good morning my friends I'm pastor Steven Brooks and welcome to day two Morning Glory our midweek Bible study and I'm so happy that you're here today why don't you take your Bibles and meet me in a very prophetic chapter a very prophetic verse we're going to go over to Hebrews chapter 11 verse 11 jump into the the chapter of faith the hall-of-fame and also the Hall of faith and take a look today at the life of Sarah how God made her laugh despite almost her willingness not to and how I believe God's going to make you laugh also praise God Hebrews 11:11 let's open up in prayer Heavenly Father we thank you for your Holy Spirit we thank you for the anointing of your Holy Spirit and as we jump into your word today we ask that your spirit would come upon the message that this be Living bread we thank you Father God not a history lesson although we like history but father we thank you for a living word we give you all the praise we receive it as thus in Jesus name and around the world we agree and say amen praise God Hebrews 11:11 by the way if you're getting that number prophetically such as you know you're not trying to fabricate it or create this but it seems like every time you turn around you see eleven eleven or one one one one that's got trying to get your attention to focus on Hebrews 11 11 from the perspective the whole perspective about this verse really is that if Sarah got her miracle then you can get yours too let's talk about that now verse 11 by faith and you can't skip past that because Hebrews 11 is all about the accomplishments really the extraordinary accomplishments of in many ways very average people who became exceptional in God because they used their faith okay by faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed and she bore child she was past the age because she judged him faithful who had promised now I want to read this from a couple of different translations one would be the NIV New International Version which is the probably the most well read Bible translation that's out there I don't prefer is my primary teaching text but it is a very good translation and I want you to see how they caught the essence of what is being said here it says and by faith even Sarah let me just stop right there that's really what the versions were picking up the translators are picking up and this is what Paul who wrote the book of Hebrews under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is trying to get across to us we are talking about Sarah the woman who laughed at God's promise and in a sense although she did not verbalize it out loud she basically said there's no way God can do that whoa this is the woman this is the woman that we're talking about now let me drop down to the NASB new American Standard Bible which is considered by students of God's Word to be the most literal translation of the Bible and it catches the same thing by faith even Sarah I mean even even Sarah got her miracle we're talking about the woman that just in a sense you know like well not even God can do this when he's sitting right there and he God heard her Sarah say that Wow but yet some things transpired didn't took place in her life that got her over to her point where she locked in on faith of what God had spoken believed and you know the rest of the story but what took place to make this shift what was working in her life where she finally as we would maybe say just got with it pulled herself together and really just took a hold to what God said I think we need to examine this because if Sarah can get her miracle which it and it was a it was a raw miracle I mean this was something only God could do but if she could get hers the woman who laughed at God thought it not even God can do that my friends God can do it for you who praise the Lord and this is why out of many of the people that are in the great chapter of faith you know some of them are that they have pedigree they have they they have the lineage they they have the milk they have they have it all going on but you look at Sarah and you're just like no she didn't have it going on at all I mean she had natural things in her life that were a blessing but spiritually no know that she was not hit it towards Hebrews chapter 11 not with the way that she in a sense was living her life until something obviously happened that propelled her into a place of being worthy to be in this chapter and I believe that this is a chapter that continues throughout church history and may your name also be found in that Hall of faith when it's all said and done may your name also be there because you'll be able to say yes and I believed and I got my miracle too regardless of what that is God can do it for you so let's dig in behind the scenes a little bit and find out what was working to move her into that place where she just finally took a hold of what God said took it seriously and then you know it didn't take that long when she finally bit it didn't take that long for the whole thing to get accomplished so in order to see this we have to go back to literally the book of beginnings the first book in the Bible the book of Genesis and I want us to go down to Genesis chapter 15 and we're going to start today in verse 2 and it says but Abram said Lord God what will you give me seeing I go childless and the air of my house is the leader of Damascus so in that day and culture if you didn't have a son you didn't have a daughter you don't have any descendants well your inheritance your wealth your possessions when you die you would just transfer that over to the most trustworthy person that you would know and that would be the hid steward Eliezer of Damascus who had served abram those many years then Abram said look you have given me no offspring he's talking to God and he says indeed one born in my house is my heir and behold the word of the Lord came to him saying this one shall not be your heir in other words God saying he's a nice guy yes he's always saddled your donkey and he's you know he's washed the dishes and he's put your tin up and he's taking your tent down and he's done a lot of good things but here's the thing with God he only works on covenant line he only works with covenant and Eleazar great guy but he's not part of that plan that God has a covenant plan and Eleazar is not in that so a good guy great guy but I'm not working with him on this project that I'm wanting to pull you into so he's