good morning my friends i'm pastor stephen brooks welcome today to our online internet around the world church service i'm so happy that you're here and i believe that god's word is able to build you up to empower you to do what he has called you to do and very importantly to be the person that he has called you to be today we're going to be in proverbs chapter 11. we want to look at verse 24 and verse 25 we're going to receive the holy tithes and offerings we're going to bring them into the storehouse of god praise the lord and god has a tremendous plan to bless you financially praise the lord proverbs 11 verse 24 there is one who scatters yet increases more and there is one who withholds more than is right but it leads to poverty verse 25 the generous soul will be made rich and he who waters will also be watered himself my friends it is the generous liberal soul that will be made rich that will be made fat praise god not so much the receiving soul now i i love receiving and there is an element of where we have to receive in order to have seed to sow but my friends it's not the receiving that makes you it's the giving praise the lord giving is what makes you and i think there is a place in your life where you begin to understand the joy of giving and giving is living praise the lord as a matter of fact if you're tight fisted and you make those american dollars scream because you grip them so tight praise the lord you're not really living and you need to discover my friends the joy of giving now i believe that the tithe which is 10 is the very lowest level that we as christians should be giving at and we should not tithe out of some type of obligation in the sense we better do it or god could strike us with a thunderbolt no the lord's commandments are not burdensome praise god all of the commandments are god of god they are for our liberation they are for our lifting up hallelujah so we should rejoice in in them including the lord's instructions and commandments to tithe but we should do so with a joyful heart second corinthians chapter 9 verse 7 it says so let each one give as he purposes in his heart not grudgingly or of necessity or you know with a compulsion or something like that where you you feel that you have to do it even if you don't want to but we should give in this manner we're directed by god for god loves a cheerful giver and in the greek it actually says a happy hilarious quick to do it giver that's amazing praise the lord so giving should be done joyfully and as you do that you begin to go into this realm where living or excuse me giving is living it really brings so much joy to your life you know my wife and i we noticed when we were looking at the website of our uh the school right which is our neighbor right across from us that they had some needs and that there were some things that the teachers were needing one of those things was a laptop and i'm glad that they didn't want to how can i say a cheap laptop they wanted a really good one for the intent that they had uh that they were wanting to use it for and they had priced out of really nice laptop and you know what my wife and i we saw those needs those particular needs and we just wrote them a check and paid for the whole thing and you know what they they appreciate things like that and it i shared these examples because the lord wants you to come into a lifestyle well where you actually get more excited about giving than you do receiving now we're always going to love receiving but you'll also notice the childlike element of receiving because children get very excited during christmas and because of their young age there's a natural tendency of selfishness so they don't get excited about giving but when you grow in the lord you become to get very excited about giving and it was just it's just nice that my wife and i could do that could just write a check bless the school bless the students and pay it off with just one check and let me say this you do not have to be a multi-millionaire to get into this well pastor stephen i'm not walking around with deep pockets you know it's not like i've got you know thousands and or you know millions of extra dollars that's that's not what the lord is looking for he's looking for your heart to be open to him for not only to honor him with what he has asked for which is the tithe and you know when there's special opportunity to sow seed for ministry projects but this this just becomes a lifestyle this becomes a lifestyle god you've got my tithe but that's it well you know god's not poor he's not broke he's not like well that's all they're giving but we're gonna have to lay some angels off over here who's who's waiting how many angels want to go into retirement i can't afford to keep you on staff anymore no this is this is all for our benefit praise the lord and as you live this you'll see opportunities now there's opportunities everywhere but you have to look for the ones that the holy spirit lines up and that would touch your heart and it could be something just as simple as going through the starbucks line and when you get up to the drive-through line you say i want to get the person behind me that's so fun to do oh but if i do that leave they'll never know who did it yeah exactly and preferably that would be the the way that we can do it most of the time now sometimes you people will know of them there's a check they're going to see the name on the check or something like that but you know uh i was going through this starbucks line uh sometime back and uh there was an old broken down car uh that was somehow still driving behind me the lady in the car was smoking a cigarette she looked like she had had a really bad day honestly she looked like she had a really bad life it probably took her it probably took everything she had to have the little extra to go through the starbucks drive-through and i can see her in my rear-view mirror looking up i see her and i said oh lord bless that bless that lady she probably doesn't know you and even if she does know you she she hasn't had uh the revealing of your ways and so she's obviously hurting so i get i get to the you know to the window before she does because i'm in front of her and i pay for mine i say you know get the person uh back behind me okay and you know they tell you how much it is you just knock it out i mean what's five dollars you don't have to be a multi-millionaire to do that it's just five dollars but so you can pray for somebody like that and it touches them you you doing these acts of giving may be in that person's life the only time they'll ever experience something like that praise god and you just you just live a life like that where you're led by the holy spirit you don't plan it out just so often it just happens spontaneously and at your level where you're at financially where wherever that's at and you could be way beyond me or we could have a same financial level or you could be somebody that hey pastor steven i'm i'm i'm on minimum wage you understand i can't do i i understand that but wherever you're