good morning church family and ministry friends I am Pastor Steven Brooks and welcome to today's online Internet church service I am so happy that you're here today I have some things to share with you some good things from the scripture today and why don't you just grab your Bible if you want grab yourself something nice to drink and let's have some turps together today as we are joining together from around america and also from many different nations around the world as we come together as a body of believers and what a wonderful thing that we can do as we are a church family put together by the Lord Jesus Christ hallelujah now today let's receive the holy tithes and offerings I would like to read a verse to you from Genesis chapter 22 and share something that may seem to be a little bit challenging but I believe you're up to the task hallelujah let me share this this is pretty neat Genesis chapter 22 verses 1 through 3 now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham and said to him Abraham and he said Here I am then he said take now your son your only son Isaac whom you love and go to the land of Moriah and all for him there is a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you so Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son and he split the wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the place of which God had told him now this is amazing because it says that God tested Abraham and this would be the test of giving up his Isaac and maybe you've heard that statement if you've been in the church for a while that sometimes you'll you'll meet somebody and they said well you know the Lord told me to surrender my Isaac to him God told me to give up my Isaac or put my Isaac on the altar and that that's a statement based out of Genesis chapter 22 where God would ask us to give something to him that would have perhaps what we would call the greatest value in our lives and here we see that this in the life of Abraham would be his son and it's a test because God doesn't want us to worship anything or anybody or anyone except for himself and so this is a test that God brought forth to Abraham as you know he's going to pass the test but I don't believe it was easy I believe it was something that really stretched him because this would be the greatest love in his life outside of the Lord but the Lord just wants to make sure that things are in the right order now let's go down to verse 9 then they came to the place of which God had told him and Abraham built an altar there and placed the wood in order and he bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar upon the wood and Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son so he is at a point where there's no turning back he already knows what he's going to do even before he gets there he's fully committed to doing what God has asked him to do verse 11 but the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and said Abraham Abraham so he said Here I am and he said do not lay your hand on the ladder do anything to him for now I know that you fear God since you have not withheld your son your only son from me so here's something that I believe is a good question to ask first of all before I present the question let me just say I think that the test really is a privilege you can't make up moments when God asks you to do this I believe there are promptings of the Holy Spirit where God would ask you to do this but I can't I don't think you just walk into something like this I think it has to be prompted by the Holy Spirit and this is something that God initiated which would be the Abraham surrendering his Isaac now let's go back to the question the question is this because we're gonna receive the tithes and offerings today into the storehouse of God if if you're not at either in other words if if you're not obedient the Lord in giving 10% how could you ever give your Isaac so stop and think about that just for a moment if if you cannot give 10% which is only 10% if you can't give 10% how in the world could you ever possibly give and Isaac you can't and you wouldn't and so I think these are things that we need to come to grips with Abraham was at either we see it revealed in Scripture Abraham gave tied to McKissack now Melchizedek was a type a shadow of Christ some theologians actually say that he was Christ a theophany I don't think that's the case I don't think he was at the Alpha knee I think milk isn't it was a real person that was his real name and he was a high priest of God just like it says he was but nevertheless we know that Abraham was at either tithing prepares you to go into greater financial glory tithing prepares you to go into greater experiences with the Lord where you have possibilities to go into greater realms of impact of greater realms of just God releasing really heavier blessings upon your life but how could you ever go into these types of realms how could you ever go into these experiences where God would even allow you to experience the tests if you're not at either so stop and think about the deceptive nature of the enemy to MU lies to people all the time well if you wouldn't the lottery then you can't I you know all these crazy lies and it's stuff that's never going to happen it's all a make-believe fantasy world and it's never a place where the rubber meets the road where you have the reality of life where are you going to obey God right now with what you have right now and so if you're not at either giving God 10% systematically of everything that comes into your life then there's no way there's no way you're ever going to be able to give up an Isaac because an Isaac if that's like your biggest everything and the tie there's only 10% and you can't tie well you'll never release an Isaac unto the Lord even if you think you will you won't you won't because that's a great thing tithing is just an introductory level of demonstrating your faith to God that he is Lord over your life even in the area of your finances praise the Lord you know I just returning from California spent some real quality time with apostle Gary Greenwald a great man of faith who really knows about miracles he's seen all kinds of miracles but you know we talked about a lot of things together in really it comes down also knowing the Lord and Apostle Gary was sharing that and we talked about it at dinner because there's still a funny story about the time that they needed to raise money for the new facility that they were wanting to get into and to be able to prepare it appropriately and and stuff like that so that