good morning my friends i'm pastor stephen brooks welcome today to our midweek bible study called morning glory i'm so happy that you're here why don't you grab your bible and meet me today in in isaiah chapter 45. we're going to start in verse 15. i want to talk about a subject that's not discussed that often but is certainly still a reality perhaps maybe even a timeless reality in the sense of our journey here upon the earth and throughout the centuries previously before our time but let's talk about it today i'm going to talk about seeking god going after god when he uh when you can't really find him and while we know that god is on omniscient and also omnipresent knowing all things and being in all places all at once all at the same time perhaps there is an element of god such as his power that you've heard about that you know it's a reality but you haven't found that aspect of god that's what we want to talk about let's open up with prayer heavenly father as we jump into today's message as we study your word we ask that your holy spirit would illuminate your word so that we can understand it and apply it to our lives and in this case find you in the area in which we need you and also in which we desire to see you move in our lives now father thank you a little bit of hide and seek going on today father we thank you that we will find you and we're going to seek you with all of our hearts and we're going to find you in these specific areas in jesus name let's agree and say amen because i know there's some seekers out there and that's that's the thing when you're when you're really seeking you just cannot be satisfied with answers that don't um that maybe soothe you but don't it doesn't solve what it is that you're needing to have fixed now isaiah 45 verse 15 truly you are god now we know that we know that god is god truly he is yes he is truly you are god who hides yourself oh god of israel the savior well we certainly know that god is god but there is also this this thing about god where he can withdraw he can hide himself and you're left wondering lord is this all there is to it because lord is good salvation is good eternal life is good but am i supposed to continue my spiritual journey on the earth in a state that leaves me wondering there's got to be more and so you're looking for that more you're looking for those answers and these questions arise when you get really spiritually hungry that hunger is fueled by reading the bible and seeing what christ purchased for us at calvary and then what the apostles walked in then what the new testament writers spoke of as well as the foundation laid by the old testament of the mighty miracles and signs and wonders that they experienced in the old covenant and so that that word creates hunger god's word creates hunger and then god's word can always be proven and validated in any generation any time so now you have the word and now you have church history and as you look across the span of church history you're like wow lord you have certainly poured out your power at times and so the hunger is there but you will look for god in this sense of his power and you can explore the the lights and the neon signs although hardly anybody uses neon today but you can look at all of the glittering lights of celebrity christianity of hollywood christianity that would say here we have the answers that you seek but yet for those that are seekers you will understand what i'm about to say yet you realize that after you've grown in the lord a while and you're no longer in spiritual infancy and no longer in spiritual adolescence but you're you're running with the lord you soon realize that much of the biblical truths that are taught whether it's through christian television or christian radio or a lot of the good stuff that's on the internet you begin to realize that the stuff that's feeding the masses cannot feed you any more and i have heard quite a few of those that are deeper in the things of god say you know what i watch christian television from time to time but i really can't find much that feeds me or will take me from the level that i'm at currently onto the next stage that god has for me and so you begin to realize it doesn't take long because i you know when i came in the pentecost when i came into the baptism in the holy spirit a lot of that was being fed through christian television at that time and the landscape of christian television has changed dramatically over the last 30 years when i first kind of got turned on to it but today you'll realize that if you use what's meant for mass media to bring people into the initial stages of their walk with god salvation and then the very basics you'll realize after a while that won't feed you anymore and a lot of the messages that are taught for the multitudes um while we are still in the body that's just not really uh scratching your itch so to speak it's not giving you the answers that you need as you have moved on with god praise the lord and remember salvation is just the beginning you're not supposed to camp [Laughter] in that state uh of being a young believer for the rest of your life you're supposed to grow and get discipled in the lord and and his kingdom and then be able to go out and you know minister to others and explain the bible to others and so forth and then even the baptism in the holy spirit is an initial experience into the river of god but it's it's like the ankle deep experiences the initial in feeling is just the beginning into the deeper walk with the lord so some people think and a lot a lot um of charismatics thought that with the baptism in the holy spirit and speaking in other tongues that this is the apex no not by any means that's just the initiation into the walk the empowered walk of the spirit walking with god and having now available to you not only the gifts of the spirit and but but i would say primarily the the ability now that to have that closer walk with god that you can only have through that help of the holy spirit praise god glory to god well in this search for god truly you are god who hides yourself oh god of israel the savior in this search for the lord the savior in a deeper way you end up asking yourself where can i find the god of acts chapter 2 where can i find the god of pentecost where can i find the god of elijah or even elisha when he received the mantle and the double of the mantle said where is the lord god of elijah where can i find in other words the god that does raw power miracles where can i find this god today in our secular society that has drifted far away from god so much of the spirits that are at work within our culture they endeavor to permeate the church and if they're allowed that spirit will get its way into the church and it will begin to take the bite away from the message of the cross and then it will begin