at you can exercise giving oh yes receiving's fun but giving is where the joy is that jesus said it's more blessed to give than it is to receive so i tell i tell these little stories just to inspire you not to show off by any means or anything like that because if i could in a sense i'd just keep it all hidden but i need to let you know also that as your pastor that it's very important that we operate in a giving lifestyle you know i walked into my barber the other day and uh understand the context this is a small country town area this is not the city okay we're we're in an hour and a half for charlotte three hours from raleigh so this is the rural area of north carolina so i walk in there to uh get my hair cut and um there's one guy in front of me he's up there getting his hair cut i know the barber and so you know there's there's just kind of small talk there's only a couple of men there we're just talking and having fun stuff like that um everybody you know kind of every everybody that goes there loves jesus and everybody has a gun you know concealed carry but it's just it's just the culture you know so you sit down and you're i just kind of like making small talk with some of the fellows and i see a box that's sitting uh in front of all the chairs kind of set back but it's a box anybody can see it you you can't help but notice it and i'm looking at the box brand new never been open it looked like the box that you would put like a large screen tv in and uh on the front of it it said mongoose and i said so i said to my barber i said hey uh what's in the box oh he said uh stephen that's uh that's one of those scooters for kids and i looked at the side of the box oh then there's a there's an image there's a picture of the scooter and he said you know he said i ordered two of those things online i ordered two of them and they sent me four of them so i he said i had i had to call the company and say hey you sent me four so then he said i had to pay for the other two so i paid for four i don't even need to so i'm selling these two and uh he said they're the best scooter you can get and uh but you know yeah i'm in my 50s i don't need a scooter i'm just curious what's in the box he's not trying to sell it to me but it is for sale uh for 150 whoever wants a scooter so i'm sitting there and uh just hanging out and i next in the chair now it's my time to get into the barber's chair and get my hair cut and i'm just talking with my barber we're having a nice little talk and something happened there that's never happened before a mother came in with four young children now i've been to the barber over and over and over and over and this where all the police officers all the law men go it's uh it's where the guys go so to speak i have never once seen a mother i've never seen a lady walk in besides my wife who often go with me i've never once seen a mother walk in much less with kids but a mother walks in with four young children uh three little girls and one boy ranging in ages from six probably maybe up to twelve and the boy was probably about eight well i'm sitting in the chair and uh you know they just take their seats and remember this is country uh a lot of good country folk they gotta squeeze the dollar to get through the week and to get through the month and just uh just to be able to keep on going and i was getting my hair cut and suddenly that little boy saw that box and saw the side of it with the picture of the mongoose scooter and he said is that what i think it is and and the you know the barber who's the owner of the store you know the barbershop he said yep he said that's a mongoose and the boy looked at that and he said how much is it and when he was told the price he's just like i mean you might as well set a million dollars that family can't afford something like that the the kids are because there's some suckers sitting out in a little basket you know get a sucker a piece of candy the kids are they're so enraptured to get a piece of candy i don't know maybe the candy was the high water mark for the whole week i don't know get a piece of candy never seen kids so excited about candy they love the candy why because you know when you don't have a lot of money the sweet things in life that you get like that and i grew up poor i know what it's like well familiar well versed with those past memories of my life i'm growing up in the backwoods of mississippi and we were poor hallelujah praise god but the lord he altered my life through the strength of his word now i'm in a position to be a blessing so i'm sitting there in that chair and i saw the countenance drop on that young boy when he realized the price was out of the question and his mother could never afford that and so he drifts back to whatever he was doing in the corner playing with a sucker or lollipop or something like that my and so my haircut gets finished and uh i turned my back to you know those seated out there and i told my barber i said here's your here's the money for my haircut and i just peeled off some 20s boom boom boom boom boom 160 so give me 10 back i said here's the full amount you want for that scooter and i told him quite i said give it to the give it to the little boy when i leave give me a minute to get out of here he said oh are you sure are you sure i said yeah i'm sure i gave him a good tip and gave him exactly what he wanted for it no wrangling no arguing will you take seven and four no none of that here's the full amount boom give it to the boy when i leave praise the lord the men were already talking about whose truck is that out there well have you ever seen a truck like look at the color of that truck whose truck is that that's mine see see you just walk in the level of blessing that you're at but i gave him that money they never they never knew what was happening they're all eating suckers or watching the tv and i'm out of there got a good got a good haircut i can only imagine the pandemonium that broke out about one minute after i got out of that place when that little boy realized what had happened when the barber broke it to him pastor stephen you should have stayed no i don't need to stain watch that's that's between me and the lord but i'll find out about all that stuff all these little things you can do throughout your life one day you'll find it out the reward that god has for you it's a lifestyle praise god you you you live to give praise god and let me just say this i maybe didn't buy a brand new rolls royce for somebody and give them a 300 000 car but to that little boy there's no difference that to him was like oh the ultimate he wanted that thing so bad praise god amen but my friends you need to just have a heart for the lord where when you have those spontaneous moments you're able to do you're able to do what you can do praise god amen hallelujah and it is so much enjoyment your prosperity is not in someone else's pocket you control your own financial destiny based upon what you choose to do with the money that's in your pocket i'm waiting to receive i'm waiting to receive that's