good morning church family and ministry friends i'm pastor stephen brooks welcome today to our online internet around the world church service i'm so happy that you're here today and i believe that god's word is able to strengthen you to do all that he's called you to do and very importantly it's able to empower you to be the person that god has called you to be praise the lord let's take our bibles and go to mark chapter 4 and we're going to be in verse 8. mark 4 verse 8 we're going to receive the tithes and offerings let's look at a scripture that will give us understanding into god's desire to bless your finances but other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up increased and produced some 30-fold some 60 and some a hundred praise the lord now let me share some beautiful news over the last couple of days i tallied together all of the giving for the pentecost pure gold offering every bit of provision that came in online through the internet giving every bit that came in through the mail and it would when it was all put together all processed and the the final numbers were looked at the final number was exactly the number that god told me to believe for two months ago two months ago the lord told me to prepare for a special pentecost offering for pure gold i began to pray towards it and then about a month ago i shared that with you and this number was a lofty number but by god's grace we have reached that number we've actually now have gone over it by a few thousand dollars but my friends the lord told me that he would touch the hearts of his people and that we would reach that number we did it praise god now that sh that reveals something very special to me that i would like to share with you first of all the fact that we hit that number so approximately i mean we we just nailed it tells me that those of you that sowed did exactly what the holy spirit directed you to do it is very important as believers to understand that god cannot honor disobedience in other words if he prompts a believer to give a certain amount of money if the holy spirit moves upon your heart and you sense this is the amount that you're supposed to give let's say it's 150 but instead of giving the 150 that the holy spirit is impressing you to give you give 75. you have to understand god cannot bless that 75 why because he told you to give a different amount so he cannot bless it because if he did he would sanction disobedience and he can't do that so the fact that we hit that number so approximately and have gone over even a little bit because god loves to cheer forgivers that's that's the ones that when the holy spirit speaks to do something they're so happy to do it they even give more and of course god god receives that with open arms and those are those are the cheerful givers but so many of you you have obeyed with specific precision what does that do that has positioned you to receive the 100 fold return what is that that's god's very best multiplied back into your life now i was wanting to share point number one which is that you are now positioned to receive the 100-fold return because you have done what the holy spirit said to do number two i want you to be ready to expect your harvest to come in praise god anytime god multiplies an offering and he brings that back to you multiplied there is a miracle in that and the harvest that's coming back to you is financial increase and there's a million different ways god can do that in your life you understand there's a lot of different ways god's gonna he he can do it but i need you to understand that your harvest is financial increase the reason why is that the holy spirit gave me a vision and i saw that those that would sow into the pentecost offering for the pure gold television program i saw golden oil being poured on those those people and i said i said what is that what kind of oil is that and the lord showed me it's the golden oil of prosperity so that is being poured over your offering over your seed your harvest is coming it will be miraculous and it will be in a financial nature you need to ex be ready because a new level of prosperity is coming to you and it will be the 100-fold miracle blessing be expecting it be praising god for it be looking for it because it's coming it's coming you have done exactly what god required of you and your harvest is on the way praise god be sure to give god all of the praise and i tell you i'm expecting some phenomenal testimonies and i know that i'm going to hear from you oh praise the lord [Music] glory to god praise the lord so let us now honor the lord with our tithes and with offerings we step into the canaan land of blessing but we're not just there as tourists we're there to stay we're there to take our possessions and to receive what god has for us and we occupy by operating biblical principles not just to get there but to live there and one of those principles is that the tithe belongs to the lord the tithe is 10 of all of our increase and we're instructed in god's word to bring that into the storehouse of god because that belongs to the lord and of course we always have other ministry opportunities if you would like to sew special offering or special seed into some other project we have those as well and my friends let us continue to operate biblical principles while you're going to be looking for a very powerful harvest to come into your life praise the lord so if you would like to give online please visit there on the home page there's a red heart and it says give and you can click that you can bring your tithes in right there if there's a somewhere else that you would like to give an offer you can do that as well and it is safe and secure and you can do so from anywhere in the world now if you would like to mail in your tithe and your offering you can do that by sending your envelope to stephen brooks international p.o box 717 moravian falls north carolina our zip code is 28654 and let me just say on behalf of my wife and i and our entire team here at the ministry we are so thankful for you for your giving and your support of this ministry and we are literally touching around the world each week each week we are we are broadcasting over a satellite footprint that covers over a billion people whoa praise the lord it's actually more than billions over 1.1 billion now and uh i'm we're going to get the 1.2 you well that's not much pastor stephen just a point two or a point three where you're going up by increments of 100 million glory to god hallelujah but thank you for standing with us and we share in the heavenly spoil together glory to god god bless you praise the lord glory to god thank you lord jesus father bless your people bless your people let them see their harvest let them anticipate their harvest and let it let it just overwhelm them oh god overwhelm them and i thank you that you're taking your precious people to a new level of financial prosperity [Music] praise the lord you'll never know shortage or lack another day in your life glory to god say amen in jesus name amen praise the lord let's take our bibles and go to the book of jeremiah chapter 32. we're going to begin today in verse 17. and i i believe you're going to see some things about the lord that will greatly refresh you of his ability to be a blessing in your life in the area of where you may need a miracle in that area where where there is no human on the earth that can do it for you i want you to know god is still a miracle worker and if you need a miracle i would like you to pay careful attention to the reading and the teaching the expounding of god's word today now let's pray father as we jump into your word we ask that your holy spirit would illuminate the scriptures that we could simply understand it grasp it take it apply it to our lives beginning today thank you father thank you in jesus name amen now quite a few of you what i'm going to instruct you've already