good morning church family and ministry friends i'm pastor stephen brooks welcome today to our online internet around the world church service and i'm so happy that you're here today i believe that god's word is able to build you up to do everything he has called you to do and also to be the person that he has called you to be today we're going to be in mark chapter 10 verse 17. we're going to receive the tithes and offerings and i want us to look just for a moment at the life of the rich young ruler and the amazing opportunity presented to him but one which he missed verse 17 now as he was going out on the road one came running knelt before him and asked him good teacher what shall i do that i may inherit eternal life so jesus responds by taking him through a brief questionnaire concerning the commandments of keeping the mosaic law and the young man responds by saying teacher all these things i have kept from my youth so from the letter of the law he's doing a good job but there's still something holding him back and that would be something that deals with this heart then jesus looking at him and that is a look that is scanning by the holy spirit for that area that needs to be fixed jesus looking at him loved him and said to him one thing you lack go your way sell whatever you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven come take up the cross and follow me and my friends we understand that jesus uh did not go around often making that statement follow me in the sense where come join me and be a part of what i'm doing now he extended that invitation to the 12 and some theologians have said this could have been on the lord's mind to have a future replacement for judas iscariot but he's going to miss the opportunity and what could have been stepped into and could have been marvelous is a blown opportunity verse 22 but he was sad at this word and went away sorrowful now god's word is never intended to make us sad it's never intended to deprive us or hurt us it's to build this up make us strong help us get into our inheritance so his disobedience is actually going to cost him and it's not going to preserve him and it says that he did this this was his response because he had great possessions now there's nothing wrong with having wealth or great possessions the the problem is that is when god says i want you to give some of it or even all of it and you're not willing then we're seeing what the root problem is it's not the possessions that you have it's that the possessions have you and that my friends goes over into an area that would be covetous and covetousness is the same thing in a sense as idolatry it doesn't mean that you're bowing down in front of a statue of a pagan god and worshiping something like that that would be quite obvious as idolatry but this other area of not obeying the lord is something that has to be cleaned up in our lives particularly in the lives of this young man let me stay in this same flow by asking you a question what is the greatest blessing of being debt-free well you may think well pastor stephen if i'm debt-free and i have all of these things paid off then it means i don't have to make payments on them anymore and i could take the money used as payments and now i could either put it in savings or i could i have now discretionary money that i could do something else with maybe i could invest it or something like that and that is true that's a great blessing but my friends here is the greatest blessing of being debt-free being debt-free positions you where every thing that you own now has the potential to be a seed not so much a donation but a seed offering because when it's a seed it are it all it always means that it has a future every seed has a future why there's a harvest on the horizon so if you're debt-free and you own your home out right that means if the lord spoke to you and told you to sow your home as a seed into the life of someone you actually have the ability to do that now there are some of you that that just hit you probably like it hit the rich young ruler who thought uh hey i i you know i i didn't know it was going to require that and you might may even think well pastor stephen if that's the case i don't know if i want to be debt free i wouldn't want god to tell me to give my car away if i owned it debt-free and then i mean pastor stephen you would have to understand i i worked hard to get it paid off and uh and that means i wouldn't have one well you have to understand with the lord that he's never trying to subtract from you and reduce you he's trying to bless you and he's trying to take you to a new level and so these are kingdom principles that those that don't know the ways of god don't understand how god can increase you even by sowing and giving so this young man looked at it as a total loss instead of a tremendous opportunity to maybe even have been the replacement for judas and also to learn biblical principles uh primarily the principle of eternal life put your faith and trust in god you can't be saved anymore by a a system that's already passing away the the system of judaism based upon works and so forth and even under the law those that knew knew that really the only way that you can please god is by faith the just shall live by faith that was an old testament revelation that some caught carried over of course into the new we're justified by what christ has accomplished for us not by our own works praise god so he completely missed it because he saw it as loss instead of as an act of obedience to step into the inheritance the true inheritance that god had for him praise the lord and my friends we need to understand these things that if there were something in our life that if god said i want you to sow that and we say oh i i lord i i could do a lot but i i can't i can't give that that's sentimental or you know whatever the case might be then we're actually going to miss out on god's best for our lives praise the lord let's look at this from the wisdom of god's word in proverbs chapter 11 verse 24 it says there is one who scatters yet increases more now for the person that only thinks uh naturally with the calculator and can mathematically deduce that if you scatter that means you're giving away that means that you now have less of what you previously had they would look at that as a loss and they would look at that as being a practice that we should not participate in but my friends look what happens there is one who scatters yet increases more and you would think well that doesn't make any sense on paper uh how is this taking how is this increase happening when you're actually giving away because you're tying in to biblical principles you're tying into laws that god created that are just as real as the law of gravity that are just as real as other laws that science has uncovered the laws have always been here we have just began to understand them and work with them for their benefit there is one who scatters yet increases more and there is one who withholds and he probably thinks that he's doing pretty good by withholding he probably thinks he's being smart there is one who withholds more than is right but it leads to poverty in other words that leads to lack and insufficiency i want to encourage you regardless of what the climate may be like in the world's economic system or the the economic system of your nation i want to encourage you to always work with god and his principles his eternal laws by honoring him with the tithe 10 percent of all of your increase of all of your income that belongs to him and also by being a giver by sowing seed which entitles you to harvest woo praise the lord hallelujah and i believe for many of you that god is going to take you into debt freedom and yes while we rejoice that hey the bills are paid off we don't have to pay on that anymore you also have an understanding that everything that you now own debt-free is all potential seed glory to god whoa praise god there are some people that if the lord said uh that pair of shoes over there that you have i want you to give those away and the person might think well that's sure that's a piece of cake they cost 25 lord i'll go out give them right now but if the lord says hey i want you to give that car away sometimes people are like oh lord and i'm not saying there aren't weighty type offerings but you know i've given a car away before and gave it away pastor stephen why did you do that well first of all because i could because it was paid off and second of all and most importantly god moved upon my heart and he moved upon my heart to sow it and i did and it made it made the couple that i gave it to so happy and the lord was all in it and still today the lord has always kept my wife and i in wonderful wonderful vehicles praise god oh glory to god so you always want to just keep that grace of giving flowing and that way you never taste these areas of lack or insufficiency or even worse poverty praise the lord glory to god all right we're going to honor the lord now we're going to bring the tithe into the storehouse and if you would like to sow seed that would be a blessing we do have a special project that we're focused on right now and we have a deadline date of uh november the 25th we're very fast approaching that that would be thanksgiving this is a special thanksgiving offering that's going towards the ministry hangar we have an opportunity to purchase a beautiful hangar for our future mission jet and you know what if you have a horse you have to have a stable first to put the horse in so if we're going to have an aircraft we have to have the hangar and there is one that is available that has been presented to us uh to the ministry for sale we would really like to be able to purchase it and so the cost is 400k 400 and giving has been coming in but we have not yet reached that amount so any seed that you sow is greatly appreciated and helps us to move towards the completion of this very special project now if you would like to give by mail please send your tithe your tithe and offerings to stephen brooks international p.o box 717 moravian falls north carolina the zip code is 28654 now if