to take completely away the message of the cross because the message of the cross is very offensive in the sense that it it brings the realization that we have sinned against god and because we have committed sin sin requires punishment and so you're you're left facing with the reality of a heaven or a hell and if you don't do something about it you're already in that lost sinful state so that message the enemy will try to dilute it and then get it so diluted that it's not even talked about anymore and get it replaced with other types of topics to the point where even now in the western church in the american church it is extremely rare i mean you're this is like looking for a unicorn it is extremely rare to hear ministers on television talk about speaking in other tongues i'm talking about those that are supposed to be spirit-filled but you can't tell any difference today between their church their message their ministry and any other type of ministry out there that doesn't believe in modern day miracles praise the lord it's very rare again we're looking for the pink or blue unicorn we're looking for evidence of ministers that actually preach on the biblical subject certified by christ of casting out demons oh now pastor stephen now you realize we can't we can't talk about that we we can't even mention subjects like that because those subjects aren't well we just don't discuss that anymore that's not what the people want to hear and so when you're looking for the god of power when you're looking for jesus to drive a demon out of someone in his name and you're looking for that power you're wanting to walk in that power and you're looking how like how do i tie into this where is this god of power that i read about in the bible and all you have to help you is some preacher as they say wearing skinny jeans with the fog machine and all of this artificial help and you know what the all the glitter of what the modern church can produce except for the power and the praise and worship can be beautiful and the lighting can be set in a way that creates a very relaxing mood and the message can be very smooth and very nice and when it's all said and done you're like that's nice but why is god hiding himself and not showing up here in power now somebody would object and say god is here well yes absolutely he's there his presence is there you you perhaps can get saved there if the gospel of salvation is preached and opportunity for salvation is given yes but there are some other things that are going to that are going to elude you because they are god hides himself in that sense from those that don't want these other things that he would be happy to give if they were not embarrassed or ashamed of them so in that sense god pulls back and that area is hidden and you have multitudes sitting in churches that have never once in their life seen a demon cast out of somebody they have never even seen a minister lay hands on somebody and pray for their healing they've never they've never seen it once in their entire life praise god and with all of the christian media that we have yet many of these things that are done are done in a corner or they're not covered or they're not mentioned on the main platforms praise god it seems like there are many large churches and large ministries listen to me it seems like all they want to do is have fun is it just me that's noticed this they just want to have fun why because now they're no longer like the outcast they're no longer really uh ridiculed now they've arrived and they say word out we're cool we're relevant and we're here and uh we can do everything the world can do and we can have uh we can have a music and lights and all of this and we can we can have organization and structure in our meetings and we can have uh even even the parkings all figured out you won't even have a parking delay we'll get you in and out real quick and we won't keep you very long and my friends uh there is like this thing now where many are happy with that and they're content with that and there is no pentecostal power manifested in these meetings in these types of churches and yet now watch this watch how silly this is and yet these same churches will invite a guest speaker in and the guest speaker will give a good message maybe a good talk and then after the the message is spoken maybe a 50-minute message or something like that that person leaves with a gigantic honorarium or gigantic offering and not one person was prayed for well pastor stephen but they ministered the word well yeah but that's that's an incomplete package where's the power where where is the proof that the word will do what it says it will do so a message is taught a nice message is taught everybody claps the person gets a gigantic offering and leaves not one person was prayed over not one miracle in the name of christ was worked and the church not you but many in the church sit there and think yeah this is it we've arrived uh yeah you've arrived at the bottom of the mountain and if you don't do some serious thinking and some deep praying you're probably going to stay there until you go home to be with the lord in heaven and then when you get to heaven you'll realize you're going to have a lot more while you were down here and that earthly life determines certain types of positions in the eternal heavenly realm but you can't change that once you uh go on to heaven yes you can still take classes and stuff like that and you can still grow and you know you'll be maturing and on and on throughout the ages i will too but there are some things that you do on the earth that you must take advantage of it now and step into it now because it will determine certain ways that things are set in the eternal world to come praise god so god can hide and while many think this is it this is wonderful there are others though that are sitting there thinking is this all that that there is to it when i read the bible i see signs and wonders and miracles yet we're sitting here and we're supposed to applaud this and act like this is great what's happened to the church [Applause] somebody asked me to watch a meeting that was taking place just recently and i turned it on and happened to be live and this church had invited you know and it's fine that that's what they would like to do so that that's fine they had they had invited a person to come and speak who is a how can i say like a conservative famous person for you know uh you know your your your liberties and your your freedoms in the nation and so forth and uh this person had been invited to speak on a very large platform in a very large church and so this person is speaking and talking saying good things saying good things that we should have freedoms and stuff like that that you know and all of that all that's good and then the person says now this statement right