they were they were going to have a fundraising event and the Holy Spirit moved upon apostle Gary's heart I want your Isaac and so immediately apostle Gary knew what his Isaac was and it was his Porsche he had a beautiful Porsche I can't remember what model it was but it was it to him was the thing that was the emblem of his success he used to own a very successful sign company before he went into the ministry so back in those days he was making a lot of money and he with that good income he bought himself this beautiful Porsche but now he finds himself in the ministry full-time he's no longer has a business but he still got that beautiful car and that car was his Isaac and some ways he even talked about maybe he loved it too much you know almost like bowing down to it and cleaning the tires and you know all that stuff where it just had really captured his heart and the Holy Spirit said I want I want your Isaac so he went before the tour before the church and he said you know he said the Lord has told me to give my Isaac this offering and I'm going to give my Porsche and he gave it you know he didn't drive it up on the stage it was a commitment to give it and he did but he gave it before the people made that commitment with tears he was actually shaking because that that vehicle meant so much to him it really was his Isaac and just like the father gave his son you know was interesting with Abraham because it was a test and and the angel of the Lord stopped stopped Abraham from bringing the knife down but God the Father let the sacrifice of his son Jesus go all the way through and that would be what you would call a burnt offering the same thing with the Paschal Gary that car was something that you give it and there's no getting it back this is something that you release it and it's it's gone it's a seed sown into the ground well he did that with great sacrifice and when he did that the Holy Spirit touched the people there in the service that day and the in that one offering over seven hundred thousand dollars came in which was unheard of he had never seen anything like that before he also admits that later he faced a different test just a few days after that he received a phone call at the church office and it was from somebody that was in the service a lady and she said you know what she said I was so impacted by apostle Gary's sacrifice of giving his car that she said I want to give the amount of money that the car was worth let him take his car back and I'll just give that amount in cash into the offering so he could have his car back she said it really you know hit me heavy that seemed up there you know we've been in crying and I want him to have his car back so she was willing to give a cash equivalent so that he could get his car back in an apostle Gary very wise said absolutely not he said that was a devoted thing and in the scripture when something is devoted you give it it's it's gone usually also in the Old Testament it would be something that would be burned in the fire and you couldn't get it back so he said no I can't get that back that that was a devoted item that I gave and so it's it's the Lord's all the proceeds go towards the project praise God and that was also a temptation so you have to be very very careful with things like that because those things are very sacred and holy to the Lord I was in Israel one time with another Minister this other Minister had brought along with him some of his this was a very large tour but he had brought along with him some of his television crew and you know there the camera operators but he could only bring their feet oh well I'm not sure how many he didn't bring a few he brought a lot but even with the group that he brought you know it was very privileged to be able to come because he's you know paying for you to come and work and covering your airfare for his employees to come but there was one man who was a camera operator that worked for him that wanted to come so desperately to Israel that he volunteered to come and work for free and he sold I can't remember what the exact testimony was but he sold almost all of his possessions and gave it a just cleared everything out drained all accounts and so that he could come to Israel to the holy tent a holy land which was a lifelong dream and so I was there with this other minister and word had gotten out about what he had done that this other cameraman and I was on the bus with some ladies that you know that ladies have a soft heart and these ladies said you know what would either take up an offering for him so that we can cover for everything that he gave away and cover for his expenses and I knew the moment they were talking about though that's oh no no don't do that you'll mess up everything that he's sown and they took their idea presented it to you know his employer which was the minister that I was speaking for at this conference in Israel and he he said oh no he said do not do that for him he explained to the ladies that what that man had done was unto the Lord and if he was trying to explain to the ladies if you just go give him a bunch of money you'll you'll mess up the sacrifice that he has done why it was a devoted thing it was a voted thing you must let the Lord bring it back his way you can't fabricate these things and you have to let the Lord do it so another good example praise God again I'm talking about people that are tithers you you could never give an Isaac if you're not a tither apostle Gary Greenwald a great tither not just a tither but one of the most generous givers in the body of Christ so when you're looking at the surrender of an Isaac which is really a privileged opportunity to step into greatness and God gives you an example - it's not an example but God gives you an opportunity - so an Isaac which is something very sacred yes it's a test but it's a privilege really to be even allowed to take that test and of course if you pass it you absolutely are promoted to a new level but you know stop and think about it again how could you ever give an Isaac if you can't even give a tithe it's just not it's not going to happen so this again we need to face the reality of the way God works his principles the way his kingdom operates on a very smooth efficient system Jesus said my yoke is easy my burden is light he's asking for 10% and it's a commandment that carries from the Old Covenant through the cross into the New Covenant and it's something that if you do you will be blessed so I just want to invite you come on into the kingdom principles the Kingdom of Heaven the kingdom of God