good but keep the giving going keep the giving lifestyle going i could tell you stories of many such things that my wife and i do just out of a love to give but many of those things we course just like yourself you would want to keep them concealed but i only share a few just to inspire you kelly and i and our grown children we take care of care of kelly's mother and uh she's kept in the finest nursing home and uh kelly has uh other you know relatives that you know it's easy to say how much you love somebody but if you're not willing to put out some money uh that's then there's the love's not running very deep it is impossible to love without giving praise the lord so we take good care of her why we love her and so we do what we can do to make sure that her life is very comfortable she gets uh good care good food wonderful treatment plus we visit her often praise god so you know we just do that so often your prosperity doesn't just ride on one thing it rides on an overall platform of having a giving heart of just having a giving heart well god you got the tithe and i i did my obligation so that's nice but you're not really creating channels for the blessing to flow through that establishes the giving covenant but for it to now flow that requires more of what we would call a giving lifestyle that creates the channel that blessing could actually flow through to you praise the lord hallelujah now for those of you that prefer to give and honor the lord with the tithe by mailing it in please send it to stephen brooks international p.o box 717 moravian falls north carolina or zip code 28654 for those of you that prefer to bring the tithes and offerings in online because you love to give woo glory to god hallelujah and i know your heart some of you get so excited about your tithe and you should hallelujah you're connected with the platform of the covenant that no circumstances in the earth can prevail against you'll be fine praise the lord you also love to give if so through on the online portal please go to there's a link on the homepage that says give it's a red heart you can click it and bring the ties and offerings in from anywhere in the world we also have special projects the project that we're focusing on uh with the highest priority right now is to redo the parking lot surface with brand new asphalt it's forty thousand dollar project we're on the way but we're not there yet so your gifts towards that would be appreciated praise god let me pray for you father we thank you that jesus did say it's more blessed to give than to receive so let us know the joy of living to give and father we thank you that we don't have to maybe buy somebody a brand new home or something like that because there's there's many that are not on that level to do something like that but we thank you father that you're going to cause opportunities to come up that fit that fit the level of where your people are at and they'll be able to respond just literally reach into their pocket and respond right on the spot and it will be a blessing and we thank you father that only eternity in heaven will reveal the the rewards that you you give for such a heart and we thank you father we don't do it in a sense because we're looking for reward we just do it for the for love and for joy because we like to do it because we have your nature but father we thank you that you do see it and uh you certainly uh you certainly know how to take care of us and bless your people so father bless them with seed to sow always may they always have seed to sow thank you father not only for the ministry of course but father also the things that just pop up in their own individual lives around them in their ecosystem of life of their world that they live in and we thank you father god we thank you and we bless you in jesus name we agree and say amen whoo praise the lord glory to god now today let's take our bibles and we're going to go to the book of ecclesiastes chapter 10. so let's go back to the new excuse me the old covenant and we're going to go to the book of ecclesiastes chapter 10. today we're going to talk about an interesting subject that i've titled creating your throne praise god creating your throne heavenly father as we go into your word to study it we ask that these scriptures would be opened up by the illumination of your holy spirit that we can take them apply them to our lives and see any plateaus ascended beyond any barriers overcome and father any difficult situations that the way out would be clearly revealed now we receive the help of your spirit we thank you in jesus name we pray let's all agree and say amen now last week we talked about the subject of work and the dignity of work and labor and doing a good job hallelujah but we need to also understand that work by itself will not lift you into high levels of success my friends it takes creative work to guarantee certain levels of what we would call exceptional productivity and this creative work requires demands thinking and reasoning oh pastor stephen don't tell me i'm going to have to use my brain my mind yes that's good you know an old pastor who wrote 70 books and i haven't read one that's not good i haven't read one that's not anointed he wrote 70 books this is what he said he said and he said this in his 80s he said i have found that by continually writing books particularly as i have gotten older that it keeps my mind sharp whoa praise the lord so yes we are going to use the minds that god has given us and we're going to not only work but we are going to work in a creative way and to do so requires that we thank and that we also reason with our minds thinking is the ability to coordinate thoughts in a productive way for an increased output let me say that again thinking is the ability to coordinate thoughts in a productive way for an increased output now that output could be perhaps in your business or if you're a minister it could be in your ministry or if you're employed employed by an employee and maybe you work for a corporation or for some type of business then that could be applied to your job your career field praise the lord that pro that that increased output that's what we're looking for so working alone does not make you wealthy i've seen some very hard workers that work hard and they're still not wealthy now i can certainly understand the lazy not becoming wealthy because they're missing all kinds of opportunities they're not they're not applying themselves but it's going to take more than just hard work it must be wise work wise work generates wealth please let that go into your spirit wise work generates wealth now in ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 15. it says the labor of fools wearies them for they do not even know how to go to the city what's going on here pastor stephen in this verse we're seeing men working but they're working without any results and you can even know where it is that you want to go but the frustrating thing is is that you don't know how to get there they want to get to the city they're working on