good morning my friends i'm pastor stephen brooks welcome today to our midweek bible study called morning glory i'm so happy that you're here today we're going to be in the book of second chronicles chapter 15 we want to look into the fascinating aspects of god's covenants there's different types of covenants we're going to look at one particularly today that we're going to move towards but i think that many of god's people i'm referring to the christians they understand the new covenant which is a covenant of salvation but there's also other covenants god made a covenant with the jewish people for example there's a abrahamic covenant there's the noahic covenant there's the davidic covenant but the most important thing is that we understand the new covenant which is salvation through christ we're saved by grace through faith praise the lord so if that's the only one that you ever understand then at least you make heaven praise god which is something that you'll be eternally joyful that you understood that covenant praise god and we thank god for those that preached the good news of salvation through christ the new covenant the born-again new birth experience praise the lord but today we're going to study aspects insights of god's covenant and his various covenants praise the lord particularly one of them second chronicles chapter 15. let's start in verse 1 and let's open up in prayer heavenly father we ask that your holy spirit would come upon today's teaching and that he would anoint the eyes of our understanding so that we can not just have a history lesson or have head knowledge although those things are important but father we ask that your scriptures would be it would be your living word to us that this would be in essence our daily bread now father we thank you you never designed us just to live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds from your mouth so we thank you for our food today let us eat it and understand it now thank you father for insight into your covenants in jesus name we pray we all agree and say amen praise the lord now the spirit of god came upon azariah the son of obed and he went out to meet asa now of course asa is the king over judah or the southern kingdom and he went out to meet asa and said to him hear me asa and all judah and benjamin now the tribe of benjamin which is uh composed of a lot of left-handers often when you see the tribe of benjamin mentioned you'll you hear about how they could all sling the men could sling a stone with their left hand and so it appears that a lot of them were left-handers for all of you left-handers out there such as myself maybe maybe uh if you're not jewish perhaps you're part of the spiritual tribe of benjamin hallelujah praise god and remember you know you had king saul come out of the tribe of benjamin you also had paul the apostle who could verify his lineage through the tribe of benjamin but in some ways benjamin would end up being absorbed into the larger overall tribe of judah and thus the southern kingdom was basically known eventually as judah you had a similar thing taking place with the northern 10 tribes where things just began eventually over time to congregate pretty much in the area of ephraim and then ephraim kept growing and had a strong influence and so ephraim became a term to not just to designate their tribe but really the northern 10 tribes in a sense became known as ephraim the southern two tribes became known as eventually as judah hear me asa and all judah and benjamin the lord is with you while you are with him if you seek him he will be found by you but if you forsake him he will forsake you now this is something that's very important to understand about covenant god is always faithful to his word to his promise and to his covenant but he did not create us as robots by the way that's why there was a different type of tree placed in the garden of eden to do what to give man the ability to choose between right and wrong the ability to obey god and yes god commands and god directs but we we have to yield and make our own decision to either obey or disobey praise the lord i know i'm speaking to the obeyers praise the lord the ones who delight in the commandments of the lord but it is possible to forsake the lord as sad as that is this covenant is something that god will uphold as long as we meet the terms and conditions of that covenant in other words you could walk out of that covenant marriage is a covenant and there's terms and conditions to that and somebody just says you know i i'm out i want out i want to run wild i want to go crazy then the other party the other person cannot say well hey you know you you can't run away like that that person can if if for some crazy reason they chose to there is a teaching in the body of christ uh predominantly out of the baptist community the envelope an evangelical community called it's a doctrine called once saved always saved let me be the first to say that i am a firm believer in the security of the believer in christ and god holds you with with cords of love and that love is very very strong in the presence of the holy spirit is very very strong but my friends that doctrine once saved always saved is not correct you can walk away should you be crazy enough or foolish enough to do it i've only known a few people in my lifetime to do that and uh god had a covenant with israel and as long as they met the terms and conditions of that covenant things are going good and if you have some tough challenges you'll you're going to overcome if you have an enemy that comes against you you're going to win as long as you're right with god that covenant is in force and it will override any circumstance any difficulty it can allow you to live the life god has planned for you to live and god will do miracles and supernatural things to keep you going in the right direction when you're in covenant with him oh oh my friends but we must be aware that again we're not robots we can make choices we're going to make the right choice and we're going to serve the lord and we're going to reach the end of the finish line and we're going to cross it and hear well done good and faithful servant praise the lord so i i cannot agree with that doctrine once saved always saved that's not scriptural that's meant as a good intention to express god's love his mercy and his long reaching arm but uh it is very much possible to walk out of a covenant even of a covenant of salvation as tragic as that would be but my friends uh we're going to lean strongly on the lord trust in him and he is going to be faithful to complete that which he has begun in us we're going all the way with the lord and we're never going to forsake him praise god regardless of what would come our way now verse 3 for a long time oh wow for a long time israel has been without the true god i think it's important for us to understand whether it was the southern kingdom of israel judah benjamin or the northern kingdom even when the nation was in apostasy let's take the northern 10 tribes they went into some really bad stuff but really up until the time of ahab and when ahab married jezebel even the kings before him that were wicked they never really went off the cliff in a sense even if they were worshiping jehovah they and they were worshiping other false gods they would still that in this form of bizarre mixture they would still put god in the equation for example the golden calves that the northern 10 tribes worshiped in two areas bethel and dan and my wife and i have been to bethel we have seen the literal altar area where the the the golden calf in that in that town was set up at and the remains are still there today not not the golden calf of course but even when they worship the golden calves they still would incorporate god into that worship and they would basically say things like jehovah we acknowledge you as the golden calf and we worship so it's yeah it was it was it was wrong but they still had not like completely put god out of the equation until ahab married jezebel and when she came in uh you know with the phoenician king as a father uh her father was even named after baal and so that was the epicenter of the cult worship of bale and astra well she brought all of that with her as the king's daughter when she married ahab as king and now you have a queen that's full-blown into occultism and so she was a big