he's not in the mix okay now this one shall not be your heir but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir Wow that's amazing so we see here that from Abraham's own body and of course he's married he only has one wife that means Sarah is gonna be involved in this from his whole body is going to come the air now at this time Genesis chapter 15 what we have been reading at this time Abraham is now or we could technically call him Abram he has not yet had the name change or we would call the name upgrade he is now at the age of 75 and Sarah who at this time her name is still Sarai her age is 65 and so when God gave the promise we didn't see the slim possibility of maybe somehow in the natural this thing can get pulled off after all it's possible for men that are older you know if they're still in soso good shape maybe maybe they can still you know you know get their wife pregnant but even if that could happen and it is possible Sarah she's still right at the outer edge of this being a potential possibility for her but she has this issue this a heavy weight issue she's Baron and Baroness in that culture in that society was considered one of the greatest curses a woman could have to not be able to produce an heir for your husband because you're barren and something's not right with your inner mechanics something is wrong that was just like it's like a death toll you're living but you're just you live in humiliation and you see other families and other wives you know they're getting they're getting pregnant and the husband is happy and the family's growing and you're just outside of that loop and it's beyond your ability to do anything about that well even if something could happen I know who knows maybe Abraham tried to encourage her now now Sarah just hang in there you know the science is working and doctors are working maybe they'll figure out a cure well you know not really but you know there is encouragement there is the potential hope maybe naturally we could still pull this off but yet God said he'd do it but you know what you have to realize that when God does give a promise I'm talking a very special promise there there's no way it's going to happen unless God does it and you lock in with God on faith and you have to use your faith if you really want to receive the things that God has promised you and that rightfully belonged to you as a believer in Christ you're gonna have to use your faith because it says in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 that without faith it is impossible to please God so you're going to have to engage your faith and you know it's easy to just say that say you know like Sarah just believed God but we know that where you're when you're in the mix and all of this stuff with life is going on you know medical report saying you know you're incurable barren incurable and and you're getting old you get all that thrown in there then it's not so easy just to rise up sorry I believe praise God in the real life only the real substance is going to work in situations like this only the real power of God so we're gonna have to find out how Sarah went from this place of being barren and being old and all this all these impossible scenarios and then throw in her doubt and unbelief how in the world does she end up in Hebrews chapter 11 I mean with people like Moses and Noah and her husband Abraham you could picture those people in there but how does she get into a place like that let's talk about that as we continue to dig deeper and may you also be found in that place of Hebrews chapter 11 as a person of conquering faith when it is all said and done let's move now to Genesis chapter 16 as we're going to chapter 16 we are going to leap ten years ahead into the future when you look at it it just seems like it rolls into another chapter but when you study it you find out that ten years have passed Genesis chapter 16 verse 1 now Sarai Abrams wife had borne him no children and she had an Egyptian maidservant whose name was Hagar so Sarai this is what she does she's going to help God out yes she decides God needs a little bit of help because now her husband is 85 years old and she's 75 oh yes she's still barren never never got that fixed never got past that hurdle but now she's she's done she's outside of the loop at the age of 75 nah maybe somebody in the 60s maybe a woman it with some kind of exceptional genetics to pull this off but 75 no it's not going to happen and the writing's on the wall we are now in the realm or either God there's a miracle or it's never going to happen she's not really yet in the miracle mood so she thinks she can help God out a little bit verse 2 so Sarai said to Abram see now the Lord has restrained me from bearing children please go into my maid perhaps I shall obtain children by her and Abram heeded the voice of Sarai now in that culture if we go back to the ancient time of the Middle East also reaching over into the region of the Mesopotamia or Abram originally came from this was not unusual during those during those days it would appear from what the rabbi's teaches that Hagar was picked up from their former journey down into Egypt which in some ways you could actually say that Abraham kind of got booted out of Egypt because he was down there and you know Sarah was very beautiful and you know they noticed that they will notice that and he wanted her and Abraham lied and said well that's my sister and then it just caused a big mess because now God's judging those people and they're getting all kinds of tumors and sicknesses and all their women are going barren and they're like what's going on and then they realize oh that's not his sister that's his wife and so they're like hey you need to leave and you know and so they send Abraham out and while they send him out they they wanted him out so bad that according to the rabbi's he was given many gifts and one of the gifts that he was sent out with was a maidservant for his wife and that was Hagar and so Sarah's thinking well let's just let's do this Abram you just go into my servant girl and she'll produce a baby and then that will become our baby she'll still be the servant of course and then we can finally fulfill this promise now verse 3 the sarai abram's wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife now to be his life but not in marriage there was no marriage and he's not going to become the husband