been touching it you've already had some some exercise in it but i think i think when you realize the potential of what can take place here i think it's going to stir you to jumping even further praise god jeremiah 32 verse 17 ah lord god behold you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power let me say my friends that god is the creator of what we see as the physical earth and also the universe with all of the stars and galaxies and beautiful things like that they just didn't happen by coincidence or accident i know there's some people that believe that adamantly but they are they're mistaken they are deceived and they are wrong and some of them know that it's bad science but they're under pressure to teach it or they'll lose their funding and some believe that they have this concept or this belief that it just all happened by a big bang or something like that simply because they want an escape from moral responsibility so if there is no god and we're all just an accident that means there's no accountability or responsibility for having done wrong or living wrong or anything like that and so that's why some love to embrace that view but my friends we're going to stick with the truth of god's word god is the creator behold jeremiah said you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power now i'll tell you what that's great power no question about that and outstretched arm the outstretching of god's arm denotes his power and his working his working there is nothing too hard for you let me just say that jeremiah knew how to talk to the lord he knew how to talk to the lord and it's very important that you understand also the proper and correct way to talk to god so that you can see his power released into your life now let's continue on let's go to verse 26 after jeremiah has completed his long prayer and has talked to the lord about this great thing that god has told him and he's proclaimed god's greatness and at the same time jeremiah is also saying lord this is pretty crazy though um you've said you're going to do this and i know you've got all this great power but lord the city of jerusalem is completely besieged and you know what they're trying to do to me and he's basically saying how can this happen how can how can this be brought to pass but he has exalted god and that is that is what you always want to understand when you're talking to the lord now i've had different encounters with the lord jesus christ different visions and i've had the visions i've had the the experiences of uh how can i say friendship the experiences of um you could almost call it fun maybe i could call it fun encounters with the lord but there's even in those type of encounters i've had like maybe more what we would call weighty type things where he came to me and gave me instructions and stuff like that but regardless there's something that's always present anytime anywhere you're with the man of galilee and this is what it is the moment you ever have an encounter with the lord the the first thing that always comes to me is that because it's on him it's just that you know this this guy is the supreme sovereign head of the church the universal church the church in heaven the church on earth on earth of course just one church but the billions and billions of believers in heaven on earth he is the head of the church he's the one governing it instructing it running it controlling all of it 100 percent whoa and you realize this is the man with the power this is this is the guy right here yes he's jesus of naz of nazareth he's the galilean man he's he's sweet jesus but don't think for a moment that he is not the king of kings and the lord of lords and even even those times i've i've had conversation of the lord with you know uh and there's i can detect his sweetness his love i have always been able to still pick that up this is the complete sovereign head of the church i'm talking to you right now and it's a it's a phenomenal thing this is the one that spoke the universe into existence so yes while he is sweet jesus you're you're talking to god he is just as much god as he is man he's just as much man as he is god it is a mystery but we believe it and we receive him amen now verse 26 then the word of the lord came to jeremiah saying behold i am the lord the god of all flesh is there anything too hard for me whew praise the lord glory to god now stop and think about that just for a moment he liked what jeremiah said so much he actually brings that back around i'm telling you if you want to see god's power in your personal life displayed you've got to learn how to talk to him you have to learn how to talk to him and address him for who he is i'm going to put us a picture up on the screen right now and i want to talk to you just for a moment about what you're looking at this is an image that was released 25 years ago this is the original hubble telescope deep field image it's considered by many by many to be the most incredible picture ever captured bar none wow whoa praise the lord this is the hubble deep field image now what is very incredible about the the footage that you're looking at of this image is that they took the telescope the hubble telescope and reluctantly pointed it to an area of the universe a little section a tiny section of the universe that was going to be the furthest distance they had ever looked at that they actually thought was empty space matter of fact before they they actually took the photos and you know and put put this photo together so you can see this as one they they actually had scientists said no don't don't do it because there's nothing there and we don't want to waste our time and not only that it might be embarrassing if we you know we're taking these bad photos or we take this photo there's nothing there people think what we're doing is not important so they they wanted to lead scientists to not do it but he he persevered and said no we need to take a picture of this area and uh the man that said we need to do it his name was ben excuse me bob williams he is the one that came up with the idea of the hubble deep field and it says that his colleagues warned him pointing the telescope at quote nothing unquote was a terrible idea unlikely to pay off but he pushed forward later saying scientific discovery requires risk and my friends look at this picture that was taken you're looking at over 10 000 galaxies and each galaxy has millions and millions of stars just in each galaxy and so the magnitude is off the charts i would actually uh for myself i would put this in top five top five all-time most mind-blowing pictures i've ever seen the only pictures i've ever seen that have outdone this picture are pictures that i've seen that represent the love of god but when you're looking at this picture you're looking at raw power you're looking at the outstretched arm of god and god spoke it and the words came out and he took his hand and just slung it out there whoo and it wasn't in a chaotic order it was more complex to the most complex swiss wistrach wristwatch let me get that ww word out there with the most complicated automatic workings that the galaxy is so complex whoa praise the lord so beautiful and uh oh i mean you have the milky way galaxy uh you know and that's where we're in we're in the milky way galaxy but you've got all these other galaxies and then you have these beautiful spiral galaxies and all of these things and uh this is who we're dealing with well pastor steven i just see jesus in his white robe and you know his little sandals you must never forget who your god is and who is on your side and who's pulling for you and the power i'm just talking about raw power that he has available to help you and so you need to ask yourself in the light of that image is there anything too hard for the lord i mean is it harder than making 10 000 galaxies don't forget there's just one little tiny section of