influence really you could say that they both co-reigned together she was calling a lot of the shots yes he was still king and he had a he had his input but they were they were mutually ruling together and she took israel into a place where it had never been before which was a total dismissal of god uh where it was complete devotion to baal complete and baal was the male deity asher was the female deity and it was complete worship to them and she instituted the own uh the owned uh uh priestly system for that form of worship and all the awful things that went along with it so you have to understand uh when it says for a long time israel has been without the true god they've always had a mixture but oh mixture is awful there's only one true beautiful living god praise the lord father son holy spirit three in one blessed be the lord now for a long time israel has been without the true god without a teaching priest wow and without law without a teaching priest is a real tragedy here's why in those times those ancient times you did not have the phenomenal privilege of what we have today which is books or god's word in a printed form praise god for the printing press and for digital presses and offset presses and anything to do with books praise god they didn't have that so uh there were very few scrolls even upon which the torah god's word god's instructions god's guidebook or guidelines for the way that they were to live as a chosen select covenant people there were very very few scrolls so the whole nation had to rely upon what the priest because the priest would teach the people first of all the commandments of god then they would interpret the commandments like okay this is how you do it and so forth and they would make it simple and easy for the people to understand but my friends if there were ever compromise within the priesthood if there were ever corruption within the priesthood what's that going to do that's going to affect the people because the priests in essence are setting the tone for the whole spiritual conduct and nature of the way the israelites are going to go because why they're the ones communicating to the people to the israelis saying this is how we're going to live this is what god says to do and so suddenly if you get them up there and they're they are the teaching priests but now they're teaching wrong or they're teaching compromise or they're saying this is okay when god never said it's okay how can we say from a modern day perspective they're trying to redefine truth then that's going to have a huge influence not only upon the nation but also upon the king upon the king as well because he's not a priest he's not doing that full time he's over here administrating he's governing that's what a king does so he's relying on the priest also so if things go bad there and they did there's corruption there it's uh you have to understand in some ways god's going to hold the people responsible but not with the same weight that he's going to hold that priesthood responsible because they're the ones that are leading the people god's people away from true worship to him so for a long time israel has been without a the true god and be without a teaching priest and without a teaching priest you just pretty much don't know what to do and without law if you don't know the law you can't obey it and if there's nobody to teach it to you you're left trying to just figure out how to live your own life and you maybe have memory or recall of what you heard when you were young perhaps as a priest was teaching the law but maybe had another priest come along later say oh we don't have to do it like that god didn't really mean that we can do it like this god allowed this and that and the other and before you know it there's confusion among the people there's no laws and it's not like you could go out and grab a book and say well i'm going to find out for myself there were no books there were no books and they're very very few scrolls so a very very very dangerous situation for the nation to fall into a place like this now but when in their trouble they turned to the lord god of israel and sought him he was found by them by them so now in the southern kingdom things have been going a little better but still a lot of trouble in the northern kingdom uh there's nothing but coup after coup and war after war sometimes even between the northern and southern kingdom but outside of that there's just crazy stuff going on and you never want to be living your life with uh chaos you're not designed for that okay unless there's a war or something that you have to walk through that's beyond your control and then in those scenarios god's presence and god's peace and his protection will be upon you but ideally that's not the way that you want to have to live your life now verse 4 again but when in their trouble they turned to the lord god of israel and sought him he was found by them verse 5. and in those times there was no peace no peace is no fun it's not a good place you want to be in where you're harassed physically you're harassed in your mind you're harassed maybe on the job you're harassed in your finances you're troubled on every side that's not that's not a good place to be that's that's denoting somewhere around here we have an absence of the law or an absence of obedience to what god said to do and it allows doors wide open for the enemy to come in and really stick it to the disobedient lord have mercy and in those times there was no peace to the one who went out nor to the one who came in what does that mean constant trouble constant trouble when you get up in the morning you start the day the moment you get go i mean it's trouble on all sides and it doesn't end when you come home it continues all night long you don't know if they're going to break the door down they're going to come in you don't you don't know if you're going to get shot killed you have no idea there's there's war going on all over the place but great turmoil was on all the inhabitants of the lands while so nation was destroyed by nation now these these are tribal nations but then again that just because it's a tribal nation doesn't mean it's only a hundred two hundred people know some of them are large and so you have thousands and thousands of people with all these wars going on nation being destroyed by nation and city being destroyed by by city for god troubled them with every adversity not a fun place to be why uh not knowing how to walk with god not knowing what he requires maybe we could say clueless of the covenant not a good place to be look at look my friends you're going to have to work the word ignorance is not an excuse well i didn't know that was in there well that's why your life is having those challenges that's why you're getting hit like that well i didn't know that but see ignorance is not an excuse and maybe you didn't know i i grew up in a church that loved the lord we understood the covenant of salvation and for that i'll be eternally grateful if i had to grovel through life and get pummeled by the enemy because i don't know how to defend myself at least i had christ at least i was on my way to heaven well as you continue with god and you dig into his word you find out who you are in christ the authority you have to rule and govern over your life and walk in the blessing of the lord but see those things were never taught me outside of the covenant of salvation when i was raised in church and so we would sit in church and we would in many ways just hear the gospel message preached over and over again but what do you do with that when you're already saved so there was no further revelation maybe i could say it this way there was no further light and it was reflected by the fact in the in the church that i was raised in and others that i would tend that within that the same denomination there was always something wrong with the lighting i could be in a in the in the service and it's like could somebody turn the lights up a little bit i can i can hardly read my bible why is it so dark and gloomy in here that natural lighting deficit was a reflection of the spiritual deficit we did not have enough light to overcome the enemy we did not have a knowledge we did not have enough knowledge of god and his covenant to have victory in life now we had we had our tickets punched for heaven praise god we had eternal life within