good morning church family and ministry friends i'm pastor stephen brooks welcome today to our online internet around the world church service and i'm so happy that you're here once again i'm convinced that god's word is able to build you up to do all that god has called you to do and to be the person that he has called you to be today we're going to begin our service by receiving the holy tithes and offerings let's take a look at one special verse this is second corinthians chapter eight let's go to verse nine the apostle paul said for you know the grace of our lord jesus christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that you through his poverty might become rich now i'd i know that there are some preachers usually not within the group of what we we would call spirit field or pentecostal type preachers but there are some preachers out in the body of christ who would say that this is not talking about prosperity or financial riches they would try to explain this scripture way like they do with many of the other scriptures by saying this is only referring to spiritual riches but to do that you really have to warp the entire context and bend it to say something that it's not saying in other words this is not talking about spiritual riches because the entire context of the whole chapter chapter 8 and also going in and through the entire chapter 9 are all talking about the giving of a special offering to the lord so paul is talking about money paul is talking about the giving of an offering he's not talking about some type of uh ethereal spiritual riches that some ministers mistakenly tried to you know say that this is what paul is talking about no you can read the chapter chapter 8 very slowly you realize he's talking about money given in offering and also verse 9. now excuse me chapter 9 is also about the giving of an offering well pastor stephen why why then would a preacher try to shift it or change it to mean something that it doesn't mean because they are filtering the scriptures through their belief system which has been formed through religious tradition of men and religious traditions of men have told us for centuries that the church is supposed to be poor that we're supposed to be powerless that we're supposed to trudge through life and somehow when we get through life when we finally die then we can go to heaven and have the streets of gold and you know the mansions and pearly gates and all of that but while we're here we've been taught through uh we have been taught wrongly through religious tradition that we're supposed to be poor well we have to understand that on the cross there was a beautiful timeless divine exchange that took place and on that cross there was an exchange where jesus took our unrighteousness and he gave us his righteousness jesus also took all of our diseases and sicknesses upon himself and instead of all that yucky stuff he took all the yucky stuff and he gave us promises of health and divine healing in the same way that he uh just did this beautiful exchange he also took all of our lack and this insufficiency and basically every curse that was that was in effect uh that took place when somebody broke the mosaic law in other words when you did not keep god's commandments it released the curse into your life and if you read deuteronomy chapter 28 verses 14 onward you see the devastating effects of the curse and a lot of that uh incorporates lack financial lack insufficiency never having enough money and also the agony in the worry of where's the money going to keep coming from so jesus did a divine exchange at calvary that dealt with this issue of lack and on the cross jesus bore our sin every curse of the mosaic law which includes poverty all of that was placed on him and we see therefore because of what jesus did at calvary that it is our divine right to prosper it is our redemptive right to prosper and to prosper the lord wants to take us into the place where we are rich what does it mean to be rich it means to have a full supply praise god thank you jesus now let's ask ourselves this question what are the covenant exercises that we must engage in to become financial heavyweights in the lord's kingdom in other words perhaps you see a a guy every now and then who has really developed himself in the area of his physique or muscles and you realize that you know a person who's done that doesn't just wake up one morning and all of a sudden there's muscles everywhere and things like that no that person has done exercises within that sphere of of you know fitness and so forth and he has figured out what works and really if you go to ask a person like that particularly if you want to go that direction what are you doing that's producing that they'll tell you that basically they are lifting the heavy weights they are doing the compound basic movements such as squats uh which are for the legs or bench press which is for the chest and for the back bent over rows or deadlift if you just do those basic things and you're consistent with it you're going to get what you're going to get strong well my friends it's the same way in the lord's kingdom concerning finances and let me say this it's not your receiving that makes you a financial champion but rather it's your giving that propels you into realms of financial strength i want to say that again let that just begin to percolate in your spirit it is not your receiving that makes you a financial champion but rather it is your giving that propels you into realms of financial strength praise god now in this area of kingdom finances how do you get strong well we work the principles just like somebody that wants to develop muscles they're gonna they're gonna work the muscles and they're gonna follow proven principles that work the heavy the heavy lifts like bench or squats or so forth over here in the lord's kingdom the principles that he lays out are obedience to tithes and offerings and we're going to exercise them regularly praise god you know what you can take you can take a young person like a young guy who's maybe uh 14 years old and real skinny and you can take that young person and put them on a strength training program and feed them a lot of steak a lot of protein and some potatoes for carbs in other words solid real food not not you know snacks and stuff like that but i'm talking about real food and i'm telling you muscles will begin to develop when they're hitting the weights and they're eating muscles develop and you you grow but my friends is the same way if you lift the compound the heavy weights in the kingdom if you consistent with the tithe and you realize the 10 percent belongs to the lord and you just always bring the 10 percent into the storehouse of god and also when you sow special seed when you give offerings the holy spirit leads you and you respond to a a special opportunity to sow that's the same thing as going to the gym and working out and eating good and getting stronger and when you make this application in the lord's kingdom what is going to happen you're going to become financially strong what do we call a person who has financial strength we say they're rich praise god hallelujah and that my friends is your redemptive right for you