you're giving a special offering towards the hanger project just write that on your check so that we can know that goes into that uh allotted place praise the lord amen if you want to give online you can do so right now from anywhere in the world please visit our ministry website there's a link on the home page that says give it has a red heart on it you can click on that and you'll see the area for your tithes and you'll also see the area that you can click and submit a seed offering a thanksgiving offering there into the hangar project woo glory to god amen glory to jesus so thank you thank you for standing with us in this project hallelujah now let me pray over your giving heavenly father i pray you bless your people and that if there would be any type of a stingy spirit that that be broken off of them because that uh that is that is an unclean spirit all evil spirits are unclean a stingy spirit is an unclean spirit and i pray father god that there be the grace of giving upon your people where giving is done with joy and even should there be something lord that you would put your finger on and say i want you to sow that that there would be nothing within our hands or but uh within our control that we would ever withhold from you we give you praise we thank you for freedom to give that we will not let wealth or riches control us or be something that we can't touch because it owns us we thank you father for complete liberty and freedom to serve you in jesus name amen and amen woo praise god oh glory to god um i'm going to jump into the message in just a moment uh this message while it's an enjoyable message uh with a lot of maybe we could call them fun stories there are some things also i'm going to share that you have to really really be careful with what we're going to be dealing with today it's like nitroglycerin you could have a lot of fun removing things that need to be blown up but you could also really get hurt we're going to talk about that in just a moment but concerning even this area of of giving anything that the lord would require i heard jerry savelle tell the story one time when he was sitting in a meeting and while he's sitting in the meeting now he's one also one of the conference speakers but he's he's already done his session so he's just sitting there while the conference host is actually up there talking and ministering so jerry said that he's sitting there and while he's sitting there the holy spirit spoke to him and said the minister is actually very discouraged in his heart right now because he feels that i'm not he i'm not hearing his prayers now this this minister that was preaching had gone through a divorce uh some years earlier and uh he just felt like people said well god won't hear you now so he's kind of like trying to work his way through that while still ministering for the lord so he he was actually very discouraged but he's he's still ministering but that's going on in his heart and so jerry savelle is sitting there and the holy spirit said the minister up there right now is very discouraged and he feels that god does not hear his prayers so i want you to let him know that i do hear his prayers and i also want you to give him your airplane whew now the airplane that jerry savelle had was the airplane that kenneth hagin gave to him and so what jerry savelle had done is he had taken that airplane he had upgraded it with a brand new interior he had upgraded uh the engine put a brand new engine package on it and put brand new avionics in it and so this thing is like a real hot rod plane now and the holy spirit said i want you to give that to him whoo glory to god how many of you know we're not talking about giving a pair of socks i was in a service one time when a preacher said i'm gonna give away my boots i just love everybody so much if somebody don't have any shoes come up here and take my old boots he put his boots on the platform and everybody you could just read the minds everybody thought no nobody want those old stinky old boots okay i'm even though there's a big difference between an old pair of boots that nobody wants and god telling somebody give your airplane away and so jerry savelle said he was sitting there and he said well holy spirit when should i do this and uh the holy spirit said wait just a moment and get ready to respond and while that minister was up there preaching he suddenly stopped and he said jerry savail he said god just spoke to you and told you something he said he said come on up here and tell us what god said and jerry said okay i sure will he went up there and told him in front of all the people he said god says that you you're very discouraged because you feel like i i'm not hearing your prayers but i do hear your prayers and the lord says to just back you and endorse you i'm going to bless you and jerry said god told me to give you my airplane whoa hallelujah isn't that amazing isn't that amazing okay now watch this the service concludes and in that same service another minister walked up to jerry savelle after the service was over with uh you know kind of like it's kind of hard to describe the look but he went up to jerry savelle and said brother jerry while we were sitting in the service and you you know you said god told you to give your airplane to that minister he said um god told me to give you my citation jet jerry said okay and the minister said but i can't do that i can't do it brother jerry i can't do that watch out that you don't have any rich young ruler in you lest you abort your destiny oh glory to god watch out watch out hallelujah i'm not talking about reckless giving i'm talking about specific when god says something so that woo wow and it could be your most treasured thing wow god's not trying to deplete you god's trying to bless you and take you to a total new level um well that minister didn't obey and now that leads me to our message today i want to jump into the subject of the word of wisdom and this is the title of my message it's a command not a suggestion and what i'm going to share is something i've learned over the years i found out a few other ministers came across the same revelation and this is something fascinating about the supernatural word of wisdom and you can get a word of wisdom from god if you do you just got gold you got action you had amen if you get the word of wisdom out of the nine gifts of the spirit you just got the greatest one but you have to realize that is a two-edged sword in one way that is your ticket to freedom in that area of what that word would speak to in the other way if you don't do it uh you're we're talking um major repercussions we're not we're not only talking you miss the boat you miss the blessing you could it could go way beyond that into something that you you may not get another chance to recover you could die so let's talk about these types of things today just right off the top of my head this is not in my scripture notes but do you remember when elisha the prophet told naaman the syrian army leader go dip in the jordan river how many times seven times right and your skin will be clean and naaman almost blew it he was just like hey that's a dirty river aren't these other rivers cleaner well of course they are but that's not what god said god said in the jordan river and so he almost walked away first of all because even uh the prophet didn't tell him the directi uh directly he the prophet sent his servant out or his administrator out to give the instruction and that that insulted uh damon also because he already kind of had it uh figured out in his head how this was going to go down kind of like a grand epic event and the prophet would do some kind of spectacular gesture and it would be uh photographers taking pictures to put him on the front page of the paper the next day it didn't happen like that at all and the word was very unusual go dip in the jordan river seven times and so he almost did not do that well we all rejoice with the fact that he did and he did god bless him he got healed right came out he came out of the water after the seventh time not after the third or the or the fourth or fifth but after the seventh dip the seventh wash he come up with brand new skin like a little child so not only was the leprosy gone but he also received what we would call or classify as a creative miracle with brand new skin don't you know that caught some attention when he went back to syria the king probably said what in the world happened to you whoo glory to god but what would have happened if he would have walked away and said that's a crazy word uh wash in the jordan seven times that doesn't even make any sense why do i have to do it seven times instead of two what does this mean uh nothing except that's what god said and if you don't do it you're gonna you're gonna have leprosy the rest of your life and it's probably gonna eat you up and kill you and there is no plan b this is either it you take it or you leave it and sadly enough there have been those that that have rejected valid words of wisdom that god gave maybe they uh analyzed it maybe they uh did a little bit like naaman and said well this this doesn't you know make any sense uh there's better rivers elsewhere and all that and all of that but you know what god knows what he's doing so it's a command when god gives a word of wisdom it's a command it's not an option it's not a suggestion if you don't do it something's not going to go good a spiritual mentor good friend good friend of mine he's in heaven now he lived his life out lived into his 80s and finished his course good man of god uh he had he had an anointing to uh acquire very unusual properties historic properties properties that even wealthy investors would love to have in a real estate portfolio well he had properties like that given to him he had one property on the east coast right on the beach that was given to him six million dollar property but see these properties were to be used for ministry purposes and he understood that well uh he told me this man told me he said um this beautiful property on the beach was given to him he had plans to use it for a ministry training institute to