our hearts but uh you know you're going to need some more while you're down here on the earth you're going to need insight into the covenant to walk in the blessings that god has made available for you they will not just automatically fall upon you just because you're born again and i know many of you have discovered that praise god yes you you feel the peace on the inside but we must walk in the commandments of god we must know what they are and even though we see things in society and culture changing and shifting trying to change truth the truth is eternal let me let me just say this right now you can try to change laws and legislate certain things and say what was now out of style is now in style and this is now right and all that stuff but when god says stealing is wrong let me tell you that one billion years from now stealing will still be wrong stealing will be eternally wrong why god said it's wrong so you cannot redefine truth you can try you can alter books and things like that but god's word can never be changed so we need to stick with the commandments and then you're going to start walking in the covenant and then you're going to have something amazing take place in your life that comes to covenant practitioners praise god verse 7 but you be strong and do not let your hands be weak for your work shall be rewarded praise god so asa he starts to hustle he's like yeah we don't want to we don't want to go wrong here we we don't want any more of this chaos and craziness this is not the way to live so they really really began to turn to the lord with all of their hearts verse nine then he gathered all judah and benjamin so the uh the area that he ruled over and those who dwelt with them from ephraim and that's in simeon for they came over to him in great numbers from israel when they saw that the lord his god was with him so they gathered together at jerusalem in the third month in the 15th year of the reign of asa so up until that point asus had some victories and stuff like that but still it's just been like there's a whirlwind going on around them and kind of like going through the southern area and it's they want that stuff finished and they offered to the lord at that time 700 bulls seven thousand sheep from the spoil they had brought then they entered into a covenant to seek the lord god of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul and you see they're very serious about this uh verse 13 and whoever would not seek the lord god of israel was to be put to death whether small or great whether man or woman then they took an oath before the lord with a loud voice and was shouting and trumpets and ram's horns and all judah rejoiced at the oath for they had sworn with all their heart and sought him with all their soul and he was found by them and then what happened and the lord gave them rest all around now that word rest there in verse 15 in the hebrew means that you're finally able to settle down that's what it means um it means hey you can breathe easy now uh you don't have to worry about a group of marauders or raiders coming in with knives and daggers taking all of your stuff maybe taking your kids away or you know or murdering you or all the craziness or maybe another city over here just you know for some reason attacking you or no god gave them rest praise god and that's what covenant practitioners come into you come into a place of rest now now hey you can't help what others might do and the chaos that's going on in their life if they refuse to listen and they're doing crazy things but my friends you can be in a place of rest and this covenant will shield you from the chaos and the other crazy stuff that would be flying out around there and you can be exempted from that why because you are a person of covenant and you walk in a covenant with god so asa was very serious about this reformation verse 16 also he removed uh the mother of asa the king from being queen mother because she had made an obscene image of asherah and asa cut down her obscene image then crushed it and burned it by the brook kidron and so he's like well uh you know sorry that we we've got to do this but you're out oh but he can't do that to her well he did and so he was basically saying i'm not letting anything get in the way of disrupting the blessing that we want to walk in we've had enough of the devil coming in here through open doors through sin and disobedience this is no fun so we're dealing with any form of hindrance and out it went even if it's relative family whatever he's full on with serving god verse 17 but the high places were not removed from israel uh understand the context of that in the sense that again you're seeing what i would call mixture even in the southern kingdom they would still the israelis would still go up on these silly high places and they were worship god and they did that of course in the northern kingdom that they had to there because that you know they're they're now removed from jerusalem so you have to understand god told his people there's one place i'm choosing and that one place is where i designate official worship at and it has to be done in a very prescribed manner through my priest and through my levites and that's the way it's going to be done and that and god chose jerusalem to be that place and the temple mount to be the location so you have the northern 10 tribes well they've gone off and they've instituted their own mixture of worship of what they think it should be so they can't even worship in the right spot so nothing they're doing is being accepted it's all in the wrong location much less the fact that they're doing it with golden uh golden idols of cows they're in the wrong spot but even in the wrong spot and even in the southern area where they have access to go to the temple mount to worship they still had these high places and when it talks about the high places yes there would there would be some where they have these asteroid poles and you know with flags set up on them and these are carvings out of wood of you know the goddess ashtray and that usually would be some type of an obscene image and we know that there were times where there would be idolatry but also sometimes it wasn't so much direct idolatry as it was again just people getting away from the law getting away from a teaching priest and then they just start doing things on their own so if they had a high place on the property that they owned they would go up there and in a sense kind of set up their own mini temple system maybe they would have a little altar and they would do sacrifices there and maybe they would burn incense there and god god said no you're not supposed to do that you're supposed to that can only be done by my priest at my temple so you had all kinds of uh uh mixture again in the worship even if they thought well let's just do it up here on top of this hill this would be wonderful god said no that's not the way that's not the way we do things so the high places were not removed from israel so it takes takes a deeper work a deeper cleansing god's working nevertheless reformation is taking place nevertheless the heart of aseal asa was loyal all his days he also brought unto the house of god the things that his father had dedicated that he himself had dedicated silver and gold and utensils and there was no war watch this there was no war until the 35th year of the reign of asa praise god now this is amazing that we are now looking at a time of 20 years that passed since asus said look as king i've had it with us just halfheartedly serving god we don't even know what the commandments are we don't have the priestly system set up i've had it i'm fed up with that we're getting pummeled by the enemy so the moment he said we're going to do this right and we're going to follow the the road map the book they were ushered into a place of peace that lasted for 20 years all the wars and all the chaos stopped whoa praise god now in the northern 10 tribes it kept on going because they're totally away from the lord and you know eventually had ahab come on the scene and jezebel then you've got elijah the prophet you have these clashes going on and all of that's still going on up north but for those those down south that got dialed in with god god dialed in on walking in the covenant and meeting its requirements and conditions 20 years of peace glory to god thank you jesus and i