what is it in a sense it's God's way of doing things every Kingdom has a king that's over the kingdom and every Kingdom has rules and ways of operating it's different from nation to nation is different from continent to continent but every government has their own form of functioning well the Kingdom of Heaven which is the Kingdom that's above all has the most effective the most efficient the best way of operating and in God's kingdom there is the tithe then when God's people are tithing it works well for them and when God's people are tithing it it causes what we could maybe call the priesthood or the ministry to operate very smoothly I also know that from a New Testament perspective we now consider the something that could not happen in under the Old Covenant under the Old Covenant you could be a king but you could never be a priest under the Old Covenant you could be a priest but you would never you could never be a king they were they were different lineages that were separated and you could not cross over but in the New Testament we are kings and priests in Christ Jesus I tell you what this new covenant really is an amazing thing so I I want you to come into this new covenant and experience all the blessings but work work God's way of doing things be at either be a tighter and you come into the financial stability that's anchored from heaven itself in the kingdom of heaven glory to God you'll have stability and peace and joy and overflow in your finances glory to God hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus father I just thank you that you're speaking to hearts right now because I know there's some they were inconsistent tithers maybe they'll tie the once every now and then they'll think well nothing's really happening father well we know it's because they're not they're not consistent they're not systematic in their tithing therefore they're not tithers so father help them to come in into your system which always works which is very smooth very fluent and of course very proven effective father we thank you for those father's that have never tied before but are now learning about your kingdom principles let them come on in hallelujah we thank you they've learned about the blood of Jesus the forgiveness of sins but let them come on in also to the understanding of the principles of the kingdom hallelujah which will get them up and running smoothly in their finances so father we thank you we thank you in the name of Jesus and father for those that are established in tithing we thank you that perhaps perhaps in the not-too-distant future there could be an opportunity to give an Isaac those are things only generate it by your Holy Spirit and reveal by your Holy Spirit but we do thank you for those special moments as well so father we give you praise in the name of Jesus we all shout and say amen and amen now those of you that are honoring the Lord with your tithes and offerings and you would like to mail them in please send them to Steven Brooks International p.o box seven-one-seven Moravian falls North Carolina zip code 286 by 4 again peel box 7 1 7 Moravian falls North Carolina 2 8 6 5 4 2 8 6 5 4 hallelujah want to make sure I get that difficult right sometimes I've got all kinds of different numbers going through my head zip code 2 8 6 5 4 thank you for being patient with me today praise God now if you would like to bring your tithes and offerings in online which is very safe very secure we have an encrypted website and that links right into our online giving which is highly encrypted you can do that at the ministry website Steven Brooks org there is a link on the home page called tithes and offerings so in reap and you can go there now anytime day or night and bring them into the storehouse of God Father bless your people bless your people father we just thank you that we open our hearts to continual teaching by your word by the Holy Spirit and of course through the ministry office of the teacher so we thank you Father that you teach us how the tap into your very best that you have for our lives we give you praise we thank you that we can honor you and give to you what rightfully belongs to you first and we thank you Father that you take really really good care of us we give you all the praise in Jesus name Amen say I'm blessed hallelujah let that be your confession today let's let's turn to this is this is easy let's turn the Genesis chapter 20 one we received the tithes and offerings from Genesis 22 let's turn to Genesis chapter 21 I want to talk today I felt leaded the Holy Spirit to talk about the necessity for you to cross the finish line I'm not talking about the finish line as in you know when you take your last breath you lived your life out and then you die and you go to be with the Lord well that that certainly would be a finish line your race at that point on the earth would be complete that that it is not the context though I'm referring to I'm talking about crossing the finish line on assignments that God has given you on a task that God has directed you to put your hands on and you have to stay on that covenant promise you have to stay on that thing until you cross the finish line because as you know a church it can be easy to get distracted and perhaps you like myself you've seen people that bounce from this thing that that thing to this thing that that thing and they are trying to do so much that they actually accomplish very very little so you need to be focused and you need to really stay in the race that you're in right now on the task that God has got you right now and you're going to get it done you're going to cross that finish line but I want to encourage you before you try to join all kinds of other races or get involved in all kinds of other stuff complete complete what God has called you to do in this season and at this time in your life Genesis chapter 21 Heavenly Father by your Holy Spirit opened the scriptures let the eyes of our understanding be illuminated by your Holy Spirit we thank you Father for the spirit of wisdom and revelation flowing into our understanding right now in Jesus name we all agree and say amen Genesis 21 verse 1 and the Lord visited Sara as he had said and the Lord did for Sara as he had spoken now this is very important your faith has to be based on something that God said or something that God revealed to you and his word and a lot of people they're trying to reach and grab for things that maybe are out of bounds or not even in that season of their life and it can end up where there's frustration and even disillusionment because