here where who made this statement and uh so he gives a quote and somebody in the audience says jesus said that he goes no no jesus didn't say that matthew said that and i thought here this person is on this great platform and he's so stupid spiritually that he doesn't know that matthew wrote this gospel of what happened in the ministry of jesus and that jesus actually said that and i actually thought the speaker up there on the platform i don't even know if this guy's saved i don't even know if he's born again but oh oh he he's the conservative voice that people want to hear and the church yes yes and so what i'm trying to say is that in the midst of all of this and there's a lot of celebrity christianity today and that that's fine people can do the church can do what they want to do but remember god hides himself and there are those who are being served this food and you're thinking hey this is really nice this is feeding all the young spiritual babies but this is not doing anything for me and a man speaking to me that's not even born again that can't even re read the bible and figure out who's saying what that person is supposed to lecture me and teach me about the ways of god what what's going on here well what's going on here is a replacement with man's best for god's best and i'm not saying these precious people are not saved these people are all saved all love jesus but i'm just trying to say there's more and if you want it you're going to have to go on a journey to seek god because what is pushed right now there's a large element of god missing in that form of the gospel that's being presented primarily to the western church well pastor stephen where's god hiding at if he's not like really showing up in a sense where is he that thought will eventually come across your mind and settle into your heart and i want to take you and show you today where the fullness of god can be found at i think the answer might surprise you but i think you could also regardless of what stream of christianity you're in regardless of what denomination you're in i think you could with me at least agree and say there is an element of god that's missing here because even when i read the old testament they're having more miracles go on back there in the old testament than what we're having in the new testament and we're supposed to have all of that in the new testament and i'm hardly seeing anything so what's going on god's hiding and he is revealing himself to those that are willing to go to this place who cannot be just who cannot settle for just a good form of christianity yes we need to be good religious people well yes we should be but there's a lot more to it than that praise god well pastor stephen where's god hiding at let's go find out the book of hebrews chapter 13. now now before you turn there if you're willing to go here i'm going to open some things up to you that i'm giving you the key now if you want to go through the door you can but if you want to stay where you're at there's a lot of other things right now you could click over to there's a lot of other things you could watch there's a lot of other options and you can just maybe pretend that uh you had some internet buffering and it stopped working and you just go somewhere else because what i'm about to share with you is the key into these deeper things of god the fullness of god but it's only for those really who are supernaturally discontent in a godly way with the current state of where they're at praise god and you want more and you just can't you can't function you can't act like this is all it when you know it's not [Laughter] woo praise the lord amen all right here we go if you're ready here we go hebrews chapter 13 verse 12. therefore of course therefore is a is a sum total of what has been spoken so it's being condensed down now in a shortened format so that we can just digest it and meditate upon it therefore jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood suffered outside the gate verse 13 therefore let us go forth to him outside the camp bearing his reproach uh pastor stephen if there is reproach involved if there's potential for me being insulted involved if there's any kind of uh maybe uh uh people giving me dislikes on social media i i can't do it i can't do it that that that's okay that's between you and the lord but i'm just saying if you want to find god as he's revealed in the bible not a watered-down version then you need to be willing to go outside of the camp that that's where he's at pastor stephen where's god hiding at outside of the camp that's where he's at um and if you want to know him in his fullness and the beauty of his glory i want to invite you to come and meet the lord outside of the camp i'm not asking you to leave your church i'm not asking you to leave your denomination i'm just asking you to go with the lord outside this encampment within christianity that has a lot of pop and fuzz a lot of whooping it up and i want you to see something about the lord that will bring answers to you that you need therefore let us go forth to him outside the camp bearing his reproach now of course the the jews the christian jews were under tremendous persecution to abandon their faith in christ and go back into judaism judaism with all of its rules and rituals and a system that could never take away sins it could cover them through the shedding of the blood of innocent animals but it could never remove them completely it's only a temporary covering it's like using a credit card somebody's eventually got got to pay the bill when the credit comes due praise god and jesus paid the bill hallelujah but my friends they were under great persecution temptation to go back into judaism and paul said don't do that don't do that you'll trample underneath your feet the blood of christ if you do that and it would be a complete renouncement of your faith to go back into judaism praise god in israel let's talk just for a moment about coming outside of the camp in israel i'm talking about the nation of israel if you are a jewish man or woman who is an israeli jew and you hear the gospel preached and you you say that's it he christ jesus is the he's the son of god he's the messiah he's already come and you and you want him and you receive him he'll save you but the thing is is that if you take christ as your savior jesus as your savior and he of course he is the savior then get ready because it uh it's rough going if you receive jesus as your savior as an israeli jew you're probably overnight going to be in for the fight of your life i'm not talking about a physical fight i'm talking about warfare from family members and the those in your community and relatives and i mean it's like it's like it's gonna go haywire because you have done something in the eyes of the jewish people many of them that is