see extended peace and blessing in your life and really even after the 20 years the only reason another war came on the scene in some ways was a testing mechanism to see what was in asus heart unfortunately he blew it and he although he was a good king all around he had a poor ending because of getting away from that deep reliance and trust upon the lord praise god now let's jump further into the subject of covenant i've been talking kind of fast on purpose just to cover the material as quickly as we can as there's some different verses i want us to look at this morning now jeremiah chapter 33 let's go to verse 19 and this will give us an amazing example of god's covenant how it works jeremiah 33 verse 19 and the word of the lord came to jeremiah saying thus says the lord if you can break my covenant okay now watch this if you can break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night did you know that god made a covenant with the day and night let me just ask you a question do you think god has done a pretty good job of keeping the covenant the deal the agreement that he made with day and night i think he has as far as i know he's never never let it down one time whoa incredible okay if you can break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night so that there will not be day and night in their season then my covenant may also be broken with david my servant so he is here referring to his prophet to the nation of israel this this ongoing covenant that he has established with his servant david and he swore with an oath to establish that covenant just like he did with abraham swore an oath and it was the cutting of a covenant what is in the covenant what's what is a covenant it's an agree it's an agreement between two people based on well-defined terms and when both parties agree to the terms then an oath is sworn and the covenant begins to function praise god now in context of what we're kind of looking at today it's a covenant between you and god and the covenant is based on well-defined terms and as long as you walk in those terms and those conditions that covenant will work it'll work doesn't matter what's going on out there oh you should see what's going on out there well yeah i can see it but it won't break the covenant because if you meet the conditions of that covenant and you are with god in that covenant nothing nothing on earth or in the universe can override it or stop it while it's quite liberating to walk in covenant with the lord thank you jesus now can you imagine can you imagine a person a christian saying well you know pastor stephen i wish i had a covenant like that with god that could be that stable but um i don't know if something like that would really uphold i mean after all we're living in very tumultuous times i don't know if god can help me get through all the things that we're facing today that would be just as silly as a christian saying you know what it's one o'clock in the afternoon but i'd tell you pastor stephen i'm really having some doubts if god can really uphold this covenant tonight i i just don't know if darkness is going to come tonight i just have a feeling he may not be able to pull it off tonight how many of you know that even if somebody uh doesn't understand it doesn't believe it doesn't even have respect for it how many of you know at night time the sun's still going to go down and it's going to get dark and you can turn on all the lights you want outside and power up all the light the stun is still going down still going to get dark why god made a covenant with dark and god made a covenant with the day well i i i yes it did go down pastor steve but i just don't know if it's going to come on up trust me god made a covenant with the sun and it's coming up in the morning and you could have people legislated get all the world's politicians and have them legislate the sun will not come up in the morning let me tell you right now it's coming up you can get every army on the face of the earth and they could all say we are going to collaborate and we're going to do something to stop that sun from coming up it's not coming up doesn't matter it's coming up and there is no external circumstances on the earth or outside of the earth that's ever going to stop it from happening can you see that god keeps covenant whoa praise the lord thank you jesus hallelujah now let's continue verse 25 thus says the lord if my covenant is not with day and night and if i have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth then i will cast away the descendants of jacob and david my servant so that i will not take any of his descendants be rulers over the descendants of abraham isaac and jacob for our cause their captivity return and have mercy on them well pastor stephen i i just i think god's done with israel he'll never be done with israel he swore a covenant glory to god well i i don't know pastor steve may some of these countries say they're going to blow them off the face of the earth and exterminate all the jews maybe they're going to get them all no no never never and we'll we'll stand with israel also hallelujah glory to god but even should people falter god will never falter why he swore a covenant he swore a covenant and he says in verse 25 as long as there's day and night let it remind you that i made a promise to david and i'm there for israel thank you jesus praise the lord thank you lord jesus now if you meet the terms and conditions of the covenant it will work regardless what's taking place in the earth skeptics doubters unbelievers famine plague recession sickness disease it doesn't matter it can't override the covenant so i'm here today to say that god will always do his part we must do our part what's that pastor stephen know the covenant and obey it strictly you need to know what's in this book some of you bless your hearts you take it a little too lightly you take you take the doctor's report very seriously analyze it look at it day and night and i respect the doctors we thank god what for what they can do but some of you need to have more reverence of respect for the word of god where you treasure it above anything that any man would say and we thank god for things that men and women would say to help us to maybe diagnose a situation maybe not just physical but also something else and we say thank you for your insight and input but if you'll walk with god as a covenant child you'll see yourself become a high flyer over all of the crazy things that just boom boom boom take so many people out thank you jesus lord we give you praise now let's talk just for a moment about one type of covenant there's there's different covenants in the bible let's talk about one because i have a feeling more than a feeling just to knowing in my spirit that this is a covenant that you really need to be tied in to and let's take a look at some of these covenants and the one i particularly want to mention back in the book of genesis the book of beginnings good place to go to see these things in their origin genesis chapter 8 verse 22 while the earth remains these things are going to happen they're never going to stop and he lists them while the earth remains we are told in the book of ecclesiastes that the earth will always remain we do know that in the last days when things are wrapped up there will be a cleansing and there needs to be a cleansing a complete cleansing of the earth think about all the pollution not just you know all the plastic floating in the ocean not just all the garbage in the landfills but all of the nuclear waste some of this nuclear waste has the ability to last for several thousand years before it's not toxic or lethal anymore and there's there's just you know incredible amounts of radioactive waste that that has been dumped in the storage areas and it's going to be there for a long time so they need to be a total cleansing not just of all the effects of sin but all of these other things that have caused damage to the physical realm of the earth all of that will be cleansed and there will be a new earth in the sense but it's the same planet it's just gonna be cleansed with a phenomenal fire glory to god and that fire will streak through the whole universe burning up everything that's impure and it needs to um think about all of the radio channels that broadcast through satellite and also through antennas you know garbage music well