train young men and women in the bible it was like a bible school and he was planning it all out and the son who was on the ministry staff one of the directors of the ministry the son had this idea to sell it and just take the cash and you and then use the money for other types of purposes and the father said oh no he said that's a holy property son we can't we can't do that god gave us that property we have to use it for a kingdom plan we can't just sell it and you know it doesn't this is not like business out in the world this is kingdom business everything that we do has to have the the focus of winning souls and equipping the body of christ to reach the lost and we we have to use it for ministry well the son the son didn't think that was too smart and the father who i knew very well said do not sell the property would you believe the son went out behind his father's own back and sold the property whoo sold it for millions and millions of dollars and two weeks later dropped dead of an unexplainable brain aneurysm something that did not run in the family something that no other family member had ever had happen he just so the sun just drops dead drops dead words of wisdom are commands that come from on high and we must obey them praise god look at deuteronomy chapter 30 and let's go down to verse 19 heavenly father as we're jumping into your word into today's message we ask for your holy spirit to come bringing illumination to our understanding of your word yes but also of your ways because some of these things father they're better caught than taught so help us to catch it and enjoy the great blessing and avoid the tremendous danger of disobedience now father we praise you in jesus name amen amen it kind of reminds me of sports right contact sports say like uh motorcycle racing right motocross right it's it's like the doctors say it's all fun until somebody gets hurt right i had this guy he used to do a lot of uh he actually did a lot of work around the church he built a retaining wall and he did some other uh projects uh for me very good worker and he loved motocross you know getting a dirt bike and running real driving it real fast and jumping over heels and stuff like that so he had his young son doing it with him and i said you know i said so that's real dangerous stuff i said i'm just curious do you have health insurance he said oh no he said you know we know how to ride these things well it wasn't too long after that that his son had a wipeout accident and tore his knee up towards knee completely apart and had all kinds of internal injuries and so they rushed him to the local hospital and of course the first thing the hospital says do you have insurance right it's all fun right somebody gets hurt right and the dad says uh no we don't have any insurance so the doctor did it all for free he said well he said i'm going to do the job he said i know i'm not going to get paid for it but he said i'll sew him back up together really good and fix them all up but boy that was a lot of work and you know you just think let's try to like thomas jefferson said he said let's try to grab things by the smooth end not the sharp jagged end glory to god verse 19 i call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you that i have set before you life and death blessing and cursing you see this is heavyweight options right life yes but hey the opposite is death and when god said death he meant it well it's you know it's that's not a you know pastor steve that's not any big deal no that's that's that is what it is death is bad death has always been an enemy against mankind it did not exist until sin came into the earth uh and so this is let's not sugarcoat this it's either life or death life is really really good death uh let's try to stay away from that now there isn't a point in time where everybody eventually will die but let's not have anything premature take us there i have set before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore choose life choose did you notice it's a commandment to choose life well you know here we have two options now now you just take whichever one you want because all paths lead to the same destination oh no one leads to hell one leads to heaven and it's an eternal consequence whew praise the lord so god commands not suggest he commands that we choose life god says that one right over there take that one he doesn't just present options no he presents these two but he tells you choose this one so there is a commandment to choose life that both you and your descendants may live praise god and that's what we want to do we want to live we want to have a good life we want to enjoy the things of god and stay away from things that would hurt us or be detrimental to us even if we don't understand all of that that's what god said god said don't go into that then we're staying away from that just as far as we can praise the lord isaiah chapter one let's jump over there just for a moment isaiah 1 verse 19. if notice the word if if denotes there is a condition we have a part to play if you are willing and obedient you will eat you shall eat the good of the land so that's the positive side of the if there's the negative side if you decide to go in the negative route but if you refuse and rebel you shall be devoured by the sword for the mouth of the lord has spoken um hallelujah what is wisdom one definition of wisdom is the ability to anticipate a consequence hey if you do that that's wrong that's not a good idea that's going to hurt you or who are you to tell me what to do not trying to tell you what to do but i am trying to suggest what wisdom is that's not going to end well well how do you know that because god said don't do that so you know money can't fix everything money can solve a lot but there's there's certain things out there you get that that's going to stick with you for the rest of your life and it's going to bring a lot of misery into your life why not just avoid it so if we're willing and obedient that's the route we want to go we shall eat the good of the land sounds a lot better to me than a disaster right hallelujah let's go over to the book of job hallelujah job chapter 36 verse 11 this one may ruffle the feathers on somebody with an old stingy spirit we're trying to get rid of that today get rid of the old stingy tight-fisted spirit job 36 verse 11 if there's that there's that word again if okay so that denotes we have the ability to go this way or to go another direction if they obey and serve him they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasures now there's always two sides of the coin here's the other side but if they do not but if they do not obey they shall perish by the sword and they shall die without knowledge you never want to see people in a mess you never want to see people in agony but sometimes you can't help but see it and what you're looking at is you're looking at the consequences of sowing and reaping you're looking at the consequences of somebody who said no i'm going to do it my own way and so it's not like you may perish literally by the sword but you can you begin to experience areas of defeat and failure that god never intended for you to walk down that path what is the remedy get back on the right path praise the lord get back into the commandments of god and rejoice in them david said i rejoice in the law of my god day and night i meditate in it praise the lord but if they obey and serve him they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasures so prosperity and pleasures are not accidental they are a result of obedience and serving god that does not attribute these things to luck or random chance these things are a result of a calculated approach to obeying all of the instructions of god and serving the lord with all of our hearts now let's go wow we can go some different directions let's go to matthew chapter 17. we're going to jump over there praise the lord and i've always enjoyed this definition here of a spiritual gift matthew 17. verse 24 we're going to begin to get now more into the direct obedience to a word of wisdom i'm going to talk a little bit more about what that is in just a moment but i first want to just give us a great example and as we're looking at this remember anytime a word of wisdom comes to you from god it is a command it's not a suggestion it's for your good it's for your victory it's for your overcoming now watch this we're in matthew chapter 17. we're going to go down to verse 24. when they had come to capernaum those who received the temple tax came to peter and said does your teacher not pay the temple tax he said yes and when he had come into the house jesus anticipated him saying what do you think simon from whom do the kings of the earth take customs or taxes from their sons or from strangers peter said to him it's an easy answer from strangers stop and think about it just for a moment you have our let's use for example the federal government you also have the state government they they implement their own taxation system too so you pay state and federal taxes here in america so uh let's think along the federal line just for a moment you have the ir irs internal revenue service what is their job their job is to collect taxes from the citizens of america but does the irs tax itself that doesn't make any sense does the government tax its own institutions uh for example you'll see particularly on a state level you'll see vehicles driving around and maybe you see a county vehicle or a state vehicle and if you look at the license plate it shows you that it's tax exempt why because they're not taxing what actually belongs to them they're not taxing the insiders or themselves they're only taxing those that would be citizens or residents so you have god almighty who is the king of the universe and there's his son well the the king doesn't tax his self the king taxes the subjects so that the kingdom can be peaceable and can run smoothly but there's no there's no kingdom where the king is taxing himself or is making his own son who's the royal prince pay taxes they just don't do that but it's not like jesus could stand up in front