considered just the most awful thing you could ever do which is to become a follower of jesus christ of nazareth and overnight it's almost instant loss of family the christian churches in israel are severely persecuted many of them are even burned down some of the church members are beaten up and there's death threats and things like that made against them and it's very very difficult so if you're going all in you have to go all in because you have to know that cost it's going to cost you everything well i now pastor steven it was really like that i don't know if i'd make that decision well you know these are things that you have to walk out with the lord and you have to be willing to go outside of the camp and bear the reproach the verbal insults the mocking the ridicule and stand with christ that's what's paul he's telling them to do you know take your stand do not give in to these judaizers and go back into a system that god has moved on from and there is now the new covenant and so my friends they stood they stood praise god thank you jesus for those of you that have gone to israel and you've gone on tours and for those of you that eventually one day will go and i hope that you go on our tour of course you'll probably realize if you're if you're a student of the word and you're sensitive to the holy spirit you'll probably realize what my wife and i began to realize like right around the second tour that we did is that most of the jewish tour guides they are jewish of course and they are extremely knowledgeable of scripture not only watch this not only of the old testament but also of the new testament their knowledge would surpass most people in the church by far their their knowledge of the word their knowledge of the bible and historical facts and things like that but the truth is if you listen to the way they talk and the way they say you'll you'll realize that most of them aren't saved usually only one out of ten i would say probably about one out of every ten israeli tour guides with their deep extensive knowledge of the bible only about one out of ten is actually saved because they they all know if you if you become a christian you you could lose everything you you could lose favor with your employer and you might not have your job anymore and then you might not have the connections also that uh that help you make a living and your whole world can fall apart if you give your life to jesus so uh you'll always see a lot of people on tours trying to win the tour guide to the lord and i'm like you don't know what you're up against this is not like you're just trying to win somebody to jesus and they go okay yeah you're right i'll take jesus into my heart this is somebody that uh and you know a little bit of that israeli uh nature also as they say you know uh cactus exterior but real soft and sweet on the inside well you know they hear it all day long you know why don't you receive christ as lord but unless there is a real encounter uh in a real unveiling by the spirit uh even with that knowledge there most won't touch it why because it means you're going to the outside of the camp you're getting booted out by your your entire family and you lose your job and then how you're going to pay your bills and how you're going to support your family and on and on it goes and so you know it's real it's real so my friends if you really want to go further with the lord you're going to have to meet him outside of the camp and that doesn't mean of course that in a sense like your world is going to be altered but you're going to have to you're going to have to dig deeper and go beyond many things that are very very superficial but they are celebrated as being truths within the camp you get outside of the camp you think oh my goodness you know it's just like so much more so much more that god has available for you praise the lord here's a good example let me talk about saint dominic just for a moment uh great spanish uh prophet of god a great theologian and a man that even with his great intellect still understood the power of god and the moving of the holy spirit so saint dominic told about the time that he was talking with the pope and the pope pointed to one of his gorgeous palaces and said he said peter can no longer say silver and gold have i none and he answered and said no and neither can we now say rise and walk so peter in other words in his eyes representing the catholic church could say we no longer can say this we don't don't have any silver and gold because we got a whole lot now yes but as saint dominic noted yeah but we can't say any longer hey rise and walk we have now all of this stuff we have all of these um maybe we could even call them blessings but we don't have any power anymore we can't operate in that power now he could he had a very strong walk with god but for most within the church now that power was gone god was hiding himself and if you wanted to see the power not not not uh the splendor of buildings but if you wanted to see the power you're gonna have to go outside of the camp and find those outside of the camp who had discovered god who was hiding inside of the camp who is now revealing himself outside of the camp think just for a moment throughout church history about think about john wesley where he was in the church of england and he was endeavoring to minister and they were not receiving his style of ministry which in in a sense he was trying to yield to the holy spirit and they didn't want anything to do with that they wanted their dignity they wanted their structure and structure can be good a certain element of dignity can be good also um but when the holy spirit is moving uh he wants to be in charge so that christ is exalted they didn't want anything to do with that within the established church so what was he left to do go outside of the camp oh and he was reproached he was ridiculed made fun of they said you'll never be a success because we're borrowing every pulpit within the church of england you'll never speak here again and so that meant he had to go out and just preach out in the public literally stand on the stump and he wasn't very tall i think he was like five foot two or something like that and stand up somewhere so people could see him and hear him and he'd preach and the holy spirit though had the liberty to move and the crowds came so if you wanted to really be involved in what god was doing in his day you weren't going to find it in those particular denominational churches because they were not going those men were not going to let the holy spirit move and so what was taking place the moving of the spirit was happening outside of the camp literally out in meetings beneath the sun beneath trees outside of buildings and people were being saved by the multitude and then of course in the 1900s 1904-1905 we had the welsh revival