doing that it's just not happening and my friends it can be very frustrating but i see that from this day forward there will not be any vanity any vain work ever again in your work praise god it's not vein work it's not foolish work it's not just spinning the wheels not getting anywhere nope that's over praise the lord i see wise work coming out of you that's going to create very very unusual unusually productive results praise god now psalm 104 let's go to the psalms psalm 104 praise the lord and we're going to go to verse 24. now this this verse is going to really grab some of you because it's going to really speak to you watch this oh lord how manifold that means they're they're multifaceted there's many of them how manifold are your works in wisdom you have made them all god's made them all now all the wealth of the universe came out of wisdom think about that all of the wealth of the universe came out of the wisdom of god in wisdom you have made them all praise the lord everything has come out of the wisdom of god this wisdom will attain results for you in any environment and it will do it under any type of circumstances and i must say my friends that regardless where you live regardless of what's going on in your part of the world the the economy of the government or the economy of your region is not the problem praise the lord you must engage your mind with god's wisdom for extraordinary output because that wisdom will prevail over the negative circumstances that you could be facing now perhaps you're in an economy that's going boom glory to god and you it's easy to go up with that lifting but there's many people that watch these messages from various parts of the world and it's very difficult to go upstream because everything else is going downstream and maybe there's a lot of fraud maybe there's a lot of corruption and the system maybe in a sense we could say is rigged against you but i need to let you know that with god's wisdom his wisdom prevails over all of these corrupt methods in wisdom you have made them all i'm telling you my friends god knows what he's doing and the application of his wisdom in your life is going to produce a level of productivity that's going to astound you and those around you praise god now well pastor stephen how do we how do we do it how do we make application of it let's talk about it from the words of jesus his teaching in luke chapter 14. let's go to the gospel of luke chapter 14 and we're going to look at something amazing that he said in verse 28. for which of you intending to build the tower does not sit down first and count the cost whether he has enough to finish it lest after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish all who see it begin to mock him saying this man began to build and was not able to finish verse 28 again for which of you intending to build a tower does not sit down first while hard work is important and you need to do it with all your might yet the work in order to be profitable the work must be done in wisdom and my friends you must have times where you sit down why pastor stephen to generate to create and analyze ideas that you get through thinking you have to sit down and you have to think now we're going to do this what are the logical steps that we need to take in order to get it done so you generate ideas they can be very creative but then you analyze them and perhaps even talk it over with team members get counsel input and advice and then based upon that then you begin to move forward praise the lord there is an element of prayer and fasting and so forth but you're gonna you can't avoid facts you're gonna have to gather knowledge information and you need facts and if you use those facts right those facts will help you become fat praise the lord and you end up making some good money praise the lord i do know a man that started a business and a good man nice man and he told me he was concerned though when he told me he said he said pastor stephen i'm generating sales each month of 400 000 that's pretty good he started the business uh and he's making four uh well not making but he's generating thousand dollars in sales i said okay so what's what's the scoop then he goes well uh my my all-in costs though were like four hundred forty thousand dollars so he's actually running behind going into a hole 40 000 every month and this has been going on now for about a year and so he's he's almost like a half a million dollar into the hole and he has he has a real problem and not only that he had signed a commercial lease on a commercial building uh to you know have room to do all of these things that he's doing and now that he wants to shut the business down because he's not making money now he's stuck in a long-term high-paying monthly commercial lease that he can't get out of so he told me i've got two options either file bankruptcy or you know i'm going to have to have an attorney and go into a legal battle with this uh very high powerful very wealthy you know corporate leasing agency because he said i'm stuck and you know what this is this is an interesting fact 65 of all businesses fail within the first 10 years why they they never obeyed verse 28. for which of you intending to build a tower or build the business or build a house how about this one build the ministry okay for which of you intending to build a tower does not sit down first and count the cost whether he has enough to finish it whether he has enough to finish it praise god thank you jesus well the gentleman who told me his dilemma he never asked me to pray for him he is real smart guy he actually thought he was smarter than god but he he wasn't feeling too smart with the trap that he got himself stuck in he actually came to my church one time and although he's very wealthy uh worked for bill gates and has lots of money millions of dollars when he came to my church he actually came on the day with his family in which we were raising a special offering for something that the ministry needed vitally and you know what he sat there and didn't give one penny he did not give one penny he's worth millions he didn't give a penny he built this house paid his house off debt-free hundreds of thousands of dollars he didn't give one penny but right there in that service with he almost having like a mocking spirit like oh you know steven's ever going to get the money i said now we're going to take the offering and then after the offering was done the monies were given uh there in the physical church and the monies were coming in online i said let's add it up count it right now and right there on the spot we had more than enough he couldn't believe it he couldn't believe it that god did it without him yes god's not in need god's not a beggar oh please please won't you give my mark please no no we're talking about god in his wisdom created all of this and gives us the privilege of participating in it and also his his kingdom but this man um he he did not he didn't not see the value of the church honestly i don't i don't even think he was saved he's a good