of the pharisees and say you know what i really am god's son because they're not buying that they don't believe that they're they are rejecting his messianic identity they are rejecting his true identity as the son of god now legally he is not required to pay taxes because he is the king of kings he is the son of god it's it's a it's about the king of the temple well there he is right there so it doesn't make any sense for him to be paying taxes um and jesus said to peter then the sons are free right okay nevertheless lest we offend them because they're not they're not really going to give in on this and it's going to give them something that will agitate them and irritate them nevertheless lest we offend them go to the sea cast in a hook get ready i know you've read this verse many times you're about to see something that i i can't i can't believe how many people misquote it i i would literally say nine out of ten people misquote or misspeak what you're about to see watch watch and see if you catch it with me i know you will let me get a drink real quick all right nevertheless lest we offend them go to the sea cast in a hook all right so he's talking to peter former commercial professional fisherman tells him the cast and hook no mention about bait you don't need that okay and take the fish that comes up first okay and when you have opened this mouth you will find the piece of money take that and give it to them watch watch for me and you well peter by this time has seen he has seen the ways of god he has seen the way that the holy spirit works through messiah jesus so he's not arguing with this at all he's like i've i've seen so many words of wisdom that this man has given uh that i'm not about to you know lift an eyebrow on this i'm on the way right now with my fishing pole and i'm putting the line in and i'm gonna yank him up praise the lord but notice when it comes to paying the tax you will find a piece of money take that and give it to them for me and you i can't believe how many christians stand up and say well now jesus told peter to go pull the fish up there'd be the coin in his mouth and that uh and then peter could pay his tax and then go pay jesus tax well brother you got that backwards you better pay the lord's tax first you better pay his first that's the word of wisdom pay pay the tax pay for me and you please my friends anytime you receive a supernatural word of wisdom from god do exactly what it says don't reverse the order don't put your own spin on it don't question it just do exactly as he says and it'll work it'll work woo can you imagine how messed up it would have been peter takes the fish takes the coin out double drachma enough to pay the exact tax for two people and he goes down and pays for his first well i'm all taken care of let me take care of this other guy it's just jesus i'll pay histo oh no no you're inviting you're inviting the enemy to come in and wallop you because he's going to be aggravated too that god's working that god's moving that that stirs the enemy up better have a tight walk with the lord and follow instructions precisely what gets some people into trouble not that they haven't heard from god it's just that they're not they're not precisely walking out those instructions so jesus said take that and give it to them for me and you do it just right what is that supernatural word of wisdom as revealed in first corinthians chapter 12 let's look at it very briefly first corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 but the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one for the prophet of all four to one is given the word of wisdom through the spirit now there's nine gifts or manifestations of the spirit nine charismata okay why is this one listed first because it's the best one what is the word of wisdom well first of all let's understand that they're all supernatural we can't just pull this down to like a some type of wise quote because you can go online and and get all kinds of quotes from all kinds of people saints sinners and quotes of so-called sage advice or whatever but this is extremely different this word of wisdom is miraculous it is supernatural and here's a book if you don't have in your library you need to add you can also download it through many different formats you can get it off the ibooks you can get it off amazon you get a physical copy of course i always like physical books you can hold in your hand although i have a pretty large library growing on my ipad this is my book called how to operate in the gifts of the spirit look at my friend sid roth he said he said this book is the ultimate guide for every believer and there's a lot of depth uh here on the teaching of the spiritual gifts and i covered the word of wisdom here's my definition of the word of wisdom praise god hallelujah the word of wisdom is let me find my little area here well let me just read this paragraph this is a good paragraph and the mind of god is contained all wisdom through the holy spirit a word of wisdom a word not a whole book a word of wisdom can be shared with a believer that reveals supernatural wisdom the word of wisdom will always be future tense now that's very important to understand the word of knowledge by the way deals with past tense or current events but the word wisdom is always future tense when i say future i'm not necessarily necessarily talking about something three months out ahead of you it could be three months out ahead of you as the lord talking to peter go fishing i'm sure right after the lord told him that peter's out getting this poll he's off he's on that assignment to fulfill that word now the word of wisdom will always be future tense it will speak regarding something you are to do or reveal something that is going to happen hidden things are revealed that we would not normally know in essence the word of wisdom is the revealing of supernatural instruction direction or guidance that reveals the perfect will of god concerning a specific situation whoo and that's the that's the gold that's the dynamite of the word of wisdom it reveals the perfect will of god concerning that specific area that that word addresses wow and when you got it you just received a portion of god's mind wisdom that was given to you not a whole book not a universe full no one word pertaining to that situation coming supernaturally from the mind of god himself regarding what he knows and it is the perfect will of what you're supposed to do and when you do it it will always always 100 percent work every single time and now you can see why this gift is listed first out of the nine pastor stephen i need the gift though of the working of miracles uh you may think you do but the holy spirit can manifest the word of wisdom and that word of wisdom will show you oh you don't need a miracle you need to make a phone call and that one phone call will solve that and you didn't need a miracle after all pastor stephen i need to divine healing i'm sick i can't get healed i need a divine healing and you may think i need the gifts of healings but the holy spirit can manifest the word of wisdom and the word of wisdom can say you have not forgiven that person that sinned against you and that unforgiveness is blocking your healing from coming so sometimes we don't always need what we think we need but the word of wisdom is the perfect will of god straight is sourced straight from god's own mind right there on the moment oh it has a time limit it's got a time limit and there's a window and if you don't go through the window of obedience it will close it'll close i got up one morning years back this was this was over 25 years ago i got up one morning it was six o'clock in the morning and i got up to pray and i went in the prayer and at 6 10 6 10 in the morning 10 minutes after 6 exactly the holy spirit swept over me like a wave it was a cessation of him coming over me like a wave and when he came over me in that like a wave he spoke to me he said leave immediately for california that was a wild word i was living in texas and i had a job with a company that had been in business for over 80 years and they had given me my own office and i had my own nice desk and oh i was ready to climb the corporate ladder um and they all like me and i liked them got along really well i already had been there like a couple of years previously then i had gone over to another job and they wanted me back and i was back and i thought well i'm going to be back for quite some time but the holy spirit told me to go to california and didn't tell me where to go to but i knew it was southern california so i just that was just like blazing in my heart but i was like wow oh lord that's like scary and so i tried to override it i tried to overwrite it and um so i i just tried to like act like you know i didn't hear that but just a few minutes after that he came over me again with like a wave of such glory and he said leave immediately see the the voice of god is authoritative he said leave immediately and go to california and i just jumped i said all right i said i can't act like i i'm not hearing this and i just said all right lord and by literally by seven can you believe this it tells you how little i had by seven o'clock in the morning i had my car packed full of every single thing that i owned i was living in a little bitty like apartment type efficiency it was real tiny uh i just threw it all in the trunk through the rest of it in the back seat had some stuff in the front seat and then i had enough time to think hmm how in the world am i going to explain this to my boss when i go in the work this morning well you know the hour went by really quick i left it 15 till got to work just like five five till eight got out of my car and when i got out of the car and started walking towards the the corporate office because there's a big manufacturing facility and then there's the sales office the administrative area as i was walking towards my area that i would go to the boss over the whole complex just happened to be walking towards the administrative building and he noticed i didn't have my work clothes on you know which was dress clothes and