the universe that's just pointing the telescope in one direction that's just one little tiny direction you still have everything else woof it's just it's just literally humanly incomprehensible the power of god wow praise the lord and so the lord says is there anything too hard for me no lord so what is it that you need god to do in your life oh well pastor stephen i write i i need to pay this light bill this light bill's run up to 218 dollars i just i don't know if you have to realize who you're you're working with who you're talking with this this is the head of the universe this is the one that the father has given all authority to over the entire universe the father said just run all of it run all of it he's running the universe he's got it all he's got it all under his authority and he's delegated authority also to the church whoo praise the lord so we need to step into this glory to god glory to god i think i'm just going to go ahead and touch this as you see let's pop that image up one more time on the screen as you see those galaxies and all those beautiful things of course you know they're they're billions of light years separated apart and uh they're basically saying the light even from those galaxies it took billions of years just for it to get to the telescope and i can understand i can understand why some scientists say you know maybe maybe there there was this evolutionary thing there wasn't of course but you have to understand that when god made adam and he breathed the breath of life into adam adam was created as a full-grown man he's not a little baby with diapers god created adam with maturity okay he did the same thing with the universe when he created the universe he baked maturity into it he baked age into it was it new oh yes brand new but he had age baked into it when jesus turned uh first miracle when he turned water into wine they said what this this is the best wine it has gone to the process it skipped well it actually didn't skip it it just went through it real fast through a miracle from water through the the phases of the grape juice into the phase of whatever this wine was and it was this mature wine and it was created oh there it is water mature wine just like that so you could say the miracle had the age baked into it so don't let all these great ages a billion years or something like that don't let that throw you don't let that throw you or anything like that the fossil records don't lie but you have to interpret it all the right way praise the lord now when you look at all those beautiful galaxies and things like that you you have to understand you and i we're designed for eternity humans are designed for eternity and you're going to live in either one or two places either in heaven with god or eventually the the final abode of the damned which is called the lake of fire so that's why we of course are on our way to heaven and we want to bring as many people as we can along with us praise the lord but you have to understand you're gonna you're gonna live for all eternity with a glorified body with a glorified body designed for uh what would now be considered superhuman type things i was talking to a very uh very esteemed prophetess known for a miracle ministry he's traveled all over the world ministering for jesus and she and i were talking about uh different things we've seen in the heavenly glory realm and she told me about one of her trips to heaven what she saw she's had various trips into the third heaven like the apostle paul had and she was telling me about the time that she was taken to the outer edge of the city of heaven and she saw a harbor but the harbor uh it didn't have water in it there was a big that there were different types of what we would call from the earthly perspective we would call them cruise ships they were ships that were designed they were gigantic in size they were designed to carry people and she saw one of them that was enormous that was made out of solid crystal it was a ship made out of solid crystal and it was getting ready it had believers on it you had christians on it those washed with the blood of the lamb it was getting ready to sell out of this port into space to explore and to see all of these well you can see it there all of these creations all of these things that god made well pastor stephen there are so many of them yeah it's going to take millions and millions and billions of years praise the lord you'll never have a boring day in your life in heaven praise the lord glory to the lord so my friends let us learn to talk to god where we magnify his power where we magnify his name and as we talk to god in such ways where we esteem him for who he really is then we also will receive uh the flowing of that mighty power into our lives praise the lord now i want to take you to a verse that is very explosive god's word has creative power and i want you to take this verse we're about to go to and i want to be i want it to be a verse that you really commit to heart and that you meditate on because there's power in it and you're going to see the power of god begin to flow in your life now we're going to go to romans chapter 10 romans chapter 10 and our scripture that we're going to look at now is verse 12. romans 10 verse 12. for there is no distinction between jew and greek the word greek in the original greek is the word helen and this is referring to not just greek people but it's referring to non-jewish nations that are greek speaking the the word usage here of the word greek became a common word that was just used not just to describe the greeks but this is a word that is now used in their culture in their day and in their time to basically describe non-jews non-jews some actually uh some translations actually translated as the word gentiles so i like the more literal translation which is uh greek there's no distinction between jew and greek but it's basically saying there's no distinction between jew and somebody who's not a jew praise god now watch this for the same lord over all is rich to all who call upon him now let's not look at a statement that's not really being made although it certainly would be implied it doesn't say god is rich although we all know of course he is it even says in the book of revelation worthy worthy is jesus to receive riches and honor and it goes on and on with this beautiful list of everything that he's worthy to receive one of those being riches and we know that god the father is in heaven christ at his right hand and we know that the streets are of pure gold we know that the uh 12 gates or these gigantic pearls and the splendor and the wealth and the glory are just uh off the chart as we would say but my friends we we understand that this would also imply that the lord is rich because he's going to extend that to those who call upon him and so you would have to be rich in order to extend it but the focus is not that god is rich the focus here is that god is rich to all who call upon him so that richness is extended to the one who calls upon god well pastor stephen i'd like to ask god for something but i don't know if god can afford it there there's nothing there i mean he's the owner of everything whoa praise the lord and god is able to bless you praise the lord now he's rich to you you have to personalize it you have to take the scriptures and make them your own again look at verse 12 for there is no distinction there's no difference between jew and greek in this area of you could be just as blessed as a jew is okay or it's not like you're missing anything because you're in the covenant now you're in the new covenant which includes salvation praise the lord and everything is in salvation the word sozo means full salvation everything's included for the same lord over all is rich too and you have to say to me the same lord over all is rich to all who call upon him if you'll call upon him recognizing who he really is he'll be