welcome today to morning glory our midweek bible study today we're going to talk about killing giants praise the lord let's open up today with prayer heavenly father we thank you for your word as we jump into it today let it come alive by the anointing of your holy spirit thank you father god that it be our spiritual food our daily bread father we give you praise thank you for the anointing of your holy spirit that will quicken your word to us in jesus name we pray and around the world we say amen praise god very briefly i would like for us to look at a theme verse for the year found in isaiah chapter 54 verses one through three and then we're going to move over to our text for today but let's look at this verse just for a moment several verses one through three verse one sing o'barren you who have not borne break forth in the singing and cry aloud you who have not labored with child for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married woman says the lord this my friends is the year of more get ready praise god verse 2 enlarge the place of your tent this is the year of more this is the year of enlargement enlarge the place of your tent and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings do not spare lengthen your cords this is also a year of lengthening for you shall expand to the right and to the left this is a year of expansion whoo praise god for you shall expand to the right and to the left and your descendants will inherit the nations and make the desolate cities inhabited praise god now as we journey on throughout this year eventually by god's grace we will reach the end of it what in your heart and what in your mind would qualify at the end of the year for you to look at these verses and say this was accomplished in my life what would need to be done what prayers would need to be answered what miracles would need to be manifested in order for you to stand at a place at the end of this year where you say i have truly experienced more i've experienced enlargement i have experienced lengthening and strengthening and i have experienced expansion truly these verses have manifested fruitfully in my life what would need to be done oh well pastor stephen i have a few ideas good i'm sure that you do and we want to talk about those today and more importantly we want to have a heavenly strategy in order to get to that place of fulfillment and that is what i would like to share with you today now let's take our bibles and go to first samuel chapter 17 first samuel chapter 17. now what i'm going to want you to do is i'm going to want you to write down i want you to write down these things that you are believing god to do in your life this year not in the year 2058 not in the year 2083 but these are the things that i want you to write down that you are believing god to do in your life this year so that you can truly say the things that i were believing were things of enlargement or increase we're lengthening and strengthening i want you to write those down praise god and of course you and i would have to admit we're not talking about a 10 cent an hour raise we're not talking about things like that we're talking about making the in the kingdom impact that god has planned for you praise the lord [Music] thank you jesus so you're going to want to write that down and it's not going to be more than five and i want to explain why in just a moment but you're going to write them down and you're going to take them with you throughout this year and here is the strategy from the lord that i would like for you to take and implement into your life immediately within the next 24 hours because days have a way of turning in the weeks weeks have a way of turning in the months and before you know it you're at the end of another year so we're going to take a kingdom strategy a heavenly strategy we're going to implement it and when you stand at the end of this year you're going to have accomplished some amazing things watch you're going to have killed some giants and you're going to have seen amazing breakthroughs now verse 39 a first samuel chapter 17 david fastened his sword to his armor and tried to walk for he had not tested them and david said to saul i cannot walk with these for i have not tested them so david took them off praise god hallelujah you have to stay in your anointing you have to be true to who you are in the lord i can't try to preach like r.w schambach i'm not r.w schambach i can't i can't preach like that i i don't want to god didn't make me to be like that i can't i can't uh do some other things i can't do this or that but what i can do i'm going to stay consistent with it because i can do what others can't and i'm going to stay on that anointing and i'm going to develop that anointing and continue to move forward with it because that my friends is where your greatest effectiveness is and you know others may try to mold you or change you and and try to make you into something else you know for those of you that are not in ministering you may not understand that in in the traditional schools of ministry i'm talking about uh not so much maybe what we would call pentecostal type ministry schools but in your standard evangelical ministry schools where they uh you know pop out ministers they teach them and train them methods of preaching where you literally you stand behind the pulpit and you're not supposed to use your hands you're not supposed to have movement you it's all of this stuff that really strips you of uh the identity of who you are and when you read in scripture about the apostle paul it often makes reference when he's ministering about how he would