that music bounces off the earth and goes bouncing off into space and there are songs and there that are that are millions of miles out there in space and they just keep traveling that are these radio signals that are sending out garbage so the whole universe needs to be cleansed there's many other types of garbage also it'll all get cleansed while the earth remains see time and harvest cold and heat winter and summer and day and night shall not cease these are all covenants that god has made we've looked briefly at the one of day and night and regardless if people believe it or not god's going to honor that covenant with day and night praise the lord and it's going to keep on working keep on working you don't have to worry about it you don't have to uh you know bite your nails and get into anxiety i don't know if the sun's going to come up no it's a covenant relax it's a covenant day and night are doing their thing god's doing his thing and it's going to it's just going to keep on happening forever praise the lord and that is true also of seedtime and harvest now what is the covenant law here of seedtime and harvest and it's been a mystery to many people but here it is laid out for us the covenant law is that harvest only responds to seed i need to say it again no it's very simple but these are insights into the covenant particularly here what we would look as the origins of the covenant of prosperity that anchors the entire covenant okay we see here that harvest only responds to seed praise the lord now you're gonna have to understand that a covenant is different from a promise because some things are included in the new covenant that come as a promise that they're just going to be imputed into your life enrolled into your life because there are benefits that belong to you as a believer but there's other things such as engaging engaging god on his covenants you're gonna have to do your part and the financial covenant it only responds to the seeds that you sow the seeds that you sow praise god now the covenant of seedtime and harvest the laws that work with this the harvest only responds to seed the harvest does not respond listen to me the harvest does not respond to your 40-day fast now pastor stephen you've given miracle examples of ministers who fasted and received great financial testimonies yes i have and every single one of those ministers were heavyweight givers let's take uh let's take the miracle god did for dr jerry falwell at liberty university when they faced a financial crunch because of external circumstances rippling through the church that affected his ministry we could say external circumstances that's what it was you had some major ministries that had scandals and it caused christians across america to pull back their giving and that hit ministries all across america including uh dr falwell's youth christian university that he had raised up so he jumped in there and realized i've got to do something uh so that the lord will uh help me in this situation so he did a 40-day fast and he wanted to talk to the lord about money and and on the 40-day fast the lord told him i don't want to talk with you about money now when i say he told him that that wasn't through a vision that was just through the holy spirit bearing witness within his heart what what god's will was and the holy spirit basically said i don't want to talk with you about money right now you need to get your walk back in the proper place with me get close with me because he got all caught up in the politics and you know he had the moral majority and all this stuff going on in dc and so he shut all of that down and got close to god again he got rid of all the busyness the things god actually he said never told him really to do all this busyness stuff so he got back to the main assignments of his life in his ministry and that primary assignment was the health and well-being of liberty university so he fast for 40 days lost 40 pounds and he felt that the lord was going to help but he didn't know how so he ate for uh for 21 days he resumed his eating eight for 21 days regained all of his weight in three weeks but right after three weeks the holy spirit spoke to him and said now i would like to talk with you about money glory to god so you know what he did he went right back into a 40-day fast and he sought the lord and he got when the fast was finished he felt in his heart i don't know how god's going to do it but he's going to do it and we're going to get a money miracle and he did long story short somebody walked onto the campus gave him a check for 50 million dollars came back later i think give him another check for i can't remember if the second one was 17 million or 30 million or something like that but it was it was a great deliverance oh oh see pastor steven he fasted and god god god rewarded him and responded only through fasting you have to understand this man was a phenomenal giver um he was an incredible giver harvest only responds to seed not to just fasting well i'm fasting god's not doing it though but this man had tremendous seed in the ground and for years he and elmer towns would just travel around going from little church to little church and they would share the vision of a university and uh and they would receive these offerings and they never touched a penny of it they would just put it all in a an account for the birthing and the raising up of the university and they would just pour their hearts into it so the seed amount that he had in the ground ran way into the multiplied thousands so you have to understand that when i tell that testimony of be fasting and all of that this is a man that was a mega giver he was a very selfless giver and he was an extraordinary person of just in some sense it's like giving it all to the lord so he had the seed in the ground to uh go along with the harvest that he received praise god harvest only responds to seed now you ready for this one this financial covenant seedtime and harvest this covenant of seedtime and harvest also doesn't respond to prayer now pastor stephen i'm going to pray 12 hours a day and god will be obligated to give me some money it's not going to work like that it doesn't work like that the harvest only responds to seed not the fasting although fasting is very important we teach about that but that's you're trying to take you're trying to fix something that requires a screwdriver and you're using a wrench you've got the wrong tool so you have to understand covenant what the covenant requires the terms and the conditions that make the covenant work and then with that knowledge you can step into it and it will start working for you but this covenant see time and harvest you can you can't move it by fast you can faster your teeth fall out that's not going to cause financial provision to be activated into your life you're going to have to engage that covenant through the sowing of seed it doesn't work any other way you're not going to be able to get harvest any other way praise god and you're not going to work it by saying i'm going to pray for four hours a day then god will finally give me some money well now pastor stephen you've told many stories about many ministers who prayed and received money miracles yes i have and every single one of those ministers were extraordinary givers let's take reese howells a great example i've taught on him before he would pray and pray and get a hold of god and he purchased some of the most phenomenal properties there in wales for his school of ministry his bible college and these were properties that uh leading bidders had the money to pay and yet he would still he would still be able to make the purchase so often he'd be there with no money no money and he's up against heavyweight uh we could say corporations that could have easily had bought them but by his prayers god would do these incredible miracles the money would come and uh and he would be able to buy it he would have the favor to buy it they would allow him to be the buyer well pastor stephen sounds like you can just pray and get money oh reese owels when you read his life story this was a man that sometimes he would give everything away there was a time where he had a man come up to him and the band said i'm in i'm in dire financial straits and if i don't get if i don't get a blessing today somehow they're going to take everything everything i own