this is still a situation where Hagar although she's going to do this because she's being pretty much demanded you know to do it she's not getting anything out of this now she's going to she's going to but legally and technically in that era you know you're still just a slave you have no rights you don't you don't become you know like a person that's now moved into a marriage status no you're still just a slave and Sarah is still the only wife who's married to Abraham and so you know she's in control or she thinks she is now the Sarai Abrams wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife and after Abram had dwelt 10 years in the land of Canaan that's also how we know we've jumped to hit 10 years now so he went into Hagar and she conceived and when she saw that she had conceived her mistress became despised in her eyes then Sarai said to Abram my wrong be upon you I gave my maid into your embrace and when she saw that she had conceived I became despised in her eyes the Lord judge between you and me and now you've got a mess you have contention and you have strife oh yes she's still the slave girl she's still the servant girl but she knows hey I've got something special now going on with Abram I've got this leverage and I'm going to use it and it was just it was a mess it was just an absolute mess and so when you look today at the Middle East and you see the strife and it's thick you go to Jerusalem and you can feel it in the air this tension this inability to get along between the Arabs and the Jews what you know people are like well what is going on this has been taking place now for 4,100 years why why can't this be fixed well this all originates from this event right here Sarah's bright idea was such a good idea after all listen here's the bottom line God doesn't need our help now he needs our faith but you have to understand when God gives you a promise he's not asking you to perform it here we can't we can't be God God doesn't need our help all God is asking you and all God is asking me to do is to believe if you will just believe God he'll do what he can do okay he'll do this part he'll do the god stuff he's he's good at that he'll do the miracles all we have to do is believe now yes there needs to be works attached but not works like this this is crazy stuff and that's why we have the problem today in the Middle East and it can't be solved outside of Christ returning it's impossible it is absolutely impossible the only peaceful solution is found in the Lord Jesus Christ and since you have many Jews and many Arabs that don't know Christ as their Savior it just continues on all the strife all the friction all our all the coral in and arguing and jealousy back and forth it's a big mess and it still taking place today now we see here that this has now unfolded and now the situation has not improved it has gone even worse but God if you turn it over to the Lord he can he could work through a mess he could work through a wrong turn now we don't want to make wrong turns just so we can say hey Lord I made a wrong turn come bail me out no we want to stay on the freeway the expressway of blessing we don't want to miss we don't want we don't want stuff like that these detours but if something has happened God's merciful God's good he can get in there and begin to work even through a wrong turn if we let him now we'll come back to that in a moment but let's continue on as we're trying to find out how sera moves from this person of trying to do it in her own ability trying to help God out doubting God in all this other stuff to ending up in this special place of honor let's continue now in the next chapter Genesis chapter 17 where more time has now passed more water beneath the bridge and they've gotten older now Genesis chapter 17 verse 1 when Abram was 99 years old okay so that would mean Sarah is 89 the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him I am Almighty God el shaddai walk before me and be blameless and I will make my covenant between me and you and will multiply you exceedingly now let's drop down to verse 15 praise the Lord we both know that they are in the impossible zone they're too old he's 99 you know it's game over I mean he's still moving around you know poly can't see quite as good as he could earlier poly has a few little aches and pains here and there probably drinking prune juice and you know they're just working their way through life no she's still barren but at this point it's like who even cares they're so old you know it's like hey you know how is this ever going to happen but verse 15 then God said to Abram now up to this point God's dealing with Abraham he's now according that now we have shifted also into the name change came from Abram to Abraham from Sarai to Sarah so the upgrades are taking place it's it's starting to warm up the miracles getting closer but to them that still looks like it's never going to happen Abram now Abraham is believing Sarah is still pretty much out of the loop but my friends God is working now he's primarily still dealing with this covenant man Abraham that's gonna change in the next chapter but let's not get there yet verse 15 Genesis 17 chapter 17 verse 15 then God said to Abraham as for Sarai your wife you should not call her name Sarai but Sarah shall be her name I like that and I will bless her and also give you a son by her so he's heard this before he's heard this before but it's getting refined restringing on the inside of him now and I will bless her and also give you a son by her then I will bless her and she shall be a mother of Nations kings of people's shall be from her I mean these are wild these are wild words when you're looking at two old-timers and one you know the wife is barren these are wild prophetic words praise God but not so wild that you can't believe because anytime the word of the Lord comes it releases faith into your heart so this is a specific promise for them now verse 17 that Abraham fell on his face and left and southern this heart shall a child be born to a man who was 100 years old I mean think he think he's like hey this is cool this is hilarious but yeah I'm all-in and shall Sarah who was 90 years old bared child and Abraham said to God oh that Ishmael might live before you I mean Abraham's like yeah that'd be awesome God but Lord just this is just too much for me Lord let it be Ishmael I mean I've already got him let it be