man in the sense that i never heard him use one curse word you know he was raised in aristocracy so he's very polished but he had no trust in the lord his reliance was upon himself and that had led him into a mess see he worked for a major corporation but he had never started his own business so he was doing fine when he was working for somebody else and those leaders were running the ship but when he tried to do his own thing on the side in other words tried to build a tower himself he never set down the planet out so you could be a smart cookie you could have a lot of money but you could launch off into something without planning without thinking without going through all the mental processing of the steps and then end up in a place where you're trapped and there is no easy perhaps solution to get out especially for the person that has no covenant with god you could be in a real mess you could you could you could destroy your financial prosperity that maybe took 20 or 30 years to create but my friends let me tell you this that will never happen to you you're never going to have a sad testimony you're going to have nothing but good testimonies why you sat down to think you sat down to lose to use rational logical thinking let's go through the steps let's get a team meeting together let's talk about this so that we make sure we don't miss anything let's itemize the cost of everything so we know exactly how much it costs and then how much they're going to upcharge it whether it's a general contractor or whatever it is let's run the numbers ourselves let's know what we're looking at yes everybody has a right to make money that's being involved that's you know the subcontractors contractors or whatever that that's fair but let's not get price gouged let's be aware of what's taking place why are the why is the lumber prices so high well you know numbers gone up 300 percent in the last year so that all the lumber prices out there tripled so all of these things factor it in what are the costs well i didn't know that well you should have known that before you told them to uh start constructing because that's a lot of wood going into that project well i didn't know that we have to change it well you've already signed it you signed on the contract thank you jesus i see you as a holy spirit-filled thinker using your mind to go through the whole process not being caught off guard with anything even bringing up questions that perhaps things that they thought were veiled that they could conceal from you the holy spirit highlights to your heart ask about this is that included and so my friends your tower will be completed glory to god there but i'll tell you what there's more exciting things to build than just a tower maybe you're not very much into a tower so um there are many things that you can construct and build out even in your business where things go to higher levels of productivity you know i know in the body of christ that there are some subjects that maybe they're more fun to follow read about study you know spiritual warfare that's cool yes let's go in the prayer and let's block the power of the devil and let's pray hallelujah unless fast yes pastor stephen i enlist for a 40-day fast okay it's cool it's fun amen and we're going to teach that it's all biblical but what do you do after you've prayed because eventually let's say you do a long fast what do you do after the fast because it will eventually end what do you do after you have been anointed with fresh oil i'll tell you exactly what you do you sit down and then you start thinking and as you do with that anointing upon you having prayed sought the face of god as you start to think sit down and think god will show you steps to get you out of any crisis situation that you may find yourself in you know i've i've i've have people that have listened to these messages that are living in uh in you know huge homes and i have people that listen to these messages that literally live out of their car and they're watching the message on their on their phone through uh you know streaming or uh you know 4g or 5g or whatever it is but they're they're watching in very difficult places but i'm telling you i'm telling you as you sit and think god will say do this this this and it's usually a process you can't you can't always jump to instant deliverance whoo look at that somebody just gave me a million dollars i'm out of here i'm going i'm gonna go get me a place to live sometimes it steps boom boom boom boom boom but as you start walking those steps it'll show you exactly what to do as you but you're going to have to think you're going to have to get still think think about it and god will help you now the level to which you are willing to engage your mind determines the level of results that you will achieve let me say that again the level to which you engage your mind so you've fasted you've prayed you've read the bible praise god but the level to which you engage your mind determines the level of results you will achieve see your car has a transmission that is in it but you must be able to engage the transmission to go anywhere or else the car just sits there so your mind has the ability to take you places to take you out of situations that you need to get out of and take you into areas that you do need to get into and the holy spirit will work with you through your mind because even as your spirit yielded to the holy spirit gets information and gets ideas guess what it's all coming up and being run and processed through your mind when i prophesy i see images that are being played in my mind now it's coming out of my spirit but god's going to work with the image screen on my mind when i have a vision it's it's my spirit that is being quickened and but so often god uh particularly if it's a spiritual vision he will show it to me through my mind whoo praise the lord amen we must be willing to engage our minds now god wants you to have a mental attitude that is willing to say regardless of the situation you must be willing to say there must be a way out of this and for others of you that are in different scenarios where you're actually wanting to get into something god wants you to have a mental attitude that says there's got to be a way for me to get in there's got to be and i'll tell you what there is and as you sit and think after you've prayed as you sit and think god will show you the steps the first one then the second one and you can you can start walking towards it praise the lord thank you jesus now i want to make a statement and we're going to talk about this based upon isaiah chapter 66 let's jump over there just for a moment isaiah 66 1. but here's what i would like to say every throne is created it is not a gift it's something that's created and every throne is a creation of wisdom every throne that you would see is the expression of a creation that has been brought forth by wisdom which was produced by a person that was a thinker that thought hmm i wonder what kind of a throne i could make now look at isaiah chapter 6 66 verse 