but the welsh revival primarily as it was sweeping through southern wells was hitting all these small churches and the holy spirit was very selective in what he was doing he was going to places where he was invited in a sense and it didn't matter if it was a church or if it was at the police station or if it was at people's homes the holy spirit was just sweeping through with glory lifting up christ and people were being just convicted all over the place not only in churches but in their in their homes in their beds while they slept they had to get up and and go go somewhere to try to find relief of of their sins for the conviction that they were under praise the lord but these were things that were going on outside again outside of the camp of the structured organized religious system and then we have azusa street 1906 through 1909 which was very very unorthodox in that this was not some established denomination with a hidden denomination or well-known preacher that was there but yet god was moving in mighty power and if you want to find god in pure pentecostal power that's where you're going to have to go and that was outside of the camp praise the lord think about the hebrides revival there in scotland 1949 through 1952 it was centered primarily in a small town called barbus but the holy spirit he skipped completely over the capital of the isle of lewis which was stored away and he completely bypassed a city and he only worked in the outer areas in these small towns small churches small villages where there was not an organized structure that would resist him he went outside of the camp and that's where he was moving well i want him to come here and do it here well if he can flow there and move there he will but if he's not welcome there there's plenty of other places where he can go praise the lord my friends this is a i would say systematic continual way in which god moves when the church becomes institutionalized becomes structured in a sense where its band's performance man's best a an effort to replace the gold with brass and man's best ability to do without the pentecostal power of god and if you're doing without that power you're going to have these areas of your life that men can't meet that the most well-crafted sermons can't they can't touch it hallelujah praise god first corinthians chapter 2 let's go there just for a moment verse 4 and my speech the apostle paul said and my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and of power that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of god you have to understand there are multitudes of pastors in america that want absolutely nothing to do with the power of god they want everything to be presented in the wisdom of men in a very polished and dignified way and they love that they love that element of intellectualism but there are many many people that are sitting there and they're thinking is this all there is to it when i read the bible i see power when i see the apostle paul and how he governed his life and his ministry it's not just teaching it's not just intellectualism trust me if there was anybody that could pour on the intellectual brilliance it was paul highly educated brilliant mind but even he knew hey we can't build the kingdom like this we're going to present the gospel and we're going to preach the gospel and and yes we'll try to make it understandable as clear and as proper as we can but we're going to have to have the power here or or we're not having the full gospel preached maybe i'm old-fashioned but i believe still that if we're not presenting the gospel as the full gospel then we aren't presenting the gospel praise god well now pastor stephen if we do it that way though with signs and wonders following and miracles and speaking in unknown tongues and casting out demons well now pastor stephen we if we do that we're probably gonna uh you know we're not gonna be able to attract you know all the mighty and the wealthy well from what i see really a lot of the mighty and wealthy aren't coming anyhow right it's not like bill gates warren buffett and all these others are trying to get in the church yes they're coming because yes because we have so much power here no they're not coming at all they're not coming at all jeff bezos is not trying to get into some church not that i know of at least praise god maybe we should preach it in power maybe we should pray for the sick maybe we should get back to casting out demons laying hands on the sick so that christ can heal them and so that they can recover and then who knows who might show up praise god and if they want to keep it kind of under wraps because many times those type of people do because if it's not done the right way you'll have immature uh you know ministers want to grab them and use them as you know verification of why their ministry is successful or something like that you don't just drop the camera for a moment turn the camera over there we're not trying to do this for celebrity status we're not trying to do this so that we can get on the cover of a magazine who cares about that silly stuff we're doing this because god loves people and will minister to anybody anywhere that we can praise the lord but we must preach the full gospel regardless of who's sitting in the crowd or who's not praise the lord thank you lord jesus john chapter one let's go to john chapter one hallelujah you're going to need god's power in this hour in which we're living and i see the lord anointing his people with an immunity against all of the covet strains and variants all of the different flues also all of the other yucky stuff that will eventually be popping on the scene and protection against any kind of dangerous situations that might come forth protection even against economic uncertainties that could affect things god will stabilize your your life because your life is built on the rock the lord jesus christ praise god and when you come outside of the camp you come into the fullness of the lord and you're going to need the fullness of the lord including the covenant of health the covenant of provision the various covenants that are available that many within the camp have no clue about they they maybe they they say things like god's our healer or stuff like that but they don't understand how to tie into that listen i used to belong to a ministerial association of spirit-filled ministers and i won't say which one and i'm not trying to criticize or anything like that but i remember um you know this this association had a lot of members and you know these were all full-time ministers and the association was trying to get the ministry association was trying to get health insurance for all of the members it was all mentioned and many ministers were excited about it the time went by and nothing ever happened well i spoke to the president of the