him let it be him well let's see what the Lord says about that verse 19 then God said no look my brother's my sister's my friends God works on covenant platform yeah it's not that he's got anything against this me Ishmael he's gonna bless Ishmael okay but just that hey look Eleazar he's not God's guy Ishmael he's not God's God God wants a covenant type thing going on here and he's only working on the platform of the Covenant by the way if you're in Christ you are in the New Testament which is what the New Covenant okay so you are operating on covenant platform and that's who God works with praise the Lord now then God said no Sara your wife shall bear you a son and you shall call his name Isaac or you know you're gonna call it call him laughter laughter is going to be his name I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant and with his descendants after him and as for Ishmael I've heard you behold I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and will multiply him exceedingly he shalt beget twelve princes and I will make him a great nation but my covenant I will establish with Isaac whom Sarah shall bear to you at this set time next year that's a wrap on the conversation that visitation closes out very very fascinating so Abraham again is strengthened by God's appearance to him and the sharing of the word with him so Abraham's like okay I just have to rule out this so-called option of Ishmael I take that off the list now some of you some of you because you think maybe you can still pull this thing off on your own ability maybe you've got like an Ishmael on the back burner maybe that's your last resort look just go ahead and get rid of the Ishmael you're gonna need God to do this for you why don't you just realize that you are going to need a miracle that that's that's okay you can use your faith you can trust God and believe God God will do it for you just go ahead and lock into that get onto that covenant platform and get comfortable and stop thinking that you can figure out this thing and pull this off in your own strength and ability you're not going to be able to do it a true promise that God gives is something that we'll need God's help if you can do all this stuff in your own ability what even they've gone for if you can save yourself from your own sins what what did Christ even come to the earth for but note my friends there are things in life that are beyond us we need a Savior everybody needs a savior because eventually if not you're gonna be faced with what are you going do about your sin problem on the day of judgment okay so that's why we want Christ in our lives as a savior as a redeemer hallelujah as one who is the sin burden bearer praise God so that we are clean and that we're good to go in that area and then we have these other promises other things that God wants to work through us not only through the church as a corporate body but also also through individual believers praise God and you're gonna need God's help yes you are hallelujah that divine assignment you are going to need the miracle-working power of God in your life to see it accomplished if you can do it in your own ability I doubt even if that's God's plan for your life if you can pull this thing off in your own ingenuity your own strength your own resources and your own ability I completely doubt if that's even God's plan that he has for you praise the Lord but when it has the miracle element in it now you realize in humility that you're going to need God and since you need God might as well get rid of the Ishmael remember that's the whole thing Paul got into in the book of Galatians where he talked about the Old Covenant the law and trying to do it through works and you know how can we say get to heaven through good works or and that's impossible and that was a representation of Ishmael but then over here we have the new covenant grace faith and that's represented by who represented here by Isaac praise God so two covenants and God wants us to go for the true representation which comes down from heaven the heavenly Jerusalem these those were types of shadows that he was explaining and the latter half of the book of Galatians and that's why he was so into this Isaac thing the medical thing the faith thing as composed to some rescues as compared to something that you can just do in the flesh which is what Ishmael represented the best that the flesh could do mmm Wow and he was a wild guy he was a crazy guy so he was not a covenant potentials not think I had anything against him just that God knew hey that guy has no interest in me he's not he's not covenant material I've got to have a man that I could work with and that man was Abraham Isaac Jacob and may you be that man may you be that woman that God can work with because you are a faith covenant person praise the Lord now we see here that the visitation that God had with Abraham is wrapped up they got the name changed from Sarai the Sarah from Abram to Abraham things were going really good and now now it's time to kick it into high gear watch the watch the amazing difference Genesis chapter 18 verse 1 then the Lord appeared to him by the terebinth trees of memory as he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day so he lifted his eyes and looked and behold three men were standing by him and when he saw them he ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed himself to the ground let's drop down now to verse 9 then they said to him where is Sarah your wife ooh look what they said look what he said so he said oh here in the tent get ready what's about to be spoken this time is for Sarah's ears and she's never heard it firsthand ever in her life before up until this point what has happened is that the Lord has appeared to Abraham and said Abraham they're gonna have a son through you and Sarah you're gonna have a son and Abraham's like yeah I believe it and after the visitation the Lord leaves and then Abraham goes back and tells his wife Sarah God he's appeared to me again we're gonna have a child we're gonna have our own son mm-hmm and Sarah's like that's that's nice I believe pray uh praise the Lord yeah that's why Abraham I love you and I'm glad you had another good visitation but this time watch out syrup this time this visit is intended for your ears mmm mmm look look there's something about faith that when you get it from God yourself it does something to you oh I