he said stephen he said is everything all right i said i said john i need to talk to you he goes well come on into my office and so i go into his office which you know you you rarely would go in his office it's uh unless something was bad you you probably wouldn't want to go in there so you know you might be getting in trouble or something like that so anyhow uh i went into his office and you know it was a typical ceo type office big mahogany desk he's got a big leather chair a lot of brown colors you know kind of like an old man type office very very classy and uh so i sat down in front of his desk in a chair and he said well stephen what is it i said um i said john i don't really know how to explain this to you he said all he said just go ahead and say it i said okay i said this morning at 6 10 in the morning the holy spirit swept over me with great power and he spoke to me and said leave immediately and go to california and and i i was going to continue talking and he said stop and i didn't know what to think and he reached over to his drawer and pulled the drawer out beneath his desk kind of fuddled around with something and pulled a bottle out of oil god is my witness this is true and he walked around the desk unscrewed the bottle took the bottle and poured the whole thing on my head and said go when you get there mail me your your address this was before email mail me or send me i can't remember mail me or send me your address where you're living at and i'll mail you your final check i was stunned now i found out later john was a member of the full gospel businessmen's fellowship international he was a spirit-filled tongue-talking on-fire christian and i had no idea i had no idea he had that in him [Laughter] nor did i have any idea that when i got to california i would be asked by the president of full gospel businessman's fellowship that's a big word right that's a big name full gospel businessman's fellowship international i would be asked to start a chapter in the very center where the world headquarters was at and i would be hosting some of the greatest speakers within that organization from all over the world wow crazy crazy stuff and i went and i remember on that day when i was leaving i said i'm going to go by the church and tell my pastor and when i went to the church uh they said he's not here he's in he's in south korea he's visiting dr cho i thought well he's certainly out of town uh but i realized also looking back on that that it was probably good that he was gone because if i would have told him what i was doing not even really knowing where i was going or anything like that he probably would have said you probably need to think this through and i probably would have been talked out of it so anyhow i went and uh it was the lord that journey began to set me up for the stepping into ministry i would incorporate my ministry in california and then eventually later of course i would uh move that to north carolina where we're at today and also what i did not know is that when the lord spoke that to me that there was a woman in southern california at a very large church who had bought four seats in her church and as she purchased them by faith because the pastor said we need to get new seats for the church sanctuary and she purchased four for herself she bought one for herself one for her son one for her daughter and because she's now single she said this other one is for my future husband and he will come and sit in this chair and would you believe when i got to california and got settled and got a job and got and kind of started getting my feet on the ground that one day just a few months later after i'd been there literally two months later i walked in literally into that church and sat in that seat met kelly we started the conversation fell in love with each other and got married i literally sat in the very seat that she purchased for her future husband to come sit in [Laughter] don't tell me that you can delay and play around with a word of wisdom you're playing with fire if you do that you're choosing like death over life you're doing crazy crazy stuff when god speaks i'm not saying that it won't make the hair stand up on the back of your neck i'm not saying it won't be the adventure of a lifetime but i'm saying that if he did speak you better write that word because that'll take you all the way to the to to victory it'll it is god's perfect will for your life unveiled praise god and the church that i ended up visiting that day was the church i was raised up at in the ministry whoa praise the lord yes we're talking about dealing with uh powerful elements here in the word of god this is like those that work around the nuclear reactor you're dealing with things you've got to be very careful with praise the lord and we have a lot of positive stories in the bible of those that that obeyed the word of wisdom but we also have others that did not obey it and blew it such as the rich young ruler when jesus said sell it all give it to the poor and come follow me that is not a suggestion that is not an option that is a commandment from the living son of god and if you don't do it it's not like three months later we're going to be waiting around for you you do it right now you do it right now he didn't do it he didn't do it he lost that opportunity so you do see the tragedy of those that did not really understand what they're dealing with when this tremendous gift is in manifestation by the holy spirit it's also time sensitive you have to obey it and step through it in that moment praise god also i'm sure you've also noticed you cannot take somebody else's supernatural word of wisdom and try to make it work for you you have to have your own word from god in these types of areas praise the lord well here's a story from the book gifts of the holy spirit by dr d.g.s dinacaren now i have to admit this book is a little bit hard to get a hold of i'm sure that you can contact uh their ministry uh they have a ministry in dallas you could probably get this book um but of course most of these are coming out of india from south india and dr dgs denicarin talks about the time he received a word of wisdom from the lord to do something very unusual and he didn't do it and i want to read that story to you and i'm actually very happy that he was willing to share this story of his life and it's a tragedy it is a tragedy something that lived with him for the rest of his life now of course he's in heaven now so all his glory and happiness right but i'm glad he told what happened because you have to understand what you're dealing with when god actually does speak i see a lot of young christians sometimes they get all excited god spoke god spoke i'm thinking that's good but you better make sure you're obey because you're you're dealing now with life life or death obedience or disobedience so go do what god told you to do don't play around on it don't sleep on it get moving get your fishing pole go catch that fish pull him up pay the tax how about this for an unusual word let's jump into it this is from the book gifts of the holy spirit by the man they called the prophet from the east dr dgs dinacaren now he said in 1985 during the course of my prayer the holy spirit spoke to me and said okay so this is going to be what we know in the bible as a supernatural word of wisdom the holy spirit spoke to me and said your car is very old exchange it and purchase a strong mercedes-benz car dr dennicarin said a mercedes-benz is quite a costly car and so he said i found the second hand one all my friends urged me saying in obedience to god's command purchase the mercedes-benz you can pay the money in easy monthly installments but i thought within myself that instead of borrowing a huge amount to purchase a mercedes-benz i could continue using my old car and spend that money for god's ministry i did not understand now listen to this i did not understand that god's word about buying a car was not a suggestion but was a command though the word came to me through other tongues because he he was praying in tongues after he prayed in tongues then he translated it into his language that he could understand that's when the holy spirit that's what the translation was saying to him he said he said i did not take it as a commandment i took it as a suggestion i never put it i never put it into action what was the net result okay in other words what was the result of him not obeying the holy spirit to buy her mercedes-benz because he thought that's not a good use of money that's a lot of you know money and i'm i'm going to save the money instead and use it for the ministry what was the result of that on the on the fifth month the 21st day 1986 when i was traveling with my family in my old car we met with an accident and the car was smashed flat alas my 17 year old beloved daughter angel lost her life my heart was shattered to pieces and i still lament since that day had i prayed for receiving the correct interpretation this gift the word of wisdom would have made it clear that it was not a mere suggestion of god but a command he said i would have obeyed it and i would not have lost my beloved daughter who i loved more than my own life due to my carelessness so he basically says that because he did not obey a word of wisdom that the holy spirit gave to him he was involved in a car crash his daughter 17 year old daughter was was killed in the crash he broke his arm his whole arm was fractured he was in a sling and his wife broke her neck uh her neck was fractured so tragedy tremendous tragedy now the holy spirit did bring uh supernatural healing and comfort to him and his whole family and he was able to continue on with his ministry but that was something that was very very difficult for him to get over with because he felt a certain sense of responsibility because he didn't do what god told him to do these things are very very serious my friends i don't want you to be fearful but i do want you have a tremendous reverence for god's word when god says choose life death choose life life is life and death is death it it and you're you're you've got to do the right thing don't tour