association i said hey whatever happened to uh that health insurance that everybody was talking about he goes oh brother stephen he said um he said every insurance underwriter that we went to turned us down i said why he said they said you have too many sick people in your group he said we these underwriters said we could never ensure a group like yours because most of your group is sick so these are the ministers praise the lord so my friends there has to be not just the proclaiming of a truth but there has to be an embracing of it a loving of it getting to know the healer getting to know your provider praise god so that when shakings and difficulties come that you're not moved praise the lord some of you have you have questions and you can't get the answers within the camp i can tell you where the answers are at they're outside the camp the reason you can't get the answers in the camp is because god's hiding certain elements certain how can i say aspects of who he is but he's outside of the camp if you're willing to go out there this ministerial organization that i enjoyed being in while i was in it they they would allow tongues and interpretation of tongues to come forth but they were terrified of prophecy the gift of prophecy they were just like oh we we don't know about that we better stay away from that that's too risky do not let any ministers minister the prophecy gift and you talking about some boring meetings boring boring boring boring meetings because if you if you say well we'll let this happen but we won't let this happen you shut the whole thing down you'll shut the whole thing down and there was hardly ever any manifestations of the holy spirit through spiritual gifts and they had their favorites that they would try to move in like gifts of healings or you know tongues and interpretation of tongues they would allow that to happen because that that is somewhat now established within the broad pentecostal church but as far as power manifestations no you would never see anything you could you could probably stay there for 40 or 50 years not see one real powerful miracle ever well what do you do if you need one or you you're seeking god for one and you're like lord how do i work with you in order to receive this praise god you're gonna have to go outside of the camp and again this is just in many ways a way in which god operates when a system because a religious uh maybe we could even call it a former move of god becomes now institutionalized becomes now all rigid becomes governed by smart men and women who think they're smarter than god and you're still sitting there with needs though that are unmet and if you were to ask yes they can help in some ways but there's other ways you're just not going to be able to get what you need there praise the lord especially when it comes to spiritual things they don't have a clue because the night before they preached that sermon they watched a three-hour movie full of profanity maybe even some nudity and now they're going to stand up on sunday and they're going to expect you know explain to you the this is how it works they don't know how it works their mind's full of baloney [Laughter] praise the lord nothing wrong with movies long as they aren't garbage and trash but you know if you just piece together a little sermon and the the night before you were just engaged in a bunch of cardinality you just can't turn on boom turn on the anointing turn on spirituality like that it won't work like that and even if you're doing that for a while and you're riding on a former anointing eventually uh that train will run out of power and it'll stop and it'll be dead on the tracks john 1 verse 19 now this is the testimony of john when the jews sent priests who and levites oh from jerusalem to ask him who are you who are you we have come from headquarters we have come from jerusalem what's going on out here outside of the camp in these remote places we govern everything that we do back in our denominations we got pharisees and sadducees and we we've got an order here we want to know what's going on out here we're hearing some strange reports did you know that within judaism of that day even within the pharisees you had 19 different splits within the pharisees and within the sadducees you had different branches different denominations within the sadducees now they had their their main points that each group believed on but there were splits and there were divisions and there were different interpretations of doctrine uh that just were i mean it's it's kind of like it is today we have a lot of different denominations but nevertheless they're the ones there in jerusalem and they're in charge and you can't get any answers except from them because they know everything and they've got it all except for the power because there ain't nothing going on there now that now the temple is functioning they're obeying god's commands yes even jesus went to the temple yes even jesus said yes uh you know pay your tithes and you know that's all good but again he rebuked because they're ignoring the weightier matters of the law of justice mercy and things like that of course but my friends this originates outside of that structure and if you really want wanted to find god oh he he's his presence is in the temple well yes although at the same time we know that in the temple that herod built there was not even an ark of the covenant in the holy of holies different story where that went missing that i actually write about that in my book i cover that one of my chapters where could it be praise god amen books coming out maybe in about five weeks okay now my friends there are certain things that those within the camp are never going to accept because they want it their way they want it man's way and we're not going to have any of that casting out of demons for sure we don't like that especially when we have everybody looking dignified suit tie cologne yeah and the dude in the suit and the tie in cologne uh that smells so good yeah he has a demon problem and he's bound and unless you get him delivered he'll sit in your church with the suit and his tie for the next 20 years and he won't change at all but god's here yeah but he's not there in power to deliver that person you gotta you gotta go outside of the camp well we don't wanna go out there we don't we you know look look i've i've done meetings before i've actually had people tell me oh pastor stephen please don't put this on camera because if they see me on camera back at my church they're going to get mad at me they'll kick me out of the church i said i'm putting it all on camera i'm putting it all on camera and if you want me to pray for you i'm going to put my hands on you with the cameras rolling glory to god because i'm not ashamed to meet jesus outside of the church where we lay hands on the sick