know the grace of our lord jesus christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor when where how it happened when about two thousand years ago where on the cross at calvary how he was crucified and that's what took place there he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor he became poor for you he became poor for me on the cross why that you and myself that we through his poverty might become rich whoo praise god well pastor stephen i'd like that i'd like to step into that good then operate the kingdom exercises now we figured out exercise i mean you you could watch a youtube video and you could learn exercises and you can learn how to get in shape if you want to get stronger there's enough teachers out there that can teach you how to do that that knowledge is now circulating all throughout the world but in this area of financial strength and applying biblical principles that's how you get strong that's how you get strong not by how you receive but rather how you give praise the lord it's not the giving excuse me it's not the receiving that makes a man or a woman it's the giving that makes a man or a woman strong in the kingdom woo praise god thank you lord jesus so let me share with you one more verse this is so good this is deuteronomy chapter speaking of deuteronomy this is deuteronomy chapter 28 and i want you to take a look with me at verse 10. and as you step into the fullness of your inheritance of the lord making you rich this this is what it's going to do for you deuteronomy 28 verse 10 and please note i'm reading from the bible i'm this is all from the bible this is not some kind of uh you know uh theoretical stuff that we're pulling out of uh some mysterious manuscript somewhere this is from straight from the bible look at verse 10 then all the nations of the world will see that you are a people claimed by the lord and they will stand in all of you the net translation says they will respect you why they see what god is doing in your life then all the nations of the world will see how are they going to see something that's just spiritual yes pastor stephen we have been blessed with spiritual riches that's not what the bible says right there that's not what this exchange was about praise god oh yes we got you could call righteousness spiritual riches that was imputed to us forgiveness of sins that's spiritual riches that's something that we also have the blessing of but that in context is not what paul is talking about right here um that youth poverty might become rich might become rich might become rich and that those in the world can see it they can't see spiritual stuff unbelievers can't see spiritual stuff they can't look at you and say don't you look spiritual i think i want to get saved i i think i think i'm going to stand in awe because you're so spiritual i can tell you just prayed for 12 hours didn't you no they they they they don't get any of that they don't understand that then all the nations of the world will see that you are a people claimed by the lord and they will stand in all of you when you're blessed when you're when you're testifying and you're blessed it says something it says something it grabs their attention makes them think about it that makes them think well the god they serve and the god they proclaim sure does treat them good i'm having a hard time out here i'd like to have the peace they have i would like to have the security what of what they have and i will certainly like to get my life right so i can go to heaven i i like the package that they're presenting i think i want jesus praise the lord that's the whole purpose of it that's the whole purpose of it to be a witness a full complete witness okay let's look at it one final time for you know the grace of our lord jesus christ see this is financial grace that through his rich excuse me that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor he became poor on the cross that you through his poverty might become rich before i i pray over your giving let me just uh share this very quickly i wasn't planning on sharing this but i had a situation years back oh going back um well i i suppose it would be about 20 years and i had a dream that was very very disturbing and when i woke up the dream just ended and it was hovering it was just hanging there was a very powerful dream and in this dream i saw a man suspended on a cross lowered down into a into what i would call a sea of raw sewage not like a swimming pool of raw sewage not like a lake of it like a like an endless ocean of raw sewage and i saw him i saw him in agony lowered down into that and submerged in it and then he was lifted up out of it and when he was lifted up out of it i saw the most i saw a man in inexpressible agony and i saw that the green from all the sewage had permeated him and had soaked into him and all the filth and all the sewage had gone into him and the dream was so revolting it was so because he had he had shreds of filth hanging off of him and uh oh it was a it was a a dream that uh it was very um unsettling and so i woke up the moment i woke up i said lord that dream i don't even want to know what that meant oh i said lord seeing that that that individual in that sewage and then that filth see i used to work for a company that made these gigantic sluice gates that they would use at sewer treatment plants and one of the senior salesmen told me that he was actually on the job site talking with the employees at the sewage facility about the gate and how to operate stuff like that when one of the men actually fell in you and they have they have a backup plan for that you know they get you out of it and uh they give you the you know your tetanus shots and all that stuff so because you're falling into a germ laden uh bacteria loaded yucky situation so they got him out of there and got him cleaned up got him the shots and stuff like that but this was a man that was in the vision saturated with this filth well it wasn't just shortly after that that i was about my day doing my uh normal activities and uh i had a happy moment that day at work when i was just kind of relaxed and i was all happy and the lord spoke to me and it just kind of broke in on my day very sweetly and very softly he said that was me i said lord what what was you he said that was me i said what was you he said that was me i said oh lord the the dream oh wow i said lord that was you he said i took the filth of poverty upon myself i took it all upon me every sin every curse of the law he says i bore every single bit of it it actually says in scriptures he became sin that's why there was a separation between the father and the son because of the sin wow praise god well my friends jesus born why so that we could become rich i just want to encourage you step into what jesus paid such a great price to make available to you honor the lord with the tithe 10 of our income let's bring that to the lord it belongs to him and whenever the holy spirit would move on your heart obey the lord he is doing that for your good he's setting you up for a blessing he's setting you up for a harvest praise god god loves you and he desires that you might be rich the word might indicates there's some variables in there