1 thus says the lord heaven is my throne so god obviously thought i need a big one all right heaven is my throne oh but then he realized okay that's great but i'm gonna need a place to put my feet and earth is my footstool did you notice here that in light of the scripture that even god had to create his own throne now in the same manner the throne that you with the desire to have here on the earth also is going to have to be created by you because because it's in so many ways nobody else really knows what you want except for you now there can be some help there can be some inspiration there can be maybe some pictures showed is this the color palette that you like is this the color carpet or drapes is this and you know then you see different designs and things like that but really you know in here what you like when you see it when you hear it when you taste it or smell it or whatever it might be that's why there's so many different perfumes out there because what one person thinks is wonderful you might think well that's nice doesn't do anything for me but this one over here oh yes so you know the throne that you desire but you're the one that is going to have to create it just like god created his own throne and even threw in a footstool somewhere to put his feet so he made a whole planet called the earth just to put his feet on praise the lord thank you jesus this is fascinating in first kings first kings chapter 10 verse 18. you ready for a extraordinary throne i see something being constructed in your life of great beauty maybe it's a book maybe it's a poem maybe it's a song maybe it's an album maybe it's a business maybe it's a new ministry i see a new throne being created but i can guarantee you that throne will have to be created through wisdom and that wisdom is a result of deep meditative thinking that comes after you have done your your time of prayer your time in the word your time with god you're going to have to think praise god first kings chapter 10 verse 18 moreover the king that would be solomon made a great throne of ivory wow where to get all the ivory from i don't know that's a lot of tusk a lot of a lot of ivory was needed a great throne of ivory well if it was just made of ivory alone yeah that's pretty impressive but he didn't stop there and overlaid it with pure gold he had poured on top of all of that ivory 24 karat solid gold the throne had six steps and the top of the throne was round at the back there were arm rest on either side of the place of the seat and two lions stood beside the armrest twelve lions stood there one on each side of the six steps nothing like this had been made for any other kingdom how come it wasn't made anywhere else not the same level of thinking not the same level of wisdom being applied and so out of that wisdom out of that thinking hmm let's create something that's never been expressed before there's plenty of thrones surrounded by all of these smaller tribal type nations and then you have egypt down south and you've got some big stuff going on over in persia yeah that's pretty cool but solomon's like let's let's create something through the wisdom of god that he was loaded with it and by the way you are too you have the mind of christ solomon's like let's create something they've never seen before but let's make it also something that we like particularly something that i like because it's for him and your throne will be for you whoo praise the lord so he dialed it up planned it out had the architectural designs created and then they went to work on it now of course we also thank the lord for all of the jewish rabbis and sages throughout the many centuries who passing down not only written eyewitness accounts but also the oral tradition of those ancient jewish leaders who actually saw it and scribes who saw it and wrote about it of course we have it in the bible but we also have just writings and documents that have been gathered over the periods of time from original eyewitnesses who saw the throne and let me say this about the jewish people they are excellent record keepers and they are so good at preserving their history so based upon what the rabbis saw also not just three verses that we have here that give an overview that is that tell us uh you know this thing was fabulous but this is from those that actually stood there and saw it and had time to write give more detail and this is what they said king solomon's throne was the most wonderful throne that any king ever sat upon it was fashioned of ivory and covered with pure gold it was set with rubies sapphires emeralds and other precious stones that shone with the most brilliant the most dazzling the most fascinating hues and colors i'm reading this from which is a site of jewish learning six steps led to the seat and each step served to remind the king of one of the six special commandments that the kings of israel were commanded to observe on the first step a golden lion lay facing a golden ox on the opposite side on the second step a golden wolf faced a golden lamb so there was a lot of symbolism in these beautiful artifacts because you're you're looking at even symbolism of the millennium of the one thousand year reign of christ and so forth and in many ways uh solomon was a he was a forerunner type and shadow of the savior who would one day rule the world from jerusalem from israel for one thousand years on the third step a golden tiger faced a golden camel on the fourth step a golden eagle faced a golden peacock was big on peacocks now on the fifth a golden cat faced a golden rooster and on the sixth step a golden hawk faced a golden dove higher steel above the throne a golden dove held a golden hawk in its beak praise the lord the hawk represents the apostolic ministry now uh that's by the way isaiah chapter 46 verse 11. now and you would have to read that in the hebrew to understand that okay on the side rising over the throne stood an exquisite menorah of pure gold decorated with golden cups knobs flowers blossoms and petals on each side of the menorah seven branches turned upwards on the branches of one side were engraved the names of the seven fathers of the world adam noah shem abraham isaac jacob and job they were engraved there on the other seven branches of the menorah the names of the most pious men were engraved on each side of the throne there was a special golden chair one for the high priest and one for the assistant high priest surrounded by 70 golden chairs for the 70 elders which would be the sanhedrin which was the israeli version of the supreme high court now 24 golden vines formed a huge canopy above the throne my friends are you seeing the magnificence of what this man created with the wisdom of god oh pastor he just pulled that off in one day he just drew that out on a napkin oh no no this was this was extreme planning extreme planning details sitting down thinking allowing the holy spirit to take your mind into deep levels of creative thought and then the logical processes of walking that out step by step knowing that hey if we're going