good morning my friends I'm pastor Steven Brooks and welcome to day two Morning Glory our midweek Bible study I'm so happy that you're here today and I believe that God's Word for you today will build you up in faith and will help you to walk the deep walk that God wants you to enjoy with him we're going to be in Acts chapter 1 and let's drop down to verse 4 and let's open up today in prayer Heavenly Father as we jump into your word we ask for your Holy Spirit to illuminate the Scriptures and that the eyes of our understanding the inward eyes of our spirit would be able to conceive and understand your word and apply it to our lives today we thank you Father in Jesus name Amen and amen I'm so glad that God's Word is seed and that when you sew it into your heart you will conceive the miracle that God has planned for you now Acts chapter 1 verse 4 and being assembled together with them he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the father which he said you have heard from me so he told them the state there in Jerusalem and we know that when Acts chapter 2 came along on the day of Pentecost they were praying so it was very important for them to stay put there and to wait wait for the promise of the father but while waiting there was a lot of prayer going on and that's what I want to encourage you to do that as we get very near Pentecost which is about 20 days 19 days away I want you to spend extra time in prayer preparing your heart for this special day I believe that the Lord has blessings for you I believe that the Lord has a new unlined ting for you on the day of Pentecost but you want to get your heart ready for it by preparing by waiting with the Lord in prayer now verse seven actually let's drop down the verse eight but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth now I know that many of you that are watching you have already received the baptism in the Holy Spirit you speak in other tongues and the gifts of the Spirit operate in your life but there are others you have not yet had that wonderful experience and the Lord certainly would love to baptize you in the Holy Spirit so open your heart to that and if you have not yet had that prepare your heart for that because your moment is drawing near praise God so for those who have already received the baptism in the Holy Spirit I see a new anointing coming for you and we want to get you positioned for that and there's no better way to do that other than praying meditating on the scripture and getting ready for a special encounter with the Lord hallelujah Acts chapter 2 verse 1 when the day of Pentecost had fully come they were all with one Accord in one place well there's a couple of North Carolina preachers I think they took that scripture a little bit too far as many of you know the the Honda car company has there us a headquarters in Greensboro North Carolina and a couple of preachers got real excited about that they said oh they said everybody in the early church was driving the Honda vehicle and you know some theologians asked mister now where's that out of the Bible and they those North Carolina preachers they quoted Acts chapter 2 verse 1 it says they were all in one Accord well praise God that had been a lot of people in one little car but my friends nevertheless we want to be in unity an agreement with God with his word and with each other verse 2 and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting then there appeared to them divided tongues as of fire and one set up on each of them and they were all filled with the holy spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance whoo praise God before a sending out of the Lord there is always a fresh anointing a new anointing an impartation that comes from God on high whoo thank you Jesus I really want you to be seeking the Lord in a special way between now and Pentecost because I believe there are things about your life that God has planned for you to step into and I would be so bold to say that some of these things you're not aware of praise God I think that there are Scrolls that are rolled up scrolls of Destiny Scrolls where God has written out even before you were ever born God had written out assignments and certain things that you were supposed to accomplish on this earth and these scrolls it may just be one maybe two but for some of you you have never read the scroll you have lived your life in your own strength you have followed your own whims you have followed a maybe what we would call just a very normal career life and you've lived a nice life and it's been a good life but you've never been able to look at that scroll and see what is that unique thing that God wants me to be involved in is my life a life destined to be one where I'm just like everybody else we're all punched out of some kind of a cookie cutter mold or could it be that God God has a greater purpose here for me rather than just going to work 8:00 to 5:00 although work from 8:00 to 5:00 is very very good and very very important without work you don't have any dignity so and also without work you don't have any money praise God so we thank God for that blessing of work but there is also something special significant that God has designed for you to do more than just waking up in the morning putting your clothes on eating breakfast and going out the door and doing you know the same thing over and over and over again I believe that if you are prayerful and you really seek the Lord with all of your heart that going into this Pentecost there will be those who are for the first time in their life will be able to read what is on their scroll of Destiny and I'm not just talking about salvation well you're saved and you know you're going to have it look you already know that the Holy Spirit living on the inside of you bears witness with your spirit that you are a child of