujah praise God Lord we give you praise god bless you god bless you the sister with the braids with the pretty colored dress yes please come up Lord we thank you today glory to the Lord what do you want the Lord to do I'm gonna be a mother to many there are feeling so much pain okay lift your hands thank you father I see already spiritual sons and daughters I see the mentor anointing in her so father I just thank you that you're gonna let provision flow and she's gonna be able to mentor many thank you God I'll just release that grace over her life now a mental is gonna come on you now receive what you desired mental comes on you now hallelujah something just touched you didn't it hallelujah what's defending around your neck who's the saint right here who is that is that is that the Lord okay you're gonna begin to have some visitations st. Therese is going woo hoo Saint Therese is going to visit you the little flower ok she's going to advise you yes st. Therese she's gonna be an advisor to you she's already been watching you from heaven you've heard of times smell the fragrance of the lilies and a pure a pure fragrance that means she's gonna be wanting to mentor you ok just receive in the name of Jesus hallelujah father we thank you today glory glory to the Lord hallelujah who needs a miracle on their body the doctor said we can't do anything else except just use sister come to the front who else she need a miracle the lady what the child come and you in the brown yes those the bronze come forward you need a miracle in your body the doctor said we just can't we can't do anything else Oh God we give you praise today while they're coming who felt you something you felt something come on you something came on you you felt a touch from heaven wait wave your hand at me what happened mm-hmm what happened to you yes yeah you've been given a weighty responsibility from the Lord are you a teacher you're a teacher and the minister okay so there's a waiting there's a responsibility that comes with teaching you're going to begin to teach more deeply a greater responsibility because what we teach it can all get checked with the books one day so your teaching on mornings going to a new level who else something came on you what happened to you yeah something something that's actually touched your mind you're going to go into that what we call the brilliant zone you're gonna have some amazing ideas flow through you what else happened that touched your hands gloves okay you're going to operate in the spirit surgery on people hallelujah just you'll know how to minister very delicately so who else something came on you yes what happened to you say again Sheba she's shivering outward manifestation of the touch of the Spirit amen I thought I heard Sheba in the spirit the Queen of Sheba praise God there's also something with the number seven for you God's favorite number God will speak to you through the number seven praise God hallelujah amen what happened there's a fragrance all over you you smell it you've been okay so you're in the cloud of the Lord's glory right now that anointing is on you just receive thank you Jesus strength thank you Lord anointing what's wrong with your body my right foot swells and I said it's because I have some problems with my kidneys and I was also told that I have incompetent cervix where every time I'm with child when I'm five months I always have in the sky in Java for his family okay lift your hands to the Lord a father I just rebuke the spirit of barrenness that has troubled her that has followed her has even affected her thinking I break it now in the name of the Lord Jesus I cut it from you now this thing cannot follow you anymore its arrest you followed you in the name of the Lord Jesus I break it receive freedom in the name of the Lord thank you father Kelly would you please put your hand on her tummy receive fire in the name of the Lord Jesus healing near of foots gonna that swelling is gonna go down that I can see how your foot is swollen but it's going to go down now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ healing in the name of the Lord your wound will function normally in the name of the Lord I break the curse in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ you're free you're free lift your hands okay lord I just speak to the tumors loser in the name of the Lord leave her body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ thank you father speak deliverance in the name of the Lord the in America we call it you gots lined something jumped on you from those people that that that that hurts you a spirit jumped on units been harassing you I break it in the name of the Lord Jesus you're clean all defilement leaves you right now and the blood of Jesus washes you cleaner than any soap could ever get you you're clean and whole now we throw off that old garment of abuse in the name of the Lord hallelujah released the priestly anointing hallelujah the Queen anointing upon your life pal to be as an ester in the name of the Lord I speak restoration into your life healing in the name of the Lord every symptom will leave in Jesus name god bless you god bless you what do you need yes which is but then physically I being a mama for I know that there's quite a difference in terms of yes okay this is brother yes what's your name Gigi okay father I just thank you for Elijah please stretch your hands towards him father I just say that his destiny will be fulfilled and he will be he will be a brilliant orator he'll be a speaker in many ways an unparalleled preacher with beautiful oratory skills I released the blessing now in the name of Jesus I rebuke any chromosomes that would not be lined up perfectly come into divine order now in the name of the Lord in the name of Jesus I speak over the mind anything missing be made whole and be put in there now in the name of Jesus be created in the name of the Lord anything missing in the name of Jesus and peace thank you Father in the name of Jesus grace and strength for the mother thank you Father God and for the brother bless him Oh God what would you name Gigi father blessing was strength Oh God and joy you're gonna be a very happy young man a lot of joy in your life so father we thank you favor upon his life in Jesus name now we thank you Father for the medical now miracle anointing now in the name of Jesus into this body amen he'll be full and hold god bless you god bless you amen what do you need Lord I just touched the eyes receive in the name of Jesus impartation healing thank you Father God take that thank you Lord amen what do you need you've