rich towards you he'll be rich towards you he'll do miracles for you he'll do what no doctor can do he'll do what no rich uncle could do he is god there's nothing too hard for him and he will extend that power he will extend his riches to you but you have to call upon him you have to call upon him in light of his greatness and in light of who he is praise the lord now pastor stephen in what way should i call upon the lord you're going to call upon him in a in a response to what it is that you actually need or what it is that you want to ask him for let's talk about some examples you're going to go before the great god jehovah you're going to go before the miracle worker from galilee whoo praise god you're going to go before jesus christ of nazareth hallelujah you're going to go before your savior and you're going to ask him for the miracle that you need maybe you need a new kidney maybe you need both kidneys to work maybe you need a new liver maybe you have a a child a son or daughter that has down syndrome maybe you've been diagnosed with a failed heart and you need a new heart and you have to understand that there are categories of needs on the earth where a doctor can do all they can do and they eventually get to a place where they say this is now beyond medical science maybe we can give you uh treatments to deal with the pain but there are some things that are terminal and you have reached the end of the line and you can't go any further for example maybe your liver uh has been attacked by cancer let's say for example it's like a stage four and if you're in any level of stage four cancer that means it's over you know you get your wheel ready and uh they're gonna try to sedate you heavily and let you write it out with you know heavy dosages of painkiller but you get a diagnosis like that the doctors are not trying to wreck your life they're just trying to say this physically is what you're looking at they're not trying to lie to you they're just they're trying to help you they're saying you have to brace for it because from a natural perspective this is what you have and we are limited in these areas praise the lord but my friends you have to understand that while there are some things on this earth that are beyond human ability to fix god who created the heavens and the earth is a miracle working god there's nothing too hard for him he can make whole a child with down syndrome he can heal a heart that is just ravaged with disease he can heal a liver that is full of cancer he can heal kidneys that have shut down and have completely stopped working but my friends praise the lord you must realize that when it comes to so many of these mighty mighty needs you have to realize there's nobody smart enough to do it only god can do it nobody on this planet can make a new liver well now pastor stephen they're getting pretty advanced with this 3d modeling they can mold things out of plastic no no you can't they they can't do it like god can i've i've heard some of the science you probably have too some of the medical science where they can take sort uh certain organs from an animal and they can transplant some of those organs into in the people but they they never last very long and they never work very good why it was never designed for a human it was designed for the pig it was designed for the chimpanzee it's not going to work right in a human's body only god's smart enough to to give you a new liver only god is able to put new kidneys in your body he's the only one that can do stuff like this if you learn how to talk to him the right way the power will flow the power will flow now i want to talk about three words excuse me three letters they're back they're basically three words once we expand them and pronounce it out i want to talk to you about the three letters o e m o e m now if you have ever worked in the automotive industry you know what i'm talking about this would be true of course in many areas of production even if it's aviation or stuff like that oem stands for original equipment manufacturer i want to say it again original equipment manufacturer and oem what it means is that an oem is a part and it is the part that is built by the company that initially made that part for the vehicle now you have a couple options if you have a vehicle and something goes wrong with it if you have let's say you have like a like a new something that's in the 2020s a very modern new vehicle with all of the electronics and all of the uh you know the computers and stuff like that and something goes wrong and they say well this part has broken you have two options you can get an oem part which is a part that's made by the original equipment manufacturer or you can get an after-market part and they'll tell you this of course when they give you a quote for the repair bill they'll say these are your options oem or you can get an aftermarket here's the thing about the after market sometimes the price can actually be cheaper but it's it's it's not uncommon at all in the aftermarket that the part that they're going to supply you with it might not even be new it could be used it can be refurbished and then it's going to be resold as a used item been cleaned up or whatever you know the the need was and now it's back out and they can they can put that into your car but you know if you have something really new and modern you want the oem part in there you want something that's original equipment in there particularly if it's something that that's really nice now if you have a car that's maybe let's say 25 years old maybe a old pickup truck or old car or something like that and you're driving down the road and you go to fill up your gas and you realize the gas cap came off and somehow just came off and got lost fell off down the road well at that point maybe you're not even really concerned about an oem part why you go to the aftermarket you can go to one of these local you know we got them all over town you know these small little automotive uh parts plate uh parts places where you can go and just get an aftermarket gas cap only costs five dollars you put it on there screw it down lock it down but um you get into other things you really need oem for example a modern windshield if you have a new nice vehicle that windshield it may look like just a piece of glass or whatever but it's got all kinds of lines and wires and stuff going through it's got heating elements in it it's got all kinds of other stuff that's you know used for electronics that are going through that windshield and if if it gets broken and you have to have it replaced i would highly suggest you don't go after market well if i do i'll save 200 yeah it's not going to fit right either or they might even say it does but no it's not going to be the same you need o e m original equipment manufacturer particularly particularly the the more important it is and the nicer the vehicle oem mercedes-benz you want to oem always uh bmw you want original equipment manufacturer part praise the lord how about this one the vote at the most dangerous and ugliest car of all time the hugo put a picture up for your for your eyes to behold the beautiful hugo formerly made in the uh country of yugoslavia now believe it or not although that car is no longer manufactured there are still oem parts that you can get if you just so happen to be driving around in a hugo and if you are please email me at contact i'd love to hear it's you know is did somebody out there in the world still drive one i guess somebody does there's pictures on the internet but although they're just about as rare as a unicorn you could still get oem parts would you believe that isn't that amazing let me suggest this to you if you can get an oem part for hugo made in 1978 don't you think that god's got an oem part for you oh he don't keep backups pastor stephen he's just an old man sitting up on a throne in heaven smoking a seaguar [Laughter] you