God so you know that you're saved you know you're on your way to heaven but but do you still want to carry out the purpose that God has for you here the assignment praise God and I believe that you're going to be able to find out what that is thank you Lord Jesus Pastor Steven I would really like to know I understand I understand and that's very normal let's let's jump into this further the book of habakkuk please in the Old Testament Habakkuk chapter 1 please drive over there and your Honda Accord Habakkuk chapter 1 whew glory verse 1 the burden which the Prophet Habakkuk saw Oh Lord how long shall I cry and you will not hear hmm as if God doesn't hear when you pray he hears but you have to understand the answers in his own time in his own way how long shall I cried you will not hear even cry out to you pilots and you will not save why don't you show me iniquity and cause me to see trouble for plundering and violence are before me and you know that's like the way it is in some of our modern cities today in America there's just plundering there's violence there's there's murder there's just all kinds of awful things that are taking place and this is what he was seeing concerning the the people of God he said there are strife and contention arises therefore the law is powerless and justice never goes forth and that's a very frustrating thing when you see you see the innocent put in the prison and you see crooks people that are cheaters and liars and thieves you see them do crazy stuff and and just totally get away from it or get away with it or at least it would appear to be now we know from the eternal perspective that judgment will be properly served but sometimes it can look like temporarily there is a suspension of justice and it doesn't seem fair for the wicked surround the righteous therefore perverse judgment proceeds perverse judgment where wicked organizations they attack a person that hasn't really done anything wrong and they somehow set that person up or put the heat or the pressure on that person and the next thing you know they're arrested and they're in jail or prison for 10 or 20 years for doing hardly anything whereas people that do severe crimes and do it quite well they're just walking around free lots of money nothing going on that would trouble their life and this is kind of what Habakkuk is seem and it troubles him and he's warning God to give him insight into why are things the way that they are and he just pours it all out before the Lord he wants answers praise God and he's going to get them Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 1 I will stand my watch and set myself on the rampart and watch to see what he will say to me you have to understand that God will talk to you if God couldn't speak then we'd have some real issues here first of all nobody wants to serve a dead God or a mute God who cannot talk and I'm glad that the God that we serve is alive and he is quite able and quite willing to speak to us I will stand my watch and set my stuff on the RAM pert and watch to see what he won't say to me and what I will answer when I'm corrected in other words he really just kind of let it all out there before the Lord and it wasn't really accusing the Lord but he was basically saying Lord how come you're not doing anything about this Lord where is your response verse 2 and this is very amazing verse 2 then the Lord answered me and said the Lord answered Wow well the Prophet said I'm going to just stand my watch I'm going to set myself on the RAM Peart and watch to see what he will say to me so you get real comfortable and you'll find your place where you spend your devotional time your fellowship time with the Lord and you kind of settle down and you just keep visiting that place and you keep visiting the Lord in that place and you just keep hanging out and eventually the time will come when the Lord will talk I remember the time where I was at my house and my wife and daughter they were doing something they can't remember what they were doing but they left the house drove away and I knew that I had hours to spend with the Lord so I grabbed my Bible grab my notepad and just really didn't have an agenda just I didn't even really have any questions I just wanted to hang out with God so I just went into the bathroom and closed the door sat on the floor and time begin to pass and I just kept spending time with the Lord spend some time looking at Scripture spent some time you know as we would say prayer or just kind of like fellowshipping with God not like the fervent prayer we're just kind of hanging out with the Lord talking with the Lord and I did this for several hours and nothing nothing really happened nothing really happened after I'd been doing it for some while in the bathroom I moved into the into the bedroom not that I thought the change of location would help but it was a sunny day and I could move into the the bedroom and now some sunshine was coming in and I just kept on going for a long time and eventually after hours had passed by I happened to look out the window I looked up for my time of prayer and looked out the window and I saw my wife driving up the hill in the vehicle with my daughter in the vehicle there driving up and I knew from the point that there at right there coming up to the top and then coming back down the driveway and so forth I knew that would be about exactly two minutes for them to get to the house and then for me to begin talking to them and spending time with them because I'd had hours with the Lord and so I knew had two minutes and as soon as I saw them and I they were driving up then I kind of took put my attention back on the Lord soon as I did that the Lord started talking and it seemed like to me from my perspective it was like standing underneath the waterfall and you're getting rained on that's what it