like good preaching mmm preach preacher preach build my faith mmm I'm ready to do miracles mmm teacher teach the word build me up that I might be strong in God mmm that's good we need that we need that Jesus gave the fivefold ascension gift ministry so that we can do those things the apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher yes it's good we need it it's essential but my friends also on top of that when you hear from the Lord yourself oh not just through your pastor not just through the Prophet thus saith the Lord and oh that's good I like all of that I'm into all of that but when you seek God and when you with your own ear hear God yourself and then a prophet comes and confirms it and then the preacher preaches and it confirms it and then the apostle lays hands and it connects what what you have already heard yourself when your ears hear it who came changer game-changer well pastor Stephen mom mom mama told me I was called into the ministry but what is God told you well I I don't know I don't know well then you need to find out you can't live on Mama's word grandma's word a grandpappies word you've got to hear from God because in the thick of the battle when the heat is flying that's not the time to wonder am I even supposed to be doing this oh no no you should have gotten you should have got not at all figure it out before you start it that's why there are so many incomplete projects where ministers start something and they never finish it well praise God we have a beautiful sanctuary here now we haven't finished it yet it's been left half complete it's been 20 years now since we started it and we've we've never finished it and you hear stories like that you're like what did the world happen why because sometimes people get in the middle of something they're there that they think they heard from God but and they get in the middle and then in the battle when it's tough if there's doubt and you don't they know that stuff can really mess with you whoo praise the Lord so you've got to know that you know that the path that you're going and the thing that you're believing God for is thumbs up from heaven praise God that you're dialed in and you have you have backing for that you have scripture for that but mainly even also a scripture mainly God God has confirmed yes that is good and acceptable in my sight I'm with you on that project I'm with you on what it is that you're believing for whether it's your own home whether if you're single it's for a spouse whether you know it's for ministry or whether it's for business or whatever it might be well praise the Lord you need with your own ears you need to know that God has spoken to you mmm now the most amazing thing is is that so often when you have heard from heaven yourself so often foo it's just it's just like confirmations they just come so easily after that praise the Lord confirming what God has already told you but it's very important that we know what the Lord is speaking as individuals to us now verse 9 then they said to him where is Sara your wife so he said here in the tent and he said I will certainly return to you according to the time of life and behold Sara your wife shall have a son Sara was listening in the tent door which was behind him you don't think the Lord knew that well of course he knew that he's the Lord and she's hearing it this time not through Abraham she's hearing it this time she's hearing God Himself the Lord Himself sitting there right by the tent beneath the tree and she's just on the other side of that little tent curtain and she's hearing everything and she hears God say it himself Sara was listening in the tent door which was behind him now Abraham and Sara were old well advanced in age and Sara had passed the age of childbearing therefore Sara laughs now she didn't laugh like her husband did earlier this is not like a oh that's no that's great no this is a lot this is a laugh of just like total unbelief like there's no one there like like this is like this is total baloney type laugh therefore Sarah laughed within herself saying after I have grown old shall I have pleasure my lord being old also and the Lord said to Abraham why did Sarah laugh saying shall I surely bear a child since I am old is anything too hard for the Lord hmm is it possible to stand right in front of Jesus and receive a word from him straight from his own mouth straight from the word anointed by the spirit where it would seem like it literally leaps off the page or you have a vision and the Lord stands before you gives you a word is it possible even the midst of something beautiful like that exceptional like that to still doubt him oh absolutely it is and it should terrify us it should terrify us that we can allow ourselves to be in such a place where we have gotten so spiritually lazy or our spiritual faith muscles or like an old limp noodle and we're just sitting around not believing God for nothing just waiting for a rapture to get out of here whoa praise the Lord well may God put your escape mechanisms on hold and may you lock in and dial in to the promise that God has given you and made you be a person who says Lord Jesus I'm looking forward to your return but Lord just give me a little more time to get this done Lord there's people that are not saved I've got loved ones Lord that are not saved Lord I I want you to come back but Lord I've got an assignment that's not done lord have mercy give me a little more time I'm on this I'm working on it God I believe you praise the Lord mmm not this laughter stuff that says that's just total hogwash no oh no oh god hurt it is anything too hard for the Lord mm-hmm at the appointed time I will return to you according to the time of life and Sarah shall have a son hmm oh so this thing's gonna get done whoa God's gonna have to light a fire under Sarah and he knows how to do it but Sarah tonight it's that scene when that when you see the Lord when you see that side of him all of a sudden you stroll oh I didn't know I didn't know he really meant this I didn't know this was serious I thought this was like some kind of a joke mm-hmm but Sarah denied it saying I did not laugh she was afraid some of you you need to get holy afraid you just stop playing around like this whole thing's like a toy or like or like your destiny doesn't really mean something it does mean something that's why you're here at this time it's important it's