have no idea who you're talking to we have no idea you have no idea the power you have no idea the power and the wisdom and the vast resources backups that would blow your mind and yes it is true there is a parts warehouse in heaven bigger than the biggest city on the planet any kind of backup part that you need oem it's in that warehouse god's got it if you go if you go went out of business years ago decades ago a car that costs three thousand nine hundred ninety dollars and there's still oem parts out there you can get you don't think god's wiser than that he's got an oem for anything you need you have to honor him and you have to thank him and acknowledge him for who he is and don't be surprised when you do that here comes no important to your body the car was so crazy so dangerous that you could buy that car and they said literally you could drive it away from the dealership and it would start to fall apart parts would start falling off of it you hear them clinging down the road as you drove the thing one lady brought a brand new hugo and drove it home and while she was driving across the bridge the wind blew and blew her and the car completely off the road off the bridge down into the water she was like what kind of a crazy car is this and yet there's oem for hugo shall we go further vote at the ugliest the ugliest car of all time i don't know it's debatable that but it's if it's not it's right up there with them the amc gremlin there it is you're looking at it on the screen praise the lord some of you on podcast you're going to be so tempted to see what these crazy things are we're talking about you're going to have to watch the video praise the lord there it is in all of his green ugly glory the amc gremlin men if you want to impress your wife go buy your gremlin no don't do that don't do that praise the lord but it's green it's ugly and it went defunct decades ago but would you believe if you're out there driving around or use gremlin there's oem parts available for the gremlin um god's got your part god's got your new liver god's got your new kidneys and what do you need there's nothing too hard for him what do you need there's nothing too hard for him he created the universe this is all you need and look what he's done the universe and this is all you need is there's nothing too hard for him there's nothing too hard for him praise the lord let's go to the high level on the earth of oem let's go to rolls royce example now they're not they're uh you know they're actually owned by bmw now but they're still made there in that that one certain town in england where they've always been made but if you of course buy a rolls royce and all of the woodwork is real wood in the rolls royce but let's say you've had the car for for 15 or 25 years you're driving around your rolls royce and uh there was let's say some kind of accident or crash and in that accident the wood inside of your car maybe it got broken maybe it got smashed or scratched to a place where it's not it's not good anymore do you know that they actually with every rolls royce that is made and the wood that goes into it whenever they create that car and put that wood into it they save slabs from that tree where your car the wood for your car was made they save slabs market and keep it in a warehouse because if something ever goes wrong with that wood and you want oem genuine replacement there's only one place you can get it from and that's the rolls-royce headquarters and they've got it record record it on file your car the same exact wood the same grain the same everything because you can't you can't get another piece of wood it's not the same it's not the same it's not the same uh flow or anything like that you have to have the same tree has to come from the same tree same slab from that tree that's high level oem and they're nothing compared to god they're nothing compared to god god is the original manufacturer of your body if you need anything new he's the one to go to and there's nothing too hard for him now he is rich to all who call upon him he is rich towards you in giving you that oem part when you call upon him whoa praise the lord pastor stephen how do i get god to respond to me in what jeremiah would label these hard areas these difficult areas how do i get god to move in my life in these areas and we're talking raw miracle stuff we're talking about miracle healing we're talking about stuff that's beyond what the good doctors can do we're talking raw power of god coming in with a miracle for you or your loved one maybe it's maybe it's a money miracle maybe it's a deformity maybe it's something of a body part has prematurely gone bad in your body how do we get god to respond number one you cannot have lethargic faith what is lethargic faith well primarily it's faith that's not thankful and if you lose your thanksgiving if you lose your thankfulness to god your faith will become lethargic there is something about a freshness that is released when you have a thankful heart and there can be times where you even feel fatigued and you're like oh i don't really want to thank the lord i've had a tough day if you'll if you or maybe you're just tired maybe you're tired because that body part's not working right and you're fatigued but if you'll still thank him for who he is you'll realize as you begin to thank him he'll strengthen you he'll strengthen you and then you can continue on blessing his name my friends we must not be lethargic in our faith we must pursue god we must be quick to obey the lord in every area of our lives and i believe this includes the need for us to be spiritually sensitive you know i was reading about a certain evangelical pastor he had gone before the lord in prayer and he said lord all of my other pastor friends have gotten filled with the holy spirit and they they speak in tongues and jesus i would really like for you to fill me with the holy spirit and this dear pastor he had um just like a few days before he had his window open at his house and he noticed a beautiful little bird had come and had sat on his window seal well he kind of snuck over to the side and he reached his hand up and pulled the window down and the bird was startled instead of flying out it flew into the room and so the the pastor closed the window and he caught the bird because he wanted to catch it and he put it in a cage and once he put it in the cage you open the window back up so the bird could have fresh air and he got a little thing for water for it and a little thing for food for the bird but the bird wouldn't sing he had seen the bird before it was always singing but the moment he put it in the cage it wouldn't sing and but he thought well that's okay i like it anyhow you know i'm happy with my bird so this pastor said lord jesus fill me with your holy spirit i really really want this you know what you know what god told that man jesus spoke to the man and said spoke to his heart and said release the bird and i'll baptize you with my spirit and the pastor said lord i like the bird the lord said release the bird and i'll baptize you with my holy spirit you have to have a sensitive heart your faith cannot be lethargic when the lord gives you direction or insight you must move forward in that area the man went upstairs the window was open he opened the cage the precious little bird flew out and began to sing and the man closed the cage and he said i won't capture birds anymore and he he took the as he was walking down the stairs with the cage and as he was doing that jesus filled him with the holy spirit he was touched [Laughter] with the power of god and began to pour out just speaking in other tongues hallelujah glory to god by the way not just we're not just talking of course about a a precious animal but even people release people forgive people be quick to forgive be quick to love amen have a sweet heart have a sweetheart towards people even those that