they don't have a clear word from God to go for it and it's better to move more slowly and cautiously not not fearfully but to move cautiously and be a little extra slow and make sure you've heard from God before setting out on an assignment or putting your hand to a task than it is to just rush into something and then you get into it a little bit then you're starting to think you know that I actually hear from God or not and you've got a lot of people that do that in the church they they rush into things and launch into this and proclaim that they're going to do this thing and they get down the road aways and it seems like nothing is really happening and that's not a good place to be you want to clear up any doubt before you ever start praise God and this is why Sarah was able to bring that promise that that ship of promise eventually into the harbor of benefi station why she heard from God she heard from Lorna as a matter of fact you probably remember the story she heard it in her own ear as her husband Abraham was talking to the Lord in the tent and she's on the other side and she's listening and she actually you know initially thought it was a pretty wild idea that she was going to have a child and just sing maybe even crazy and and she laughed and land later Abraham confronted her and said you laughed what he gave that promise oh oh no I didn't yes you did he heard it and he told me that you laughed and well she's like well yeah I did laughs III have to admit that's kind of beyond me right now but you know there came a point where she realized you know God said that and if God said it he has the power and the ability to fulfill it so what I'm trying to get across to you is something very basic but yet very important your your faith will not work beyond what God has spoken to you or what God has revealed to you as being his will and that's very very important so settled that before you start the journey lest you get into the journey and you never really got information from headquarters before you hit it out maybe you are right maybe you did pick up on the leaving of the Holy Spirit and you you you you caught enough to get you going in the right direction or maybe maybe it was just selfish ambition which is not good maybe you just wanted to prove to somebody something well all of that will evaporate under the trials and the difficulties that are associated with doing any any type of an assignment so you want to know that you've heard from God and the Lord visited Sara as he had said and the Lord did for Sarah as he had spoken so any major thing that you grab a hold of make sure that you have the word of the Lord on that that would of course Intel waiting on the Lord praying to get the direction of the Lord spending time in the Word of God and just you know really wanting to know for sure and there could also just come on knowing that you know on the inside where the Holy Spirit just gives you such an overwhelming peaceful sensation that that it's solid you feel it's solid this is it and you can go so that's very very important now verse 2 for Sara conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age at the set time of which God had spoken to him well here it is there's a set time it was off in the future or little ways and you realize that the promises of God they are manifested through faith and patience you're going to have to have both here's here's what's amazing even with a word from God how about this even with a personal visitation from the Lord that perhaps you have a vision and you see Jesus and Jesus tells you something you know what you're still gonna have to use your faith the promises of God what God said whether it's Jesus speaking it to you in a vision which would of course would be a very dramatic experience or God speaking something to you revealing something to you from his word either way however it comes however the word is received maybe an angel comes maybe a very heavyweight prophet gives you a dramatic word and you know it's gone in excites your spirit either way the way that you're going to manifest what was said or spoken or revealed to you is through faith which means you believe it you take a hold of it and patience understanding that this is not a 100-meter dash this is a marathon experience I'm not saying it's gonna take 26 years but I'm saying it could take a year it could take it could take three months it could take three weeks but sometimes on something that say more of a larger thing that God has assigned you to you just have to really lock in praise the Lord and stay focused on it really if you can on a daily basis that would really help you because if it's something that's larger something like what Sarah is facing believing God for a baby when you're barren and also now you're in your really old age well this is something that you really need to build your faith up on a daily basis go back to what God said what did God say because that word will bring faith into your spirit and that word has energy it actually has supernatural power and you just get that word back into your spirit again you meditate on it spend some time with the print well in the Lord with prayer and discuss that word and before you know it it's like your battery got recharged and you know I've got a pretty modern cellphone but even as modern as it is with the great battery it has it still eventually it's gonna run down so I've got to plug that cell phone in get my cell phone charged back up fully get it a full charge give it time don't rush it give it time to stay plugged in get that full charge and now I'm good to go for you know another day and a half or something like that but it's very very important that you keep your faith up and that you're patient don't try to rush it don't try to force it there's a set time and when there's a set time the angels behind the scenes or choreographing everything where it's going to all come together at the right time right place and the right way and it'll dovetail and it'll fit really really good and there'll be a lot of joy in it if you try to rush it if you try to get into it prematurely you'll know something's not right about it it won't have the joy though there will be unpleasantries associated with it and if you get it that way you can leave it it could actually leave a bad taste in your mouth why wrong timing wrong way guts not in it so let let let the Lord do this part that the Angels do their part you stay on faith you do the good works that would be associated with moving it forward but you know just don't rush it just not Russia