that we have to play god will always do his part and the part that we have to play is just like the guy going to the gym hey if you go to the gym you're going to get stronger if you exercise these kingdom principles you're going to become strong financially they work it's no there's no secret about it they work praise god now heavenly father is your people are honoring you with the tithe and with an offering now father we just give you praise bless your people bring them into the fullness of their inheritance bring them in o god to their redemptive right of riches thank you father let your grace let your grace be known to them just like paul and the church in corinth understood it father let your people understand your grace of prosperity even the grace of giving the grace of even receiving father we give you all the praise thank you thank you that you're making your people rich in jesus name amen one final thing did you ever notice you don't you don't need god's help to make you poor you don't need the power of god to establish the covenant with you so that god can make you poor no you don't need any help with that the devil in the world system and all the sin in the world and just the downward uh pull of the negative things in the world could lead anybody into that with no struggle but you need power to go into wealth to go into prosperity and the lord has made provision for you to step into that praise god now as you're bringing your tithes and offerings in if you would like to mail them in please send them to stephen brooks international po box 717 moravian falls north carolina the zip code is 28654 if you prefer to bring your tithes and offerings in online you can do so from anywhere in the world day or night anytime just bring them into the ministry website there's a link on the homepage that has a red heart that says give and you can click on it and you'll see the area for the tithe and you'll see some other projects that if the holy spirit should lead you that you can give into any of those and my friends it's greatly appreciated praise god heavenly father bless your people bless your people i thank you that it's your desire to make them rich and i thank you father if there's any that have been shackled with religious type teaching that even that word would make them nervous i pray father that there be such a cleansing by your word and your spirit that they have your faith to step into what jesus paid such a great price for them to experience father we praise you in jesus name amen and amen praise god can you imagine if you didn't know this and you got to heaven as a christian and you found out when you got to heaven that the whole time you were on earth god wanted you to be rich you'd be like wait a minute all that struggling and all that suffering and not having enough and the whole time god you wanted me to be rich and god says yep i said so right there in my word well he did didn't he praise the lord god is good i know where you're heading i know where god's taking you into a place where you are rich praise god amen all right today let's take our bibles and go over to mark chapter 5. gospel of mark is my favorite of the four gospels they're all of course fantastic they all have a different angle on the ministry uh the earthly ministry of the lord jesus christ but i've always liked the gospel of mark and we're going to be there today in mark chapter 5. let's drop down to verse 25 we're going to talk today about the four steps that you can take to step into a miracle this is not 77 things that you must do to have a miracle just four each one is very simple nothing complex nothing beyond your ability to do you don't have to uh get on your stomach and crawl on your stomach and on your knuckles and uh uh crawl all the way to jerusalem and then god sees that and he merits you with a miracle because you know you're bleeding and you tore your body up no god's not asking you to do that uh we're not justified by works we're justified by grace by what jesus did for us at calvary so i want to share today four very simple steps to a miracle and if you will take them you will find that you can receive whatever it is that you desire to receive from the lord praise god let's open up in prayer father as we jump into your word today we ask that your word would be made alive and quickened to us by your holy spirit so that it jumps into us and becomes spiritual food father we thank you we thank you for revelation and also for application of what we receive today we thank you in jesus name and together we all agree and say amen praise the lord mark chapter 5 verse 25. now a certain woman had a flow of blood for 12 years and had suffered many things from many physicians she had spent all that she had and was no better but rather grew worse well you could read a lot in between the lines here uh we're talking at a at a time when uh the knowledge in the medical field was certainly not what it is today and not only is she being examined by doctors but you know there's the embarrassment you know of of you know a man looking at all your private parts and stuff like that and you know it's just it's not good all kinds of problems going on here very humiliating situation and she she is going to receive an amazing miracle from god you also can receive the miracle that you desire of god and in this story we're going to see four steps that she took and if you take the same four steps you as well can receive your miracle now let me say that anything that the bible promises you now you can receive by taking these four steps that we're going to cover today and you can also put these four steps into operation today isn't that fascinating you can start today praise the lord you don't need three months of training you can start today now keep in mind that some of these things that that you can believe god for or ask god for it can take some time for it to come to pass take for example healing you can believe god for your healing but also as you're believing god for that healing sometimes there are certain healings that are not instantaneous but if you keep walking out these four steps you still will get your healing same thing in the area of finances you may need a financial blessing a financial miracle from god but it can it can require a little time to walk it out which is fine because you're still the end result you're still going to get the miracle that you need but you know even if i went out today and took some corn kernels and uh dug a hole in this in the ground and the soil was real good and i i put three or four of them in there well eventually a stalk is going to grow and i'm going to have some corn but that's going to be just a few months down the road so it's not overnight so we're going to work these four steps and they are actually for principles but the end result is that hey yeah if you if you need a miracle whatever you might need god can do it for you some things we just have to keep working and they turn from steps in the principles such as the corn but eventually you know you're going to be eating that corn you're going to be receiving the miracle that you desire from the lord so we're going to also be patient and work these principles and you are