vitally important I would dare say that it's so important that if you don't accomplish it there could be people that may not reach heaven that God wants to reach heaven there could be people that could perish in their sins if you tour around with your destiny you must rise up and be the man be the woman that God called you to be you're supposed to be over in Hebrews chapter 11 you're not supposed to be some kind of a loser that is not your destiny hallelujah I'm speaking to over comers and champions rise up in the name of the Lord and take your assignment serious and be the person that God called you to be and get to work on the promise that God gave you you need some holy fear you should get afraid the serious stuff to the Lord it's serious stuff to the Lord he shed his blood for you to redeem you and he also gave you divine promises great and precious promises he would really appreciate it if you took it seriously mmm he paid a lot for it he paid a lot for you to step into this Sarah denied it saying I I did not laugh she was afraid and he said no but you did laughs mmm and that wrap setup she's probably like Abraham I don't want any more of these visitations you you be the one that entertains the Lord when he shows up I don't want him talking to me any more than I did this too hot for me Pastor Dave life I'd like a visitation from Jesus he's got two sides he's very nice he's nicest person you'll ever meet he's got another side though he he takes it very serious the way that you responded the greatest pain that you can cost him is to doubt him the greatest pleasure that you can bring him is to believe him hmm thank you Jesus we're almost there Genesis 21 here we go verse 1 and the Lord visited Sara as he had said and the Lord did for Sara as he had spoken for Sara conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age at the set time of which God has spoken to him for 6 and Sara said God has made me laugh let's look at verse 5 now Abraham was 100 years old when this son Isaac was born to him and Sarah said God has made me laugh he's going to do the same thing for you yep he sure is and all who hear will laugh with me and yes the same thing will happen there will be others that will laugh with you and say wow well you know be honest we thought you were a little crazy but while you actually pulled it off your faith actually produced this and they're going to laugh and they're also going to be thinking now I'll hold on if God did that for this God could do it for me and then boom and it's this thing just starts going mm-hmm seismic waves shocking waves going out in the spirit caused by your faith quake boom praise God you're gonna pull it through you're gonna break it through praise the Lord and others will laugh with you but still the main thing is yours it's your baby it's your child it's your miracle is your victory and you laugh best at your miracle praise the Lord well how did we get into this place of Genesis chapter 21 where now it has happened and then just outside of a year earlier she is in unbelief she's still not really hooked on to this and she's just treating it lightly and doesn't understand really how how can we say the mechanics of God how he works that's why Abraham was a friend of God he understood faith and so he could work with God and if you're not willing to engage it can be very very difficult to achieve answers to prayer with God because he works on a faith basis not only he doesn't even work on a need basis and he doesn't work on a begging and you know a god I'm gonna just come before you and grovel and beg he doesn't work on that type of a platform he works on a faith platform so what happened where she just got with it what had what happened well I think one of the things that happened was that encounter I think it shook her up she realized hey this thing's not a joke this is real I've never encountered the Lord before this and I'm like wow that that shook her up I think it really did God means business time is short and she was on a prophetic calendar God had to get her there and he hit the light a fire under her so what was said in that visitation again with Abraham though that last visitation was intended for her ears may your ears hear something that awakens your faith to really pursue the dream the vision the miracle that God has put in your heart may your ears hear a word that just light you on fire with faith whew praise God get ready we're coming into Pentecost we're only about 40 something days outside of Pentecost there's going to be holy fire praise God your ears are going to hear something that will light you on fire praise the Lord hmm get ready praise God so I believe that's one of the things that moved her forward now remember also God's Word is a seed and the seed is sown into the soil of the human heart and so when she heard it with her own ears not not just through Abraham recounting a visitation but when she heard it through her own ears God's word for her that word which is a seed went into the soil of her heart what was the word you're gonna have a child and the Lord said I'm coming back next year and you're gonna have a child at that time who praise the Lord and that word goes in and when it's mixed with faith it will produce the full intended purpose now these things are moving her closer and closer to full commitment to locking onto that word I believe also she realized this is a specific promise for her it meant a lot to her and while there are many promises in the Word of God you have to follow the path that God has for your life you don't need to try to be like the other person you don't need to try to copy them God made us all originals he made us all unique and you're your best when you are yourself and who got intended you to be so you have to be able to see what is God's path and plan and what are the promises that are along that journey and take a hold of them and take a hold of them and grab them and it's good to have scripture that will support them and it is also good to have the witness of the Holy Spirit that yes this is something that pertains to your life calling and lock ahold of it because this is in God's plan for your life okay now let's go on I believe also what really lit a fire under her was this thing of barrenness even though she's old even though she's lived with it all of her life this thing of barrenness I think she's just flat-out fed up with it and she