was like the Lord began to share things with me and revelations of his word and it began to just shoot like bullets of Revelation there's just all falling on me like fresh rain and I didn't try to interrupt the Lord but I I just couldn't help but ask I just said Lord I said I've been here for hours and you haven't said one thing to me and now we've only got like less than two minutes why would you not say anything but now suddenly you're talking to me we've hardly got any time left and I'll never forget it as long as I live the Lord spoke to me I heard his voice not audibly but in here so clearly just as if a person were sitting right next to me and it spoke it it just reverberate it in me and all around me he said I've really been enjoying your company and I didn't speak on purpose because I was trying to keep you here just as long as I could see many people if God speaks they're up and they're gone you're like oh I heard from God whew and they're and they're gone it's more about just you know getting an answer and then leaving but the Lord he'll answer you but he's also into the element of fellowship and you know get to know me and that's what really what the heart of God is but that just melted me that made me so happy he had actually held back an answer for the specific purpose of just keeping me hanging around hanging around until I got it so you have to understand that you have to understand about the nature of God the character of God and he's more than just an answer man you know Lord give it to me then I'll leave he wants a relationship and when you have that relationship you could really get almost any answer that you want unless it's something that's out of bounds like it says in Deuteronomy the secret things belong to the Lord and so there are some things we're not allowed to know it not allowed to peer into and if that's the way it is he'll tell you and then that that's totally cool don't need to know anyhow but many other things which is a vast ocean he he'll be happy to talk to you about it but you really have to go after the Lord and pursue the Lord I'm here to tell you today that if you seek Him with all of your heart he will not that he might or hopefully no no he will answer you praise God you know I remember one of the teachings of prophet walter Beutler and walter Beutler sensed that the lord wanted to talk to him and so what he did is he told his wife you know I sense the Lord wants to speak to me I don't know what about didn't see I that's what I'm getting for many of you the Lord wants to talk to you and you don't know what it's about because there's something that he's got for you that you don't even know yet you know I don't even think it's on your radar maybe you could sense maybe a little bit but I think for some of you you've never have read the scroll you can't even they you know roll the paper back a little bit you don't know what's on there but I believe if you give him your undivided attention you're about to find out mmm so Walter B told his wife I really feel like the Lord wants to speak to me I don't know what about but so I'm gonna you know go to a hotel and he named a home to the hotel and went away for two days and his wife was like yes go ahead and hear from the Lord you know she that that's a good thing for to a godly wife end up and so he goes to the hotel and he starts praying and fasting and so he said he'd been there for just a little over 48 hours no food and praying all day long and just getting a little bit of sleep at night and just you know get a little sleep just get refreshed get back up and even pray throughout most of the night and he said after 48 hours he sat on the bed and he was he was kind of fatigued and he said he said Lord he said my he said it takes you a while to answer doesn't it and the moment he said that the presence of the Lord came into the room I mean the Holy Spirit came into the room with such power and the first thing that the Holy Spirit said to him is this to rush God is to find fault with God hmm let me say that again to rush God is to find fault with God in other words it's maybe it's not like we directly say hey Lord you're not going fast enough you know but it is kind of implied through a negative statement like that and Beutler you know he repented very very quickly Lord I'm sorry you know I'll just all wait but the Lord did come and it was that time we talked to him and talked to him now watch this for four hours straight the Lord came in his presence and spoke to him out of a ball of light and I had an encounter like that with the Lord one time where it lasted for an hour and a half and he spoke to me one-two-one one-two-one and share things with me that I wouldn't have traded for anything praise God well Walter Beutler received a personal for our visitation from the Lord in a vision and the Lord shared things with him concerning the subject matter that he was supposed to teach we would become his primary thrust of teaching si can you imagine profit kenneth hagin without the faith message that that's in a sense who he was can you imagine or roberts or Benny Hinn without a healing ministry that's a primary thrust of what God called them to do and so you look at the great men the great ministers that God has raised up throughout the centuries and throughout the generations and you'll notice they had a specific mandate from God to minister to that mandate to their generation woo glory to God but my friends you have to know what that is and so it was out of that encounter that Walter Beutler basically received for the first time in his life an understanding of what his assignment was and it was to teach on what became his subject theme the manifest presence of God and that was his specialty and really in many ways nobody could teach it like he did that was his unique assignment praise God but look if