almost etched the skin off it looks like in some areas just hold them both out is it both of them or just one okay lord I just thank you you hallelujah thank you for his honesty and bravery the shared this is open heart you're gonna do great things in this life he's gonna need these hands so father I just speak blessing over these hands I break it in the name of the Lord this hitching Spirit who seemed in the name of the Lord come out of his hands don't go anywhere else into his body come out come out come out in the name of the Lord Jesus turn this way loose him in the name of the Lord come out in the name of Jesus thank you father God I break it in the name of the Lord come off of him thank you father in the name of Jesus thank you father God thank you Lord amen that thing's left you that addiction we break it completely that thing is left you god bless you amen you won't need the itch anymore amen god bless you today Lord we think you come up my brother what do you need okay you still drinking sorry are you still drink or you say what was causing that okay just lift your hands receive fire of God in the name of the Lord Jesus be healed in the name of the Lord be free in the name of the Lord in Jesus name Amen take that amen thank you Lord what do you need okay receive a 90 fire in Jesus name Amen amen who's smelling supernatural fragrance you smell fragrance in the meeting wave your hand what you get roses yes I was four people and the liquid was like being around yes that's the glory in the anointing roses the presence of Jesus okay who else do getting get been getting the fragrance of the Lord what's happening smoke you smell smoke that's a good smoke it also means that you're in the holy place the altar of incense right in front of the Ark of the Covenant so you're very close to the Lord amen yes sister coal breeze coming on your head that's the the world winds of heaven the lifting of heaven there's actually a fragrant swirling right here and now we're starting get into the frankincense right now yeah anybody getting that say again lavender lavender is the royalty of the Lord the purple okay amen what are you getting right over there [Music] coconut what Lily okay okay so the lily is the righteousness of the Lord the coconuts the meat of the word god bless you receive I want to drift over here for a moment Lord we just give you praise you're revealing your glory what have you been getting a perfume okay okay okay okay so the perfume you're in the heavenly realm you're in the heavenly realms Ephesians 2:6 seat it with Christ in heavenly realms okay that's reality for you who else who's got a we're getting the swirling action yes just hold them up Lord I just release grace in the name of the Lord Jesus take her into that new anointing thank you Father receive thank you Lord Jesus just receive see it's the hose to Lord Jesus amen now this is opening up okay this will go to state this is a gift this is yours for the rest of your life okay so this gift goes with me everywhere I go so when this impartation so you cannot smell in the natural but you're smelling this figure lorries our God amen Lord we thank you we give you praise thank you more grace Lord more 19 receive blessing blessing Lord we thank you okay let's walk over here for a moment who's been smelling in the spirit what you got okay so we talked about that okay now they aftershave means you're a person that walks very close to the Lord okay and it means you're getting real close to the Lord he's going to take you into that place of the Holy of Holies and you'll dwell there you're a psalm 91 woman okay dwelling in the secret place of the Most High stay close or we just released grace thank you father in the name of Jesus thank you father hallelujah who else what you've been getting you know okay okay it's a supernatural fragrance and this is the river of life the heavenly revelation chapter 22 the pure clean river of life but you're also getting the sea because you're gonna go to different countries okay God's got a lot in your future god bless you who else you're smelling the ladies back here praise God so I'm starting to get it right right in this area what you've been getting so the impartation see taste and see that the Lord is good less seen in the name of the Lord what happened okay okay so that's the angel of the Lord standing next to you there's many angels in the room and they're fanning the fragrance of the Lord and the Roses is one of the main revelations of the Lord there he's the Rose of Sharon and the Rose also represents the lovers heart between you and the Lord thank you Jesus anybody else yours you're smelling over there what are you getting but you're mint yeah it actually just kind of bounced over here on me okay so that also is that the same thing as butterscotch or butter mint like it the one yeah the little mints praise the Lord that's the peace of God also a cleansing of the Lord coming into your life very peaceful cleansing what's going on okay so we got the butter thing kind of going over here yeah okay the friend of God the daisies the happy the colorful I just released that Lord a and walk like Abraham is a friend of God thank you Father in Jesus name receive blessing thank you Lord yes my brother was very nice fresh okay okay so you're having again the Ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 you're seated with Christ in the heavenly realms and so when you get into the perfumes these clean smells it means in your spirit has gotten lifted real high with the Lord and you're beginning discover that identity of who you are in Christ you're seated above all of these troubling problems you'll prevail on everything god bless you amen let me get one more Lord we praise you a real real thick right in here yes okay the cinnamon is also the cleansing of the Lord sending cinnamon is very hot but it brings cleansing and also healing into your body Lord we give you praise every everyone has a prophetic meaning thank you Lord so many of you can get be getting different things that's just LeBron's what are you getting okay mirror yeah we're starting to get the myrrh a little bit and let's trust the Lord to take us in there's a frankincense also frankincense means we're getting into the open portal but in many ways are already there if you start smelling frankincense it means God's hearing your prayer requests and he's saying yes to it okay so father we just thank you we seal what you have done today in this service we thank you for your blessing upon it in the name of Jesus we pray thank you so much father amen amen praise God amen