maybe uh or maybe you like a little bit maybe would say clumsy or make mistakes or maybe do things wrong and they're trying their best but maybe they don't know yet maybe nobody's taught them be sweet don't crush people be patient love people develop a sensitive heart praise god praise god now it's very important that you call god let's say you need a body part it's very important it's actually essential it's essential and important that you call god your healer let's see this in scripture romans 10 verse 12 the lord the same lord over all is rich all who call upon him you call upon him what do you call him well if you need a if you need a new um body part you call let's say you're a liver you call upon him as the healer of your liver lord jesus you're the god that heals livers nobody else on earth can do it and my condition is terminal nobody else can do it the doctors have done all they can and so here i am jesus i now call you my liver healer praise the lord glory to god look at verse 13 for whoever calls on on the name of the lord shall be saved you must call upon the lord you you can't even get saved without calling upon the lord maybe you you did it in a way in a sense where you know you had your heart-to-heart moment with god but that's still your heart calling out to god you can't get anything without calling on god you must call on the lord and if you have to call on the lord to receive the most important thing that any human could ever receive which is the salvation of your soul trust me you you work that same principle in other areas as well you call upon the lord as your healer you call upon the lord as your deliverer you call upon the lord as your debt destroyer you call upon the lord as your healer of cancer whatever it might be you call upon the lord romans 10 same chapter look at verse 10 for with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation salvation as in the sense of eternal life yes but salvation also over here in the same area of healing call upon the name of the lord in that area lord i call upon you i called upon you and you saved me now lord i call upon you as the creator of the universe i call upon you as the healer of my body you are the healer of my body you're the healer of my liver jesus i praise you and worship you nothing's too hard for you oh praise the lord and you talk to him like that you talk to him like that you talk to him like that all the time all the time when you really desperately need something and you really want something you talk to him like that he'll respond to you just like he did to jeremiah thank you lord jesus hallelujah you're single and you can't get married for whatever reason it's just you know something something's not something's not there yet call upon the lord as your matchmaker miracle working matchmaker pastor stephen that's not in the bible well sure it is there's all kinds of scriptures about this in the bible i don't have to use the song of solomon uh look at this one uh genesis chapter 24 verse 1 now abraham was old well advanced and aged and the lord had blessed abraham in all things so abraham said to the oldest servant of his house who ruled over all that he had please put your hand under my thigh that was a covenant sign and i will make you swear by the lord the god of heaven and the god of the earth that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the canaanites among whom i dwell but you shall go to my country and to my family and take a wife for my son isaac here in scripture you have what theologians just across the board say is a beautiful old testament type shadow word picture of the working of the trinity you have abraham who is a symbol of the heavenly father you have isaac who is a symbol of the son of god and you have this elderly oldest servant who is a representative a spiritual symbol of the holy spirit and you have the servant who represented the holy spirit going out he's going to find a bride going to find a woman for the son and you also have a beautiful imagery here of course of christ and the church but my friends you have to understand that god god's the ultimate matchmaker the holy spirit going out and finding the servant going out and finding the perfect the perfect bride for the son and of course you know god's going to get it right see i know things about this this nature and i remember one night i was 27 years old and i just said look god i want to get married i i don't want to wait any longer i want to get married and had a person come into agreement with me for a godly wife but see what i did not know even before i ever got to california when i was still in texas just months and months i don't know how maybe even a year or maybe it was probably like eight months or something like that earlier my wife who was at that time single sitting in church heard the man of god at the church say we need to buy some more chairs because we need we just you know we have a you know it's quite quite a big church we need more chairs for people to sit in so i i need those of you that are members to purchase chairs and so my wife purchased four brand new chairs one for her to sit in one for her two uh children to sit in and one one for her new husband that she was in faith for that was going to walk into that church and sit in that chair whoa praise god and the holy spirit when the holy spirit saw her faith and saw her words when she said my husband will come sit in that chair you have to you have to understand how the holy spirit works he works with your word some of you are not giving getting any you're not giving anything to the holy spirit to work with she said my husband will come and sit in that chair and i drove all the way from texas to california and would you believe that the person i prayed with i i told this person i want to get married the person said let's agree god will do it the next day that person said come visit my church and i walked into that church first time i'd ever been there in my life did not know a soul in that church and i walked and sat literally physically in the very chair kelly had purchased for her future husband sat in the exact chair you got to call god your matchmaker hallelujah there's nothing too hard for god you just got to give him more praise you got to give him more thanksgiving you got to worship him you got to glorify him so that he'll release the power to you it's not too hard for god god it's not that god can't do it there's nothing too hard for him it's just that for that power to be released we must do our part praise the lord we need to know how to talk to the lord for who he really is glory to god and if you're single you really want to get married then you just need to you just need to be going around thinking god all the time and praising him and saying god you're my you're my matchmaker you're the ultimate matchmaker glory glory glory glory glory and it'll happen somehow somehow some way because he's the miracle worker he's the miracle worker well pastor stephen somebody might say pastor stephen my my denomination doesn't believe in that well then i have to be honest with you um it's not going to happen for you well maybe if i just stick around well you can stick around for 10 20 50 years until you pet you your life ends it's not going to happen the holy spirit does not move in areas where the lord is not represented or taught or honored in that way he's not going to come into that church and override that pastor when the pastor doesn't believe that and it could be a beautiful church where people get saved and the basics of the gospel are taught but if that pastor or that denomination is not open to the moving of the holy spirit with signs wonders and miracles that display the power of god you could sit there to your 120. it's not going to happen it's not going to happen praise the lord know that the holy spirit is a performer and he works with your faith that's expressed through your