he had not found out what that was then he could not have stepped into that assignment by the way that assignment launched him into a prophetic teaching ministry that took him to over 100 nations so before he had that he had not gone to one nation as far as going out as a prophet but once he had that visitation then he went out with that message and it really took him literally all over the world so I believe that there is something in this season that we're in this Pentecostal season where you're going to get the scroll see Pentecost revolves around the Jews receiving the law through Moses on Mount Sinai in other words instructions were giving Commandments were given and I believe there's going to be some instructions given to you specifically for you woo glory to God get ready to receive don't let silly foolish things distract you oh well pastor Steven were we're coming out now of the you know coronavirus and all the sports are starting back up yeah be real careful God has very high level things to reveal to you don't let silly stuff distract you from the unveiling of God's assignment for your life I'm telling you some of you you have no idea what's coming to you you have no idea the special unique tailor-made plan that God has just for you that he is going to unveil to you and so you really need to give him your fullest attention praise God hallelujah one time I was talking to a man of every religious man he loved God he didn't believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit for the modern-day church he didn't believe in modern-day miracles but he was saved and he loved Jesus and we had a conversation one day and he brought up the subject of prayer and he said some things about prayer that were kind of like you don't like nice and religious and well I thought what I would just make a few comments too and I just kind of spoke from my heart and while I was talking about prayer he's he interrupted me and he stopped and looked at me with the eyes like that big like almost like you know kind of like thought I was crazy or something he said he said you know from the way you're talking you actually talk like perhaps you believe that when you pray God's going to answer you and I just I couldn't help but I just started laughing I said yes I said have you not read the Bible he said all what God doesn't really speak to people today I said what course he does I said you have to understand that God talks God speaks oh my friends this is very very important we're not just going through some kind of religious routine where we're jumping hoops or jumping spiritual jump ropes just to do these religious exercises no this thing is very very real whew praise God mmm mmm Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 18 what profit is the image that its maker should carve it the molded image a teacher of lies that the maker of its mold should trust in it to make mute idols idols made out of wood made out of a piece of stupid stone well it's overlaid with gold pastor Stephen yeah but it's just a rock it's just a just a dumb block of wood whoa it can't even talk oh but it sparkles yeah but it's mute has no power woe woe to him who says to would awake to silent stone rise it shall teach behold it is overlaid with gold and silver yet in it there is no breath at all there's no life in it sold in who wants to serve a god that can't talk I'm telling you if you want the Lord to speak to you and you really mean business he'll talk to you he'll talk to you mm-hmm but you must invest your time in prayer calling out to God knowing believing that he will and he will my friend see we'll get ready get ready to hear from the Lord some things that I would suggest that I would prophetically declare to you that you've never heard before mm-hmm concerning God's plan for your life Jeremiah chapter 33 whew verse 3 call to me and I will answer you well Pastor Dave you just never know what God's gonna do he's gonna do what he said he would do it his word hmm whoa as if God's some kind of schizophrenic schizophrenia God why he doesn't even know what he is all no no God God knows exactly what he's doing he does what he says he will do God's not confused call to me and I will answer you now watch this and showed you great and mighty things which you do not know Oh pastor Steve and I know it all you're lying whoo God knows things that you don't know about your life about your future about next month about next year and he wasn't taken off guard by the coronavirus he knew that was coming and he knows other things he knows everything but my friends he's going to unveil to you as you call to him on the red hotline phone to heaven God is going to reveal to you great and mighty things which you do not know not just stuff not just what the latest fad will be next year you know that's not he's gonna show you great and mighty things pertaining to his assignment and plan for your life mm don't be asleep at the wheel this is the time to be alert and to be awake and to be pressing into the things of God look I believe that what the Lord is going to show some of you will set the course for the next ten years of your life you won't be wandering you'll be going straight as an arrow advancing towards the target that God has placed before you walking in the path of the righteous the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord thank you Lord Jesus and God's going to reveal it to you but you have a responsibility to call the Lord said call to me well that's Steven white why can't God just tell it all because he didn't set it up like that remember this is more than just getting an answer he wants relationship he wants you stabilized in Christ his son mm-hmm that's why you have to be willing to hang out with the Lord hang out with the Lord get the knowing get to know all about him spend time in his word spend