and resale said well how much do you owe the creditor and the man said this amount this is how much i owe and reece howell said do not be concerned i'm going to uh me and another brother are going to take care of it and so the man got all excited he got all happy so reese howes goes home and in his heart he had thought i'm going to pay for half of that man's debt and i can ask brother so and so he can meet the other half and the lord said are you going to give him a half deliverance are you going to do the whole thing yourself the lord said you need to do the whole thing yourself and rhys howe's new if i deliver him completely it will drain my account and i won't have any more savings but the lord says that's my will for you i want you to deliver him and i do not want the other person involved this is your opportunity and so reece howells went and paid the whole debt off set that man free delivered him and it drained his account but he did stuff like that over and over again he was a major sower a financial seed and even within his ministry he gave about 25 to 30 away all the time that was standard operating procedure and many times with his own life he would completely empty his personal savings to do things to help others to be a blessing he was just a giver he was he was addicted to giving so when he's praying these are not just prayers oh like you know this is like some penny picture and he's praying and god is giving him these phenomenal properties and all he has to do is pray no you're talking about a person totally sold out that that the the main thing on his mind is giving he's living to give and so he is approaching god in strong prayer off of that platform of giving which carries you into a financial covenant with god and by the way when he was buying those phenomenal properties there was a recession going on in the nation the milk man came by one morning and said well it seems like you and this other person he named the famous aviator that was very famous because aviation was brand new back in those days and so that was a big whoop loss so this aviator was a celebrity and the milkman said seems like you and the aviator are the only two that know how to bring money in because everybody was poor nobody could buy anything and he's buying these phenomenal properties yes god's hearing his prayers but he's also working off of a covenant financial platform he's an addicted giver praise god see this covenant doesn't work by luck or chance it doesn't work by fasting alone although fasting is good and it doesn't work by prayer although prayer is good doesn't work by that alone and it doesn't work also through human connections that some christians think they're so smart they're going to join every organization they're going to network network and that's good to have relationships but they're trusting humans they're trusting other people to come through for them i'm pastor steven i got a rich hand she's got a lot of money when she dies i want to get the inheritance and then i can finally start giving well watch out she'll probably live to be 120. you might you might pass away before she does you have to get your eyes off people as a source and you have to get onto the covenant which is stable praise god and you get onto the platform of the covenant and it is just as solid the financial covenant that god extends to obedient believers which is engaged through giving consistent giving and systematic tithing that covenant is just as solid as the covenant of day and night i have a feeling none of you sweat the least bit about the sun going down at night and coming up in the morning you just know god's got it and you know what he does but i'm here today to say this financial covenant that the lord extends which is not a promise it's a covenant you have to meet the terms and conditions if you'll get on that covenant platform it's just as stable as day and night exchanging places praise the lord just as stable as winter and summer it's just as stable as cold and heat and it is the covenant of seedtime and harvest and it will work regardless of what's going on in the world but you have to work it praise the lord thank you jesus only seed sown equals a harvest god is not in need and he never can be so what he is saying is not for his benefit it's for our benefit to be able to participate in something that is so reliable as this so my friends as long as day and night are exchanging positions then know that god is a covenant keeping god and you can trust him whoo praise the lord psalm 89 let's go over to psalm 89 verse 34 by covenant i will not break nor alter the word that has gone out of my lips well i want to harvest some other way god's made a covenant and harvest responds to seed sowing well i want god to alter that he's not going to he's not going to you have to sow seed if you want to harvest whoa praise the lord he will keep his covenant my covenant i will not break but he pastor stephen he might have to break it doesn't god know what's going on out there and how our nation is struggling pastor stephen god might not be able to keep the covenant because we have a 31 trillion dollar national debt and you know we could all just end up homeless and on the street and starving to death no no no you have no clue of the covenant you have no clue of the covenant nor god's ability to keep it and keep you whoa praise the lord can i show you an amazing verse that the apostle paul laid out in the book of ephesians that says a lot about this giving link this covenant lifestyle of joy and excitement there's no more exciting life than the covenant life of giving sowing and reaping it's very very exciting and it will certainly add color to the life of anybody that chooses intentionally to learn the terms and conditions of that covenant and to step into it and say god i meet your conditions i see what they are harvest only responds to seed sowing all right lord i'm in i'm in praise god look at this this is amazing ephesians chapter 4 verse 28 now watch this this is amazing let him who stole still no longer oh by the way you could legislate that away and say now uh uh stealing's wrong for you but not for us because we're the ruling class no stealing's wrong whoever does it it doesn't matter who you are if you if you're stealing it's theft and it's wrong in the eyes of god it will always be wrong 10 years from now 10 000 years from now let him who stole steal no longer but let him watch let him labor working with his hands what is good that he may have something to give to him who has need now this is the way most christians look at this verse watch this they look at it like this that him who stole still no longer but but rather let him labor working with his hands what is good that he may have something with which to pay his bills wow look god knows you have bills but god wants you to have a good job not just so that you can pay your bills i want a good job i want a labor with my hand so i can pay my phone bill is is that really that exciting i've never really gotten excited about paying a phone bill oh pastor stephen when that electric bill comes in i just love looking at it looking at all the kilowatts i used i i just i just such joy but look that's no fun paying a phone bill paying a mortgage note i mean paying an apartment rent or whatever it might be there there's no like whoa whoa i live for this no that's that's no big deal pastor steve i got so excited i could buy me some noodles and canned tuna it's ju that's not exciting that's that's like just like surviving no that's not what it says look let him who stole still no longer but rather let him labor working with his hands what is good that he may have that he may have something to give him who has need if you right now have been laid off from work if you right now don't have a job maybe it was covet related uh whatever the situation was and you find yourself in a position right now and you don't have employment and you don't have work but you want to work if you will go before the lord in prayer and say god i'm asking you to give me the best paying job i've ever had in my life not solely of course for the purpose of just paying my bills or having my basic needs met or some extra you know to enjoy myself with you know new clothes or whatever it might be some of the things i would make me happy but if you'll go before the lord primarily god give me a job