eventually going to have what you desire praise the lord all right here we go once again here she is with a flow of blood for 12 years she suffered many things from many physicians she had spent all that she had and was no better but rather grew worse would you say that she's in a really serious situation right now she can't even buy medication can't buy any more painkillers or anything like that can't get her meds as we would say in modern day terms perhaps verse 27 when she heard about jesus stop just for a moment think about that statement when she heard about jesus how does faith come faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god well what did she hear about jesus well i'm sure she heard that hey this guy is a miracle worker there are people that are getting healed in his meetings and from everything under the sun we're seeing people raised from the dead we're seeing lepers cleanse we're seeing blind people get their sight back it's just it's just a miracle free for all when this guy is passing through and she heard that and faith exploded in her heart and came alive how by what she heard so we're always going to have to be people of faith we're always going to have to live our lives by faith in god's word not just a random floating around mindless faith yes pastor stephen i believe do you believe what well i don't know i guess i just believe something no we believe the word that's how faith comes praise god when she heard about jesus she came behind him in the crowd and touched his garment for she said if i if only i may touch his clothes i shall be made well now the first thing that you're going to have to do is only four steps the first thing step number one is say it you're going to have to say it well hold on pastor steven that's not my style i'm kind of a reserved person i like to keep things to myself well if you want to get your miracle you're going to have to follow these four very simple steps and you might have to push yourself out of your comfort zone a little bit and open up your mouth and begin to speak the thing that you want so the first thing that she did is that she said it and according to what you say my friends that's what you're going to get i need to say it again according to what you say that is what you are going to get so there are two parts to every miracle there's the part that god plays and there's the part that you play how many of you know that god is always going to come through and do his part well i don't know pastor steven i think god really let me down no it's impossible for god to lie it's impossible for god to fail he will always do his part so what we have to do is make sure that we do our part and the first part that we need to do is we need to say it whoa praise god just go ahead and and say out with me that first step say say it thank you jesus i'm sure that you understand that your words can be either positive or negative your words can be full of faith or your words can be full of mumbling and grumbling uh groaning moaning complaining doubt and unbelief and all that what we would classify as negative type stuff and this woman could have been negative she could have said look at this point i've heard okay so i heard about jesus going around doing all these miracles but she could have pushed that word of faith away and she could have said but my situation is different because i've i've just had this for so long and i i can't take it anymore and you know i've got i just got all these problems now i don't have any money it's not fair it's not right i might as well just die and if that would have been what she would have said that my friends is what her ending would have been so you're going to have to say what it is that you want and stop saying all kinds of words of negativity and unbelief now last week we looked at the 12 spies that went into the canaan land 10 of them did not believe that god could help them take that land but the other two said oh yes we can not only can we do it we can just go ahead and do it right now we don't need to have another committee or another meeting god's already spoke let's go but the ten they were negative and they got all of the other israelites except for a very small group they got all of the others into doubt and unbelief and you know what they said that we can't and they were right they couldn't they doomed themselves by their awful words that they spoke think about david just for a moment he he could have been negative in that situation with goliath he could have said oh my goodness what did i get myself into i'm down here with this guy and this guy i didn't really know he was that tall now that i'm up close to him and he could have gone over to one of his brothers and said now listen look i don't know how i got into this mess but look why don't you take my place and if if you do that i'll buy you a cheeseburger every day for the rest of the year and i think i'll just go back and and take care of the sheep no no no no no none of that none of that you have to say it and david said it because he really believed it and he told goliath hey i'm taking your head off today and today is your last day alive on this planet you're dying today and the giant got so angry and got just so mad but david you know david had his moment where he said it and i want to let you know that you can't skip this it's going to have to come out of your mouth and faith you can't clap it down it demands a voice faith demands a voice whoa praise god hallelujah so you must say it before you ever see it you must say it first praise the lord and in this area of speaking what it is that you want god to do and then then with great faith saying that it's going to happen that god's doing it my friends on the other side don't go around uh saying the negative things that you're seeing through circumstances or you know these things that will try to bring pressure upon your life let me let me talk just for a moment about coven don't say something like well everybody's getting it i guess i'll just gonna eventually get it too you know well i've had the vaccine and i guess i'm going to get it or or i didn't get the vaccine so i'm probably going to get it no don't don't talk sickness don't talk any type of sickness or disease if you do you're inviting it to come to you i've heard people literally christians out of their own mouth say well we're coming into the cold season i'm probably going to get a cold or flu at any time and they do and uh and they just they can't figure out that the very thing they said is the very thing that that happened to them if you're having challenges in your finances and you're believing god to do a miracle in your finances don't don't talk about lack if you start talking lack and oh we don't have enough money and and you're and what will happen is you will magnify that problem and it'll get it'll look so big to you and then the mighty god will god will look so small and the lack will look so big and i'll tell you another thing the money will stop coming in it'll just dwindle and dwindle and then and then the problem will get worse so don't talk negative don't talk the problem talk faith and say what exactly you're wanting god to do and stay with it and stand on it