to do this we're going to need some skilled people and he had them he had them whoo glory to god thank you jesus praise the lord okay let's continue reading about solomon's throne be inspired also for the throne that the lord would have you build for your life when king solomon stepped upon the throne a mechanism was set in motion now let me say this without getting into it there was a lot of egyptian technology there in the temple you had sand hydraulics you had other mechanisms and other forms that they had learned from the egyptians but and solomon just taken it to a whole new level with the brilliant mind that he had when king solomon stepped upon the throne a mechanism was set in motion as soon as he stepped upon the first step the golden ox and the golden lion each stretched out one foot to support him and helped him rise to the next step on each side the animals helped the king up until he was comfortably lifted up upon the throne no sooner was he seated then a golden eagle brought the great crown and held it just above king solomon's brow so that it should not weigh heavily on his head so the crown did not literally sell on his head because it's too heavy i mean it could have weighed like 50 pounds with all the gold and stones so this mechanism think of like uh you know these clocks these big antique clocks with the with the cuckoo that comes out and all the mechanics back behind it that's what they had going on but even more advanced so this mechanism would bring that crown right over his head and hold it right there and uh very deep thought went into the design of all of this now there upon the top the golden dove flew over the holy ark and brought out a tiny scroll of the torah and placed it in king solomon's lap in accordance with the commandments of the torah that the torah should always be with the king and should guide him in his reign over the jewish people the high priest and his assistant all the seventy elders would rise to greet the king and would sit down to hear the cases brought for judgment king solomon's throne was the talk of all the reigning kings and princes they came to marvel at its wonders and admire its beauty many years later when pharaoh neca of course from egypt invaded the land of judah he carried away this wonderful throne now we're talking about later when israel had gone into apostasy and now god is allowing other nations to invade and conquer areas of israel so pharaoh eventually invaded the land of judah he carried away this wonderful throne but when he set his foot on the first step the golden lion gave him such a kick in the thigh that he toppled over and remained a for life that is why he was named nikkei which means the lame one still later when nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple and subsequently conquered egypt as well he carried the throne away to babylon but when he tried to ascend it the lion threw him over and he did not venture to sit on it ever again later king darius of persia conquered babylon and carried the throne with him to media now when the king of persia tried to ascend the throne he too got a kick in the pants and toppled down and he did not try to sit on it ever again instead he sent for a team of great egyptian engineers and ordered them to construct for him a throne similar to king solomon's for nearly three years the great egyptian masters worked on a throne for the king and they finally com they finally completed it but as you and i both know it was nothing like the original and i see originality in you i see creativity in you and my friends you're going to pull this out by thinking jesus said sit down and think count the cost analyze it talk about it discuss it get it on paper get the blueprint let's see it let's map it all out that requires reasoning it requires thinking thank you jesus now many of you have seen my half hour television program called pure gold which airs on various networks around the world praise god and if you have seen that show you'll notice that we have a medieval castle type feel but season three which is in final post-production editing right now and will soon be sent to all the networks season three will reveal that we had an upgrade on the throne the throne that we had in season one season two was nice but you know what we needed something a little more solomon style woo glory and we got it we got it well pastor stephen i guess you and master kelly just created all that in just a few days didn't you just just do it all together didn't you there it was it just all came out no it took five months to build the set not five days not five weeks it took five months with about eight people on it working five days a week and some overtime lots of overtime i was told it took five months to build it and the set director told me that a man came in from london and uh he saw that set he saw our set he said wow he said i've got a castle about about 400 meters down the road from the office of where i work and he said this set looks just like that castle they said this is amazing how did y'all do this oh pastor steve but it just all happened lots of planning and as you can see some of the images i'm having put up on the screen pastor kelly sitting down with the engineer to map it all out the planet all out before anything is ever cut remember measure twice cut once praise the lord uh and there's a lot of measuring all kinds of measuring and then there was digital imaging and then there was the planning for the lights and then the planning for the electrical and and then you know then it's got to be painted and then you've got a you got to get all the props and you've got to you gotta fit it all in and then there's the cameras uh four cameras all shooting from different directions including the boom jig camera which is movable uh a lot of work a lot of planning well pastor stephen i think it looks amazing it's it's your throne for your life you're going to have to build out your throne and you know what you want kelly knows my heart she she can read what i like silently she could she knows what i'd like and so her and i sitting down and me uh just you know saying yes this is this is the right direction and then me going back to my job which is prayer and study in the word to minister to you and kelly sitting down with these designers and teams saying let's make it happen let's get it all drawn out let's get let's get the engineering plans and boom i'm going to turn you guys with your own creative anointing loose woo and they they they've got the gift praise the lord but it's all planned plan plan plan plan i don't i don't want another meeting pastor steve i don't want no you're gonna have to have enough meetings to whatever it takes to get it ironed out and smooth and then when you're ready launch it woo praise the lord but we must as pentecostal tongue talking vision seeing dream interpreting people of god we must use our minds thank you jesus god has a throne solomon had a phenomenal throne the greatest one in the earth god wants you to have your own throne god wants you to build