and pray for their healing my church doesn't do that and if they see me in a meeting like this yeah they'll probably want you to leave won't they they probably won't like you anymore they'll say you're weird maybe they'll say you're a sociopath maybe they'll say you're one of those radical jesus fanatics aren't you has council culture snuck into your church has the atheistic social socialism all that wild crazy stuff from the pit of hell snuck into your church and snuffed out the power of god i'm not saying god's not there but there are some people i will say this city than churches where the land stand was put out put out literally by the lord he put out their lampstand and the church is functioning but ain't nothing going on i can't i can't help but think of the funny story of one minister he was he was new in the holy spirit and uh he had gotten baptized in the holy spirit came out of a baptist church and uh he was just on fire for god so he set himself uh in private for like three months to pray in tongues and to seek god all day long for like eight hours a day ten hours a day just seeking god praying and seeking the lord and after three months he uh kind of popped out of his seclusion and he went to some church he was so happy he wanted to go to church somewhere i don't know where it was at but he went to a church service and the preacher stood up to preach and it was one of those real um intellectual type preachers who didn't believe in modern day miracles or anything like that and the preacher stood up to preach and he started saying something like this jesus christ is the cosmic mediator between god and mine you know that's that's the way the sermon was going boring hello capital b-o-r-i-n-g major boring so he's sitting there but as he's sitting there this this this this guy that's gotten filled with the holy spirit and he's really in love with the lord he's actually being launched in the ministry by the lord he said while that that man's up there so-called preaching uh this man said i turned around and i the lady sitting next to me he said suddenly i could see right through her and i could see a cancerous tumor hanging right in this area of her body and so he's looking at that and he's thinking lord that's really interesting but yet the preachers up there go you know doing his uh somber sermon and this guy's sitting there seeing that and uh the holy spirit began to get on that guy so strong he just stood up and said ma'am the lord shows me i see a cancerous tumor on you right here and she said yes i've been diagnosed with the cancerous tumor right there and he says now receive your healing now in the name of jesus she was healed and revival broke out people started running over people started getting healed the power of god failed and that man said that just a couple days after that he was in prayer and he said lord he said i kind of wrecked that meeting he said that man was preaching and right in the middle of his preaching you know i kind of launched into this and i wrecked the service and uh lord um but yet your spirit was moving on me i don't know what to think about that uh so how did you know what was going on and this is wild but jesus told him jesus said i wasn't listening to that man therefore i would never require you to listen to him either [Music] wow can you imagine that a preacher up there preaching away and god is not even listening to him now if you're in a good church you're being fed that's wonderful praise god and there are some excellent pastors out there laboring in the word of god teaching the full gospel not ashamed or embarrassed you know to teach the full gospel praise the lord but there's others that wouldn't dare preach the full gospel because that's not socially acceptable and if i do they won't like me and my friends will criticize me okay we'll stay inside the camp and you're going to miss not only major truths that god would like for you to discover and walk in guess what you're also going to miss the moving listen listen because everybody says the spirit's moving here there and everywhere and all this and all that but he's going to move outside of the camp that's that's his method of operating he's going to move again he's going to move outside of the camp and he will go where he's invited but the power is going to pop not where you think it's going to pop it's going to it's going to be unusual places oh yes he's coming to the mega church with the world famous pastor that'd probably be the last place he goes because the mega church with the world famous pastor is a shame to preach the full gospel is a shame to call sin sin because he knows if he does he'll probably lose about 80 percent of his church members because he wants everybody to like him including the secular media and while we would never do things to try to offend anybody or anyone or any organization or any person but yet even the cross the gospel in itself is offensive in a sense because it says that christ died for sinners are you calling me a sinner well if if you don't know christ and you have not received him you have a sin issue you have a sin problem as all of humanity does and he's the only one that can fix it and the truth is he's already fixed it but you cannot receive the benefit of that unless you put your faith and trust in him praise the lord praise god get ready for the moving of the spirit where outside of the camp pastor stephen i'm looking for a different experience a deeper experience with god well get your backpack on and travel outside of the camp and that's where you'll find him because that's where he's at bearing the reproach bearing the reproach it cost me everything to come in the pentecost it cost me everything it was years after all the hardships that i went through even years after that when i found out wow how much i really i didn't i didn't even know how deep it actually ran my beam booted out so to speak praise the lord glory to god and it might cost you that too to really go after the lord in the fullness of who he is the god of power the lord who's able to meet your every need glory glory glory glory so the spirit is going to move again the spirit is going to move again i i don't know pastor stephen if i want to be associated with that well you're probably going to have to make that decision praise the lord but i would say make it now go with the lord go with the lord go with the fullness of the lord don't be afraid to think don't be afraid to ask questions don't be afraid to realize the king doesn't have any clothes on but everybody has to act like he does we have to act like this was the greatest meeting ever this even outdid the upper room that what happened in the upper room that was nothing compared to what we had here really i i didn't seem like that to be that great of a meeting oh yes it was and we're gonna hype it and