praise the lord thank you jesus all right so number one is you have to say it i told you it's very very simple i'm not presenting anything complicated or like what we would call advanced mathematics or something like that no very very simple stuff jesus when he spoke he's speaking to fisherman he's speaking to people that were you know farmers and had agricultural knowledge of you know very simple methods of operating so nothing deep it's all very simple an adult or child could hear and walk it out number two the number two step that you're going to have to make is that uh you're going to have to do it we can just boil it down the two words do it first step say it second step do it your action defeats you or puts you over again your action defeats you or puts you over of course there is a time to pray and there you know it's time to get on our knees and pray and stuff like that but there's other times it's totally out of order to pray you're supposed to be doing something else you're supposed to be in action oh no pastor stephen now we need to just be praying all the time we need to call prayer readings all the time all the time i am all for prayer meetings i i love to pray i'm a big proponent on prayer i mean it's it's one of the core tenets of the faith but there is a certain or there are certain times when prayer is not the key that you should be using at that moment well what should the key be sometimes is action god wants action god wants you to do something we see this very clearly in the book of joshua joshua chapter 7. let's go to verse 7. and this is the defeat at ai and joshua said alas lord god why have you brought this people over the jordan at all to deliver us into the hand of the amorites to destroy us oh that we had been content and dwelt on the other side of the jordan look at joshua the great leader having a pity party he's having an absolute total complete faith meltdown well pastor stephen pastor stephen what should he do well what do you think he should do oh pastor stephen in times like that well it's important that we pray pastor stephen i would recommend that joshua and all of the army and all of the israelites get on their knees and pray because that's what we need to do well he's on his knees and he's praying look at verse 10 so the lord said to joshua get up get up isn't that fascinating sometimes we need um we need that jolt praise the lord and there is a there is a place uh in your walk with the lord where god he won't treat you like a little spiritual infant anymore he expects you to grow up he expects you to move uh past the diaper stage start moving into the image of christ and do what you're supposed to do and do the right thing at the right time and this is not the time to be on your knees so the lord said to joshua get up why do you lieth us on your face israel has sinned and they have also transgressed my covenant which i commanded them for they have taken some of the accursed things and have both stolen and deceived and they have also put it among their own stuff therefore the children of israel could not stand before their enemies but turn their backs before their enemies because they have become doomed to destruction again look at verse 3 get up sanctify the people there is a time to pray but there's a time to do it and my friends it's time to do certain things praise god thank you lord jesus it's time to do it you're going to have to have uh obstacles we can't we can't pray away all of the obstacles we can't we can't say god this is too hard i would do it if it weren't so hard and i didn't have so many things in the way you're going to have the obstacles this uh dear lady in mark chapter 5 as we turn back over there she's now completely out of money there's no cure for her condition the doctors have no you know magic pill that they can give her or anything like that she is in a category with this non-stop flow of blood where she's treated as the same category as those of the who are who are lepers and also now there's a big crowd all around jesus and she's in a very weakened condition as many of you would know if you're losing blood like that continually you're not going to have a lot of strength so everything would seem to be going against her but she's not asking god to remove the obstacles what she decided to do was walk over the obstacles and she's going for it she's going to go for it and you know what god will honor that god will honor that and she starts going what i would say against the grain you know they they tell you when you're cutting wood cut it a certain way cut with the grain not against it if you have a chainsaw and you you've cut a tree down where you want you want to cut it that way you don't you don't cut it like that you want to cut the proper way my friends this is uh this is something that you're going to have to push at times and it's not time to pray it's now time to do it to do what to do what you said to do what you said because now's the time to rise up and do it so you walk over all of the asp the obstacles that's what she did she knew hey i'm not supposed to be in this crowd but she's like i don't care i'm getting this crowd anyhow i'm not putting up with this anymore i'm pressing in thank you jesus remember the story of when jesus died on the cross they put him in the tomb and the big stone was rolled over the entrance of the tomb and the stone is sealed and secured well the ladies on the third day were going to go anoint the lord's body so they've got all of their spices and perfumes and all of their all of their things to anoint the body of the lord and they're walking towards the tomb and the big underlying question eventually surfaces somebody is going to you know you have to bring it up because it's it's still there and one of the ladies said well what about the stone who's going to roll the away the stone in other words what i'm trying to say is that if there would have been certain women in that group walking with those ladies uh that were not in that group if you could just take one and put them in there could have been somebody that would have said you know what i don't know how we're going to move that stone technically it's going to weigh probably a couple thousand pounds and uh uh we can't push it out of the way and not only that we don't we don't even have permission to move it out of the way and uh you know what we just might as well go home why are we walking to the tomb when there's a gigantic stone sealed and we're not gonna be able to move it what are we even walking there for no no when you're on assignment and you're believing god for your miracle you do it and they kept on they kept on going you don't have to do the same thing and you know what happened they got to the tomb and what the stone was rolled away i'm telling you that the obstacles they're not deal breakers the obstacles are not the final say my friends you have to do it you have to actually go out there and walk it out you say it because you believe it so you say it and now you do it and i think for many that is the great challenge for many is to actually do it but i see that for many of you that hour is at hand for you to do it for you to do it and i'm here to say today that the holy spirit