time in prayer spend time in his presence sing songs to him worshiping praise God hallelujah and then call up to him he will answer you he's going to come and show you great mighty things that you've never even thought about before that you do not know but yet he has reserved them for you in this hour in this moment of time the praise God thank you Lord Jesus well pastor Stephen when the Lord answers how does he do it how does he do it many different ways I I don't know how he's going to speak to you perhaps you'll hear the voice of the Holy Spirit perhaps you'll have a vision and you'll see the Lord and he shares something with you I don't know maybe you'll have a vision and an angel will come to you saying I am sent by the Lord I stand in the presence of the Lord and I've come to share of this with you wouldn't that be nice it can happen to you don't doubt it it can happen to you praise God maybe there is a strong burning inner witness that you can't shake of a new revealing of what God has for you and you feel like you're on fire praise the Lord you have those moments praise God sometimes the Angels come and you can't see them but you get so hot it's like you're supercharged with the fire of God thank you Lord Jesus and it's often during those moments when it's like you're in the glory that also it's unlocked and you're able to see what is written on the scroll praise God other times and I've had this numerous times and by the way I can't make it happen when there's no anointing you can't make God do anything unless unless the Lord is moving and perhaps he allows you to participate in you know special faith working in miracles and things like that then some of that he allows you to kind of guide the ship but outside of that you cannot fabricate something in the flesh you must have the anointing of the Spirit the moving of the Spirit in order for the life of God the breath of God to be breathing on it so that it's real because look you have to hear from God for real you can't make something up any old fool or goofball could run out there and say God told me this we're gonna find out we're gonna find out if God told you that because we're gonna see if you're gonna complete what God told you to do any assignment anything that God tells you to do the enemy is going to be there now I'm not saying the enemy is going to stop you but I'm saying the enemy will bring challenges that's why you need to know that you know that you heard from God the last thing you want to do is get in the middle of something because you said I heard from God when in the end the inner part of your heart you know you didn't really but now you're out there and now you're a sight well you what do I do now well that's not the time or place for that you gotta get all that ironed out by hearing clearly from God and knowing that God has spoken to you and look Duncanson the Prophet to you God gets to the Prophet to you that as we say can read your mail in other words know the plan and the will of God for your life and when you hear that word it'll bear witness with your spirit praise God because there's harmony the same holy spirit that's very witness with you is the same holy spirit speaking through the prophetic voice praise God there is also and let me jump back to this one this happened to me a lot I would call it a supernatural illumination of the scripture where the Holy Spirit comes and you're you've got your Bible and he illuminates a scripture so strong now it can happen two ways one it can happen we're just kind of hanging out with the Lord and he gives you a gives you a scripture and he says this is for you and he maybe says you know psalm 66 or something like that and gives the verse and you don't even know what it says that's really exciting and you go there and you go there and you look and you're like oh my goodness that's it that's the word of the Lord and so let that's one way can come another way and look you can't do this unless the Holy Spirit is there in manifestation another way is when supernatural faith I call it according to 1st Corinthians chapter 12 the gift of faith or the gift of special faith it comes upon you and you literally can take the Bible and it's worked for me different ways sometimes I'll just open it randomly and the Holy Spirit will work through me as I'm opening it and I'll open it to a certain spot in a scripture we'll just sleep up like a hologram off the page and other times I can kind of I can sense oh it's back this way or it's over this way and I don't I don't even really know where I'm going I just know I'm getting hot I'm getting warmer I'm getting hot and I know it and then I'll get there and it lifts up and I'll see it like it's literally hovering a couple of inches off the pages Oh glory to God and that's really what happened to Saint Francis of Assissi the 13th century great man of God look I'll tell you he's a heavyweight in the spirit but when he received his commissioning he had just spent the entire night in prayer the night before he was in prayer and staying in the house of a very very wealthy man and st. Francis prayed all night he didn't know that the wealthy man who was allowing him to stay in the house actually was watching him he put st. Francis in a very nice room but the beautiful bed and st. Francis laid down on the bed said good night and the guy closes the door and leaves well st. Francis never slept on the bed so soon as the guy closed the door and left he got out of the bed and got back on the floor and got on his knees and he just started praying started worship God you started worshiping the Lord he got so caught up in worship that he just uttered the same thing all night over and over for hours and hours until the Sun came up just it was just something simple I can't remember what it was but it was something like oh god I worship you O