words you have to say with your words that like for example if you need a kidney god's my healer god you're my healer god you're the only one that can get these kidneys working you're the only one that give me new kidneys you only want to give me a new heart you have to say it and you have to use your words and use your mouth praise the lord you know i've seen it happen too many times sad actually it's not going to happen to you though i've seen good christians leave the planet before their time because they got sick and they died prematurely of a sickness or a disease i've seen some leave in their 30s but in every single case that if you were to go up to them and ask him i didn't ask them i didn't need to because i already knew already knew the answer no need to ask but if you were to go up to them and ask them let's say well there's one person one person i knew that died of cancer and this one person was the most anointed person in the whole church she could prophesy and when she prophesied uh it's just it was send a shock wave of power through the whole through the whole church and um she could prophesy usually almost every sunday because that anointing that would come upon her she's in heaven today it's too bad she got taken out by the cancer she had a wonderful husband she had two beautiful children but she she died but i i went to the hospital quite often with the pastor because i was young at that time and i i saw her succumb weaker and weaker the whole time it's going on she's laying there in the hospital bed you know what she's doing watching tv non-stop and if you were to have gone up to her and if you would have asked her very respectfully very softly but if you would have asked her honestly how many times today have you called jesus your cancer healer she probably would have stopped and thought and she probably would have said none i mean maybe once or twice and if you would have probed a little further and said yesterday as you lay here in bed how many times did you call jesus and thank him as being your cancer healer she would have said none none do you understand that those who call upon the name of the lord shall be saved and if you don't call and if you don't acknowledge him although he can do it it won't happen it won't happen thank you jesus now you might have a super anointed minister come minister to you charged with the power of god and come lay hands on you and you could get healed off their anointing you know i have a ministry of healing that that that can happen but what if that doesn't happen and you're just laying there but i'm telling you that if you will call at upon the lord and work these principles and just thank him call him the mighty healer call him the mighty deliverer call him the god that gives new lungs or a new heart or whatever it might be he'll answer and you'll receive a miracle praise the lord glory to god praise you jesus just keep thanking him continually keep thanking him continually somebody might say well why would i thank him for something that he hasn't done yet well you thank him by faith based upon first peter chapter 2 verse 24 which says who himself bore our sins in his own body on the tree that we having died to sins might live for righteousness by whose stripes you were healed now those that don't believe in miracles and those that don't believe in god's healing power will say that this is a reference to spiritual healing that we were spiritually healed through christ atoning sacrifice but that's that doesn't even make any sense when you were lost in sins just as i used to be at one point in our lost condition we didn't need some kind of spiritual healing we needed to be born again we needed to be recreated or as in the greek it implies regenerate it you don't need some little healing you don't need to be spiritually healed you need to be you need to pass from death to life whoa praise god this is not talking about spiritual healing by his stripes you were healed in the atonement in the sacrifice death burial and resurrection of christ in the new covenant he purchased your physical healing by his stripes you were healed were is past tense on the cross he paid for it so while you lie there with that body part not working while you lie there perhaps with the body part ravaged by disease or unless it's metastasized and it's now spread throughout your body while you lie there you worship god and say god you're my healer god you're my healer i praise you that healing healing is in the atonement jesus by your stripes those furrows that were dug into your back you paid for my healing hallelujah and i thank you for it i call you my healer while i lay here i call you my healer i call you my healer and if you will keep doing that day and night day and night look you can't pull these these play games with god like you do it you know three or four times and you think that's it god will get me up out of the situation now no you have to pour your heart into it you have to glorify him for who he really is and when you do when you do he will come on the scene thank you jesus thank you jesus whatever you give god thanks for before you see it he will let you see it that's something i learned from dr norvel hayes he made that beautiful quote whatever you give god thanks for before you see it he will let you see it my friends you must do it out loud you must do it without shame or embarrassment you must thank the lord you must have your heart expressing thanksgiving to god for his greatness for his mighty power thank you lord jesus and anything that god has promised you he'll give it to you he'll give it to you when you really just pour out the thanksgiving and the constant worship and praise and adolation and adoration for who he is he'll give it to you anything he's promised you and even beyond sometimes maybe what we would call your set inheritance or beyond your promised land sometimes you might touch an area really of even a desire you wouldn't necessarily call it a need but it could even be a desire but god in his loving goodness he'll look at you and and if you can handle it he'll even give you that if you could handle it and you're really thinking for it he'll give it to you now long as it's something that doesn't make you backslide uh there are some they're they're not mature enough to handle wealth if they actually had riches they they'd backslide but if you can handle it and you'll thank god for it and you'll you'll you'll um live your life clean yeah he'll give it to you also praise the lord but you have to really you have to really i would i would use the the the phrase pay the price you have to really pour your your heart out thanksgiving to the lord and when you do that you'll see that miracle power that we all know he possesses you'll see it come into your life and you'll have a miracle testimony praise the lord you must make up your mind that you are going to get what rightfully belongs to you hallelujah there's no need for you to die there's no need for you to live with something that god doesn't want you to live with when he paid for it through the shed blood of christ and it's been purchased through his atoning work and you can have it so you must make up your mind that you're going to get what is rightfully yours and this heart of thanksgiving of blessing the lord for who he is you must do it every day and understand that the holy spirit is a performer and he's going to work with you based upon your words and what's coming out of your mouth and if you stop thanking the lord if you stop working he stops working and if you take a vacation for seven days and you just think well i've got kind of tired of doing this i'm getting tired of praising god getting tired of thinking god you take a vacation for seven days he'll take one too for seven days so you have to keep it up you have to keep it up because he's a performer of what you say and as you worship the lord as you worship