is with you god is with you god is with you praise god so my friends you must act on what you say she said if only i may touch his clothes that's what she said that's what she said that's what she said and now there's this massive crowd and all this but that's what she said she's going to do it now this is the time this is the time for her it's now or never why because that's where he's at he's not going to be there forever he might not even be there for the remainder of the day while he's here you better do it and she did it and we're still talking about it today i see you doing it i see you doing it praise the lord it is an essential step all right number three your number three step out of four your number three step to receive your miracle whatever it is you want from god is to receive it sounds simple doesn't it look at verse 29 immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction she's right it's over with boom just like that she's got the miracle she has received it and i want you to know that you can get a call anytime to come pick it up god can do the miracle for you that call could come in that email could come in it's not like god is limited let me just tell you that when i see the ups truck or the fedex truck coming up my driveway when they're coming up the driveway to bring a package to my house i don't run out there and say hold on a minute i can't receive the package because it's morning time and i only receive in the evening once i've had my coffee and once i've kind of gotten going for the day no no no they're there they got my stuff i take it right now sign for it whatever i need to do yes hand it over to me i receive it glory to god be ready to receive it don't ever tell your miracle to come back later and you'll pick it up later don't ever ever ever do that when you're favored to win the men's 100 meter dash and you're favored heavily to win the gold medal don't think well hey you know this you know i can do this any time no that's that's your one time the olympics only comes around once every four years that's your moment well you know if i don't make it you know there's always other races nobody watches the other races this is it this is your moment now go out there receive praise god receive praise the lord receive glory to god let me share something fascinating get ready for this now what i'm going to share with you is very important it's going to open you up to the miraculous praise god look at luke chapter 5 17. there's a lot of theologians they dance around this verse they don't they don't want to discuss this verse but i want to intentionally talk about it on purpose today look at verse 17 now it happened on a certain day as he was teaching that there were pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by who would come out of every town of galilee judea and jerusalem oh oh so we've got rabbis all over the place we have the religious leaders we have the experts of the mosaic law and they're all here big grouping of them have come together to check out jesus check him out now watch this because remember god god loves his leaders god loves those that would teach his people righteousness now watch this and the power of the lord was present to heal them long story short only one person got healed but the power was present to heal every single one of those people that were that were there that day particularly it was a day designated for the religious leaders to be healed and you know anytime you get a bunch of people together there's going to be those that need healing but not one person got healed except except another person the man who was paralyzed but understand that the power of the lord was present to heal them some translations say present to heal them all it's very clearly uh revealed there so here's the thing if you wanted to get your miracle then at that time you had to go where the power was at where was the power at is wherever jesus is at because the spirit of god is on him and if you really need a miracle need your blinded eyes open or whatever the case might be you have to go to where he's at and he's on the move he's on the move so you've got to find out where he's at you've got to get into the meeting of jesus and receive ministry from jesus because the power is there the power is on him praise god now look at this in john chapter 16. john 16 verse 7. nevertheless i tell you the truth it is to your advantage that i go away for i do not for if i do not go away the helper will not come to you but if i depart i will send him to you all right so we know that jesus departed and he ascended into heaven and he's now seated at the right hand of heavenly father and the holy spirit was sent into the earth on the day of pentecost praise the lord now when jesus was on the earth jesus was the sole representation of the godhead with within the earth the holy spirit would come upon jesus but only upon jesus and that would be through the form of the anointing but my friends today the father is in heaven jesus is in heaven and the holy spirit is here on the earth and this is very very important for you and your understanding for a miracle to realize this power is always present now everywhere anywhere anytime day or night god can do a miracle for you you don't have to wait till the sun goes down you don't have to wait for the sun to come up god can do a miracle just as easy as one o'clock in the morning as he can at three o'clock in the afternoon just as easy as he can in north carolina as he can in beijing china or in australia or in dallas texas it doesn't matter because the holy spirit is now here god is now here you can get your miracle anywhere anyplace any time and so you have to now receive it because it can come and when it comes you don't need to say well now lord i i didn't know you're coming at two o'clock in the morning i need to brush my teeth first oh no brush your teeth later take the miracle now i had a couple of sporting injuries i had a torn biceps and i had a torn pectoralis major muscle chest muscle and detached quite painful quite stupid how i did it and i repented and i said lord i'm sorry and uh but and god forgave me of course and the pain went away but the tares were were still there uh a couple of months went by and my wife and i were house watching there was a person uh one of our church members who had gone to europe and he asked us if we'd come over at times and watch his house so we were over at his house and uh his house was in a very very beautiful like subdivision type area and uh i was act actually at the home his home one day alone by myself my wife and uh abigail were out doing something else and i was sitting there in the afternoon it was about maybe like three o'clock in the afternoon i was sitting on a couch all by myself i wasn't praying wasn't really reading my bible just all relaxed and suddenly you ready for this suddenly god came into the room and the power of god filled the room and that power began to come all over me and in those two areas where the tear was at right where the insertion area is at heat uh it wasn't it wasn't painful it didn't hurt but it was intense warm hot hot hot beautiful heat coming into my body and i said oh lord you're healing me