around with god's word reverence deeply and respect god's word and reverence the holy spirit and what he instructs a word of wisdom will always carry instruction you can never separate wisdom from an instruction i was in india south india one time and the host minister he he picked me up and he was using a beautiful vehicle to show for me around in i'd be at the hotel they'd pick me up to the hotel and then they would take me to the television recording studio where i would record tele christian television programs it was kind of funny because you know i've got to get dressed up to do the tv shows and so what i didn't know they told me later is that everybody at the hotel thought i was like a bollywood actor you know here in america we call it hollywood california well they have their own version in india it's called bollywood so they thought i was some american bollywood actor i think that's extremely silly but one of the things that made them think that was the car i was getting picked up in this beautiful beautiful white mercedes bins brand new brand new absolutely beautiful and you have to understand that uh in this part of the world if you have a mercedes-benz you're at the very top echelon of wealth and so um when i got picked up in the mercedes and taken to the studio i was before recording i was talking with the man of god who had brought me there and who's uh who had purchased the vehicle and i said hey beautiful mercedes it's really nice he said thank you brother stephen he said i was in prayer some time back and the holy spirit now watch this please please listen to me very very carefully said the holy spirit told me to buy a new mercedes benz and he said lord he said those cost a lot of money how can i do something like that and the holy spirit said ask your ministry partner so and so for the money he has the money oh and you talking about an inner struggle he told me he said oh what a struggle he said he says so i'm supposed to ask my ministry partner for money to buy a mercedes-benz what if he thinks i'm a fake or fraud i mean what if he thinks i'm a swindler what what i mean how am i supposed to explain that you're not you're supposed to do it so he he wrestled with that and did not immediately do it because he thought he thought lord i've always had practice the highest level of ethics in ministry and i don't want to do anything that would look like that's interesting but he said here god is commanding me to buy a new mercedes-benz and to ask my ministry partner over here for the money so he said i did not immediately move on that because i'm i he said i felt great pressure lord what would this ministry partner think and the holy spirit spoke to him and said you're making the same mistake that dinner karen made oh he said when the holy spirit said that he said my lord he said i'll get this taken care of right now but he said he said brother stephen he said i did bend it a little bit he said i did call the ministry partner which was a man that had a uh you know a large business in the city and uh he said i called him but he said i didn't i didn't directly ask him for the money in other words can you give me this amount of money he said can i borrow he said the lord has led me to call you to ask you and he said can i borrow this amount of money to purchase mercedes-benz and the man said let let me and my wife pray about it and so uh my friend you know he he's waiting for the call back and so the call came back i think it was two days later and the man said he said man of god the lord has told me not to lend you the money but he did tell me that i'm supposed to give it to you i am supposed to give you the complete amount of money that you need to buy the mercedes-benz so my friend said okay he said praise the lord now watch this he goes out and buys a brand new beautiful mercedes-benz i've written in it various times and the moment the man releases the money the businessman releases the money for him to do that the moment he releases it just right after that immediately after that another contract came in he got another contract that paid off the whole amount of money that he just released it just covered it it covered it it's like god paid for the car and you know what that's exactly what the lord did that's exactly what the lord did now in the church you've got a lot of people that are jealous you have a lot of people that um they criticize any type of prose prosperity and really what it is is that they're frustrated they don't have it they're not so much mad that you have it they're just frustrated that they don't have it but they may may not be walking in obedience like you are and so they're frustrated and so they say certain things and there's criticism it's okay it comes with the 100 fold well it's not okay but it just comes with the territory you understand what i mean by that so we're going to honor the lord and obey the lord but you have to be aware that if there's anybody that you want to please it must when it's all said and done it must be god it must be god well pastor stephen i don't i don't know what people are going to think about that i'm not sure either but i'm mainly concerned what's god going to think about it because we must obey him despite what cultural norms say despite what the rot of society would say we must obey god because blessing is directly linked to obedience and problems and a mess is directly linked to disobedience so we're going to do the right thing and we're going to obey the lord and when the holy spirit manifests with words of wisdom that are supernatural we're going to obey the lord and honor him hallelujah praise god glory to jesus hallelujah now i had a situation one time uh it was the day before a new year's eve service and i said lord i need a i need a word for new years people want to hear the prophetic word and the lord did give me a what we would call a word for the body of christ but the first thing he did was he gave me a personal word he said i want you to ring in the new year and the moment he said that it just the revelation i've exploded in my heart because i knew exactly what he meant by it sometimes the lord will say things in a very prophetic sense where maybe there's like a pun attached to it and he said i want you to ring in the new year and my wife was wearing uh an old ring that her grandmother had given her and she was actually using that as her wedding ring because i had not been able to just directly go out and buy her like a really nice wedding ring and so she had that one and she liked it and it was pretty but it wasn't something that i'd gotten her so the holy spirit said ring in the new year and that meant go out take your wife out and buy her a new wedding ring and so in our savings account we had a certain amount of money in there several thousands of dollars and so i thought well i do have some money uh saved up and so i took her to the jewelry store uh this was just right after this word i didn't waste any time because i knew this was hot hot hot i gotta act on it so i took my wife to the jewelry store and basically just said get get whatever wedding ring you want and she did she looked all over and looked at this tried this tried that finally uh found one that really made her heart happy and i bought it for her and when i did it was the exact amount that drained completely that account it just emptied it there was there was hardly anything left in it at all maybe like 20 or something like that left but the thousands of dollars went on that ring paid the whole ring off but it totally emptied that account but within just a few days after i did that i was blessed with two personal offerings and when the offerings were given to me it was it was stated pastor stephen these are for your personal gifts these are not for the ministry these offerings are for you personally and i put them right back into that account and when i did it brought it right back up to where it was before i spent the money on the ring so the money's already back there it's like it's like god paid for the ring yeah that's exactly what he did why it's a word of wisdom it will always work when it is truly from god and you hear it from god and you act on it and it doesn't matter it means go pull up a fish if jesus says there's money in his mouth it will be there it doesn't matter what it is when it comes from god so that's why this word is so powerful and it that's why it's listed first among all the gifts of the spirit and we're also told in god's word that wisdom is the principle thing or the chief primary thing therefore get wisdom so this is supernatural wisdom this is the wisdom of god uh what you're supposed to do in that specific situation praise god um while in many ways we rejoice about a lot of the fun stories uh associated with the miracles that happen out of obeying a word of wisdom there is also the other side that we must be aware of such as the rich young ruler of the missed opportunities of not obeying the word of wisdom when jesus said come follow me he meant it right now just sell this stuff get rid of it this stuff has completely owns you you think you're free you're slave to it sell it all get rid of it give the money to the poor come on with me i'm going to show you how we do things right and he didn't do it praise god amen so be ready to obey no matter how even silly it would sound you know one time i was shaving you know i think there's moments in life where you get real calm and relaxed and i think for guys it's shaving i was standing in front of the mirror and i was just shaving you know shaving cream all over my face and i wasn't thinking of anything it's just one of those mellow moments right and i'm shaving and as i'm standing there shaving the holy spirit just out of the blue spoke to me as if a as if a person were just standing there heard the voice but it's from within it echo it's from within and it kind of like echoes out and the holy spirit spoke to me and said take off the timex watch that you're wearing i'm going to give you a rolex i thought well lord well first of all i kind of laughed i just thought it was funny a statement like that because it's kind