use his hands can you imagine telling paul now paul don't use your hands because that's not the way you do it so it really is interesting how there will try to be you know circumstances or others that try to put you in a mold uh of not what you are it's just not who you are so stay in your uniqueness praise god and david you know he's like hey i saw you know saul thanks for letting me you know use your sword and your armor but i this is not the way i've i've done this before so i can't suddenly change overnight and i'm going to have to go back with what is proven and what works best for me now over the years i have learned that if i just stay with the word and i stay on the basics with prayer faith in god and you just keep walking with god these wonderful things unfold in your life so we're not going to try to reinvent the wheel praise god we're going to stay with what works thank you jesus verse 40 then he took his staff in his hand and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook and put them in a shepherd's bag in a pouch which he had and his sling was in his hand and he drew near to the philistine i'm going to give you a heavily instruction to do something that will transform you into a giant killer this year i would suspect you have probably never done in your life what i'm about to tell you to do but there's a reason why i'm going to instruct you to do this heavenly act of wisdom praise the lord the things that you are believing god to do i want you to write them down yes pastor stephen i'm ready to write good i want you to write the number one thing that you want god to do for you on stone praise the lord now these are some stones i picked up on the beach of all places and uh i want you to just get a stone or two or three but upon that stone i want you to write on each stone like stone number one i want you to write the number one thing that you're believing god to do now of course don't write it with a pencil and don't write it with the pen it's going to probably come off you may want to use a sharpie of course you can't use the big ones because they're too thick you can't write much but you have these little ones and they have even ones that are thinner tipped than this and trust me if you write it on there with that it's going to be there and you need to write it uh with something like a sharpie because you're going to be carrying these with you in a shepherd's bag for the entire year praise the lord so if you have three primary things that are upon your heart that would qualify for an isaiah chapter 54 year versus one through three of that would represent great expansion great increase okay if that's three things then you're gonna need three stones if there's five things you you're going to need five stones if it's just one thing well praise god all you need is one pastor stephen where do i get on that i trust that you can figure that one out praise god they're everywhere hallelujah they're at your feet hallelujah just grab what uh you know would work and if you need five then get five well pastor stephen why did david get five well they got one for goliath and he'd uh you know i heard a preacher say well he got some extras just in case he maybe he missed no goliath in scripture we find had four brothers and the brothers were all giants just like him so you know a lot of times these family feuds uh it does turn into a family event so david was probably thinking well you know what if the brothers you know they that they really get worked up then i'm just gonna have to take them all out today so five smooth stones i would like for you to get five smooth stones right on one stone one thing that you're believing god to do and then put them praise the lord in a shepherd's back just like that if you have four things then you need four stones whatever it is okay no more than five i mean you're not going to be carrying around like a bowling ball or a bag the size of that weight but you you're going to put them in here why pastor stephen why because as the year goes by and as each day goes by you're going to take those five smooth stones or two smooth stones or whatever it is you're going to take them out of your shepherd's bag whenever it's prayer time and you're going to look at them and say god i lift this before you in the name of jesus and uh let's say it's for the salvation of your daughter or somebody like that or salvation of your son lord i lift up so and so to you in the name of jesus father god and you begin to intercede for that person and the pray and then you pull out the other stone representing this other thing that you're believing god to do and father i i bring this before you in the name of jesus praise god and what is it what is this pastor stephen this in essence is your point of contact it helps you to release your faith so that you can hold it in your hand before the lord [Music] and you can go before the lord praying and see when you're praying in the spirit particularly when you get over it primarily just praying in tongues while you do pray in tongues and your mind does not understand what your spirit is uttering to god nevertheless your mind is not being dormant you visualize with your mind as you're praying in tongues this desire and this burden of your heart to see god move in this area yes you can say it in english oh god i'm asking you to do this and i'm praying with all my heart believing that you will grant me this request and so you can get that out there in english and then just go off in tongues after that as you keep holding that stone in your hand oh god in the name of jesus yes glory to god what are these giant killers [Music] giant killers pastor stephen do i have to carry with me all year maybe not maybe in three months one of them is answered and one of the giants falls and a mighty prayer request has been answered and you don't need to carry that one anymore why it's done there it is praise god but until the bag is empty until all the prayer requests are completed then you know you you keep the the unanswered prayer request still in there until it's done praise the lord but i'm believing that before the year is out the bag will be emptied and each giant was hit see what we're doing is we're being strategic on purpose it's different from like shotgun type strategy now a shotgun is very effective in the sense that if you load it with uh what's called shot it's just a whole bunch of little bitty pellets and you know you pull the trigger and it's going to send a blast in a circumference area that that's pretty big and anything within that circumference circumference is going to get hit and uh may not you know it may not kill what you're aiming at but it's going to inflict a lot of uh destructive pain uh you know that's why a lot of times i use it when hunting birds because a bird you got to be very accurate with especially if it's long ways off if you have a shotgun just you know you shoot it with a shotgun or something's going to hit it you're all those bullets are our little pellets are just going to spray everywhere and it's probably going to get the little squirrel or bird or whatever you're trying to catch but you know we're not going to use that strategy of just hoping we hit something no we're doing more of a targeted rifle type spiritual exercise where we have written on the stones specifically what we are believing god for and has crystallized within our spirit as being an accurate prayer request that reflects maturity and wisdom in our asking praise god and we've written it on the stone and god's going to do it you know when you when you read the life story of reese howells one of the greatest intercessors to ever walk on the face of the earth he prayed uh and interceded for uh you know for the victory for the allied powers in world war ii and miracles happened because of their prayers but he also prayed in other areas for his ministry and god answered some of the craziest prayer requests where he would get these properties particularly where he would pray for properties that would be impossible for him to buy but he would buy them and not only was it impossible for him to buy oftentimes he would be up against a bidder that had unlimited buying power and it would just seem like well first of all there's no way he can get the property he doesn't have any money and second of all even if he did get some money there's no way he would have as much as you know who he's competing with but he would just pray and pray and pray and to take hold of god so much in prayer he'd end up with the money and he'd end up with the property and before you know it he's he has now purchased another phenomenal piece of property but you have to be very uh when you get good at prayer you still have to walk in wisdom that you don't go after something just because you think well this is a good idea there were um well there was probably one property he didn't even really need i think when i read the story about it that it was probably even a wrong request of what he was going to use the property for but you know what he prayed so strong and he prayed so hard he still got it and you know all paid off and everything so there is this element you can get really really good at prayer and it's it yeah a lot of it has to do with intense focus and you stay on it and you stay on it and you just keep bringing it before the lord and you keep bringing it before the lord and what this is mainly is a way of having a point of contact where every time you have this in your prayer time you're on target you're focused and you're you just stay with that over and over and over well pastor stephen it's been two weeks i'm going to throw this bag away and i'm going to start over with with some new stones in the new back no no no you're in for good you're you're locked in praise god and you're like lord this is it i'm i'm in faith and i'm bringing this before you and it will really help you to focus praise the lord now remember the woman with the issue of blood she said when i touch the hem of his garment i'm going to be healed and when she touched him of his garment uh what was going on there it was a point of contact a point of contact for what for her to release her faith and the moment she released her faith and touched the anointing from jesus flowed into her see there's no shortage of god's power or god's anointing so we have to get our faith up and we have to contact the power the lord in a way where that anointing flows the prayer is answered so her touching him of his garment that was her point of contact this is yours and you can take it with you throughout the year now rocks are plentiful stones are plentiful get some stones but don't get more than five you don't want to be carrying around 30 stones uh i mean that's kind of like uh you're not going to be able to get dialed in if you get a whole bunch of things you don't need that plus we're also staying with a biblical precedent he only got five he only got five well pastor stephen i have 22 things i really well let's get the five first okay then reload with another five but let's work biblical principles these are your giant killing stones praise god verse 49 then david put his hand in his bag took out a stone and he slung it and struck the philistine his forehead so that