you're healing me and i said lord i receive i receive and that that last it that let that whole experience maybe lasted two minutes and then the glory began to pull back and then everything returned to normal and i said god i'm healed i said i'm healed you know the first thing i did i grabbed uh i grabbed my keys ran out of my friend's house they had a a clubhouse fitness center ran to the fitness center and started working out i started doing curls and with bicep curls and put more weight on and put more weight on and then i just begin i begin to weep hot tears of joy because i realize god you did it there's no pain the tear is completely mended uh i began to do things the exercise my chest no pain the the it had all been reinserted i'd like re-knit it all over again i said god you did it see oh oh pastor stephen that did i i need to get to california where that happened that you were at a i know that that house was in irvine california and if i go to that very house uh maybe at three o'clock god will come back into that house and come back into that room and do it for me no no no you don't need to do it like that he'll he'll meet you right where you're at all you have to do though is receive it but you need to understand that he can bring it to you anything you want anytime any place anywhere and that makes it wide open for a miracle well pastor stephen are you telling me that god could do it for me here in south south africa yeah he can do it whether you live in south africa or south carolina it don't you think it matters to god you think god says that's too far i can't do that that's too far for the god that created the universe that we don't even know where it ends at and scientists say it's actually still expanding but that's too far god can't get over there he doesn't have enough time he's not fast enough god can do it anywhere anytime anyplace the holy spirit is in the earth now and he's not in a limited locale like he was with christ one place one town at a time one village at a time if you catch him good if not well he's already moved on somewhere else and well you missed your miracle no no or you're gonna have to catch up no no no it's here anywhere you can be in prison and the lord can bless you in prison because the holy spirit can come right there now there are certain things you couldn't receive in prison but there's other certain things that you could so you know you would ask wisely but outside of that you know in the normal flow of life yeah god can do it for you god could do it for you god is a miracle working god thank you jesus hallelujah power the power of god is now always present everywhere in the world be ready to receive it say it do it receive it right then right then right then well lord my favorite show's about to come on who cares throw the tv away i take it now glory to god well i i didn't know that you were to bless me uh in such a large way at this time oh go go right ahead i can go eat later go right ahead i received [Laughter] praise the lord last one ready last one let's jump quickly back over to mark five verse verse 32 and he looked around to see her who had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what had happened to her came and fell down before him and told him the whole truth and told him the whole truth and told him told him told him step number four tell it say it do it receive it and when you've got it tell every single person that you can what god has done for you look at this just very previously in verse 19 concerning the miracle of the demon-possessed man who was delivered verse 19 well let me look at verse 18 and when he got into the boat he who had been demon-possessed begged him that he might be with him however jesus did not permit him but said to him go home to your friends and tell them please underline that tell them tell them what great things the lord has done for you and how he has had compassion on you tell tell tell tell tell them she came before jesus and told the whole truth of what happened jesus heard it and everybody else out in the crowd heard it also why do we need to tell it oh it's very simple so that others might believe testimonies are so powerful in fueling the faith of others why because we all know that god's good and he's no respecter of persons and it doesn't take a genius to figure out if god did it for that person god can do it for me and you're right he can and the more testimonies you hear concerning that that that theme of that particular type of miracle that continues to build faith and your faith gets stronger and stronger and plus you're having more and more exposure to others and you're thinking i'm next in line and you know what you are you're next in line for your miracle praise god and when you receive it make sure that you follow step number four tell it this is why we have social media yes pastor stephen we have we have social media so that we can share our cooking recipes with each other oh yeah that's nice but with your social media while you're sharing your meatloaf recipe with the world show and tell them the miracle that god has done for you use every platform you can praise god and as they say one picture is worth a thousand words take a picture of your miracle and say i want to give all the glory to jesus i want to give god all the credit because he deserves it all look what god has done for me look what he has done and send it out there and tell people and talk about the goodness of god and what god has done i appreciate it when online church members uh drop by maybe for a visit or that they you know they swing by and they say pastor stephen i'm dropping by because i want to show you the new car that god has blessed me with we get that one a lot pastor steven look at my new suv look at my new vehicle and you know what i rejoice i rejoice and i'm happy praise god what are they doing they're doing step number four they're telling it they're telling what god has done for them that special blessing and if you get a raise like one of our our online church members just uh notified us just uh i think it was uh three days ago just got a 20 raise for the year bumped up for a 20 raise guaranteed 20 plus potential for even more through various types of bonuses praise god i think in certain things that you're believing god for a miracle you should just have a special celebration praise the lord if you're husband and wife and you couldn't conceive something was wrong but you believed god for a miracle you said it you did it now you've received it well you need to tell it i have a special celebration service praise god just do special things if you got a new house maybe you're living in an apartment and you thank the lord for your apartment but you believe for your own home and you get it what should you do you should give the glory to the lord and tell everybody and that could include hosting a barbecue on the backyard patio of your new house praise god amen and if i'm too far away to come send this preacher a picture of what god has done for you i'll tell you what i'll rejoice with you amen god is good god is good now if you walk out these four steps you can receive from god anything that you want these steps as i mentioned previously can also with