of well that's kind of a good trade lord because i knew the watch cost 35 [Laughter] lord yeah sure lord i'll throw it away now if you want me to it's actually a good watch but i never wore it again after that i took it off right then and two weeks later now remember i took it off he said take it off i took it off right then never put it back on ever after that two weeks later i was in a meeting and i was given a very beautiful rolex watch amen beautiful watch wow glory to god is that an unusual word pastor steven i didn't even know jesus knew about rolex i didn't know he knows even stuff about that he knows everything there's nothing in his mind that he doesn't know he knows everything about everything you know when that was given to me at a certain conference later that evening at a meal i showed the watch to the conference host and i told him what had happened and he looked at it he said pastor steven that's wonderful and i cause i told him and i told him like two weeks earlier i was shaving and the holy spirit told me to take off the timex and i was gonna get a rolex i said now look at that isn't that amazing god said that now here it is he said that's wonderful pastor stephen he said that's interesting he said sometime back now listen to this he said sometime back i was shaving standing in front of the mirror and i was shaving and the holy spirit spoke to me and said take off that seiko i'm going to give you a rolex i'm telling you god talks some of you may think i'm crazy but i'm telling you god is a talker and when he talks he is never told one lie in all of eternity past and all the present it is absolutely impossible for god to lie um so he said he said brother stephen god told me take off that seiko i'm going to give you a rolex and he said now look at this and he's showing me a real nice rolex daytona uh chronograph watch beautiful very expensive i said isn't that amazing not so much that you got a rolex that that's cool but isn't it amazing that god speaks and that if you'll obey he'll do exactly what he says it's bulletproof wow and it doesn't matter what he says it doesn't matter what he says if you'll do that there is the there is the manifestation coming praise the lord glory to god thank you lord jesus hallelujah but you must be very precise in obedience let's close with this second kings chapter four you're going to have to have a prophetic edge to your life i'm not saying that you have to be a prophet because a prophet's office is a calling into a fightful ministry gift but you're going to have to have some prophetic uh uh flow going through you so you can pick up on these things and you can know what's going on and you can know the blessing that's attached to it but also you have to be very very precise in your obedience take a look at this in second kings chapter 4 and verse 29. then he said to gehezei get yourself ready and take my staff in your hand and be on your way watch this now watch this you're getting instructions from a prophet under the anointing do exactly as he says okay if you meet anyone do not greet him and if anyone greets you oh i can already tell i could already tell that bless your hearts for some of you this is too much this is too much for some of you i i don't know if elisha if he told some of you to do this i i honestly don't know some of you bless your hearts if you could do it but you have to understand why if you meet anyone do not greet him and if anyone greets you do not answer him belay my staff on the face of the child if you could just get into a little bit of the prophetic flow a little bit of that prophetic stream you begin to understand when the spirit begins to come upon your life you're carrying something you're it's no different than literally carrying two buckets of water you know you're carrying something and when you're carrying something the last thing you want to do is spill it and have it pour out before you reach your destination and then deliver the goods i was sitting one time and heard a man over talk he said something that caught my attention he was he was criticizing a very well-known minister he said well i tell you one thing i was standing outside of a conference room one time when the man of so-called man of god walked by and my son and i we said hello to him and he didn't even turn around look at us he just kept right on walking and he was mad not all ministers are fake and snooty and snobby and stuck up oh i said he didn't say hi to you he goes no i thought that was rude i said you ever read the bible second kings chapter four did you ever read about the ministry of elisha no what does that mean what does that say ah never mind it might be a little too hard for you to obey that one people sometimes even christians they have no sense of the prophetic they have no sense i was i was getting ready to do a conference one time i was hosting i was the speaker we were renting a facility the people all there were about ready to go and i went up and i i took a look at the microphone that i was going to be using uh this was the the microphone and the podium came with the facilities they weren't not our equipment it belonged to the facility that we were renting and when i looked at it i noticed the microphone wasn't working right and it looked like it was the whole the whole system was about to fall apart it was a real old podium mic it was that tells you how old it was the mic was built into the podium and had the like you know the wire coming up or the uh you know the metal thing whatever and uh right at that moment a man walks up and he says that's not working as a brother stephen i said no something's wrong with it he said well let's take it apart right now let's i said i said no i said brother i can't do that i'm gonna get out of the spirit oh no no he said i'll go get a screwdriver and we can take it apart i said no and i walked away i he knew what he was doing what's he doing he's trying to pull me out of the spirit why because i'm carrying something i cannot i don't even care at this point i don't care if the microphone doesn't even work i'll just stand in front of the people and talk because i cannot let things get me out of the spirit and i drop what i'm carrying because i'm carrying something for the people and he knew he knew exactly what he was doing because there's jealousy and there's envy and he was trying to he was trying to get me all discombobulated and it didn't work i said no just walked off completely and when i came out a few minutes later to start the meeting the speaker worked fine never malfunctioned the whole time watch these things wisdom requires the strict obedience to instructions well pastor steve if i don't talk to somebody what if i what if my best friend comes up to me you're on assignment you're on kingdom assignment and the prophet said don't talk don't talk well now pastor steven they're going to think we're rude you can work all that out later you can you can explain all of that later and for some of them bless their hearts they may never understand it even if you do show it to them in the bible this is not the only time when such a type of instruction was given very specifics get in do your job and get out don't say anything and those that didn't do it it didn't work for them one man one young prophet tremendous anointing lost his life because of all the blabbing afterwards god told him to go and the old prophet who was probably envious of the new anointing said oh oh god god told me that you're supposed to come over to my house and the young prophet who god said do not stay leave immediately he goes well god told you that he goes yes yes god said no you're supposed to come over here he went over there and the old prophet said because you did this you're going to die and he did he was killed on the way home what do you see you see the old guard envious of the new anointing not uh no longer having that and thinking well if i can't have it i'll just nobody can have it we'll take him out too that's what the guy was doing at the microphone let me get the screwdriver we'll take it all apart can you imagine that little pieces going everywhere little bitty screws rolling all over the pulpit and i'm supposed to minister in the anointing and people want to be healed from sickness and disease through the power of the holy spirit and i've got screws going all over my desk that's crazy crazy stuff the enemy will try to do crazy stuff like that you have to be ready before you ever get there here's a book very hard to get a hold of take your glory lord the life story of william duma very hard to get a hold of i found it on the internet in a bookstore in i think somewhere in england i paid a hundred dollars for this book and it's worth every penny i've seen it i've seen it for sale on the internet for a thousand dollars i wouldn't pay a thousand dollars but i was honestly i was happy to be a hundred dollars for it uh you can read about when the lord told him to go raise this person from the dead go do this and he's on the way and you wouldn't believe how many people want to come up and talk to him and not they're trying to why do they do it they're trying to pull him out of the spirit and people are cursing and profaning him as he's walking trying to do anything to get him out of the spirit you're gonna have to learn these things when god gives you a word to do something don't go to the left or right execute the word and then you can go talk to your best friend after that anointing lives uh and as we would say in a sense life returns to normal praise god glory to god all right i've actually had many other words of wisdom that the lord has spoken me at various times some of them were personal just certain things i needed to do but my friends this this gift of the holy spirit is very very powerful i just want you to realize when it happens what you're dealing with and rejoice yes but execute let me give you one more one more then i want to pray that this anointing touch your life this gift come to you i was sitting in the couch or not in the couch sitting on the couch and i was thinking about my television ministry now at this time i didn't have a television