the lord you'll see that he's no respecter of persons and my friends you'll see that god's word is true that there is no distinction between jew and greek for the same lord over all is rich to all who call on him so call on him as your healer of your kidney or of your foot or if whatever is going on that's not right call on him and just tell him you're my healer call on him and worship him call on him if if you're buried in debt and it's and it's bad just call on him lord you're the debt deliverer you're the god of the jubilee jesus you are the jubilee debt cancellation goes along with the jubilee jesus i worship you you are my jubilee i thank you lord jesus for your miracle intervention and my finances and every one of these debts removed paid off remove gone hallelujah whether they're paid off forgiven or however jesus i just thank you for it and you do it day and night day and night day and night and you can't get tired you have that that's the challenge that's the price tag that's that's where some people get excited they do it for a day or for two days and then they're like well i i don't know i don't know they kind of fade away but if you'll stick with it if you'll stick with it you'll see that the god who said that nothing is too hard for me you'll see him come into your life and you'll see that yeah he can move it he can fix it and if you even need an oem part yeah he's got he's got got them all he's got it's got warehouses full of them and he's got yours he's got your oem part that goes directly in your body take a brand new one of your parts off that backup shelf trust me if hugo has oem parts god's smart enough to do that too he has anything you need he's got extra eyeballs for you he's got extra feet for you extra whatever whatever your drums whatever praise god praise god lift your hands father i pray for your people that they come into power encounters with you now i ask for your grace to touch them stay with it father many people receive their miracle maybe seems like a lot of a lot of them get it maybe six months later some eight months later some have gone a year and then it happened so father i can't promise them a time frame an exact specific moment but all we do know father is that if we will reach out to you call out to you in this area you will save you will deliver you will release your miracle power now father we thank you that we're in a new era we're in the end times era and it's time for the greater miracles to come forth your signs your wonders your mighty miracles we thank you for making us whole we give you praise and glory we thank you father god i ask for grace to be released for your people to stick with it to stick with it and and i just thank you father in jesus name amen amen praise the lord hallelujah glory make a commitment to set some time aside for the lord are you all you do is call him what you need him to be call him your miracle worker call him your healer call him the great physician if it's physical healing call him that honor him that bless him as that jesus i praise you you took you took my sickness and disease upon you on the cross jesus thank you that you've redeemed me from this and take a special moment now you want to do that often throughout the day but you also want a set moment where you can take time aside maybe 20 minutes 30 minutes longer if you can and just pour it out we'll pour it out pour it out to him jesus i've got this much time blocked off for you and i'm here to do nothing but praise you in this area i know you're a specialist in this area praise god hallelujah somebody you're wanting you're wanting paperwork so that you can come to america and it's backlogged by the thousands tens and tens of if not hundreds of thousands not only that not only are they in line but there's red tape piled on top of that but somebody has a desire to move there are some that want to come to america legally and you want to do it the right way now worship the lord as the immigration expert watch what he'll do for you and there's somebody else you're a different country where you're wanting to go to europe you're wanting to go to a certain country in europe and you need you need paper approval for that god will help you worship him call him the immigration expert and worship him and find examples in scripture about sojourners and strangers even as the children of israel were for so long in egypt and uh you you'll catch a real revelation of the lord and you'll get your paperwork praise the lord praise the lord everything god does is straight up everything god does is the right way you'll be so glad that you paid the price to receive god's best and that paying the price is taking the time to worship him day and night day and night in a special session also and you'll see it happen glory to god thank you father we delight in your word we delight in your ways we give you praise in jesus name amen praise the lord glory to god if you're watching today's program and you don't know christ god loves you and he wants he wants you to come home he wants you to come to him so if you don't know the lord but you want to give your life to him then surrender to jesus today just repeat this prayer after me say lord god i'm a sinner but you died to save sinners like me jesus i give my life to you wash my sins away with your precious blood write my name in your book of life and i receive you into my heart as my lord and savior now jesus in your name i pray amen and amen and he has heard that prayer you have called out to the name of the lord and he has saved your soul praise god and if you need him to do a miracle for you he certainly will praise the lord let's take holy communion grab some unleavened bread grab some grape juice [Music] praise the lord glory glory to god i see you having strange encounters with the glory of the lord i see you having strange encounters with the right hand extended the power hand of god praise the lord father we thank you for the bread and the juice we pray over it and consecrate it through this prayer we set it apart as holy we thank you that it's blessed we thank you that this is now the body the flesh and the blood of christ our savior father we do this in remembrance until the lord comes we proclaim his death until he comes because it's through his death that we have received life father as we receive the body of jesus we thank you that you are rich to all who call upon your name we thank you for your richness rushing into our lives thank you oh god we thank you we bless you we've received the body of jesus now in the lord's name amen let's partake father thank you for the blood of jesus thank you that they tore us back to pieces plowed deep furrows as isaiah the prophet said they have plowed my back and we thank you father for what jesus went through for our healing that salvation is for the whole man it's for the whole person that nothing in our lives needs to be broken or messed up we give you praise father we receive the blood of jesus with great thanksgiving thank you father in jesus name amen let's receive praise the lord praise the lord talk it over with the lord and let the holy spirit help you and designate a set aside time where once a day you can do nothing but call the lord and just praise him and thank him and worship him i mean if you feel so led at times get on your knees lift your hands and worship him if you feel so led at times get on your face lay prostrate before him hallelujah and just worship him and thank him and thank him and though you might think well pastor stephen what am i supposed to say oh the holy spirit will help you he'll help you each each session will be different but just show up for that time be consistent day in day out day in day out hallelujah i see you having the most marvelous times with the lord and i see his hand will be extended to you my friends thank you for watching today i look forward to seeing you back next time bye bye