now realizes there is a cure it's kind of late in the game but there is a cure it's God God can cure me of this miserable Berenice he can lift this thing off of me and if he's going to give me a child which she says he is look she's smart just like you are the gears start turning that means I'm gonna need my body to work that means she's gonna have to touch my body strength that's gonna have to come back into my body I'm gonna have to be you know the child is going to be you know raised and I'll have to you know eventually wean him and stuff like that so I've got to have everything working that means God's gonna like take me back and take me into like some kind of a spa treatment where he's going to rejuvenate me and she's like yeah that would be really really cool that way I can live my life out to the fullest point and I'll be healthy and uh Wow yeah so that net starts to excite her that the Baroness will be taken off of her Oh ooh mmm but another thing we can't ignore we can't ignore this I think that the thing with Hagar God just works let me say it like this God wasn't working through Hagar in the sense where God's inspiring her to be jealous and do all of these things where she a grove AIT's to daylights out of Sarah but God allowed it God absolutely allowed it and I'm sure Hagar was so good at it that the way Hagar acted with her and her son Ishmael you know that this time Ishmael is 14 years old and and they just drove and irritate it Sarah to the point she's just like I've had it I'm taking God's Word I can't take this crazy woman this woman is driving me nuts and you know what it drove her into a place where she got so fed up with the Baroness and so fed up with the humiliation and the degradation and not being able to do anything about it except complain how many of you know that doesn't do any good that she just finally said God can do something about it and she took hold of the promise she took hold of the promise and the truth be told that when the baby finally came Oh Oh even when the baby is being dedicated there's this me over there mocking and laughing Oh still doing a really good job of just irritating but notice hey Garth's work now was accomplished and what takes place afterwards look at Genesis 21 verse 8 so the child grew and was weaned and Abraham made a great feast on the same day that Isaac was weaned and Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian whom she had born to Abraham scoffing and she just she's had it but now she can do something about it she tried to get rid of Hagar earlier and God sent Hagar right back the angel of the Lord sent her right back she couldn't get rid of this irritant but now she can Hagar has served her purpose Ishmael as served his purpose and now she says she says Abraham they've got to leave and Abraham still didn't want to do it but this time Sarah prevailed it was God's will and then Hagar and Ishmael I'll leave and they're gone they're completely out of the picture my friends this is very very fascinating how in many ways before Hagar left Sarah probably should have gone up to her and said you know Sarah excuse me Hagar we we've definitely had our differences and you know I kind of created this whole mess but you know what you've really you've really worked in my life to drive me towards the promise of God so here's $1,000 I'm actually going to pay you $1,000 you irritated me so good you did such a good job of driving me almost crazy that it finally caused me to wake up and snap out of my whatever I was in and turned to God and say I refuse to live in this type of a situation anymore I will have my miracle whoa praise God pastor Steve they make fun of me I don't like it you know what they're probably going to continue to make fun of you until you get so fed up with it that you say God do something about it God will say believe me trust me have faith than me so that you can get the monkey off of your back personally that ain't nice the way they talked about me though it's probably not it's probably awful and and they probably do it all the time but you know what God can allow that stuff to happen so that you will rise up and say god I've had it I'm casting this thing off and I am not allowing myself to be humiliated anymore I'm gonna believe you and then it was short time she's pregnant and then pops a baby who praise the Lord God God can light your fire God can allow various things to transpire in your life to offer you intense levels of motivation III I don't want you to have a Hagar in your life I don't want you to have an Ishmael I'm just sayin God can use all kinds of things God can work through all types of things to get you to the point he wants you to be and with Sarah he had to get her there she's on a prophetic timetable he's already given promises to Abraham this thing's gonna run down through his whole lineage and it's gonna happen through his son so this thing has to happen and it's going to happen so God lit the fire under Sarah it must have been intense who praised the Lord but when it was over it was over praise God and mission accomplished and you know what she ends up in Hebrews chapter 11 let's go back there one more time Hebrews 11 verse 11 by faith notice she had to get into the faith God's not gonna give it to her just because she's Abraham's wife God's not gonna give it to her just because she won a beauty contest God's not gonna give it to her because she writes nice poems God's not gonna give it to her unless she gets on that covenant platform of faith and starts believing praise the Lord by faith Sarah herself even Sarah oh yeah the one that laughed at God and basically in a sense said no not even God can do this oh yes now we know why she's here my faith even Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed and she bore a child when she was past the age because because she considered him faithful who had promised praise the Lord my friends God has very precious promises for you I'm here to tell you he's the same God of Sarah not many times you say he's the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and he is but let me say this let me say it a little different he's the god of Sarah okay so if Sarah and we've seen what was cooking in her life if Sarah can end up in Hebrews chapter 11 and can get her miracle and it really was it's an exceptional miracle in some ways and I think it out does some of the other people in here in