the stone sank into his forehead and he fell on his face to the earth now david you know uh making it ultra dramatic goes and takes goliath's own sword and chops his head off but the truth be told goliath's dead i mean uh those that are snipers or those that are in law enforcement that are uh sharp shooters in other words if there's a hostage situation and you have a bad guy and the bad guy has a gun to the head of the hostage person and is even kind of standing behind the hostage and has a gun right to their head the the snipers know that if you were to shoot the bad guy in let's say in the upper body his finger is on that trigger and that's going to cause a muscle reaction where even if you shoot him here or somewhere and you you should just shoot him 20 times and you kill him he's still going to be able to pull that trigger but there's only two spots where the snipers know that if you shoot the bad guy instantly he's out it slides out instantly he it slides out so fast he can't even pull the trigger and that's right here and that and the other the other part is in the back on the back area of the head but right here and that's right where david's rock hit the giant and it was lights out immediately it shuts off the nervous system completely you there's no muscle spasms nothing all you do is fall if you're leaning back you fall back if you're leaning forward like goliath was because he was running and david was running you're gonna fall flat on your face because it was like it was like he got shot with a rifle that that stone sunk into his forehead right here and that's the one spot the snipers know get them right there because if you get them right there they they fall and they can't even if their finger is taped to the trigger or wrapped with um you know some of these bad guys have even used um duct tape and they've got the gun taped to the head of the hostage and they've got their hand taped to the gun thinking well there's no way anybody's going to kill me because i can still pull the trigger nope not if they get them right in one of those two spots it's instantly game over so um the lord knows what he's doing the holy spirit knows what he's doing we are being very very strategic we are praying along this line and my friends this is mountain moving faith whoo praise the lord and this is this in a sense is the spirit of elijah moving upon the hearts of god's people to pray praise the lord james chapter 5 verse 17 elijah was a man with the nature like ours in other words he was human had to eat oh sure he did he did some fasting sometimes there was one time he was fed angel food and off the strength of that food he was able to go you know 40 days 40 nights no food with you know supernatural super super human strength but outside of that you know still a normal person that you know he had to shave he had to you know comb his hair and everything else it's not like he was floating off the earth whenever he uh walked he had he had quite a few supernatural experiences but he was still a man elijah was a man with a nature like ours and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain pastor stephen the president is the highest man on the face of the earth oh really well uh you'll find out real quick who the highest man on the face of the earth is uh when a prophet prays and says it's not raining for three and a half years unless i say so well the president will override that well let him try let the prime minister try let the king try you'll find out really quick that uh the politicians and all this and all that they have their place they have an executive place and god god honors that god establishes these offices you'll find out real quick though who's um who's the one that can really call the shots if it comes down to it if it's necessary and god makes such directive decisions that could shut entire nations down and there is no governmental solution the only solution is those who know how to pray and trust me when elijah said it's not going to rain there is no other key anywhere else on the face of the earth that can unlock the heavens well now we're just going to go talk to him nope you're not going to find him god's hitting and you're not going to kill him god's hitting praise god hit him right under the king's nose really in some ways they thought maybe he went off to another nation king sent bounty hunters all over the place looking for him trying to kill him take him out and there he was hiding down by the brook cherith praise god and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months and he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and the earth produced its fruit i don't think there's anything written on anybody's stone that's watching me that says no rain over the whole nation for three years i don't think so so i think you should feel really good about the potential success of your prayer request getting answered and he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and the earth produced its fruit praise god praise god go out and find some nice stones praise the lord i've actually got some cool ones here that when i was in ireland i was on the beach and i thought oh these are nice stones i picked them up and brought them back with me and they're perfect i'm going to write on them and uh they're in my bag and i'm going to have five in my bag praise the lord and i'm going to carry this with me all throughout the year until each one is answered praise god i would like for you to do the same thing this is a heavenly instruction that i have received it is based on biblical principle and i believe that your five smooth stones your prayers