keep working it keep working it keep working it's not a 100-meter sprint it's a marathon keep working it and eventually you're going to cross the finish line praise God first stream and Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him whom Sarah born to him Isaac now he was instructed also to give the child this name and Isaac means laughter I think there's something special about that that when the child is born okay so now you have you brought it forth you actually crossed the finish line now now it's really a time for rejoicing now you really came laughs I think there's something very very special about that verse 5 now Abraham was 100 years old when his son Isaac was born to him verse six and Sara said God has made me laugh and all who hear will laugh with me so here's the thing when you cross the finish line and you bring in the manifestation that that thing that God tasked you to that thing got assigned you to that thing that was your faith assignment when you cross the finish line with it you really do get a release of joy it's it's amazing watch for it it'll come by the spirit there will be a release of laughter a release of joy and that comes when the timings right when you're in that set time you've done it the right way and you've had faith you've had patience you've you've you've done the works that we're associated with it and now you've crossed the finish line there's your Isaac what does it mean it's time for laughter and the Holy Spirit will bring that laughter for and I believe just as spirit fill laughter can be contagious I believe that faith is contagious what is going on here what is going on is that we finally have what I would call a complete testimony I have to be honest I've had I've had people share they're not everybody some some do have the complete testimonies but I've had other people that they don't know what this is and they've never crossed the finish line but yet they want to share their testimony sometimes they've wanted to take me out to lunch and pastor Stephen I want to share my testimony with you do you have you ever like a kind of can you have lunch with me now I want to tell you my testimony I think I'm thinking okay this would be good it's always good to hear a good testimony something amazing that God did but when they're telling their testimony I'm kind of waiting for the the breakthrough moment the Isaac was finally born moment and you know what they finished their testimony and it really all it is is it's kind of like a journey of their life experience but they've never they've never done anything it's kind of like you're waiting for the the fireworks and there's no fireworks and they're not getting it this is not a testimony this is actually an incomplete story and there's no finish line moment so that's really I don't even I don't even categorize that as a testimony don't try to meet mean to a person that would would share something like that I just smile and you know if they're paying for the lunch I'll enjoy the meal hallelujah but that's that's not something that lifts anybody and that that's the thing a true testimony will lift people will inspire people it's contagious it was just like Isaac being born when when Sarah told it it made people laugh they start laughing with her like they're happy for her and something something gets on them also and they start thinking now wait a minute this this was this is a miracle if God did it for her God did it for me and now you've got a bona fide real what I would call genuine miracle testimony and that helps people praise God and because it's contagious its contagious you've got your Isaac you've got your miracle boo thank you Lord Jesus God wants you with your assignment with the thing that he's promised you and I know you have responsibilities in life maybe you've got to raise two children maybe you got to get them to school in the morning maybe you got it ladies you got to do the laundry maybe ladies some of you run a business men you're busy doing things you know all the things you've got to do in life but still in the midst of that you have you have something that God said hey I'll do this for you just believe me this thing up that you're desiring for I'm gonna do it so stay in faith stay patient you know keep doing the works that would associate with your faith to keep moving it forward eventually we're going to get there so what I'm trying to say is that you've got to stay on that don't be distracted you've got to stay on that until you bring that all the way into the finish line don't be lazy with it don't be sloppy with it don't try to rush it either but keep working that keep working that thing because there's an enemy out there that that a lot a lot of Christians they succumb to this is not going to be your portion but I've seen it really just chained themselves to quite a few Christians and you know what this enemy is called this enemy is called average while and the enemy the enemy wants you to never step into the great destiny that God has for you he wants you to live your life out Minoo if you're saved and born again hey he's got to let you go you're saved you're washed with the blood of Jesus you're going to heaven he knows that but he wants you in that condition in your safe condition just to live your life out in a place called average where you you just live and die as an average person and the great destiny even the things that the Holy Spirit would unveil to you you never step into them the the great promises that God would even give to you even powerfully through prophecy through a prophetic utterance through the Holy Spirit revealing something to you you catch a glimpse of it you see it or or maybe even a visitation of a great encounter it just never happens why you just you just settle with being average yeah so you know that's something that is a great enemy it's it's the enemy that's called average so watch out for that stay on this assignment that God has given you you must move forward with it this is something that God has given to you as a treasure you must bring forth your Isaac Isaac your Isaac it's going to be a blessing to you it's gonna make you very very happy and your Isaac is gonna make a lot of other people happy your Isaac is gonna make some people stop crying it's gonna pull them out of the doldrums I'm out of depression and say I've had it with messing around I'm gonna live my life for Jesus like you're living my life for Jesus because if God did that for you I believe God can do it for me well your shall today and say I'm gonna cross the finish line again we're