that's the highest paying job i've ever had so i can unload some serious giving you'll be employed within 14 days with the best paying job you've ever had you will be employed within 14 days of the best paying job you've ever had but you have to really mean that from your heart you have to be a person that says god give me work why so i can pay my bills that's not what the scripture says that god knows all of that but give me a job god a really good one why so i can give to him who has need that's dignity of life that's why you need overflow so you can give you live to give not just get consumed for yourself consume for yourself so that you can have extra to give whoa praise the lord and the more you give the more seed you're sowing and the larger your harvest will be you keep working that and you keep working that and you're on the covenant you're on the covenant frequency and you'll never go down you'll never go down praise the lord thank you jesus hallelujah praise god one more verse second corinthians chapter 9 verse 10. these are all principles that go along with this law which is a covenant and if you work it it'll work if you follow the terms and conditions you'll be like the israelites with asa finally found peace he got into the word figured out the requirements and peace ensued and suddenly the enemies they all got quiet and you can settle down and have refreshing and blessing to stay focused on kingdom assignments and blessed to be a blessing thank you jesus glory to god second corinthians chapter 9 verse 10 now may he that's god now may he who supplies seed to the sower it's god to give seed to the sower and bread for food god knows you need bread to eat bread for food may he supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness god supplies seed to the sower praise the lord now if you eat all of your seed that leaves you with an inability to access the financial covenant because you access the financial covenant of god how through giving through sowing seed pastor stephen i'm going to do 100 day fast and i'm going to ask that god make me a millionaire you're wasting your time until you get seed in the ground you have no right to expect a harvest and this is lifestyle lifestyle you live to give yes you have deeds god knows that yes you have some things you desire god knows that but giving giving is on your heart giving is on your mind praise the lord job was loaded with wealth he was a covenant man and he had great prosperity and he went around delivering the widows delivering the poor praise god honoring god's word he was a strict follower of the word of god that's why it says in deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 as it gets into all of the blessings it says you must give diligent heed to observe carefully all these commandments you must observe that means dig into the details find out what god requires of you he requires of you to be a sower and he gives seed to the sower if you're willing to sow you're willing to get into the overflow and not just consume it all on yourself but so you'll you'll always always be in the overflow because he gives seed to the sower and as you send it out god just starts replenishing you send it out he starts replenishing but then you also start getting to the area where he starts touching it with that multiplication anointing he will multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness that sounds a whole lot like psalm 112. which is a patterned psalm of how god wants his people to be living and experiencing life praise the lord psalm 112 verse 1 praise the lord blessed is the man who fears the lord who delights greatly in his commandments you have to keep them you have to know them you have to keep them pastor stephen how do you view yourself as a minister i view myself as a teaching priest sharing with you the discoveries i've made hallelujah and building up god's people i understand apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher i understand all of that but we as ministers we have to make the word of god understandable to the people of god just like they did in the old covenant so that we can walk in it and experience it praise the lord his descendants will be mighty on earth the generation of the upright will be blessed wealth and riches will be in his house and his righteousness endures forever praise god verse 5 a good man deals graciously and lends he will guide his affairs with discretion surely he will never be shaken the righteous will be in everlasting remembrance he will not be afraid of evil tidings his heart is steadfast trusting in the lord verse 9 he has dispersed abroad well if he's giving it all away sounds like he's going to be poor no no god's multiplying it back this is this is the man that's working covenant principles he is on the covenant of prosperity he's all over it praise god he has dispersed abroad he has given to the poor his righteousness endures forever his horn which is a representation of strength his horn will be exalted with honor praise god the wicked will see it and be grieved he will gnash his teeth and melt away the desire of the wicked shall perish so we're walking in a covenant of salvation praise the lord but you have to after you have to understand the nature of jesus maybe we could even say the two the two the two parts of jesus there's the part of the lord which is the good news of salvation that presents that is presented to you you receive christ as your lord and savior that creates peace in your heart eternal security you're walking with god and you love the covenant you've embraced it you're you're you're his forever as far as you're concerned and as far as he's concerned and you just walk it out you live it out but there's the other part of jesus which would be his principles and those are what creates your prosperity they are the terms and the conditions of various covenants such as the covenant of financial prosperity and that is something uh the principles that you you learn you learn praise god and as you learn them and operate in them because you have to make application of the truth then you start seeing the rich fruit that it produces in your life and it brings joy it brings joy praise to lord now i just want to invite many of you to come into this covenant of the lord it's a covenant of financial prosperity and provision and god has no he has no trouble with you having wealth he just doesn't want you to be covetous and one of the main ways to keep a covetous spirit from ever uh defiling you is just keep it flowing keep the giving flowing and if you feel maybe that the covet this thing is trying to come around man just start giving just break that thing just start giving praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah and the joy of the lord will be in your heart praise god you start where you're at you give at the level that you're at and the lord will begin to lift you up into new realms praise god praise the lord this is something we have to guard our hearts because in the american culture there can be influences to be consumed with selfish uh consummation of just constantly spending it all on yourself i told you about this a couple of years ago it was only just maybe maybe five years ago i actually saw a car commercial in a magazine took up an entire page and the car commercial printed out the slogan was you shall covet and they had an image of a car all shiny it was a luxury car and it said you shall covet of course you get into that you get in the this is not so much the car but that thinking see that's very essential it's very worldly you get into that then if difficulties begin to hit hit the economy and things like that you'll go down with it well you may think we're riding high right now pastor stephen yes but this this world look money is a speed machine if you ever try to chase it you're never going to catch it because a covetous heart is never satisfied you could have more and more you could be a billionaire and multi-billionaire trust me there's there's toys out there that cost uh half a billion dollars you know and you could you could burn through anything with the covetous spirit because you're never satisfied so you need to know this joy of giving and by doing that you'll keep that covet the spirited way and plus you also get on that covenant platform with the lord where you're stable and you know some very difficult