they're going to sail through the air with holy spirit accuracy and you're going to hit your target hallelujah and god's gonna answer your prayers in the most remarkable way and in in quite a few of these cases there will absolutely be miracles involved lift up your hands i want to pray for you heavenly father i pray for those that are watching that are going to go out and get their smooth stones and they're going to pray they're going to pray and they're going to pray and they're going to pray and we thank you father god for the miracles that you're going to do and father i i sense that your people are going to do more praying this year than they've ever prayed in their lives before any other year they're going to do more praying this year than any other year and that's that's why the miracles are going to be so smooth and it's not going to surprise them at all when the miracle manifest because of their great faith and their strong prayer life now father we thank you that miracles are our portion we give you praise we thank you in advance thank you father help your people to get their stones and they get their shepherd's bag father we thank you that we don't need to learn calculus we don't need to figure out how to get to pluto and back all we have to do is get five stones in a little shepherd's bag and pray thank you father god hallelujah glory glory to your name father we thank you that the gospel is never complicated that these are child-like principles of faith that we give you praise father let us work them let us work them to great results we bless you thank you in jesus name amen praise god hallelujah glory glory glory to god amen if you're watching today's program and you don't know the greatest giant killer of all his name is the lord jesus christ he's the one that took the devil out oh yes the devil's still alive i mean from the purse perspective he's still around but jesus dethroned him and if you'll put your faith and trust in jesus he'll move you from the kingdom of darkness he'll move your heart from a place of spiritual death to a place of spiritual life and that includes your sins being forgiven and receiving of the new life of christ if you would like to receive jesus right now pray this after me say jesus i'm a sinner but you died for sinners like me jesus i believe that you went to the cross to redeem me from my sins thank you for this jesus come into my heart right now wash all of my sins away give me your new life jesus write my name in your book of life and from this day forward step into my life and lead me and guide me in all that i do thank you jesus i accept you as my lord my savior and my king in your name i pray amen and amen welcome to the family of god whoo praise the lord all of you giant killers out there get ready praise god whoo the spirit of elijah resting on you the righteous are as bold as a lion don't be writing on any don't be writing on a stone i want a dollar raised don't be doing silly stuff like that don't be writing little bitty uh uh kindergarten stuff on your stones you have you have some weighty stone david took out goliath we need to have some giant killers around here pray we need some real testimonies around here praise the lord pastor stephen i've got a new pair of shoes that cost 49 that's nice but we don't need to put a 49 pair dollar shoes on stone praise god thank you jesus we need some giant killer testimonies praise the lord [Laughter] woo glory to god amen let's take communion together today grab some unleavened bread and grab some grape juice and let's pray father we thank you for the bread the juice we pray over it now and we consecrate this we set it apart as being holy and through this prayer this is now the body and the blood of christ our savior father as we receive the body of jesus let our request be accurate father the shaft of an arrow had to be extremely polished and straight so that it would not veer off course let a request be approved by the holy spirit written upon the stone in faith and let fervent prayer be made we thank you father god that this is a year of increase expansion strengthening lengthening and so much more we give you praise in jesus name amen let's receive heavenly father thank you for the blood of jesus we ask that if we have committed any sins that you would forgive us and father we forgive anybody anyone who sinned against us we thank you father we ask that you would lead us away from temptation we ask that you would deliver us from the evil one we thank you father for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever father we pray that you would be greatly glorified through the answer of these prayers your kingdom would be increased souls would be saved thank you father god and that the saints would be strengthened father we bless you we thank you thank you for the blood of jesus in his name we pray amen let's receive praise the lord glory to god my friends thank you for joining me today go out and get your stones get your shepherd's bag technically this is not like you know a bag that i got from a shepherd i just found that sitting on a shelf here in the ministry center wasn't being used had some other things in it i took them out took those out and put my stones in here praise god i've got to get a couple of other stones to go in here but go get your stones get your bag and then just start praying pray all the time worship the lord let the stones up get them out speak it out bring them before the lord that's your point of contact hallelujah i look forward to hearing about your miracles that you're going to receive have a blessed day i'll see you back again real soon bye-bye