not talking about the finish line when you die and go to heaven we're talking about the finish line of manifesting that thing that God has told you that he would do for you praise God God has made me laugh and all who hear will laugh with me glory glory to God glory to God hallelujah you're going to make it you're going to make it hang in there hang in there I know you're running I know you realize it's not a 100-meter dash it's not just one time around the track but you're running you're running the marathon you're gonna cross it you gotta cross the finish line it's not until you cross the finish line you have no testimony well I've had some miracles along the way yes you have but you still haven't manifested it yet so it's not it's not full it's not fully there so in some ways you don't even need to tell it because there's no conclusion to it wait till you have the conclusion wait till you go across that finish line and then you will receive amazing refreshing from the Lord Himself glory to God glory to God you know I had an experience with a good friend of mine we were back in college and we were on the the track team and we had we had a really good track team and were ranked very high high in the nation some of the runners on our track team were Olympians we had Olympians we had Olympian sprinters we had Olympian guys in the field events like you know the shotput and stuff like that we had a lot of depth on this track team so it was a lot of fun to be on a winning team like that well I remember it was I think it was during the summer yes it was during the summer time where there was a big marathon in Dallas Texas and we had a friend of ours who was just winning all of these track meets he would go he would run that he would win the 10k and he would win the 5 5 kilometer and he would also win the cross-country events he would just he was winning every single race and we thought you know he would probably be really good at a marathon and there were two college professors they taught political science and they they actually said hey we're going to be running in that marathon so if you know if you guys eat if you guys want to come down and run it with us that would be a lot of fun well they're just running it like recreationally they're you know they're not gonna even go to break three out you know but they would run and train maybe 50 miles a week but you know there were no threat to you know cracking the top 100 or anything like that baby then they knew that there for them was just more like a climb Mount Everest running a marathon you know type of achievement they like doing marathons so they went they went to the marathon and we decided hey me and my friend decided hey let's get so-and-so let's take him to the marathon and just put him into the race get him registered and just let's just see what happens let's just see what happens so we did that he came down there with us his name was Mike this marathon that this you know collegiate track star and he was from South Africa and so nobody really knew who he was when he showed up there's probably about 3,000 people in the race and there were there was an international field you had a lot of really good runners distance runners coming in from various countries because there's prize money there's prize money and this was kind of funny also because we never stopped to think what would happen if he won this is this going to violate NCAA rules and regulations we thought well I guess it doesn't really matter because it's probably not going to win so it doesn't even matter well long story short he ended up winning and it was quite an event I remember um you know the race starts 3,000 people take off and you know you go you go through the first ten kilometers 6.2 miles the crowds beginning to thin out but there's maybe maybe like 50 people up towards the front still all running going through the 10k in like 30 minutes flat you know good a good fast pace low 5 minute mile pace and he's still he's still running and he's looking really comfortable and so what's going on is me and my friend we rode our bicycles along to kind of like you know along the racecourse you know because all the streets were blocked off by the police and if there was some area where the street was completely blocked off we could zigzag through the neighborhoods and subdivisions and pop out at another area where there was a long stretch and you know kind of just get back on that race route and follow along with the runners over riding the bikes along the side well you know you get to 13 miles 13.1 miles and he's he's still really doing good and now there's the lead pack has gotten down to about 10 people and he's looking mike is looking really really good and this kept on going you get 20 miles and he's looking really good he got about 22 miles and dropped down the three guys and he's still there he's working he's sweating he's really working hard he's he's never raced a full marathon before but he's looking really really good at this point we thought he could possibly win it and so you know we actually were there at the finish line when he crossed the finish line and he won the whole thing of course you know there was the situation of be an NCAA athlete and he got some prize money I think he kept it wasn't that much really but he got a big pendant big on a necklace like a it was gold and I remember laterz we're back hanging out in the room together we're all thinking a wonder if it's solid gold he said I think it is I like well that's wonderful enjoy so um you know I laid a big spaghetti dinner and he got reloaded with carbohydrates but the thing is is that as well as he was doing and as surprising as he was doing because when he won ever you know suddenly all the newspapers like wow who was this guy this guy is really good this guy can totally go pro level and he went on to have a stellar career as he finished up his his racing there at the University and we had quite a few sponsored athletes we had athletes on our track team fully sponsored by Nike one of my friends was fully sponsored by Puma he had so many Puma shoes and a boom boom out outfits that he was always giving me all these really cool shoes it was a lot of fun and so on these guys were doing really really well and me and the other guys some of the other guys on the team we were like the mortals these these other guys were like superhuman we were just like the mortals trying to struggle just to kind of keep up with these other guys and practice and also at the events so I was no threat to any world record did okay but not