Hebrews chapter 11 I mean this is crazy miracle if she can get hers well all of the things that she had to work through and overcome you can get yours and I believe you're going to mm-hmm God's working God's working don't ever give up on your dream that God gave you don't ever give up on the promise that God spoke to you don't ever give up on that divine whisper but the Spirit of God revealed something sacred and special to you hallelujah you are destined to be blessed to be a blessing and your life will touch many and you will laugh you will laugh yes when it when it manifests you will laugh and many others will laugh with you so don't delay lot hold with God in faith who praise the Lord grab ahold of the promise of God just like the Old Testament sometimes they would run there into the the tabernacle of Moses and to the tabernacle of God and grab the horns of the altar and hang on you're gonna have to grab ahold of the promise of God and hold on and say God I believe you Lord even though I should die or perish I'd take a hold of you and believe this Oh God hallelujah praise the Lord and when you believe in with all of your heart and trusting you will see that God will get you there praise the Lord praise the Lord so allow these different mechanisms of motivation to inspire you to get up and get going woo praise God now one more time let me say this your ears are going to hear something intended for you the Lord is going to speak something it's intended for you and you're going to hear it and you're gonna say that's my promise praise the Lord remember you will be in the persons of the Lord I would highly encourage you to just believe it be like Mary Lord let it be unto me according to your word okay you not to figure it all out you don't figure it all out godson asking you to perform it all he's asking you to do is believe that he will do it okay let God do the heavy lifting you just do the believing praise the Lord father I pray for your people that their faith be locked on that they'll be like a bulldog clamping on to a t-bone steak bone like the bone from a big stink thank you Father God with that grip of faith we think your father God but even if that dog is lifted up he doesn't let go dangling in the air that your people be like that we thank you we thank you we thank you for this stubborn unrelenting faith we give you praise we give you praise father I thank you you're going to make your people laugh it will be worth it in the name of Jesus amen and amen hallelujah praise the Lord hallelujah now say this come on be bold and daring today say I will personalize this say I will end up in the Hall of faith who praised the Lord said again say I will end up in the Hall of faith praise God amen it's being extended then look this is a very long hall okay very long hall you can get in there praise the Lord Amen the angels are ready to help you out praise God all right let's get ready to take Holy Communion and lock this word into our spirit remember 11:11 start seeing 11:11 that starts popping up that Scott trying to say hey look I did it for Sara Sara got her miracle I'll do it for you mmm mmm thank you Jesus if you're watching today's program and you don't know Christ as your Lord and Savior but you would really like to have a God like this Wow praise the Lord now is your time to get your life right with God say this prayer after me say Lord Jesus I'm a sinner Jesus forgive me of my sins I give my life fully to you Jesus wash my sins away save me now write my name in your book of life thank you Jesus I accept you as my Lord and Savior I believe in you just like Sarah did I believe in you Jesus and your name I pray amen and as you have prayed that prayer from your heart and you now belong to Jesus and he is your Savior praise God now let's all together take holy communion today grab some unleavened bread some grape juice and let's pray Heavenly Father we thank you for the bread the juice we set it apart as holy through this prayer we consecrate it and we thank you this is the body in the blood of Jesus our Savior father as we receive the body of Jesus his flesh we just thank you O God we just thank you O God that you are faithful we consider you to be faithful that you have the power to get it done thank you Oh God hallelujah as we receive his body we thank you that it's going to be done in Jesus name Amen as you take it just declare God's faithfulness let's receive father thank you for the blood of Jesus thank you for its ability to forgive us of our sins brings cleansing as we call upon you and confess our sins we thank you for purity and holiness we thank you Father God that you wash all of our sins away that you cleanse us from all unrighteousness thank you Father God just washed your people clean with the blood of Jesus thank you Father we confess any sin wash your people clean oh God with the blood of Jesus thank you Father God that we stand an ongoing right relationship with you through the shed blood of Christ thank you O God Father we forgive anyone who has sinned against us we forgive them and we bless them father if there would be a Haggar type person or an issue penalty person and the life of that one who's watching who's aggravated and irritated lord we forgive we forgive and thank you Father God we also can see in a way how it's almost like they were they would be like an employee they're actually they're actually moving us towards where you want us to go when we see what you're trying to do so we thank you Father God that you actually in a way make them serve us so father we give you praise we thank you we thank you Father for the blood of Jesus we forgive anyone who sinned against us completely and totally thank you O God we thank you for giving us of all of our sins in Jesus name we agreed say Amen let's receive praise the Lord woo God's gonna make you laugh pastor Steven God makes people cry well gods are good gods God is going to make you laugh God is so good he actually told them the baby the child the son that you will have call him laughter that's what Isaac means it means laughter boo praise God I see laughter all over your future you may even want to write it over your door god makes me laugh praise the Lord he's going to make you laugh you're going to get your miracle hold on if Sarah could get your get hers you can certainly get yours and you're going to thanks for watching I'll see you back next time bye-bye