your life out with structure order planning and the things that you do how can we say the towers that you would build or the thrones that you would create they're completed they're actually finished finished not half done and then tell thrown in all we didn't know about oh and just thought you know no finished i see you as a finisher because of your good planning lift up your hands father i pray for your people there's genius anointing in them they belong to you they have the mind of christ now they must use it now they must sit down and think and i think i thank you that they're going to and you're going to show them the steps they should take to create their throne that will bring you glory that will make their life comfortable that will make them more productive than they've ever been in their lives even pro productivity that's a level of astonishing because it's smooth and everything is well thought out now we thank you father god let the thanking anointing come upon your people i thank you father god in that this week you will be touched within the next five days you will be touched with the thinking anointing pastor stephen i want the miracle working anointing there's many that think that you know what they need they need the thanking anointing they need the thanking anointing within these next five days the thinking anointing will touch your mind receive in the name of jesus praise the lord and for many of you it's flowing right now right now it's flowing over your mind god we give you praise god we give you praise pastor chief i don't have the money to do that money's not the issue the the issue is you don't know where to go and the reason you don't know where to go is because you haven't you haven't planned it out you have to stop and think and then when you get it on paper finalized formalized god just has a way of causing the money to show up because you're already a giver you're already a tither you've already prayed you've already fasted but you're gonna have to think it out and then when you're ready trust me god knows how to be right there for you when it's time to launch it there'll be no lack the money will be there on time but you're gonna have to do your part and think think it all out now father we praise you bless your people thank you father god solomonic wisdom and the anointing of christ they have the mind of christ i thank you father for them thank him like jesus now we give you praise we give you praise i thank you there's nothing on this earth no trouble no difficulty that will outwit them thank you father we give you all of the praise god's going to show you what to do in jesus name amen if you're watching today's program and you don't know the greatest thinker of all time not just the greatest miracle worker but the greatest thinker of all time his name is jesus christ of nazareth and he died on the cross 2000 years ago as a sinless sacrifice to redeem lost humanity from their sins if you would like to receive him now and receive his eternal life and the ability to think his thoughts and to think like him that that creative anointing pray this prayer right now just say lord jesus i'm a sinner but you died to save sinners like me thank you for dying for me jesus i give my heart to you come into my life right now wash all of my sins away i turn from my sins write my name in your book of life give me your new life right now jesus i accept you as my lord and savior thank you for saving me in your name i pray amen and he has heard that prayer and he has answered and said yes you now belong to him praise god welcome to the family of god praise god amen now let's take holy communion together those of you that have just received christ find a mature christian a christian that really loves christ and go talk to that person about getting water baptized tell them you've gotten saved you now belong to jesus you need to get water baptized that's your next step that's your next plan in your walk with god get baptized in water praise the lord that is a declaration that is a public declaration of your commitment your faith to christ which is water baptism praise the lord amen and i'm sure your christian friend will be very happy to help you in that next step let's take holy communion grab some unleavened bread grab some grape juice let's pray father thank you for the bread and the juice if we consecrate it now through this prayer we thank you this is the body and the blood of christ our savior we thank you father god for the body of jesus the creator of the universe and all that is within it he created everything he's the wisest one he's all god all man father as we receive his body we thank you that we can operate in the wisdom of christ we thank you father god we thank you for letting our minds be on your frequency the privilege of this we give you praise thank you father in jesus name amen let's partake of the body of jesus father thank you for the blood of jesus father if we have committed any sin we ask that you would forgive us and wash us with the precious blood of christ a father if anybody has sinned against us we completely 100 forgive them and we bless them and we go on we thank you father we hold nothing against anyone we forgive them completely and father we ask that you would lead us away from temptation and deliver us from the evil one and we thank you that you will and for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever thank you father for the cleansing blood of jesus in his name we pray amen let's receive praise the lord in closing let me say this as we have just received the blood of christ if you ever blow it your sin or whatever repent sin has a way of shutting down that frequency of wisdom of the god level of wisdom and so it it it blocks or hinders that frequency from coming through so the thing with clarity then you need to stay away from sin because sin will hinder that ability to pick up on that wisdom when you think sin can distract so press into god and live a life that's pleasing to the lord and of course of course if we ever do sin we have the blood of jesus that covers and cleanses washes us from all sin praise the lord that doesn't mean that you have to take communion any time you sin you wouldn't be able to do that of course but you can take communion as often as you like of course we take it twice a week you can take it every day if you like but walk with the lord do your best to live for the lord praise god so that that frequency is wide open glory to god doesn't mean you have to be perfect the only perfect person was jesus but stay out of sin it'll it'll um gum up the system praise god this flow of wisdom father bless your people i thank you i see them flying high in the spirit and i see them on this frequency and remaining on it all the days of their life i thank you father god that there will be thrones that will bring you much glory and will do much to further your kingdom in the earth father bless your people with these brilliant ideas in jesus name amen thanks for watching go create your throne i'll see you next time