God I worship you that's so caught up in worship he just did that for hours well he didn't know it that the man the wealthy man that he was staying with it that man's name was Bernard Bernard was like is this guy for real and so Bernard hunts been oh it hunts been owing to st. French's he opened up the door very quietly and looked in and saw not st. Francis sleeping on the bed because he never slept on the bed saw him kneeling on the hard fluor worshipping the Lord and he just watched and he just watched and watched and watched and after hours of watching and also being touched by the glory and the anointing of the Spirit upon him he he came to st. Francis in the morning and said I am convinced whoo hallelujah I am convinced that God is real I fully dedicate my life to Jesus Christ and I am convinced that you are a servant of the Most High God and as of right now as of this moment I dedicate my life to serve you and follow you in the ministry as you lead me you'll be my spiritual father hey Francis jumped up so happy whoo yes he said you'll be my first disciple and that man became known as Saint Bernard and of course later years later when st. Francis was on his deathbed he transferred the mental of leadership of what became known as the worldwide movement of Saint Francis of excuse me of Franciscans he transferred that to Bernard to carry on that mental by the way that mental has been carried on I think there's been 120 successors and there is a successor today overseeing now over about 1 million Franciscans within the Catholic Church today but here's the thing after praying all night getting up in the morning and Bernard saying hey I want up I want to like serve the Lord and I want to follow after you because you obviously know how to lead st. Francis said this is wonderful this is wonderful we must go to the church today and we must open up the word of God and trust that God will speak to this work that God has called us to do and we're going to believe that God's going to speak and it's recorded in history that he went to the local church the Bible was was up on the altar he took the Bible and just randomly opened it and basically knowing that God was going to speak to him and opened up to three consecutive scriptures remember God will speak by two or three witnesses okay and the Lord gave him three verses all in harmony all beautiful harmonizing telling him exactly the identity and the core thrust of his ministry whoo hallelujah and when they knew what it was they were so ecstatic that Saint Bernard who was extremely wealthy extremely wealthy took all of his possessions and he and Frances went out and begin to give it all away give it all to the poor and it was it was the beginning of a great move of God and within a short period of time st. Francis had raised up by the power of the Holy Spirit 5,000 missionaries throughout Europe who praise God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah some of you you're gonna have your moment very soon well you're gonna wake up in the morning and God's gonna say open my word I'll speak to you today the word the assignment that I have pre-planned for you to step into hallelujah and that an unveiling also is your commissioning into that assignment look you get it from heaven you've got it hallelujah and if you get it from heaven it will hold you up when Jesus was walking on the water and Peter said Lord if that's you did me that I come Jesus had come one word come and based on that word Peter walked on the water yes pastor Stephen he walked on the water technically technically he walked on the word because if Jesus said don't come it is me but don't come if he'd have got nothing that boat tried the walking going straight down okay but because Jesus had come in other words because there was a commissioning it helped him up well that's a miracle yes yes any revelation from God or assignment God's responsible for supporting it not you you can't do it it's big than you it takes the Lord thank you Lord Jesus but you must oh it's not it's not like a you know an option you must it is an essential have your marching orders from headquarters and if you marked earn your own you're responsible for floating that boat or your own water walking ability which we know that can't be done unless it's God involved in it thank you Lord Jesus but I hear I hear the armies of heaven the messenger angels of heaven massive massive movement of wings getting ready getting ready within just a short period of time to be released from heaven with messages understanding the unveiling of the scroll mmm thank you Jesus hallelujah I'm talking about genuine having heard genuine words from the Lord and walking that out praise God praise God forever so I would encourage you like the early disciples not really knowing what was going to unfold or how was going to unfold that's that that's you know God will take care of that our responsibility get ready for it wait on the Lord yes pastor Steve and I'm gonna watch a lot of TV read read all these us fishing magazines know pray pray really seek God pray because this is your moment and you don't want to miss it father I pray for everybody watching today that they prepare their hearts for a very special feast of Pentecost thank you Father God they shall receive a fresh anointing a new anointing and they shall receive something they have never heard before unveiled to them father we give you praise in the name of Jesus we all agree and say amen god loves sharing surprises he's got a surprise for you he's got a surprise for you and you don't know what's coming but it's coming and it's a beautiful surprise hallelujah now if you're watching today's program and you're not aware that God is real that God is alive and that he talks my friends he's speaking to your heart right now and he is the solution for your sin problem which