things throughout scripture hit the nation of israel at different times but those who were covenant went right on through it even when others were going under those that were covenant and work the government right on through it and so often not only will you go through it you'll be exalted and lifted up wow as somebody that god uses to represent his covenant ways my friends become a covenant practitioner not just of course within the covenant salvation but within the covenant of finances so that you're protected in these crazy days in which we live in which all forms of crazy laws are trying to be re enacted that would try to put pressure upon the saints to compromise particularly in the area maybe at work or career where there's pressure to bow maybe to sign something that is a compromise of your principles or do something that would go against these these truths i'm saying stick with the lord he'll he'll take care of you you'll see how faithful he is now father i pray for your people today let them understand with full illumination that you made a covenant with day and night and they're still exchanging places and so father that same degree of faithfulness is also for those who are on the covenant a financial blessing and it's engaged not through praying wishing hoping believing or endless fasting it's engaged through giving we thank you father we're of course going to pray and we'll throw in fasting incorporate fasting so that we are not governed by fleshly impulses but father we thank you that there are some some things you've established certain covenants that we can only come in to those covenants through what the terms the print maybe we could say the fine print requires and we thank you father with you it's not fine print it's bold type spelled out clearly and easily definable so we thank you father god that no matter what happens to the global economy or even the american economy or father wherever your people are watching from today that we're secure in you hallelujah hallelujah and we thank you father god that this is actually the time of the lifting up of your people not just the survival of your people this is the lifting up time of your people as luminaries and as in a world that's getting darker with sinful tendencies and sinful behavior and we we know father that much of this is pre-programmed in a sense it's prophetic unfolding of end time events but this is the hour of the saints to rise so thank you father god let us be let us be generous in our hearts towards the assignments the purposes that you attach us to we give you praise thank you father bless your people in jesus name amen and amen now if you're watching today's program every covenant every covenant is entered into through faith and trust in christ jesus praise the lord there are some other covenants such as what god has pre-standing with the jewish people but eternal life the covenant of eternal life is only found through christ alone so it doesn't matter if you're a jew or it doesn't matter if you're a russian or you're an american or whatever your descent might be salvation is only found through christ he's the only one that went to the cross and died for our sins he is the only messiah he's the only one so i encourage you if you don't know him put your faith and trust in him today if you would like to do that simply pray this prayer after me say lord jesus i'm a sinner but you died to save sinners like me jesus you are the christ you died on the cross for my sins jesus i give you my life come into my heart right now wash me with your precious blood thank you jesus write my name in your book of life i give my life to you now jesus i take you as my lord and savior now praise god christ has heard that prayer he has answered it and he has said yes praise god welcome to the family of god praise the lord amen let's take holy communion together i want to invite you to grab some some grape juice some unleavened bread and let's pray over it and let's bless it father we thank you for the bread the juice we consecrate it we bless it through this prayer we thank you it's holy this is now the body and the blood of jesus now father we thank you for your covenants we thank you for understanding of them so that we can be on covet these various covenant platforms that give us exemption from the calamities the difficulties that are in the earth we thank you father that our salvation is a full salvation and you've made full provision for our deliverance and our blessing while we're in this earth so we thank you father god let us be observant let us let us observe carefully all that you require and father you said in the book of isaiah chapter 1 verse 19 that if we are willing and obedient we will eat the good of the land so we thank you for willing hearts to serve you we thank you father that we choose to be obedient to all of your commandments they're they're a joy to us they are life to us and we thank you father we delight in your word and your ways we give you praise father thank you for the body of jesus and we receive his body now we receive his flesh now father in jesus name amen let's receive praise the lord this is a year of overflow for you you know how to get into it this is a year of overflow for you constant overflow hallelujah you'll never struggle again financially another day in your life when you step into this covenant which is activated through giving is anchored through the tithe why commandments we obey commandments tithing was being carried out before was ever instituted as a law given by god through moses but tithing was being done by abraham it was being done by jacob praise the lord they were covenant practitioners they were tithers hallelujah so tithing is the anchor and the giving just causes it all to open up praise the lord thank you father you're going to have so much joy and you're going to bring so much joy i enjoy receiving but i get far more joy out of giving praise to lord father we thank you for the blood of jesus we thank you father that you gave jesus and he willingly came as our sacrifice thank you father god let that heart be in us father that even jesus had a money bag and had a treasure and he so often helped the poor and father he certainly was a tither because he kept your commandments and he even endorsed tithing thank you father god we give you praise father thank you for the blood of jesus thank you father god for peace like asa and the southern kingdom experienced when they stepped into full obedience thank you father i see financial freedom coming for your people i see psalm 112 they were used discretion and all of their selections and choices that they used their money for we give you praise father god we give you praise we ask father that if we have committed any sin that you would forgive us we forgive anybody that has sinned against us we thank you father we ask that you would lead us away from temptation and that you would deliver us from the evil one we thank you for protecting us and preserving us from all evil father we give you praise we thank you for your strength and your blessing hallelujah thank you father god i see some very happy people out there that have your heart and we thank you father god you're going to make them champion givers and it will be literally extraordinary what you will empower them to do and it's because they're on the covenant platform thank you father god thank you for unveiling this to us we give you praise father we receive the blood of jesus with great thanksgiving in his name we pray amen and amen let's receive praise the lord in closing wherever you're at just take a look outside the window and whether it's day or night know this the covenant is working and if you'll agree to the terms of the covenant that god laid out for the financial covenant it's just as stable as the covenant of day and night and you will never have to thank rat race ever again you will never have to thank my money anxiety ever again you will never have to worry or stress like so many do in the world just running it's all they think about how they're going to get it to consume it on themselves how they're going to get it it's their whole life it consumes them but you will be stress free you will be walking in overflow praise god because you are a covenant child of god and your giver praise the lord father bless your people in jesus name amen see you back next time bye-bye