like some of these guys that had that special touch God but you know what no matter how well you're doing until you cross that finish line you can't celebrate fully and my friend even as surprised as we were is how well he was doing it ten miles in it to the halfway point and getting far into it at twenty miles and 22 miles thinking he's probably gonna win this thing you know what until he crossed the finish line he can't get he can't get the gold medal he cannot get the testimony so this is what I'm trying to tell you today you have to push and you have to stay on task and push and keep using your faith and stay patient though some days are not gonna be firework days you're gonna have to still stay in the game stay on assignment keep your hands on it until you actually cross the finish line and then when there's the finish line moment and you have the victory trust me there will be the joy there will be the tears of joy and you can imagine the tears that Sarah was shedding it happened as she's pushed the baby out and she's holding this miracle this child that is an absolute miracle well now you crossed the finish line now you're happy hey let's leave me let's name him laughter hallelujah because we're all laughing and it's just now you've got the testimony and my friends you know what you you would have to have the complete testimony you you I want to say you're not allowed to leave this planet okay until you cross the finish line I I know in I know when you look across the church the panorama of the church you're gonna have a lot of people that never cross the finish line in the sense where they saw the manifestation of that thing that they believed God to do but you are you are you're going to get it done and I believe that all of heaven is behind you cheering you and that God has connections on the earth to help you and the the people that you need the resources that you need and it's going to happen for you but you're gonna have to stay in faith just gonna be patient because this this is a marathon okay you have to stay on this thing until you cross and break that tape across the finish line and the ribbon now you can relax now you can praise God and now you can receive and enjoy this great thing that God has done in your life praise God thank you Lord Jesus I am absolutely 100% convinced that in order to do it you're going to need the Holy Spirit I think today in the church in America I can't really speak for other nations on I I don't have my I don't have the the reading of the thermometer of how the Holy Spirit's doing in other nations I travel to other nations but I'm mainly here I think in the the the thermometer of the American church it's the Holy Spirit is not popular there is a lot of there's a lot of flesh there is a lot in the church there's a lot of brilliance of human ingenuity and there's a lot of brass that's trying to substitute for gold gold is divinity and the brass is just like a gong a brass gong that makes them it doesn't make a pleasant sound why it's not gold and it may look like gold but it's not gold and so we have a lot of things in the church that are fabricated that are manufactured why because because we're not relying on the Holy Spirit and so people are relying on their own creativity maybe their own charisma of their of their own you know unique talents or whatever that might be they're relying on their natural connections and who they know and you know and all this rain gleams and all of these dealings and stuff like that and I am absolutely convinced that you can't do what God really wants you to do we'll bring him great glory and we'll be something that is a great testimony for your life you're never going to get it without the Holy Spirit you were going to absolutely need the Holy Spirit in order to cross the finish line so you're gonna need to work with him you're gonna need to be taught by him you're going to need to heavily rely on him because it's just I I'm convinced you can't do it without the Holy Spirit he's too vital he is key he's this is what I'm trying to say let me boil it down to this he's not optional he is a necessity he's not optional he's vital you're going to have to have his leadership and his guidance and his wisdom because the promise that God gave you just like the promise that God gave to Abraham and Sarah is beyond your natural ability okay this thing is in the mirror look around so if you want to go there trust me you cannot get there without the Holy Spirit's Hill so lean on him and embrace him and trust him he knows more than you and I will ever know and he is so smart he is so brilliant he knows everything he's God he's the third person of the of the of the deity of the d of the of the Godhead of the Trinity praise God Abba Father Son Jesus and Holy Spirit thank you O God Heavenly Father I pray for those that are watching today that they'd be inspired to keep on running I pray that your Holy Spirit would come and get behind them and help them to quicken up the pace without being more laborious I know in the natural father if we try to run faster it could be more difficult because we were used to a set pace but I'm actually asking that you would help your people to pick the pace up the run faster and and to even do it without as much energy then it would be a real work a real a real lifting of your holy spirit thank you Oh God take them all the way across the finish line where they have a bonafide genuine valid miracle testimony of something that you have done in their life that brings you glory that brings them laughter and it's so genuine and it's so of you that it makes others laugh when they hear about it and it inspires the faith of others when they hear about it now we thank you Father no more dead end testimonies which are not even true testimonies no more dead-end stories of life experiences that end it with no note of victory we thank you Father we refuse to settle for that thank you Father God we thank you I think you Father God for a basket I see them the like around Thanksgiving what's called the cornucopia it's it's like a horn of plenty with its it's this thing that's stuffed full of all kinds of bounties provision of overflowing fruits and the best of the land I see a cornucopia of miracle testimonies of real genuine miracle testimonies of all of your debts paid off of your house paid off of your student loans paid off of all of your credit cards paid off I'm talking because you're using your faith and you're exercising patience and you're walking in the wisdom of God I see real miracles not not just the natural