separates those who do not know God from a holy God because of their sins and you must have a remedy for your sins or else you will be lost for all eternity but Jesus has made a solution he died on the cross for you and I that is a sinless human he could redeem lost humanity back to a holy God praise God he is the son of God his name is Jesus and if you would like to put your faith and trust in him right now he'll save you and he'll give you his eternal life so that you are born again on the inside right now pray this prayer after me say Lord Jesus I believe you're real I believe you're God's only Son Jesus come into my heart right now wash my sins away I give my life to you I give my heart to you Jesus write my name in your book of life I don't want to miss heaven thank you for saving me I belong to you now and I'll live my life completely for you Jesus in your name I pray amen hallelujah my friends those of you that have prayed that you now belong to Jesus your loving Lord and Savior and he's going to begin to unveil the plan that he has for your life you'll find out that God is a good god begin to study his word and God's going to bless you as you walk with Him praise the Lord serving one hundred percent abandonment serve him with all of your heart praise God amen now let us all take holy communion together I would like to invite you to grab some unleavened bread grab some grape juice and let's pray over it Heavenly Father Jesus said that this is his flesh and his blood so we consecrate the bread and the juice we thank you that it is now holy this is his body his flesh and this is his holy pure cleansing blood father as we received the flesh of Jesus we thank you that there are things we admit that you know that we don't know but we are supposed to know in this moment that we're moving into so father we're asking for our eyes to be open our spiritual eyes to be open our ears to be open we want to receive revelation knowledge we don't want to be left out in the dark pertaining to what you're doing in the church and pertaining to what you're doing for us as individuals who make up the body of Christ thank you Father God thank you father God we call unto you and we ask that you would show us great and mighty things that we don't know and we believe that you will do it because you said that you would answer us father we based us upon your Holy Word and now we receive the body of Jesus now knowing that his work that the word became flesh and we received that promise now in his name Amen let's protect together amen just say this God's going to show me something I don't yet know about my destiny say God's going to show it to me mmm-hmm yes he is yes he is hallelujah mmm a clear purpose defined and revealed father thank you for the blood of Jesus that washes all of our sins away all the foolish silly things that we have done where we have fallen short of your glory father we asked for forgiveness through the precious blood of Jesus which we know is able to washes whiter than snow Jesus we give you praise the father we accept and receive the blood of Jesus and it's mighty send cleansing power over our lives now thank you Father for the blood of Jesus we receive it and we reached we drink his blood now in his name amen let's protect together well hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord push yourself some of you you've pushed yourself crazy in sports you've done crazy things pushed yourself sacrificed your body don't for the basketball and you know injured your shoulder you pushed yourself in all kinds of things you pushed yourself at the bar and you stayed up to 4:00 in the morning drinking drinks before you knew Christ now I admonish you in the Lord by the spirit of grace push your self in seeking the face of God called to him in prayer he is going to answer you just like he answered the Prophet Elisha who went to Mount Horeb and God spoke to him there on the Mount Oh God's going to speak to you hallelujah get ready for the unveiling of the next chapter of your life thank you for watching today I look forward to seeing you back next time let me say this just before I close Thank You Holy Spirit as we move into Pentecost there were three major feast that God said I want you to keep these feast eternally that's Passover Pentecost and Tabernacles and in Deuteronomy chapter 16 verse 16 the Lord said whenever you come before me on one of these three eternal feast don't come before me empty-handed my friends we are looking at different networks and we are prayerfully considering taking the pure gold television program half-hour television program and getting it on to a network or networks okay with an S but that depends upon the response of God's people and I'm praying that you would so a special seed a Pentecost seed so that we can move the ministry message forward and take the good word of the Lord to a much larger audience of many people hallelujah glory to God let's go forward together let's do our part of the Great Commission all you have to do is ask the Holy Spirit husbands and wives get together get in get in agreement and just ask the Holy Spirit what should we do what are we supposed to give and just obey the Lord and you could bring it in on Pentecost Sunday May 31st or if you have it prepared and ready before then you can bring it in at any time and we will be praying over it and speaking blessing over it and I believe that as you sow your seed that you will be able to see with the eyes of the Spirit the unveiling of the scroll of Destiny that God has for you mm thank you Jesus and thank you thank you my friends for so seed hallelujah this is a golden opportunity to tie in to the anointing of the open heaven that's over these special feast that God has ordained all right thank you so much and I look forward to seeing you back next time god bless you bye-bye