ministry i had a calling and i knew that god had tv for me i'd done a lot of television shows on other people's sets and i've been on tv as a guest at various places but i felt god had a calling for me that for me to have my own program for this ministry to have its own program which today we know is pure gold but this was before pure gold ever materialized and i was sitting on the couch and i was thinking about the money that i had saved for the television ministry and i'd saved for a whole year and in some ways as i was thinking about it in some ways it was a lot of money because i thought i could buy a really good camera with that i mean i could buy a really good camera but at the other time at the same time i thought but that's all i could do i it's not enough i just thought lord it's a lot but it's still it's it's a little because it's not enough and i i'm stuck between two worlds and i don't know what to do should i should i use what i have and do the little maybe a little bit with it or is it just not enough and i so but i honestly didn't know what to do so i'm sitting on the couch and i'm thinking about that and as i sat there suddenly the holy spirit spoke to me a word of wisdom now remember what is a word of wisdom it is god's perfect will for your life revealed through a word not a book i i didn't need god to read a whole book to me but a word could even be one or two sentences it is a word of wisdom wisdom always directs as to what to do and it directs in a specific area a specific uh part of your life and it is god's perfect will so as i sat there on the couch stuck not knowing what to do the holy spirit spoke and said what you hold in your hand which was thousands of dollars but not enough he said what you hold in your hand is your seed it is not your harvest and i thought lord that's amazing i actually got up and looked back behind the couch because the voice was that real it wasn't an angel it was a holy spirit the voice was all around it filled the room but i mean i got up and looked behind the couch i thought lord have mercy and i said that's right this is not my harvest it can't be it's too little so i said it is a seed and i went and told my wife i said kelly i said i know exactly what we're supposed to do with that money that we have been saving for over a year for the tv ministry she said what i said the lord said it's a seed it's not our harvest so i took the whole thing and sowed it into the ministry of a man of god that has an international television ministry and i said this is my best seed and he received it with thanksgiving and today today it's it's you know we're reaping the benefits of that so here's the problem with some they eat their seed and if you eat your seed you have no expectation for a harvest why it's not out there in your field the harvest's not in your field because the seed went in your belly but we sowed the seed and now we are reaping god's best 100-fold return on that and as you know we're on television on many different networks we're increasing our coverage and people from all over the world literally are watching the pure gold program hallelujah but see i obeyed that word i obeyed that word um could i feel the weight the magnitude of what it is to give that away think you know it took a year to save that yeah i could feel that i could feel that but i also knew in an undeniable way i heard from god and it was a word of wisdom which reveals the perfect will of god what to do in that situation and today i'm so glad i sowed that because today that looks small back then it looked huge but today it looks so small compared to the budget that it requires to operate uh all that we're doing with television praise the lord yes rejoice when you hear the word but execute and walk it out praise the lord lift your hands father i pray for those that are watching today that not only will they open their hearts to receive this supernatural manifestation of your spirit of the word of wisdom but i pray lord that they not be like oh i heard it and then there'd be like some kind of foolish giddiness but i pray that there be a sobriety that hits them that that they realize oh i know what to do and i must do this and let there be a holy reverence when this word comes now we give you praise thank you father not a fear in the sense of a phobia but yes a deep reverence i have heard from god and now i must choose life i must i must obey quickly now father we give you praise in the name of jesus let that gift come to your people in jesus name whoa glory to god amen shall i receive praise the lord glory to the lord now those of you that are watching today and you don't know christ as your lord and savior jesus christ loves you he died on the cross to save you from your sins if you'll put your trust in him and give him your entire life he'll save you right now if you would like to receive his eternal salvation pray this prayer say lord jesus i'm a sinner but you died to save sinners like me jesus i give you my whole life every part of it wash me with your precious blood write my name in your book of life and take my life now thank you jesus for saving me in your name i pray amen and amen welcome to the family of god that was the wisest thing that you've ever done in your life praise the lord glory to god now let's honor the lord let's receive holy communion i want to encourage you grab some unleavened bread if you have a little cracker or something like that that will work just as well also and grab some grape juice and let's pray father we thank you for the bread and the juice we bless it we set it apart as holy we thank you father god we thank you this is now the body the flesh the blood of christ and father we thank you that we understand what the psalmist meant when he said he trembles at your word thank you father god we give you praise for the power in your word your ability to do exactly what you say so father we rejoice let us also always be aware of the the power associated here oh god we reverence you we give you praise as we receive the flesh of christ we thank you for the gift of the word of wisdom coming to us showing us exactly what to do in that specific situation in jesus name we pray amen and amen let's receive the great prayer intercessor brees house had a tax payment that was due and he didn't have he did not have enough money to pay it and so he's thinking lord what am i going to do i've i've got this amount but it's not enough and right during that time another brother came up to him and said brother reese he said i really need god to help me and rei said what do you need he said i've got a tax payment that's due and i don't have it reese said how much is it and it was the exact amount that he had saved rhys said let's pray they got that on the ground and they prayed and knelt down and prayed and then reece said well let's get up he said brother he said god told me to deliver you god told me to pay your uh give you the money for the taxes so they went down to the bank and uh reese gave him the money his money which was all he had that guy went and paid his tax payment and re said lord you instructed me to do that so i know that you're going to help me and the very next day the full amount of the tax money that he was supposed to pay it all came in through a personal gift to him personally and he was able to pay the whole thing off so at that time he didn't need to go fishing in the lake and find the fish with gold in his mouth so you can't replicate these these things these are all all worked out by the holy spirit praise the lord father thank you for the blood of jesus we asked if we've committed any sins that you would forgive us we ask that you would cleanse us from all unrighteousness and we forgive and bless anybody anyone who has sinned against us we thank you father god this is a new day for the church this is the new dawn the golden era of the church we're in the last days and while there's gross darkness in the earth we thank you that your glory is being seen upon us we thank you for solutions we thank you for the way forward we thank you that we have supernatural help through the enabling of your holy spirit we give you praise in jesus name amen let's receive the blood of the lord jesus praise god now let's lift our hands and thank the lord for all of his gifts lord we just praise you and we thank you we give you all of the praise we give you praise lord we thank you for the revelation gifts that reveal something we thank you for the word of wisdom we thank you for the word of knowledge we thank you for discerning the spirits we thank you for all of the gifts of your holy spirit oh god we give you praise we thank you that we are in a time of things being unveiled and having a bright illuminated path in front of us father we just thank you for jesus we thank you for the words of the master coming to us we thank you o god hallelujah we give you praise and glory thank you lord jesus for making a way even in certain areas where there would appear to be no way we thank you that with you and your wisdom there's always a solution thank you oh god for showing us what to do thank you lord hallelujah and lord jesus we receive the ministry of your holy spirit we receive the manifestations of your holy spirit and oh god we give you praise thank you father in jesus name amen and amen hallelujah hallelujah let me say this in closing and keep in mind someone like dgs dennicarin who the lord said by mercedes-benz see the holy spirit knew the enemy was going to try to attack him and so the holy spirit wanted him in a very strong vehicle with steel frames running through the hole the doors and the entire structure to protect from a crazy driver sent by the devil oh glory to god this is what i want to say don't let any person talk you out of obeying something that the lord has told you to do maybe some crazy family member or somebody like that or somebody that basically does not understand the ways of god you you know too much now to disobey so do what the lord says to do and you'll also see god move mightily in your life in a beautiful way god bless you thank you for watching i'll see you back next time