we're gonna we're gonna really push it because that that will that will create bigger offerings praise god praise god the power's coming back but not everywhere the power is coming back yes it's really what those who've been hungry have been wanting the whole time it's the power gifts the gifts of special faith the gifts of healings and the gift the big one the gift of working of miracles praise god don't think don't think you can play that around within the camp and treat that like that's some kind of just you know fun thing not not even this is this is the um this is like the radioactive stuff this is like the uranium plutonium this is the rare earth stuff this is the rare heaven stuff coming down glory glory to god [Music] god is looking for people to steward what he is wanting to release in this next move into the earth i suggest to you that much of what he is preparing preparations are taking place outside of the camp outside of what is even being covered or even being spoken about today in i would what i would call celebrity christianity and i i thank god for the church the church is beautiful but i just know that there's a lot more than what is being hyped or pushed as being the ultimate when you're thinking now that i've seen way beyond that that that's there's no way this is quote the ultimate this is just man pushing his best oh praise the lord my friends we have to understand that john the baptist outside of the camp way outside of jerusalem [Music] they even came and saw but didn't want to participate they wanted to stay in the camp all those pharisees sadducees the priests you know the levites praise the lord glory glory glory glory to god praise the lord the holy spirit is going to be dealing with many of you to streamline your life and make quality decisions to make the push and to not be satisfied with status quo christianity when christ died for you to experience so much more hallelujah glory let me pray for you heavenly father i pray for those that are watching that are saying i get it pastor stephen i know exactly what you're talking about thank you father prepare them i pray that you prepare them for this great move of your spirit that has been prophesied it's coming but there is preparation father god anoint those with fresh oil bring them into it let them make the adjustments they need to make let them bear the reproach and pay the price that you reveal is the price to get into the glory thank you father god thank you father god thank you father god in the name of jesus amen and amen there's the church is going to have to learn look we can't be playing games anymore we're going to need real answers real solutions we're actually going to come to a place where we need real miracles and we're not going to be able to fake this with brighter lights and a fog machine why don't we just throw the fog machine away and why don't we just get ready hallelujah to step into what god has for us thank you father god's doing it god's doing it praise the lord if you're watching and you're intrigued by what has been presented because you're very curious about god and his kingdom but you don't yet know him well you can know him through his son jesus and if you would like to receive him he offers to you eternal life where when your life ends you'll go to be with him in heaven and he offers forgiveness of your sins and the strength and the empowerment to live for him if you would like to receive him even if it will cost you everything this will be the greatest decision you've ever made in your life if you receive him you receive his life if not you don't know him you'll be lost in your sins and you'll go to the place of the damned where those go that do not know god if you would like to receive him into your heart pray this right now say jesus i'm a sinner but you died to save me from my sins jesus come into my heart wash all of my sins away write my name in your book of life save me now in your name i pray amen and amen and he has heard that prayer and he has answered that prayer you now belong to him live for him glory to god and watch how good he'll be to you praise the lord praise the lord glory glory to god glory to god some of you have been sitting on the fence that divides jerusalem from the outside of that wall where you go outside well you need to get off the fence praise the lord because you can't have both praise the lord glory to god take your stand just like the hebrew christians did written in the book the letter of hebrews take your stand glory to god and you're going to walk in the glory you're going to see the greater glory you're going to see the miracles and you will see god bless your life and he'll be to you everything that you need him to be praise the lord hallelujah let's take holy communion i'm so glad that we can take communion together praise the lord grab some unleavened bread some grape juice praise the lord never as a christian walk in an attitude of superiority a spirit of pride acting like you would know more than others or that you're more spiritual than others don't always walk with a heart of humility but at the same time what i'm trying to say is don't accept something that's mediocre and very mundane as being the fullness of what god has for your life when you know that's not the full package praise the lord press press press for all that he has for you praise god yes don't settle for anything less than pentecost the signs the wonders the miracles you serve a miracle working god he wants to be active and involved in your life praise the lord praise the lord let's pray father thank you for the bread and the juice we bless it we consecrate it we set it apart it's holy through this prayer and we thank you that this is now the flesh and the blood of jesus and father as we receive the the body of christ we thank you oh god for your promises we thank you that we would dare to go with jesus outside of the camp bearing his reproach we thank you we go as we receive his body we go we receive his body now in jesus name amen let's partake heavenly father thank you for the blood of jesus washing all of our sins away woo praise you praise you praise you o god this is the coming forth of the enoch generation this is the rising forth of those that will have the walk with the lord in the secret place even if you're called to be in public you will still maintain the anointing and the flow through your walk with the lord in the secret place praise god praise god hallelujah thank you father god this is an anointing that we must shift into father we give you praise we thank you for the blood of jesus in his name we pray amen let's receive praise the lord glory to god glory to god hebrews 13 13 in conclusion therefore let us go forth to him outside the camp bearing his reproach my friends when god hides you know where to find him thanks for watching