mechanics of something slowly getting paid down for a hundred years but no I'm seeing an invasion of God's Spirit helping you to step into real miracles where it's just gone it's all paid off overnight it's gone just like the Egyptians washing up on the shore after the installation have crossed over and all the Egyptians are dead it's over with it's it's all over with you're out of Egypt finally I see all of your debts getting paid off I see real valid genuine miracle testimonies I see you stepping into the Promised Land I see you possessing great things I see you becoming the man the woman that God's called you to be hallelujah please do not settle for normal you're getting robbed and ripped off if you do and then God's got so much for you go for it go for it but keep on task stay on your assignment don't let the enemy pull you off of it it's gonna be an amazing thing you're going to have your Isaac a father I pray for your people bless them but perseverance bless them with faith and patience and rejoicing in Jesus name Amen and amen praise God let's take communion today because God is going to do it just like Abraham and Sarah they you know that chapter starts off by saying God did what he said what God said the word he said it came to pass and it's going to happen for you too hallelujah it's going to happen for you too now say Amen hallelujah so let's celebrate the Lord's faithfulness because he's going to do it and already it's unfolding as you continued to move forward I see some of you picking the pace up so much you're even gonna begin to get up on the balls of your foot as they say running on your toes you're gonna you're not even striking your heel you're up on the towards the front of your foot hallelujah glory to God notice that some of the world's leading marathon runners there he'll never strikes the ground now you know that for sprinters they're up on the ball of their foot the entire time because you don't have time to go through that whole rolling motion when you're sprinting but the world's best marathon is there he'll also will not touch the ground it's halfway forward of their foot and and forward they they never have a heel strike very interesting biomechanics of running that's a different subject there's a lot of science behind success in sports as well as sports sciences begin to decode why are some runners better why are they more efficient why are they saving more energy while they run there's a science behind all of that some of that you can teach some of you can't it's just the way God has created certain ones to have that little special touch praise God but I see you in the spirit on the assignment that God has given you getting up on your toes you're going to start to run a lot faster say Amen Heavenly Father we thank you for this juice and bread we pray over it we bless it and consecrate it it is now the flesh and blood of our precious Savior Jesus thank you father all of your promises are yes and amen we received them by faith your healing is coming hang in there it's coming we know it was accomplished at Calvary but your faith is tying in to the promises of God your faith is getting stronger and stronger and you'll hit that finish line moment boom with that miracle manifest and you'll know it praise God stay faithful stay in the race praise the Lord father we just think for the body of Jesus we receive it now with great Thanksgiving we receive your promises not doubting anything you've said we give you praise in Jesus name that is agree together and say Amen let's receive praise the Lord I think your enemy called average would be an Ishmaelite ham struggled with that so I you know we can identify with that Abraham basically said God you know I've got a son you know through Hagar you know that the servant girl so you know Lord let's just work with him you know what God said he said no hey you know and that's it you can't argue with God he God just said no he said your seed will be through the promise child Isaac I've chosen to work through Isaac and I'm not working through any other option so no you're not you're not going to get off the hook we're just having a normal life no because the cut he's and God so nice he said look he said I know you I know you love Ishmael I know he's actually your son so look I'm gonna bless him he will become a great nation and he will beget twelve princes but despite all of that which is nice the promise I'm only making a covenant what promise with Isaac who's going to be coming on the scene eventually that's the only covenant I'm making with you through a son and that's going to be through him only praise God praise God Ishmael never had a spiritual bone in his body the promise was through Isaac the spiritual one praise the Lord what the understanding of the promises the understanding of God the the respect and reverence for the holy spirit praise the Lord thank you Lord Jesus father we thank you we thank you Father God that we refuse to settle with some kind of a low level of living when you have provided so much force through the redemptive act of Christ at Calvary we thank you Father God in the power of the Holy Spirit that you've given unto us a father we can have so much more and we access it my faith and patience we thank you we give you praise we receive together the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus we thank you Father God that the veil of the temple has been torn there is no more veil anymore we have full access to you through the shed blood of Christ and we take advantage of that father we come into your presence and we receive refreshing and blessing hallelujah we give you praise thank you Father God you give strength we ask that you would release grace right now that we would stay consistent until we cross the finish line we thank you Father but your Holy Spirit always rewards with much joy and laughter along with that manifestation of that promise we give you praise thank you father in Jesus name let's drink the blood of Christ praise the Lord praise the Lord okay get back on task don't neglect the promise and the high calling that God has given you don't get so busy that you drop the main thing while you're tinkering around over here with minor things no stay on the major thing give that the priority and then when that's that's all in its proper place and moving forward properly then take care of these other little things we thank you God we thank your father father bless your people in Jesus name Amen thank you for watching I look forward to seeing you back next time till then you be richly blessed bye-bye