certain things be more in a flow of four principles because some things don't happen overnight salvation you can receive it on the spot baptism in the holy spirit you can receive it on the spot certain things you can receive because they have been made available to you through christ and you just you just take them the other areas where there are certain things it can take a little time to walk it out but as long as you keep working each step and you'll know right where you're at keep working each step my friends you you can still have it you will have it the lord will do it for you i have a very strong witness in my spirit that i'm going to be receiving notification of some very very unusual miracles because you're going to be sharing with me you're going to be telling me what god has done for you praise the lord praise god somebody's breaking through to a new level praise the lord god will always do his part do your part keep working these four principles and the power will come the power will come the power will come the power will come and of course you use your faith you use your faith to connect with the power of god we just had a new light switch put in one of our bathrooms flip it off electricity goes off light goes off flip it on light goes on electricity is flowing to it your faith flips the switch on and positions you for the power encounter some of you are going to have strange encounters with the power of god might just even scare you in a holy way when i say scare i'm not talking about maybe like scared like you saw a big snake i'm talking about reverential all mmm that you're talking about an encounter with real power real power i remember one time we were in israel it was the first israel tour that my ministry had hosted and we had gathered at the sea of galilee uh at the leonardo hotel and i was going to stream over the internet a little service that i was wanting to do right there so i had our little tour group together and i was going to minister and we were having trouble with the internet because you know it was real slow internet speed at that time so i just shared the message and recorded it but as i started talking as i started talking the holy spirit for a reason that i may never know until i get to heaven the holy spirit decided to come in to the room right at that moment and as we all sat there god walked into that meeting and the power of god came into that little area where we were all at by the way when i go to israel when i take a tour to israel my wife and i don't always just go to israel to see the land because most the sites i've seen many times over but we also we but i still love seeing them but we also go to encounter the lord and i don't know where it's going to happen or how but there there comes those special moments and the lord walked into that beautiful hotel area where we were sitting and i'll never forget i'll never forget it one of the ladies said my god god just walked in here she told me that after after the service was over she said my god god came into that place with us she said i've never experienced that in my life before i said yes that's that is that's a that's a power encounter what's he there for pastor stephen just to tickle your feather just to tickle your toe he's there he's there to bless and so you have to be ready to receive encounters strange encounters with the power the raw power of god not not just a little feel-good moment i'm talking power encounters you're going to get your miracle lift your hands heavenly father i pray for your people that are watching right now that they'll be consistent and faithful and walking out these four biblical steps for biblical principles and i thank you oh god that you're going to do the miracle that their heart desires we give you the praise father we thank you for the help of your holy spirit we thank you that power is available and that you're going to release it in jesus name amen praise the lord if you're watching today and you don't know jesus christ as your lord and savior the greatest encounter that you can ever have with god is the encounter of the born again experience if you're ready to get your heart right with god pray this prayer after me don't delay this is your moment this is your moment pray this prayer say lord jesus i'm a sinner but i turn from my sin i repent of it jesus you died on the cross to rescue me from my sins jesus come into my heart wash my sin away give me your new life write my name in your book of life wash me with your precious blood jesus thank you for saving me in your name i pray amen and amen hallelujah and god has saved and rescued your soul live for him with all of your heart praise the lord hallelujah let's take holy communion together grab some unleavened bread and some grape juice i have the two in one little transportable mini cup here but however you'd like to do it grab your version and let's bless it let's take communion together father we bless the bread the juice through this prayer we set it apart as holy we thank you father this is now the flesh and blood of jesus our savior now father as we receive the flesh of christ we thank you that jesus that jesus is at the right hand of the father and your spirit is here we thank you for the release of power we receive the word of the release of power in jesus name amen let's receive glory can you imagine the energy that surged into that woman's body after all the perpetual weakness that she had in lethargy from all the blood loss she got her life back goodbye to that wretched disease hallelujah god's going to set you free god's going to make you shout hallelujah tell it tell it tell it [Laughter] father thank you for the precious blood as we receive the blood of christ we ask that if we have committed any sin we ask that you would forgive us wash all of our sins away cleanse us from all unrighteousness father we forgive anybody and anyone that is sinned against us we forgive them we release them we bless them we let it go we give you praise we thank you that we are standing in right place with you with hearts right with you thank you father for the blood of jesus in his name we pray amen let's drink together i hear the spirit of the lord saying surely he will rescue you surely he will deliver you swiftly surely he will come through for you and you'll see his hand the hand of god outstretched in your life get ready god's gonna break every chain god's gonna destroy every burden god's going to shatter and pulverize every yoke into nothing but dust and when it's laying on the floor he'll blow the dust away there won't be one trace of smoke on your garments there won't be one trace of what the enemy puts you through god will enclothe you with his precious sweet victory glory to god and father we give you all of the praise thank you father for your word we bless you we thank you glory let us lift our hands and worship the lord lord we give you glory and honor and praise heaven is celebrating because of the miracles that are going to happen heaven is celebrating because of the souls that are being saved and born again father we give you all of the praise we thank you in jesus name amen and amen my friends thanks for watching i'll see you back next time bye bye